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Chapter 828 Through the void!

In the void, He Linhua and his party quickly crossed through the void. Although there were many monks passing by around the net, no one dared to stay next to He Linhua and his party. For a moment,

There is an indescribable silence around here - in other words, after being accompanied by Jing Renteng, Li Ruohong and others, He Linhua finally feels a lot more relaxed. At least, he no longer has to waste time looking for specific directions in the void.

In the void, all the surrounding environments are the same. When He Linhua traveled through the void, he spent a lot of time!

Compared to Jing Renteng, Li Ruohong's status in the Ruojing Sect seems to be much stronger than that of Jing Renteng. Jing Renteng seems to have some barbarian character. Although he is nominally the master of the Ruojing Sect, in terms of his conduct,

But it is much worse than Li Ruohong. And all this can be clearly felt from the previous contact between Jing Renteng and Li Ruohong and He Linhua and others. When Li Ruohong spoke, Jing Renteng obviously had no right to speak.

If Jing Renteng had something unpleasant to say, Li Ruohong would always be there to help him.

Perhaps because he guessed that He Linhua, Fox Lord, and Long Ning were powerful, Li Ruohong had been thinking of ways to get close to He Linhua. At least, in Li Ruohong's view, He Linhua and the others were masters. They were

I'm afraid it's not very easy to go to protect an important place at one time. It would be great if we could drag three masters along with us. Although they are now traveling together with He Linhua and the other three, what kind of travel is this?

What's the matter? If there is any danger. He Linhua and the other three turned around and left. Aren't all their previous arrangements in vain? Well...these messy monks were gossiping, although what they said was not very nice. But, Li Ruohong

From the beginning, they really wanted He Linhua and the other three to be their shield!

Of course, judging from what she knows now, it would be difficult for He Linhua and the other three to act as shields for them. If He Linhua and the other three were reckless people, she would naturally be able to pay only some unusually minor measures.

After paying the price, she achieved her goal; but now. Not only did she feel that He Linhua and the others were very powerful, but they also did not look like people who were easy to deceive. Naturally, she gave up such thoughts and made friends wholeheartedly.

What she has to do now is to reconcile the relationship with He Linhua and the other three people. It is best to find a common point of interest so that the two parties can truly be united because of their interests! Only this kind of relationship can be regarded as all relationships.

It’s the strongest inside!

"Hahaha... Fellow Taoist He Linhua, traveling through the void is really boring. From the land where we are at Ruojing Sect to the next land, it will take at least two days of flying! These two days

I spend so much time doing boring things like this every day, I think Taoist friend He Linhua must be very bored, right?" Li Ruohong has been using these messy words to get close to He Linhua and the others along the way. At the beginning, He Linhua was naturally

She was too lazy to answer, so let her say whatever she wanted to say. But later, Li Ruohong kept talking, which made He Linhua feel embarrassed not to talk to her! This kept Li Ruohong singing a "one-man show" all by himself.

, He Linhua really felt a little uncomfortable.

He Linhua nodded slightly, and then said: "It's not too boring." Indeed, after traveling in the void for a day or two now, He Linhua really doesn't feel anything. Thinking back to when He Linhua was in the chaos,

All the scenery in front of me is the same. After staying there for more than n times, I have long been accustomed to this boring life! In fact, He Linhua still has a clone in the chaos. He has been doing that boring thing.

It's useless work. As for the current situation, for He Linhua, it can only be regarded as drizzle!

Li Ruohong felt a little happy when he heard He Linhua answered again. If you want to achieve a combination of interests with the other party, you have to communicate first, right? And if He Linhua and the others kept silent and didn't even communicate, Li Ruohong might be depressed and crazy.

. But now, as soon as He Linhua opens his mouth, everything is possible.

Li Ruohong smiled slightly and continued: "Hey! Fellow Daoist He Linhua, speaking of it, there are some things in the Chaotic Star Territory that are really inconvenient! Just like this teleportation array, it is basically built in the Chaotic Star Territory.

I can’t get up! I think back when the Chaotic Star Territory was still a whole piece of land, there were actually quite a few teleportation arrays. But later, due to the fight between immortals, the whole piece of land in the Chaotic Star Territory was smashed to pieces.

The land is divided into some large and small lands. In addition, the surrounding land also has this endless void, and space-time turbulence also appears from time to time. Once the space-time turbulence appears, the teleportation array will

Affected, it was completely destroyed. At the beginning, a teleportation array seemed to have been built in the Chaos Star Territory for a period of time. However, later because the teleportation array was too troublesome to teleport, and the teleportation array would be damaged from time to time, an accidental

There will be big problems, so no one will continue to build the teleportation array..."

"Yes." He Linhua nodded again, indicating that he understood - at the beginning, he only knew from the waiter's mouth that there was no teleportation array in the chaotic star field, and did not know the reason. But now that Li Ruohong said this, it has been solved.

He Linhua's doubts were solved! The reason why the teleportation array cannot appear in the chaotic star field is because of this reason...

Moreover, if this point makes sense, He Linhua will naturally understand why it is not possible to break through the void at will in the chaotic star field and directly establish a space channel to travel back and forth. In the final analysis, is this not because of the turbulent flow of the void?

Once it hits the void turbulence, not only will this space channel be destroyed, but everyone may burp and fall. Of course, if you are desperate for your life, you can naturally play with the heartbeat boldly. It is like the Buddha's hand directly breaking open

Space, this is what happened when chasing He Linhua and the others!

He Linhua thought for a while and then asked again: "This is in the chaotic star field. Isn't there any place that is immune to this void turbulence?"

Li Ruohong smiled and said: "Of course it won't happen! In the chaotic star field, the only ones that are not affected by the turbulence of the void are the large and small land masses! Speaking of which, these large and small land masses are actually

It's like floating in the turbulence of the void. However, after all, these landmasses required the strength of immortals to break. Therefore, no matter how powerful the turbulence of the void is, it will not cause any damage to these landmasses.

What influence?" Li Ruohong paused, then continued: "For example, the ability unique to Mahayana monks to break through the void and travel directly through different areas is extremely dangerous in the chaotic star field. Of course. If

If you travel through the void within a short distance, or even within the same land mass, the risk will be very small..."

Li Ruohong rambled on, saying a lot of things that He Linhua knew or didn't know.

Li Ruohong spoke happily from behind. But Jing Renteng, who was in charge of guiding the way in front, was very dissatisfied - Damn it! His wife chatted so happily with other men, and she seemed to be specifically posted to find someone to chat with.

, if he can feel comfortable in his heart, then there is something wrong! However, although he is dissatisfied in his heart, Jing Renteng does not dare to vent it at all - for such a long time, Jing Renteng, who is a strict wife, has known that his wife

Whatever she does, she must have her reasons. If he really affects Li Ruohong's plan because of jealousy now, maybe Li Ruohong will teach him a lesson when he comes back!

After Li Ruohong talked for a while, he suddenly asked tentatively: "Fellow Taoist He Linhua, the three of you must have just arrived in the Chaotic Star Territory not long ago, right? Do you have any plans? Well... I don't have any.

What else does it mean? It’s just a casual question.” After all, there are too many misunderstandings in this sentence. If Li Ruohong didn’t emphasize it specifically, He Linhua might be in trouble.

He Linhua was stunned for a moment, then hesitated: "Well... we don't have any other plans. This time we just want to leave the Chaotic Star Territory as soon as possible."

Li Ruohong was stunned for a moment, and then smiled again: "Want to leave the Chaotic Star Territory? Fellow Taoist He Linhua, I don't know what this means? For monks, the Chaotic Star Territory is the real heaven!

You see, in the chaotic star field, we can obtain Dao patterns, directly improve our strength, and enjoy the pleasure of being strong! But what about in the original universe or other spaces? How strong is our initial strength? That is how strong we are!

For those of us who rely on the power of Dao Wen, that kind of place is simply like hell! Isn’t it true that no one in our chaotic star field has ever gone out? However, most of them are just going out.

Two days later, he came back immediately! Why? Isn’t it because, in the original universe, the power of Dao Wen could not be exerted at all? "

Li Ruohong paused for a moment, and then said: "Fellow Taoist He Linhua, seeing that none of the three of you have Dao Marks now, you can't experience the surge in power after the Dao Marks are blessed on your body, right? I can guarantee that as long as you get the Dao Marks,

, and after merging the Dao Mark, you will change your current views after experiencing this feeling of sudden increase in power!"

"Haha..." He Linhua smiled noncommittally - a sudden increase in power? It's not like he hasn't had this feeling before? Thinking back to the beginning, in the Tower of Despair, each floor would have that strange aura that enhanced one's strength.

Doesn't the strength increase dramatically every time, and is it permanent? Also, after borrowing the power of the four spaces on He Linhua's body at the same time, doesn't the strength also increase by a level? Even so, He Linhua also

I don’t think there’s anything to miss! Returning to the original universe was a thought of He Linhua’s, and he wasn’t easily convinced by others!

Seeing that He Linhua didn't answer, Li Ruohong felt a little silent in her heart. However, soon after, she thought again that this was because He Linhua and the others had never felt the power of the Taoist pattern at all. This time He Linhua and the others must go to the guardian place to obtain the Daoist pattern.

, when He Linhua and the others get the Dao pattern and fuse it with the Dao pattern, they will understand what she means!

"These three people are all very strong. If they are combined with another layer of Dao patterns, their strength will be even stronger! By then, maybe he alone can destroy the ruthless! Although I and Jingren Tengna

The dead ghost went to the guardian land, hoping to obtain the fifth-level Dao pattern and fuse it with the fifth-level Dao pattern. However, who in the entire chaotic star field doesn't know how difficult it is to fuse the fifth-level Dao pattern? It was an accident.

Maybe it will be beyond redemption! In the final analysis, the matter of avenging my son may still trouble the three of them..." Li Ruohong thought, with thousands of thoughts in his mind, thinking about how to make He Linhua and the three of them behave honestly.

To help him get revenge.

Before I knew it, two days had passed.

In two days, thanks to Li Ruohong's efforts, the relationship between He Linhua, Li Ruohong, and Jing Renteng became much more harmonious than before. At least, there will no longer be the situation where one person speaks and everyone else shuts up and refuses to answer.

It's a weird situation.

After two days of flying, everyone was finally close to seeing the next piece of land.

Jing Renteng and Li Ruohong saw the land not far away, shook their heads with a wry smile, and said: "Friend He, our destination along the way has finally arrived. However, although our destination has arrived, it may not be comfortable.

Where. This piece of land is called Bethan Continent in the Cemetery of the Weak. The person in charge of this piece of land is a die-hard subordinate of Lord Ruthless! He knows our identity. Once he discovers us, I am afraid that we will be killed.

This piece of land suffers a little bit..."

"Suffering a loss?" He Linhua shook his head, and then said with a cold look. "I don't understand what it means to suffer a loss! But I understand in my heart that if he wants me to suffer a loss, then I will let him suffer a loss, a big loss, or even a big loss.

Just let him eat until he dies! If anyone dares to cause trouble, don’t bother, just kill him! Kill him until no one dares to say anything, that’s enough."

He Linhua spoke in a plain tone, and the word "kill" in his words was as simple as asking "have you eaten?" when meeting. However, the more plain words he said, the more fearful they were in Li Ruohong, Jing Renteng and others.

The more this tone, the more terrifying it is actually. Because this kind of person no longer regards human beings at all!

"Hehehe..." Li Ruohong smiled slightly and said, "What fellow Taoist He Linhua said is that if someone really bumps into someone who has no eyesight, then of course he will be killed. But, let me tell you,

Even if these people are found, they don't necessarily have to die! Well... how about leaving these small things to our Ruojingmen to solve? I guarantee that these small things will never affect the three Taoist friends.


Li Ruohong spoke first and took over this troublesome matter - well, Li Ruohong was afraid! If someone really came to look for trouble, He Linhua didn't say anything and just said

After killing everyone, what should they do? Their purpose this time is to pass through here and go to the important place of protection. They don't want to kill people, and they still want to kill all the way. They don't want to lose it.

After walking a few steps, I was completely stopped by a group of people.

He Linhua is quite indifferent to this - he is the most tired of such miscellaneous things! If someone is willing to solve them all for him, that would be great.

After receiving He Linhua's promise, Li Ruohong breathed a sigh of relief. Then, the group accelerated and soon landed on that piece of land.

After everyone stood still, Li Ruohong said again: "The people who control this land must have received the news long ago and are waiting for us to come. Therefore, it is really not suitable for our group to enter this area.

In a land-based city, the best option is to find some remote places to walk and directly cross this piece of land..."

Li Ruohong said, and everyone else naturally nodded one by one - when they got here, they almost ran into someone else's house, so of course they had to be careful. And if they ran into other people's cities again, they would basically

It's no different than throwing yourself into a trap. Such stupid things are naturally undesirable.

He Linhua shook his head indifferently and said, "These little things are up to you."

So, Li Ruohong took out a piece of jade talisman directly from the storage ring. After inputting his spiritual power, he saw a virtual map ejected directly from the jade talisman. This virtual map was exactly like this.

As for the land, the red stars on it are marked with how many people there are, the strength and so on - thinking about it, this virtual map should be the distribution map of hostile forces on this piece of land.

Sure enough, Li Ruohong smiled again and said: "There must be people from the Hui Jin Sect in the Ruojing Sect, and it just so happened that I drove a nail into the Hui Jin Sect two thousand years ago. I really didn't expect that today

It actually comes in handy. Come to think of it, Yi Pingci didn't think of it at all, right? This map happens to be the garrison defense map that my nail gave me. As long as we avoid it carefully and keep a low profile, we should be able to

It's very easy to cross this piece of land." When Li Ruohong spoke, she felt a bit complacent - she must have been very proud when she originally arranged this nail! Who could have guessed?

So, the nails from earlier can actually be used at this time? As for the Hui Jin Sect and Yi Pingci mentioned in Li Ruohong's words, they are the sect forces on this land and this force respectively.

The leader.

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