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Chapter 68: Wumeng also has a standing committee?

Chapter 68: The Wu League also holds a standing committee?

He Linhua opened the door. Before the Heavenly Sword Demon could react, Qi Eryan and the two disappeared without a trace. What just happened was too embarrassing. He Linhua thought it would be better to avoid the Heavenly Sword Demon for the time being.

It would be nice to meet Qi Eryanna.

However, He Linhua wandered around for a while, but came back helplessly because he didn't even know where the small conference room No. 1 was.

Under the leadership of the two Tian Dao Gui, He Linhua turned left and right, and even took the elevator down one level at an unknown place before arriving at the legendary small conference room No. 1.

In the small conference room, Jian Xia, Wu Dao and the other four people were already sitting cross-legged on the futon. Jian Xia was sitting in the first seat, Wu Dao was no shortage of masters, and the poor Taoist priest was sitting on both sides. There was still an empty futon on the right side.

Naturally, it was He Linhua's position. As for the tables and chairs originally displayed in the small conference room, someone had already rolled up his sleeves and piled them aside.

In the small conference room, there were two young warriors sitting on the left and right, both holding notebooks in their hands. They must be record-keepers.

"Little friend He, please sit down." The swordsman smiled. He Linhua responded and sat down cross-legged, feeling a little strange in his heart. Why is this scene so familiar now? It's like... it's like the Standing Committee meeting he held when he was a reporter.

? As soon as this idea came to He Linhua's mind, he immediately expelled it - Are you kidding me? Martial League, an organization like the Tenth Bureau, could there be such a painful system?

"Ahem..." Wu Swordsman, who was sitting under the swordsman, coughed twice, then pulled out a piece of paper from somewhere and read aloud: "In order to further promote the martial alliance, various tasks of the tenth round, maintenance

The society is stable. After studying and deciding by the Standing Committee of the Tenth Bureau of the Wushu League, the 28th Standing Committee meeting of the Tenth Bureau of the Wushu League will now be held. Attending this meeting are the leader of the Wushu League, Jianxia, ​​and the Shaolin Inner Sect Taishang Elder...



After hearing a few words, He Linhua fell to the ground, with an indescribable expression on his face - is this wrong? Is this really a meeting of the Standing Committee? And even the various modes and clichés are exactly the same?

"Little friend He, are you feeling unwell?" Seeing He Linhua fall down, the swordsman thought that He Linhua had just made a breakthrough and there were some sequelae.

He Linhua quickly sat cross-legged and shook his head repeatedly: "No, no. Well... let's continue the meeting."

Wu Dao Ke understood what He Linhua meant and explained: "Strictly speaking, the Martial League and the Tenth Bureau are special organizations under official jurisdiction. Moreover, we have also found through many experiments that this system is scientific and reasonable.

, the same applies to our dark world. Therefore, we have been using this discussion method since the establishment of the 10th Bureau of the Martial Alliance."

"Ah..." He Linhua opened his mouth. He had seen county leaders hold standing committee meetings before, and they had become nothing more than a formality.

Wu Swordsman no longer looked at He Linhua's reaction and continued: "Today's meeting will be chaired by me. There are four main items on the agenda of this meeting. The first is to read out and vote to recruit the newly promoted innate warrior He Linhua, young friend He Linhua, into the martial alliance.

Member of the Tenth Bureau and Standing Committee; the second is to vote and implement the notice on carrying out the inventory work within the Tenth Bureau of the All-Wuhan League; the third is to read out and vote to submit to He Linhua Xiaoyou to become a member of the Huaxia Special Affairs Processing Center and a standing member; the fourth is to

Approved the application submitted to the Huaxia Special Affairs Processing Center Committee to carry out a comprehensive inventory in the Special Affairs Processing Center. Now begins the first agenda of the meeting. First, Master Buque read out the information on absorbing the innate warrior He Linhua Xiaoyou into the martial alliance,

Application for members of the Tenth Bureau and Standing Committee.”

Listening to this routine way of holding meetings, He Linhua really felt like he was vomiting blood.

Master Bu Que coughed twice, then grabbed a stack of paper from somewhere and began to read out He Linhua's message.

After reading He Linhua's message, the swordsman sitting in the front seat said: "Okay, I think everyone already knows about He Xiaoyou's situation. He Xiaoyou has become a new innate warrior in our Chinese martial arts world in less than a month. In fact,

It is a blessing to the Wushu League, a blessing to the tenth round, and also a blessing to China! Now, please vote whether you agree to let little friend He Linhua become a member and standing committee member of the tenth round of our Wushu League. If you agree, please

Raise your hands!”

After the swordsman finished speaking, he raised his hand. Regarding He Linhua's entry into the top level of the Martial Arts League in the tenth round, it was simply a matter of default. They had a meeting to vote, which was just a formality. After the swordsman raised his hand, nothing happened

There was no shortage of swordsmen, masters, and poor Taoist priests also raised their hands one after another. He Linhua saw everyone raising their hands, hesitated for a moment, and then also raised their hands.

He Linhua raised his hand, and the other four people all smiled kindly. The swordsman said: "He Xiaoyou, you are not yet a member of the Martial Arts League and the Standing Committee of the Tenth Bureau, so there is no need to vote."

"Ah?" He Linhua put down his hand in a sullen voice, his face slightly red - this time he was really embarrassed.

There was a small episode in the middle, and the meeting continued.

Wu Swordsman continued to preside over the meeting, and then Pindao Chief read out a notice on the work style rectification and personnel inventory work in the Wumeng and the Tenth Bureau. During the period, the swordsman spoke several times and denounced those Wumeng who had been investigated and found out.

, the spies of the Tenth Bureau, and then ordered that they must be severely punished: "The few here are all from the Wu League. The highest level of the Tenth Bureau is only the Japanese country. There are more than forty spies in our Wu League. What about the others?"

How many countries should there be? What is even more shocking is that a senior member of our Martial League, the 10th Bureau, a member of the 10th Bureau of the Martial League, and the chief elder who manages our Chinese base is actually a spy of the enemy country! This matter

, must be strictly investigated and severely punished! For the sake of the national security of China, these pests from the Martial Alliance and the Tenth Bureau must not be allowed to survive! As for the security of Tai, I suggest that all their positions be cut off, their martial arts be abolished, and then handed over to law enforcement.

The team will be sentenced to life imprisonment. A comprehensive crackdown will be carried out on the Tai family, and all other accomplices in the Tai family will be sentenced to death! The punishment is not severe, and it is not enough to set the record straight!"

There is no shortage of swordsmen, and there is no shortage of masters. After hearing this, the poor Taoist Priest agreed. Only He Linhua was wondering, is this punishment too severe? He Linhua's current vision is also to blame for this kind of thinking.

Too low. He Linhua has always had a petty-democratic mentality and has no idea how much damage this kind of behavior that endangers national security will cause. If He Linhua knew a piece of news about Taipei's security, it would actually cause China to lose hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars.

When civilians lost their lives, he would definitely be more vicious than Wu Swordsman, Bu Lian Master and others.

The swordsman continued: "Now, please express your opinion whether you want to carry out this activity within the Martial League and the Tenth Bureau. If you agree, please raise your hands!"

There were no swordsmen, but no masters. The poor Taoist priests raised their hands one after another. He Linhua hesitated for a moment, but still did not raise his hands. Then, the four swordsmen looked at him again: "Little friend He, the meeting has just passed, and you are now a martial artist.

League, the Standing Committee of the Tenth Bureau, so if you agree with this resolution, you should raise your hand."

"Oh..." He Linhua smiled awkwardly and then raised his hand.

"Okay, all passed." The swordsman nodded seriously, "Please move on to the next agenda item."

Next, another master took a document, and the veritable old monk finished reading the sutra. The swordsman said again: "He Xiaoyou is innate, and is one of the top leaders of the tenth round of our martial alliance. He has reached

Requirements to enter the Huaxia Special Affairs Processing Center Committee. Now, Wumeng, the Tenth Bureau will conduct an internal vote on whether to submit this application. If you agree, please raise your hands."

Swordsman, Master Buqi and other four people raised their hands one after another, and He Linhua also raised his hand - he had just become a member of the Standing Committee of the 10th Bureau of the Martial Alliance. Now he should be able to raise his hand in this vote, right?


However, why are the swordsman and the other four still staring at him?

"Why are you looking at me? Could I have raised the wrong hand again?" He Linhua asked.

The swordsman smiled awkwardly and explained: "He Xiaoyou, this matter is related to you. According to the regulations, you should recuse yourself and cannot participate in the voting..."


Next, it was the fourth agenda item and voting. This time He Linhua was smarter. Before the swordsman started voting, He Linhua hurriedly asked: "Do I need to raise my hand this time? You should make it clear first."

Brush brush brush brush brush.

Looking at He Linhua this time, there were not only four innate warriors, but also two meeting minutes sitting on both sides.

The scene was empty for a while, and then the swordsman said: "Little friend He, this application has nothing to do with you. As a member of the Standing Committee, you should participate in the voting."

So this time, He Linhua ignored the weird looks from others and was the first to raise his hand - not easy, there was a standing committee meeting, and this was the first time He Linhua raised his hand.

After the Standing Committee meeting, Jian Xia chaired the second meeting.

Eleven bad old men were also present at the meeting this time. After these bad old men came in, they were ranked next to He Linhua, the poor Taoist priest.

After sitting down, Jian Xia immediately began to read out the activities to rectify work style and conduct disciplinary inspections within the Tenth Bureau of the Wu League. What left He Linhua most speechless was that Jian Xia actually handed over the command of this work to He Linhua, and in a serious manner

Due to dereliction of duty, the former law enforcement elder who was in charge of discipline was deprived of his position, and He Linhua was concurrently appointed as the law enforcement elder. He Linhua finally understood that the four old men had planned to let He Linhua handle this matter from the beginning.

Although He Linhua wanted to resist, he couldn't refute the reputation of these four people, so he had to endure it for now.

Although the meeting of the Tenth Bureau of the Martial Arts League did not talk nonsense and only dealt with practical matters, the meeting was not short and took a full six hours. At the meeting, the swordsman repeatedly emphasized the importance of the meeting, and

The four innate warriors, ten martial alliance members, and members of the 10th Bureau were all assigned specific areas of jurisdiction and tasks, and were required to carry out rectification activities as quickly as possible and with great emphasis.

After the meeting, the ten committee members and two meeting minutes were ordered out by the swordsman, leaving only five people, He Linhua.

Then, the swordsman stroked his beard: "Everyone, let's have another short meeting now..."

"Ah? There is still a meeting..." He Linhua collapsed. He was about to protest against these four people - protesting against their abuse of child labor. Compared with everyone present just now, He Linhua can indeed be called child labor.

The swordsman smiled slightly: "Little friend He, don't complain, this matter is related to you."

This chapter has been completed!
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