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Chapter 125 Hu Yufei's Karma

Chapter 125 Hu Yufei’s Karma Value

"Bad guy! Bad guy! Bad guy! You are a bad guy! You are a big pervert who only knows that!" After the passion again, Hu Yufei stretched out her little hand and pinched He Linhua's body.

He Linhua grimaced in pain: "Didn't you just ask me if I love you? Didn't I show all my love?"

Hu Yufei said domineeringly: "It doesn't matter! I don't care! Anyway, you are the bad guy! The big bad guy! Hey... what are you doing under the quilt?"

He Linhua rested his head on Hu Yufei's chest, kissed her, and joked: "My wife Yufei smells so good, she smells good everywhere." As he spoke, He Linhua poked his head out of the quilt again and pecked Hu Yufei's neck.

They kept kissing her like rice, making Hu Yufei smile.

The two were fooling around for a while, and He Lin Huacai leaned on Hu Yufei's chest again and joked: "This meat mat is so comfortable. I wish I could sleep on it every day."

"Go, go, go!" Hu Yufei moved He Linhua's head away, then lay on He Linhua's chest and said, "Brother Hua Zi, did you do it backwards? I should be leaning on you, right? Besides, if you are pillowing

What should I do if my pillow breaks when they sleep?"

"Maybe not?" He Linhua put his hands on Hu Yufei's chest and squeezed it gently.

"Why not?" Hu Yufei took He Linhua's wet hands away and said angrily, "Stop making trouble, I won't play with you anymore, I'm going to sleep!"

"Go to bed so early, it's just after one o'clock..." He Linhua looked at the time.

Hu Yufei said: "If you want to make trouble alone, I'm going to sleep anyway."

He Linhua curled his lips helplessly and hugged Hu Yufei tightly. After a while, Hu Yufei fell into a dream and snored slightly. The slight animal transformation on her body gradually disappeared and returned to human form. He Linhua looked at Hu Yufei's fairy-like face.

, I still couldn’t believe in my heart that I could actually get such a beautiful girl.

"By the way, I don't know how much merit and karma Yu Fei has?" He Linhua didn't know why, but he thought of this. His consciousness contacted the cause and effect detection platform, and then he looked at Hu Yufei, silently thinking about the detection in his heart.


Merit: 7. Karma: 69.

...How is this possible? This detection result really shocked He Linhua - it doesn't matter if the merit is 7 points. Although Hu Yufei is from a martial arts family, she lives an ordinary life. Most ordinary people are around 20 years old.

At that time, the merit was only around 10 points, which is quite normal. But, how did you get the 69 points of karma? Did this girl kill someone or set a fire?

He Linhua rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and then tested again. The value was still the same. However, He Linhua couldn't figure it out. How could Hu Yufei have so many karma values?

"Grandma, I don't want to think about it anymore! It's better to clear the karma value from Yu Fei first!" From the cause and effect detection platform, He Linhua learned that the mutual ratio between merit and karma, 10 times is a limit. If merit

If the karma is 10 times the karma, that person will have good luck and gain in all aspects; if the karma is ten times the merit... it is better to prepare the coffin quickly.

"Fortunately, it was discovered early this time. If it hadn't been discovered earlier..." He Linhua felt cold in his heart just thinking about it.

He Linhua stretched out his hand and hugged Hu Yufei tightly. His consciousness entered the Soul Refining Temple, contacted the cause and effect detection platform, and then began to clear the karma value on Hu Yufei's body.

When He Linhua was asleep, because He Linhua's spiritual consciousness was not dominant, the time it took for merit to offset his karma was 30 minutes; now that He Linhua's consciousness is awake, it only takes five minutes to offset a little karma.

Continuously extract merit and offset karma...

In the blink of an eye, a night passed. At 7:30 in the morning, He Linhua finally completely offset Hu Yufei's karma. There were only 654 merit points left in the Soul Refining Temple. At the same time, Hu Yufei also woke up.

"Wow...it's already dawn!" Hu Yufei squinted her eyes, twisted in He Linhua's arms, and then turned to look at He Linhua, "Brother Hua Zi, how did you sleep last night?"

"...I didn't sleep all night." He Linhua smiled bitterly and kissed Hu Yufei on the eyes, "Wife Yufei, tell me, how did the saints of your generation die?"

"Hua...Brother Hua Zi, why do you suddenly ask this?" Hu Yufei lowered her head.

He Linhua asked: "Did they all have bad luck and die miserably in the end?"

"How do you know?" As soon as Hu Yufei said the words, she immediately reached out her hand to cover her mouth. The saints of the Hu family have been tortured to death for various reasons. Even in the Hu family, only the head of the family and the saint can do this.

Women can know, where did He Linhua know it?

He Linhua smiled bitterly. This karma is indeed related to the physical constitution. He Linhua looked at Hu Yufei with pity and a bit of reproach, thinking: How do I know? If I hadn't detected it through the super cheating device of the karma detection station

, I'm afraid you will follow in the footsteps of your predecessors soon.

Hu Yufei whispered: "Brother Hua Zi, I didn't want to hide it from you, I was just afraid that you would worry about me." After a pause, Hu Yufei said again: "Brother Hua Zi, do you not love me anymore?"

Wow...why did this little fox bring the topic to this again?

He Linhua said: "Wife Yufei, what nonsense are you talking about? If anything like this happens again in the future, you must tell me. If you don't tell me, I will be even more worried!"

"Yes." Hu Yufei nodded obediently, and then said worriedly, "Brother Hua Zi, I'm so scared...our Hu family's saints all seem to have been cursed, and each one of them died miserably..."

"Is there no one who is spared?" He Linhua was more concerned about this topic.

Hu Yufei said: "Yes! The fourth and ninth generation saints of the Hu family died of old age naturally..."

"Then how are they different from other saints?" He Linhua asked.

Hu Yufei said: "Yes, of course there is. The biggest difference between them and other saints is that they have no one to love and are not married..."

"Huh?" He Linhua was confused.

Hu Yufei said: "Brother Hua Zi, I'm very happy that you care about me so much. I know what you are thinking. In fact, our Hu family has been thinking about the problem you are thinking about. The ancestors of the Hu family once went to the hospital for this reason.

The Yunshan Sect asked the last Golden Core monk in China, but they couldn't come up with any solution. According to the classics handed down from the ancestors, this is because half-demon is jealous of the sky and cannot combine with any living creature.

, as long as you combine with other living things, you will have continuous retribution and karma. This is your fate! Brother Hua Zi, will you dislike me?"

"Haha, silly girl, what are you thinking about?" He Linhua touched Hu Yufei's head and said half-truthfully, "Let me tell you a secret. In fact, my eyes can see the merits of everyone.

And karma, and you can also use a special method to clear away other people's merit or karma. Last night, I saw through it at a glance that my silly girl was riddled with karma, so I spent a whole night helping you clear away all your karma.


"Really? Brother Hua Zi?" Although Hu Yufei didn't believe it, she still nodded obediently.

"Huh? Is your tail exposed like this?" He Linhua touched Hu Yufei's buttocks and suddenly felt the furry tail.

Hu Yufei said in a sweet voice: "I hate it, I couldn't control it just now..."

The sky outside the window is gloomy, which is a good weather for morning exercise...

In the blink of an eye, three days passed. During these three days, He Linhua, Hu Yufei, Qi Eryan, and Goudan were playing near the Shaolin Temple during the day and in the bedroom at night... Of course, although He Linhua lived a happy life,

Days passed, but the dream of being slept with was never realized.

In the past three days, He Linhua also carefully observed Hu Yufei's merits and karma changes, and found that Hu Yufei's karma value increased by 1 point on average every day. Sometimes if the two were too affectionate, a certain amount of karma value would also increase. This

After three days, Hu Yufei's karma value increased by 8 points. As soon as the karma value appeared, He Linhua immediately eliminated it. However, He Linhua was looking sad now - he had spent 80 points in just three days.

The merits offset Hu Yufei's karma. If we go by this calculation, his little merits won't last long...

In order to protect Hu Yufei from being tortured by karma, and for the sake of a happy life in the future, He Linhua felt that he must find a way to solve this problem. And to solve this problem, the first stop is naturally the Yunshan Sect!

On this day, He Linhua took Hu Yufei, Qi Eryan, and Xiaowudan to say goodbye to Master Bu Que, then boarded a helicopter in Inner Shaolin and flew to Yunshan Sect. Watching He Linhua board the helicopter and fly away, Master Bu Que

My moods can be described as rising and falling—this super scourge is finally gone!

The helicopter driver is 0503.

In the past few days, He Linhua has experienced the elusiveness of 0503. As long as He Linhua can think of it, no matter where it is, 0503 will appear on time, such as kitchens, groves, restaurants, etc., it is just a cloud. What makes He Linhua collapse the most

Once upon a time, I encountered disguised 0503 even in the toilet.

That time, He Linhua just wanted to see if he could meet 0503 in the toilet, so he tentatively shouted "0503". As a result, the guy who was squatting next to He Linhua lifted his pants and stood in front of He Linhua.

It has to be straight...

Two hours later, the helicopter landed on the apron of Yunshan Sect. He Linhua and the other five got off the helicopter and saw Qingmei coming up to them with a smile: "Junior brother, how come you have time to come to the sect?


He Linhua cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Sister Qingmei, this is our hometown. Go home and see. Do you need any more reasons? Sister Qingmei, your clothes have changed in the blink of an eye. Congratulations on marrying your second senior brother.


"Go! You little bastard! You don't have anything nice to say when we meet. Look at you, you just can't spit out ivory from a dog's mouth!" Qingmei scolded with a smile. The dress He Linhua wore when he saw Qingmei was that of Yunying's unmarried girl.

The attire, this time, was the attire of a married woman. Apparently Qingxuan and she had obtained Huanping's permission and had achieved success.

He Linhua joked with Qingmei for a while, and then he visited Yunshan Sect under Qingmei's guidance.

Although He Linhua has been to Yunshan Sect twice, the first time was to save Qi Eryanna, and the second time was when he secretly came here to practice, but he never visited Yunshan Sect seriously.

Yunshan Sect has five separate courtyards, namely the miscellaneous courtyard, the outer disciples courtyard, the inner disciples courtyard, the back mountain cultivation courtyard and the elders courtyard. These five independent courtyards have a total of elders and 107 disciples. Among them, the elders are monks in the foundation building period.

, a total of 11 people; most of the inner disciples are disciples who have reached the Qi training stage, there are 78 people; the rest are below the Qi training stage. Of course, in addition to this, there are other disciples in Yunshan Sect.

More than 40 nearby deaf-mute mountain residents helped with chores.

Although the Yunshan Sect has many disciples, there are not many of them now. There is only one monk Qingmei in the foundation-building stage and above, and there are only 13 monks in the Qi-training stage whose cultivation is less than the fifth level of Qi-training. As for the other monks,

They are all guarding the Demon Cave.

After visiting the Yunshan Sect, it was already dark. After having dinner with Qingmei, He Linhua and others gathered in a Zen room to chat. He Linhua, who was concerned about Hu Yufei's health, also raised a timely question and asked: "

Sister Qingmei, do you know that most of the saints of the Hu family died miserably?"

This chapter has been completed!
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