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Chapter 51 The role of karma

Chapter 51 The role of karma, the fourth level of the day after tomorrow

The Chongmai comes out of the cell and is divided into three lines. When facing a meridian with obvious branches like the Chongmai, He Linhua prefers to open the acupoints at the end of the line first, and then give a fatal blow to the common intersection point.


Although there are only 14 main acupoints in Chongmai, it took He Linhua five whole days to open the first 13 main acupoints.

At three o'clock in the afternoon on the second day of the first lunar month, He Linhua stopped meditating and walked out of the bedroom. The Tiandao Ghost who had been guarding outside the bedroom asked: "Junior brother, what's wrong?"

He Linhua smiled slightly and clenched his fists: "Let Qilyanna take me somewhere else. I'm about to break through, and I don't want my parents to find out."

Hearing He Linhua's explanation, not only Tiandao Gui was stunned, but also Qi Eryanna and Xiao Qing who had just walked in.

"About to break through? Almost to break through again? It's only been a few days..."

However, after experiencing He Linhua's demonic enlightenment eight times a day, the three Tiandaogui people have become much immune to such topics. Soon, at He Linhua's request, Qi Eryanna dragged He Linhua into that area again.

Among the woods.

Entering the open space he created, He Linhua took out a futon from the car, sat down cross-legged, and began to extract Yin spirit power for practice.

Looking at He Linhua who was sitting cross-legged and had already started practicing, the three of them, Tiandaogui, took out their mobile phones and reported the news to their masters and elders.

"Master (ancestor), He Linhua is about to break through again..."

After the efforts of visiting the cemetery these days, the Yin Spirit Power in He Linhua's body is now close to 20,000 points. With so much Yin Spirit Power, He Linhua could not even think of it before. When the Yin Spirit Power was insufficient in the past, He Linhua had

He dared not try many ideas. Now that the Yin Spirit Power was enough, He Linhua started some explorations - for example, he put forward the Yin Spirit Power and let it go, without actively controlling it, to see how effective it could be.

He Linhua had already done this experiment a few days ago. After leaving these Yin Spirit Powers alone, the Yin Spirit Power would automatically act on the meridians and acupuncture points, but the utilization efficiency of the Yin Spirit Power would be greatly reduced and could only reach half of the original value.

That's it. This means that if He Linhua uses this method to extract 10 drops of spiritual power at a time, only 5 drops will actually work.

Spiritual power acts autonomously on the meridians, which has little effect on opening acupuncture points. After all, when opening acupuncture points, what is needed is to continuously control the spiritual power to expand the acupuncture points. If the spiritual power is allowed to act independently, in the end all the spiritual power will dissipate by itself, and only

It just leaves a little bit of sufficient meridians. Therefore, when He Linhua usually opens the meridians, he still uses the old method.

However, when making the final breakthrough and opening up the last acupuncture point of the meridians, what is really needed is not He Linhua’s control, but to fill the meridians and fill all the meridians with Yin spiritual power! Therefore, as long as He Linhua can correctly grasp

By extracting spiritual power and leaving the location of the meridians alone, tasks that may take a long time to complete can be completed in a very short time.

During the meditation, He Linhua used all the acupoints on the four meridians of Ren, Du, Chong, and Daimai in his body as spiritual power penetration points according to his own thoughts, and then began to try them little by little. Huiyin acupoint, Henggu acupoint,

14 drops of spiritual power were poured into the Youmen point and other acupuncture points, and then left alone. Then, about half of the 14 drops of spiritual power dissipated quickly, and the remaining half began to impact at the fastest speed, penetrating He Linhua's body.

Chongmai main meridian.

In just two minutes, countless spiritual powers had completely penetrated the main channel of Chongmai, and the main channel of Chongmai was filled! Then, He Linhua used the same method on Ren, Du, and Dai, and it took only six minutes.

, due to He Linhua's extravagance and waste, the four meridians that He Linhua had penetrated were all filled with spiritual power.

He Linhua was extremely happy when he saw that his experiment was successful - when he opened the Du Meridian in the past, he wasted the longest time on filling the meridians with spiritual power. Now to open the fourth meridian, the first three meridians must be completely penetrated at the same time.

, according to He Linhua's calculations, if the old method was followed, it would take at least fifteen hours, but now, He Linhua only spent less than ten minutes.

How could He Linhua not be happy that he wasted a little Yin spirit power but could replace fifteen hours of time?

The Heavenly Sword Demon, Xiao Qing, and Qi Eryan who stood around He Linhua could all feel the situation on He Linhua's body. He Linhua's body seemed to be a huge treasure house. In just ten minutes, He Linhua's body was already full of spiritual energy.

Full of power, it also exudes the spiritual power of heaven and earth to the surroundings that makes everyone feel scared. The place ten meters square around He Linhua has become a holy place for practice that makes every martial arts practitioner drool.


Oh my God! What kind of monster is this! - Seeing He Linhua's body still exuding spiritual power, the three Tiandao Ghosts who had been much calmer were showing signs of collapse again. Moreover, they were sure,

Even those four innate warriors will collapse when they see He Linhua's current situation...

He Linhua was unaware of the situation outside his body. After filling the four meridians with spiritual power, he felt that the acupuncture points at the Chongmai and Huiyin points seemed to be gradually connected to the world, but they were not completely connected. He Linhua concentrated

After thinking about it, he realized that the amount of Yin spiritual power in the Huiyin point should be insufficient. Thinking of this, He Linhua started to replenish the spiritual power in the Huiyin point...

Once, it didn't work. Twice, it didn't work. Three times, the perineum point was finally overwhelmed and was broken by He Linhua's despicable spiritual power filling tactics, forming a complete cycle with the spiritual power of heaven and earth. At the same time, He Linhua's Dantian was also

The spiritual power in the meridians continued to rush in, and under the influence of the spiritual power, the Dantian began to expand and repair again...

The unspeakable pain enveloped He Linhua's body again. The meridians and acupuncture points continued to expand and expand under the erosion of spiritual power, and were constantly repaired under the recovery effect of spiritual power. Under the impact of this tyrannical spiritual power,

He Linhua really wanted to faint and never wake up again.

Suddenly, He Linhua felt a chill in his chest again, and then the pain on his body was reduced by half.

After alleviating half of the pain, He Linhua concentrated on controlling his spiritual power while extracting some merit from the Soul Refining Temple, acting on his brain, and began to think about ways to alleviate the pain. The effect of the merit was very obvious, and He Linhua took the merit but nothing

In ten seconds, he had already come up with the best plan in his mind, and what this plan required was actually the karma that He Linhua had been avoiding!

What is the attribute of karma? It is that after use, it can produce various unexpected damage effects. Of course, this unpredictability is on others. If the object of karma is He Linhua himself, He Linhua can still control the part where the karma acts.


"No matter what, try it again. If it doesn't work, at most it will cost you a little merit to offset the effect." Thinking of this, and then thinking about the pain he had endured, He Linhua gritted his teeth and extracted a little karma from the Soul Refining Temple.

According to the plan just thought out by the brain, the karma was applied to the walls of the Dantian, the walls of the meridians and the walls of the acupuncture points.

The Dantian wall, the meridians wall, and the acupuncture point wall were originally illusory barriers. After applying karma to these barriers, He Linhua discovered that those karmas actually completely offset the pain caused by the flushing of spiritual power. Although the Dantian,

The meridians and acupuncture points were still being expanded and repaired, but He Linhua did not feel any pain, as if he was watching others make breakthroughs.

"This...this karma actually has this effect?" He Linhua couldn't believe it. He really couldn't imagine that the karma that could kill people could actually offset the pain suffered during the breakthrough after changing its use method.


The reason why warriors waste a lot of time when breaking through is mostly because warriors need to endure pain while controlling their spiritual power. Now, He Linhua has completely ignored the pain he suffered and only concentrates on controlling his spiritual power.

, just slowly returning to the Dantian. This process does not take long.

Half an hour later, the effect of karma in He Linhua's body completely disappeared, and the communication between the four meridians and the spiritual power of heaven and earth also completely ended. All the spiritual power completely returned to the dantian. At this moment, He Linhua's warrior aura also disappeared.

The third floor of the day after tomorrow has entered the fourth floor of the day after tomorrow.

After the breakthrough, He Linhua stood up first and moved around twice. After the breakthrough again, He Linhua's destructive power skyrocketed, leaving big holes in the ground. After feeling that he could not fully control the spiritual power in his body, He Linhua again

He sat cross-legged and began to extract merit from the Soul Refining Temple and refine his spiritual power.

Now, He Linhua also knew that the spiritual power in his body could not be completely refined with just a little merit, so He Linhua simply extracted 3 drops of merit at a time and started refining. After thirty minutes, the effect of these three drops of merit completely disappeared, and

Successfully refined one-third of the riot spiritual power in He Linhua's body. Without thinking, He Linhua extracted 3 more drops of merit and began to refine. After refining three times, the spiritual power in He Linhua's Dantian was finally completely refined.

Successfully, the originally riotous spiritual power became obedient and obedient as if it had been practiced hard for countless years.

After completely refining his spiritual power, He Linhua stood up again and moved his hands and feet.

With this breakthrough, He Linhua was covered in dirty blood again, and his clothes were completely torn, even the fig leaf covering his lower body was gone. Using his spiritual power, he shattered the dirty blood all over, revealing healthy skin.

At this time, He Linhua also discovered his embarrassment. More importantly, He Linhua saw that Qi Eryan was staring at him with a sense of curiosity and exploration...

This chapter has been completed!
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