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Chapter 30 The flying of cups

Chapter 30: Cups fly together

He Linhua has never tried it and doesn't know what kind of effect one point of karma can produce, but Qi Fei tasted it thoroughly before he died.

Seeing He Linhua turn around and leave, Qi Fei let out a deep breath. If he hadn't seen He Linhua's powerful destructive power today, he might have continued to plot revenge on He Linhua, on He Linhua's friends, family, and relatives. This was truly a real experience.

After He Linhua's strength, Qi Fei no longer had any desire for revenge. Now, he was thankful that He Linhua didn't kill him.

Even when He Linhua stretched out his hand and pressed it on him, he didn't feel that there was an extra drop of karma in his body.

After struggling to open the car door, Qi Fei got out of the car, yelled at the surrounding onlookers, and rushed out of the crowd. After getting out of the crowd, Qi Fei wanted to take a ride, but no car would stop; even

The little three-wheeler didn't even have the intention to stop. He wanted to call Qi Heshan for help, but his hands were hung up and he couldn't make a call at all.

In desperation, Qi Fei had no choice but to walk to the hospital first.

However, not long after Qi Fei walked, he felt something was wrong. Unknowingly, there were five or six wild dogs following Qi Fei behind him, and in front of Qi Fei, there were five or six wild dogs watching eagerly, blocking the way.

The way to fly together.

"What the hell happened?" Qi Fei was frightened.

"Woof woof woof..." Just as Qi Fei was thinking, all the dogs barked together, and then they pounced on him as if they saw bones!

What is the concept of more than a dozen wild dogs biting a person at the same time? In fear, he only had time to protect his vitals and rolled back and forth on the ground. One bite from those vicious dogs, one bite from me, and they tore Qi Fei from his body.

There was a lot of blood and flesh, and the bites caused everyone to scream and cry for father and mother.

However, Qi Fei's luck was good. Those wild dogs surrounded him for more than thirty seconds before a police car stopped next to him and drove all the wild dogs away from Qi Fei. The policemen in these patrol teams were all

Those who knew Qi Fei found out that the person being attacked by wild dogs was Qi Fei. They immediately put Qi Fei into the car, drove him to the hospital, and called Qi Heshan.

However, Qi Fei obviously did not survive in the car. The car just started and walked a short distance before it stopped again. It broke down for some unknown reason.

The policemen all got out of the car and wanted to stop a car to take Qi Fei to the hospital, but instead of seeing the small car, they saw a large truck pulling coal - such large trucks are generally not allowed to enter the county town. Today

Appearing in the county town, it was because he took the wrong road and saw the police blocking the car in front of him. The driver panicked even more. As a result, he stepped on the brake and stepped on the accelerator. The car accelerated wildly and rushed towards the police car.

Ahead, the police car was knocked into the green belt in the middle of the road. At the same time, there was a loud noise and the police car was completely submerged in the sea of ​​flames.

Seeing this scene, none of the policemen were stupid. They just screamed bad luck, hid in the distance, and called the fire alarm. However, when the firefighting train arrived and put out the fire on the police car, Qi Fei was already there.

It was burned into a black charcoal...

He Linhua knew that the news of Qi Fei's death was told to him by Feng Qingwei one day later.

Of course, when the news reached He Linhua's ears, it had completely changed. It was said that Qi Heshan and his son had done such bad things that God couldn't stand it anymore, so his son would be so unlucky. Moreover, Qi Fei suffered so much.

Pain has also evolved from being bitten by a dog, being hit by a car, being burned, to various versions, such as being smashed on the head by a falling object, being poured cold water from a building, stepping on dog poop, falling and wrestling, etc.

There are all kinds of unlucky things, and with a little tidying up, you can apply for the Guinness World Records.

After hearing what Feng Qingwei said, He Linhua couldn't help but feel a little cold in his heart. At the same time, he also had some doubts - is this karma really so powerful? Can it make people suffer to death? This is inevitable

It's a little too scary...

And shortly after Qi Fei's death, He Linhua made an unexpected discovery - the merit power that had been unable to be extracted could be extracted again, and it was still 2 drops. He Linhua speculated that whether the merit power could be extracted, and whether to do it or not

Are good things related? Although He Linhua did not do it himself, Qi Fei probably died because of He Linhua's karma.

As for whether this speculation is correct, it is really difficult for He Linhua to verify it. He can only test it later.

Another day has passed, and it is already the day before He Linhua and Feng Qingwei accept the assessment of the 10th Bureau of the National Security Bureau of Wumeng.

Early that morning, Feng Qingwei picked up He Linhua early and rushed to Yicheng City.

During the past two days, He Linhua meditated during the day and went out to visit cemeteries at night. During his rest, he thought about Hu Yufei's wonderful life. While meditating during the day, He Linhua began to try to open up the Du Vein again. However, this time, the speed of opening up the Du Vein was slower than before.

Far from being as fast as He Linhua imagined. When He Linhua opened the Ren channel, he completed it from noon to four o'clock in the morning, which took a total of less than sixteen hours; while when opening the Du channel, the process took longer

It was much slower. After two days, He Linhua spent more than 100 Yin spirit power, but he could only open up 13 acupoints from the Gujiao point to the Fengfu point in the Du meridian, less than half of the total acupoints, and

The process was still extremely difficult and not as smooth as it was when He Linhua opened up the Ren channel.

After observing the spiritual power in the body, He Linhua made a simple speculation - the reason why it is so difficult to open the Du channel should be related to the increase in spiritual power in the Dantian after the meridians are opened - He Linhua was opened after the Dai channel was opened.

Later, I once observed the spiritual energy in the Dantian. The amount of spiritual energy increased was more than twice the original amount of spiritual energy in the Dantian. Since opening the second meridian will increase the spiritual energy twice as much as opening the first meridian, opening the third meridian will also increase the amount of spiritual energy.

When the meridians are connected, they will naturally increase even more!

Thinking of this, He Linhua is no longer anxious. According to his current progress, as long as he calms down and practices, a day and a half will be enough for him to open the Du Vein. Although this time is still far from his ideal speed, it is still

It is not unacceptable - of course, the only one who cannot accept this speed is probably He Linhua. If others know that He Linhua only spent three or four days to open the third meridian and is still not satisfied, then he will definitely be punished.

People were beaten to death.

In the past two days, He Linhua also upgraded the Soul Refining Temple. Now the level of the Soul Refining Temple has reached the eighth level, and is being upgraded to the ninth level. There are still no big changes in the Soul Refining Temple, but more are added every day.

The spiritual power of each attribute and the maximum spiritual power that can be extracted at one time have been increased to 8 points.

Yicheng City is the capital, economic, political and cultural center of Hoshang Province, and is also one of the world-famous ancient cities.

After He Linhua and He Linhua entered the urban area of ​​Yicheng City, Feng Qingwei drove the car to the door of a remote martial arts gym.

The name of this martial arts gym is Qunyinghui. After entering, he saw a group of people practicing boxing in the large martial arts training hall. Feng Qingwei seemed to have not seen those people practicing martial arts. He walked directly outside the main office of the martial arts hall and knocked on the bell.

opened the door.

"Please come in." A female voice came from inside.

He Linhua and Feng Qingwei entered the office and saw a young woman wearing a white training suit sitting at the desk. The woman had bright eyes and a heroic spirit between her brows. Although she had an ordinary appearance, she was confident

She has an attractive temperament. Moreover, He Linhua sensed from the aura on this woman's body that she had reached the level of a master.

The young woman was obviously stunned when she saw He Linhua and the two of them: "Gentlemen, what can I do? If you want to sign up to learn martial arts, just go to the door and register."

"I have already signed up and am here to take the assessment." Feng Qingwei smiled slightly.

"Assessment? If you want to take the apprenticeship examination, you only need to discuss it with your instructor. You don't need to go to the gym owner." The woman's face was as usual, and she still looked like she was inviting the two of them back.

"I'm not talking about the martial arts assessment, I'm talking about participating in the martial arts...then what kind of assessment? Isn't your reception here?" Feng Qingwei was surprised.

The woman looked confused: "Sir, what do you mean?"

"Ah? How could this happen? Didn't the phone notification say that I should come to the Jingwu Sect Martial Arts Hall to find the owner, saying that I am here to take part in martial arts... so what kind of assessment is enough? Is this a lie?" Feng Qingwei saw.

The woman still looked confused and immediately collapsed, "No, I have to call and ask."

He Linhua looked at the appearance of Feng Qingwei and the woman, and felt funny in his heart. Feng Qingwei was full of energy, but the woman had obviously seen it, but she pretended not to know.

"Wait!" the woman suddenly said, "Did you forget to bring something?"

Feng Qingwei thought for a while, then patted his forehead, took out a brooch from his clothes, put it on his chest, and said with a shy face: "Beauty, I'm sorry, I forgot to put this thing on just now."

The woman snorted softly: "Stop flattering me! If you had put on the brooch earlier, how could this happen?"

Feng Qingwei scratched his head in embarrassment: "Didn't you forget that?"

The woman said: "Stop talking nonsense, come with me, I will take you there. My name is Pei Ling, I studied under Hong Daoxian, I am good at Bajiquan, the master of Jingwu Sect, the first-level officer of the Martial Arts League, the tenth bureau external relations

Form a third-level liaison officer. By the way, who is this person next to you?"

As soon as He Linhua was mentioned, Feng Qingwei's tail immediately started to curl up: "This is my boss, He Linhua, he is already..."

"I also came with you for the assessment." He Linhua didn't want Feng Qingwei to reveal his strength, so he interrupted Feng Qingwei's introduction.

"You also came for the assessment together? But I have only received this one assessment application request recently." Pei Ling asked strangely, "Besides, I think you are just an ordinary person, right?"

Feng Qingwei said quickly: "My boss heard that I was going to come for the assessment this time, so he wanted to come with me. By the way, isn't it just an application for assessment form? Isn't it the same if I fill it out then?"

Pei Ling thought for a while: "That's true, anyway, there will be a lot of people taking the assessment tomorrow..." Suddenly, Pei Ling looked at Feng Qingwei: "Your name is Feng Qingwei, right? Before I go, I have to verify you here.

data of."


"Feng Qingwei."




"……It's up to you……"

This chapter has been completed!
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