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Chapter 132 Innate Fourth Realm!

Chapter 132 The Fourth Realm of Innateness!

After about ten seconds, the speed and activity of the spiritual energy in the parts penetrated by blood and gas suddenly increased. Unprepared, the energy in He Linhua's skin and flesh was consumed in large quantities, and the skin and flesh shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye. He Linhua was frightened.

After a jump, he quickly circulated spiritual power from his central Dantian to his whole body, resisting the consumption of blood, and his body gradually recovered.

"Damn it! No wonder Master Buqi said that if he is not careful, he will go crazy! If an ordinary person eats a little of this stuff, he will probably be sucked into him in the blink of an eye!" He Linhua cursed in his heart, and moved.

Without showing any signs of slowness, the yin and yang spiritual power was continuously extracted out according to the proportion, and at the same time, the karma was mobilized to protect the twelve main meridians.

Sure enough, with the nourishment of spiritual power, after the blood energy collected a certain amount of spiritual power, the remaining spiritual power quickly circulated in the middle Dantian and meridians, absorbing...

In the blink of an eye, half an hour passed, and the special effects of the Buddha's Heart Blood Lotus gradually dissipated. He Linhua looked at the situation of the Twelve Serious Meridians - in just half an hour, the Twelve Serious Meridians actually expanded by about one-tenth.

If it were He Linhua who practiced slowly by himself, he probably wouldn't be able to do it without five or six hours of time. However, the speed of consumption of spiritual power is really shocking. In just half an hour, He Linhua consumed 2,000 points.

Yin spirit power and more than 180 points of yang spirit power are much more than what He Linhua used to consume in one night of practice!

This Buddha's Heart and Blood Lotus really deserves its name, it's just sucking blood!

After personally trying the miraculous effect of Buddha's Heart and Blood Lotus, He Linhua temporarily stopped practicing and began to think. In his feeling just now, Buddha's Heart and Blood Lotus seemed to be a special stimulant. Under the effect of Buddha's Heart and Blood Lotus,

The various functions of each part of the body seem to have been enhanced tenfold, which will naturally lead to faster energy consumption. If enough energy can be provided to the Buddha Heart Blood Lotus, this will naturally be a good medicine. Of course, as long as there is

If your spiritual power is insufficient for a moment, this good medicine will instantly turn into poison and kill you!

Of course, here in He Linhua, there is zero chance that the good medicine of Buddha's Heart and Blood Lotus will turn into poison - now in He Linhua's Soul Refining Temple, there are nearly 110,000 yin spirit powers and more than 11,000 yang spirit powers.

Based on the spiritual power consumed by one Buddha's Heart and Blood Lotus, it would be fine even if you eat all the remaining Buddha's Heart and Blood Lotus.

After feeling the conditions of the twelve meridians in his body and noticing that there was nothing unusual, He Linhua thought for a moment, then picked nine petals from the Buddha's Heart and Blood Lotus, opened his mouth and swallowed it - since one petal can complete one tenth of the task.

Yun Ling, I think if I use nine more petals, I should be able to complete the third Yun Ling and realize the third expansion of the Twelve Meridians. As for the remaining 10 petals, it is for the third time after the Yun Ling ends.

It’s all prepared for shaping the Dantian.

As soon as the petals of the Buddha's Heart and Blood Lotus entered the mouth, a moment later, the super powerful effect of the Buddha's Heart and Blood Lotus came into play again. He Linhua once again continuously extracted the yin and yang spiritual power from the Soul Refining Temple, and at the same time guided the yin and yang spiritual power in the twelve

Running fast in a serious manner...

Continuously extracting and absorbing the yin and yang spiritual energy at the fastest speed from the central Dantian into the twelve main meridians, and the twelve main meridians expand at the fastest speed.

In the blink of an eye, four and a half hours passed. He Linhua consumed as much as 18,000 points of yin energy and 1,600 points of yang energy from the Soul Refining Temple, and only the last section of the Zujueyin Liver Meridian was left.

Penetration. He Linhua took a deep breath, once again extracted two points of karma from the Soul Refining Temple to protect the last section of the Zujueyin Liver Meridian, and then began to extract the yin and yang spiritual power to penetrate the meridians!

Extract, absorb, control operation...


Suddenly, He Linhua seemed to feel a soft sound coming from the depths of his soul. The last section of the twelve main meridians of the Foot Jueyin Liver Meridian expanded, and some of the broken ends of the meridians were quickly repaired under the influence of spiritual power.

The Twelve Classics finally completed their third breakthrough, and He Linhua's strength once again achieved a new breakthrough.

After the effect of the Buddha's Heart and Blood Lotus disappeared, He Linhua closed his eyes and concentrated, his consciousness swept over the Twelve Meridians, feeling the full spiritual power that was constantly flowing in the Twelve Meridians, He Linhua was filled with emotions: Five hours! In the Buddha

Under the influence of the Heart Blood Lotus, He Linhua completed the task that usually took two days in just five hours! The effect of the Buddha's Heart Blood Lotus is really powerful! In the future, under the influence of the Buddha's Heart Blood Lotus,

In training, I am afraid that within a month, he will be able to surpass top masters such as Wu Zun and Huan Ping...

However, this is not over yet. Although the Twelve Sutras have been understood, the last step is still missing - to reshape the middle Dantian!

In the Yunshan Sect Kung Fu, the most important step after each level improvement is to break the original Dantian and reshape the middle Dantian, thereby creating more space for future practice.

After thinking for a moment and calculating the time needed to reshape the middle Dantian, He Linhua picked 10 petals from the Buddha's Heart and Blood Lotus and put them into his mouth. After the effect of the Buddha's Heart and Blood Lotus appeared, He Linhua started from Soul Refining

20 points of karma were extracted from the temple to protect the middle Dantian, and then the spiritual power in the twelve canons was controlled to converge towards the Middle Dantian.

There was a "tearing" sound, like the sound of something breaking.

Under the impact of the tyrannical torrent of spiritual power, in just a moment, the middle Dantian was burst open, and the spiritual power pouring out of the twelve main meridians immediately formed a larger spiritual power acupuncture point around the broken Tanzhong. He Linhua knew

Having reached the most critical step, he quickly gathered his mind and controlled the newly formed middle Dantian to withstand the continuous spiritual impact, while waiting for the spiritual Dantian to stabilize...

As time passed, the peak of spiritual power in the Zhongdantian finally gradually shrank, and the Qi sea in the Dantian in the Ren channel gradually stabilized. The spiritual power in the twelve main meridians gradually gathered, and finally merged into the Zhongdantian.

In the Dantian. In the blink of an eye, five hours have passed.

The twelve main meridians expanded for the third time, the middle Dantian was reshaped for the third time, and He Linhua also successfully entered the fourth innate realm!

After the effect of the Buddha's Heart and Blood Lotus completely disappeared, He Linhua withdrew his spiritual consciousness from his middle dantian and felt his own body.

He Linhua's body is still slightly thin and does not seem to have changed at all, but the power contained in his body is stronger - He Linhua believes that his current flat attack power should have reached about 540 tons.

Although Dantian has completed its third remodeling and its strength has been improved again, the spiritual power in Dantian has not been completely refined. Although there is no obvious loss of control, it is very difficult to mobilize it smoothly.

After thinking about it, He Linhua could only turn his attention to the few merits again.

Compared with cultivation, it is much faster to use merit to refine spiritual power. After taking two pieces of Buddha's Heart and Blood Lotus petals, He Linhua extracted spiritual power from the Soul Refining Temple to offset the effect of Buddha's Heart and Blood Lotus, while extracting merit and refining it.

Spiritual power, after the efficacy of the Buddha's Heart and Blood Lotus completely disappeared, the spiritual power in He Linhua's Dantian was almost completely refined. Unfortunately, not a drop of He Linhua's 124 points of merit was left...

After checking the Zhongdantian and the Twelve Meridians again to make sure everything was fine, He Linhua slowly opened his eyes.

Twelve hours have passed, and it is already two o'clock in the afternoon. The sky is overcast, and snowflakes have begun to fall. In front of He Linhua, Qi Eryan is staring at the naked He Linhua curiously.

It goes on and on - well, every time he breaks through, the powerful flow of spiritual energy will always shape He Linhua into a successful beggar.

"Uh... Nana, why are you here?" Seeing Qilyanna's eyes staring at a certain part non-stop, He Linhua sweated profusely and quickly took out a piece of clothing from the storage ring and put it on.


Qi Eryan's eyes were still staring at He Linhua's lower abdomen curiously, and said: "Husband, do you want to sleep with me?"

"Push!" He Linhua almost vomited blood. When he didn't push Qilyanna down before, he always thought about pushing her down. Now that he has pushed Qilyanna down, he feels even more uncomfortable. This Qilyanna's desire,

Isn't it too strong?

"Nana, can we think of something else? It's broad daylight, why are you sleeping?" He Linhua didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and then changed the subject, "Why are you here?"

"Oh..." Qilyanna responded, "I woke up in the morning and didn't see you, so I came here. Husband, you seem to be even more powerful."

"Well, my strength must have improved again." He Linhua was a little proud when he talked about this.

"Haha, my junior brother is really powerful. In a short period of time, his strength has actually increased one level, reaching the fourth level of foundation building." A figure slowly flew down from the cliff above Yinfeng Cave, it was Qingmei.

Seeing Qingmei flying down, He Linhua was embarrassed and fainted - could Qingmei have been watching from above since he started to break through? Then wouldn't he be exposed by Qingmei again?

When he thought about his naked buttocks being seen by Qingmei twice in just two days, He Linhua felt bad and cursed in his heart: "This is an old woman... This is an old woman..."

Speaking of which, Qingmei, who is nearly a hundred years old, can indeed be called an old woman.

Although he was cursing in his heart, he still had to be modest in his words: "Haha, no, no, sister Qingmei, I was just lucky..."

Qingmei raised her beautiful eyes and said: "Oh? Is it really a fluke? I just saw from above that what the junior brother took seemed to be the rare things in the devil's cave, Buddha, heart, blood, lotus, ah!" Speaking of Buddha!

When the words "Heart-blood Lotus" came out, Qingmei paused for a moment and stared at He Linhua with her beautiful eyes, as if she wanted to see through his heart.

"Uh..." He Linhua knew that this was the highlight of Qingmei. He rolled his eyes and rambled, "Last time, after Senior Wu Zun gave me the Buddha's Heart and Blood Lotus, I asked Master Buque if he had this thing.

What's the use? Many masters say that Buddha's Heart Blood Lotus can not only beautify and nourish the skin, but also has miraculous effects on treating hemorrhoids - as you can see, we practitioners sit and meditate every day, and it is inevitable to get hemorrhoids. Just yesterday

I had hemorrhoids in pain at night, so I came here to eat Blood Lotus to cure the hemorrhoids, and the result..."

"So you had a breakthrough inexplicably?" Qingmei took over He Linhua's words and asked funnyly. "Buddha's Heart Blood Lotus can cure hemorrhoids?" This was the first time she had heard of it.

"Haha..." He Linhua chirped, "Well, sister Qingmei, you are so smart, you guessed it right!"

"Hmph!" Qingmei rolled her eyes at He Linhua, "I don't want to say it, I just don't want to say it, why are you talking so much about nothing? The Buddha's Heart and Blood Lotus, which is a heavenly material and an earthly treasure, can be given to you for a penny a bag.

You're in trouble! Look at the way your eyes roll when you speak, if you go any faster you could be used as helicopter paddles!"

"Ah..." He Linhua was robbed by Qingmei and was terribly embarrassed. He pulled Qilyanna over and said, "Nana, what did you say? Goudan peed at home again? This kid is really unreasonable! It's unreasonable! Let's go! Follow

I’ll go home and teach this little brat a lesson!”

While talking, He Linhua had already pulled Qi Eryanna into his house and closed the door.

"Ha... this little junior brother." Qingmei smiled helplessly, flew up and left.

This chapter has been completed!
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