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Chapter 860 Kill the enemy with insidious tricks!

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Indeed, after Zhi Guangning thought about it, he immediately thought that if a person with the ability to break spirits was allowed to move nearby, it would be fatal to any of their attacks or defenses. In this case, then

If a flaw is exposed accidentally, it will be too late if you want to remedy it. Just like when they finally worked together to use the binding spell just now, they might be able to restrain He Linhua. The Yin Demon

As soon as the Gu King was dispatched, he directly played the spirit-breaking move, and all their efforts were in vain. The existence of the Yin Demon Gu King may be difficult to directly threaten their life safety, but if you want to do something bad,

, to destroy their actions, but it is really too simple, too simple

After hearing Zhi Guangning's words, the surrounding monks from the special operations brigade moved quickly. The spiritual power controlling the six walls disappeared in a flash, and then reappeared in a flash [shared by netizens] When the six walls appeared again

, has shrunk n times, and only trapped Yin Demon Gu King alone. Only then did Yin Demon Gu King react. He fell into the encirclement, and Yin Demon Gu King had already noticed it at this time. Now

The enemies around him are not as easy to deal with as the previous enemies. Some of them are too difficult for him. If he really falls into the enemy's encirclement, it will probably bring a lot of trouble to He Linhua. Therefore, the Yin Demon Gu

After Wang was stunned for a moment, he immediately made a decision in his heart. With a movement of his consciousness, he directly locked onto one of the six walls and struck hard - however, the people around him specially arranged it.

How could the method used to capture the Yin Demon Gu King be so simple? The wall was not directly destroyed under the full impact of the Yin Demon Gu King. Instead, the surrounding monks were constantly controlling it.

The spiritual power gradually reduced the confinement area. After about ten seconds, the area occupied by the Yin Demon Gu King was less than ten square meters.

At this time, the Yin Demon Gu King also thought that his impact seemed to have no effect, so he simply stopped and no longer transformed into an ice bee Gu insect, and directly returned to his human form, waiting for He Linhua's rescue.

——It is true that the Yin Demon Gu King doesn’t feel much fear in his heart now. The method these people came up with to trap him is indeed quite good. However, this method seems to have little effect on him.

The Demon Gu King is basically the soul in the Soul Refining Temple of He Linhua. In other words, it is directly under the control of the Soul Refining Temple. As long as there are no special methods of imprisonment, He Linhua can directly send him back to the Soul Refining Temple with a single thought.

Inside, and then summoned him out, the so-called imprisonment of the special operations brigade led by Zhi Guangning seemed to him like a joke.

Now that the Yin Demon Gu King gave up resistance, the next actions of Zhi Guangning and others naturally became much smoother. After a few seconds, the soul body of the Yin Demon Gu King was directly squeezed into a soul ball and was trapped in

He couldn't move within the wall of spiritual power that was not easy to break. But the thoughts and ideas in He Linhua's mind at this time were basically the same as those of the Yin Demon Gu King. He had no reaction at all when the Yin Demon Gu King was captured.

- Anyway, the Yin Demon Gu King is not in any danger now, right? Let these people think that the Yin Demon Gu King has been captured by them, wouldn't it be much easier for He Linhua to use this move to yin people?

How simple is it? Think about it, when these people are complacent and think they have a chance to win, the Yin Demon Gu King comes out to cause trouble again... Well, the effect is simply extraordinary.

Zhi Guangning caught the "uncertain" factor of the Yin Demon Gu King, and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Then he looked at He Linhua and said jokingly: "Fellow Taoist He Linhua, it seems that you care about your subordinates.

It's not enough. You can actually watch your men being captured like this... This is really unbelievable. To be honest, if I were your men, I would sacrifice my life for you. That would be a ghost.

"The meaning behind Zhi Guangning's words is indeed that he has some provocative intentions. The special ability of the Yin Demon Gu King has a certain attraction for Zhi Guangning. Their special operations brigade originally had

The ability of the Yin Demon Gu King to absorb all monks with special abilities has caught the eye of Zhi Guangning. In Zhi Guangning's view, it would be very tempting to bring the Yin Demon Gu King under his command.

Humanly speaking, after capturing the Yin Demon Gu King, what Zhi Guangning thought of was not to directly kill this uncertain factor, but to imprison him. The meaning of this could not be more obvious.

However, when He Linhua listened to Zhi Guangning's ridicule, he didn't care at all, and said lightly: "Hahaha... What Captain Zhi Guangning said does make some sense. However, my subordinates,

As a subordinate, you must have the awareness of your subordinates. If you are caught because of your lack of strength, it means that this subordinate is basically a waste. Since he is a waste, then why should I care? Captain Zhi Guangning,

Do you think so?" He Linhua said, but the thoughts in his heart were naturally completely different from what he said. The Yin Demon Gu King basically exists attached to the Soul Refining Temple, and is basically destined to belong to He Linhua in this life.

There is absolutely no way for his subordinates to change. Moreover, because of the Soul Refining Temple, the Yin Demon Gu King's loyalty to He Linhua is simply indescribable. Not to mention that He Linhua said such understated nonsense here, even if He Linhua wants to do it now.

He committed suicide, and it is estimated that he would not have any hesitation. Zhi Guangning's so-called provocation would have no effect at all on the Yin Demon Gu King...

Zhi Guangning didn't know the meaning of this. After listening to He Linhua's "ruthless" statement, a smile appeared on his face and he said with a smile: "Hahaha... This fellow Taoist, it seems that your master

, I don’t seem to care much about you. It’s really unimaginable to me that a talented person like Taoist Fellow Daoist would be treated like this. I think it’s hard to imagine why Fellow Taoist Linhua doesn’t care about Fellow Daoist. How about he not caring about you?

How about fellow Taoist joining my service? I guarantee that as long as you join my service, you will receive the highest treatment." Zhi Guangning was really rude. At this time, he actually recruited him directly in front of He Linhua.

Of course, many of his so-called solicitations are actually with the intention of acting. As for the purpose, naturally he wants to make He Linhua angry. If He Linhua can do it because of his current actions,

And if some flaws are exposed, in Zhi Guangning's opinion, it will be simply perfect.

The Yin Demon Gu King had already received an explanation from He Linhua at this time, without saying a word. As for He Linhua, a disdainful smile appeared on his face, and he looked at Zhi Guangning and others coldly.

Seeing that his provocation had no effect at all, Zhi Guangning did not waste time and directly issued another order, asking his men to start catching He Linhua. As the captain of the special operations team, Zhi Guangning knew clearly in his heart that

Monks with special abilities like He Linhua are considered the most difficult to deal with. Every passing second means that many variables will arise for these monks with special abilities. He is deliberately delaying here.

It took a long time to look for He Linhua's flaw, but in the process, if He Linhua used some strange means to escape directly, then it would be something like the loss outweighs the gain. It has happened many times before, Zhiguang

I would rather not allow this to happen

The method Zhi Guangning used again was the same as before. He still ordered all the monks to use the same binding spell. Then the binding spell merged in the void and turned into a huge binding spell, binding He Linhua.

Having seen the power of this spell in the past, how could He Linhua watch helplessly as this spell trapped him again? He Linhua squinted his eyes, turned his head and glanced at Qilyanna, and said with a smile: "Na

Wife Nana, these guys seem to be really difficult to deal with. Wife Nana, please help me. Otherwise, if these people really arrest me, you might really become a widow."

When Qi Yanna heard this, she gave He Linhua a roll of her eyes, but she still obeyed He Linhua's order and flew out directly, and then transformed into thousands of bodies. In the blink of an eye, nearly 30,000 Qi Yanna appeared in the void.

Qilyanna also activated the Chaos Clone Talisman. It seemed that these phantoms became entities in an instant and could launch spiritual attacks. As for the next thing, it naturally became simpler for Qilyanna.

With a thought, these many phantoms directly revealed n number of thunderballs in the void. These thunderballs that densely arranged the surrounding environment just appeared, and the binding spells of the special operations team were also gathered.

Standing up, Qilyanna enveloped He Linhua. Without saying a word, Qilyanna directly controlled n number of thunder balls and rushed over. Then Qilyanna directly detonated so many thunder balls that they detonated at the same time. The power of this was so terrifying, it can be said that it was

It couldn't be more clear that when Qi Eryanna first entered the guardian land, Qilyanna's wave of thunderballs directly killed more than fifty monks who could have the peak strength of the Mahayana stage after opening the Dao pattern, and then formed

The many forces that are still sweeping around with thunder and lightning energy are used to destroy this binding spell. Even if it is barely enough, it is not much worse.

I saw that after the thunderball came into contact with the binding spell, Qi Eryanna detonated the thunderball, and all the thunderballs burst out with terrifying light in an instant. The power of a thunderball explosion may not be considered at all, but it is fundamental.

Countless thunderballs exploded at the same time, and the terrifying power in them can be imagined. The binding spell was affected by the explosion power of these many thunderballs, and it was weakened by n times, and even the speed of travel was weakened.

It immediately started to slow down, and the people of the Special Operations Brigade immediately began to frantically replenish their spiritual power - if the spiritual power supply of this binding spell is not enough, then for this battle, it can basically be regarded as

What's fatal is that when the special operations team was replenishing their spiritual power, the power of the aftermath of the sudden explosion of a whole thunderball also completely exploded.

After the thunderball explodes, it is not just some initial thunder and lightning power. After the thunderball explodes, a thunder and lightning area will be formed around it. The power in it is also constantly playing a role. Like now, after many thunderballs explode,

The aftermath of the force forming around them was very terrifying. The chaotic lightning flashes were surging back and forth in this simple area. The so-called binding spells of the special operations team were also horribly affected, and they were forcibly affected by this wave of lightning.

The power of thunder and lightning is constantly attacking and weakening. Although the monks of the special operations brigade are also constantly supplying spiritual power to the binding spell, the speed of the spiritual power attack is far from the weakening speed. This

In a short period of time, the binding spell was completely destroyed by the surrounding chaotic thunder and lightning. This situation obviously exceeded Zhi Guangning's imagination. Zhi Guangning did not expect this situation at all.

happened, I was stunned.

To be honest, He Linhua did not expect this situation. Qilyanna's thunder ball formation was indeed powerful, but He Linhua did not expect that the power of this thunder ball formation would be so powerful, especially after the thunder ball exploded.

The effect of the aftermath power was terrifying and shocking. However, He Linhua obviously recovered much faster than Zhi Guangning and others. After discovering that the binding spell was broken and the people of the special operations brigade fell into a sluggish state, He Linhua immediately activated the magic weapon.

The move directly summoned the Yin Demon Gu King who was trapped in the enemy's hands back to the Soul Refining Temple, and summoned it out again. The soul-breaking effect appeared immediately. Then, before the special operations team had time to react, those

The surging thunder and lightning power broke through the restricted range of the special operations brigade and poured into the midst of these monks.

On the one hand, there is the manic and terrifying chaotic thunder and lightning power; on the other hand, there are some monks who were forced to break through the spiritual protection without even realizing it. The next situation is basically

It can be imagined that some monks in the Special Operations Brigade reacted quite quickly and activated their spiritual power almost immediately. They tried to dodge, but they immediately discovered that their spiritual power books could not operate at all, and then their weak*

* Directly hit by violent lightning power, and then completely lost consciousness in a short period of time

"Be careful, the monk with the ability to break spirits has escaped from confinement." Wenmu's nose still has some special effects. After sensing the power of the Yin Demon Gu King, he immediately roared loudly. However, his

This reminder is actually a little late. This is not so much a reminder as it is a death knell for those monks who have not reacted at all...

Any small mistake, a small accident, may cause heavy casualties. Just like now, this special operations team just did not expect the terrifying power of the Thunderball Formation. After that, some people were in a daze and suffered terror.

In that short moment, the entire special operations team lost a total of five hundred people. As for the remaining fifteen hundred people, except for one thousand of them who had the peak strength of the Mahayana stage after opening the Dao pattern.

Except for the monks who did not suffer any major damage, the remaining five hundred people also suffered heavy losses, and even lost most of their combat effectiveness. A very inconspicuous small mistake, plus He Linhua's previous little trick.

, the special operations team stumbled hard.

"It's not impossible." After Zhi Guangning escaped the aftermath of the thunderball formation, he discovered the tragic losses of their team, and his eyes instantly turned blood red, as if they were crazy - their four special operations teams,

Since its establishment, although there have been some casualties in the process, most of them will have some casualties during military operations. And if they act collectively like they are now, even if they really face the ruthless respect,

Or even Venerable Li Xundao, it would not be possible for five hundred casualties to occur in such a short period of time. But now, this situation has actually occurred. Moreover, this kind of casualties is still in a situation in his opinion.

There is no big threat in the hands of the enemy...

Now there is anger and regret in Zhi Guangning's heart. He is angry. He is angry that He Linhua killed so many of his men at once. He is also regretful. He regrets that when he met He Linhua and the others, he did not pay 100% of his attention at all.

, when he met He Linhua before, he directly showed the strongest posture of the special operations team; if he had been more wary of He Linhua; if he had not been confident that the Yin Demon Gu King had been completely imprisoned, there would be no way

If there is no way to escape...it is impossible for there to be so many casualties now. However, without if, time will not go back. From the beginning when he did not pay attention to it, this situation has become a foregone conclusion and cannot be changed at all.

Zhi Guangning is now angry and regretful, while He Linhua is a little excited, and also a little shocked and vigilant. Naturally, it is because he directly killed 500 people on the other side in one go. As for the shock and vigilance, it is also because of this.

——In the previous situation that was almost a sneak attack, the special operations brigade actually only lost 500 people, and they seemed to be the weakest 500 people in the entire opponent's team. What is the combat effectiveness of this special operations brigade?

How powerful! To be continued)

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Volume 2 of Refining Ghosts and Cultivating Immortals, Xiantian, Chapter 860: Killing the Enemy with Insidious Moves

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