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Chapter 954 Mastering the Power of Chaos

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Of course, the ability to balance cannot be just that simple! If the ability to balance is really that simple and can be explained clearly, then He Linhua must have mastered this ability perfectly long ago! Balance is a human being

The balance of oneself is the balance of the surroundings, the balance of space, and the balance of everything, even the balance within the laws! When the monks do not truly and perfectly grasp the power of the laws, there is no way to break the laws.

Yes! This also means that if the monk can integrate with the law of time, he is likely to be invincible in the battle! This is where the role of balance lies!

And now, He Linhua has achieved the most perfect balance in the space around him through the strange effect of the power of this pattern! Under the effect of this balance, He Linhua seems to have completely connected with this space.

Fusion together! In He Linhua's perception, he has achieved a truly perfect integration with the surrounding space. But in the eyes of Hu He Ersou, He Linhua seems to have disappeared from the two of them - yes

!Although the two of them can now see the existence of He Linhua with the naked eye, they often feel that there is no one in front of them when they are distracted! There is no life at all! In front of the two of them, there is just a void.

That’s it! Apart from that, there is no reaction of any signs of life at all!

As for He Linhua, after sensing the wonderful effect of balance, his mind controlled his body again. He began to move lightly within the ten-meter radius where he could maintain perfect balance! Back, front, left, left, and right——

He Linhua did not consume any spiritual power at all, nor did he cause any space fluctuations! It was just He Linhua himself thinking. And then he would move! With this ability, even if He Linhua was in his own space

There is no way to reach it inside! He Linhua is in his own space. Although he can achieve actions similar to teleportation through the control of his spiritual thoughts! However, during the process of this action, He Linhua will leave behind

Very obvious fluctuations in spiritual thoughts and space! At first, the reason why Venerable Qingqing and Venerable Li Xundao entered He Linhua's space and were able to grasp He Linhua's traces was because of these spatial traces? But what about now?

However, He Linhua had such a completely controlled space of ten meters in radius just through the power of Dao Mark! And everything in this space is in perfect balance! There is no way to break it! And once it is broken, it means that this

A space...disappears, or is annihilated!

"Balance! Balance! It is indeed the most wonderful balance! My body is truly integrated with the surroundings! Even if I stand in front of others, it is impossible for others to see me! Moreover, I can also become invisible directly.

! And as soon as I become invisible, this balance will become truly perfect! It cannot be broken at all!" He Linhua thought about the wonderful effect of this balance in his mind, and his eyes began to shine gradually. Then, as He Linhua pondered, He Linhua also had

He gained a new understanding. "No! Although this balance should be perfect and cannot be broken at all, in fact, it is not the case! If we want to talk about balance, there is me and no self. There is actually a perfect balance all around.

!The balance of time and space, the balance of various attributes of spiritual power. Even the balance of various laws! The perfect balance I have now is just that I have become a part of the balance! However, even if balance is

No matter how perfect it is, it may be broken! Just like an originally balanced space is torn open by force! This means that if the force is strong enough, the balance will be broken! Of course, even if the balance is broken, generally

In terms of time, it is only a moment! After this small moment, the balance will be restored again! However, even in this moment, people may discover it immediately! Because the balance is broken

, and the balance I integrated into will also break away..."

"Of course, under normal circumstances, it is naturally impossible to break the balance! However, once the force is strong enough, or the enemy directly uses the power of annihilation, the so-called unbreakability may only be regarded as a joke! Just like near me

The space seems to be a perfect fusion and a perfect balance. However, if my power is strong enough, breaking through the space and leaving will break the balance! And when I used the power of annihilation just now, even the nearby rules were

Annihilation, destroyed a lot! In this world, there is no balance that is impossible to break. Just see if the destructive power has exceeded the power of balance that you can control! And Venerable Wuqing and Venerable Li Xundao

When the two of them worked together to block those mountain-collapse attacks, the two of them were also using a wonderful balancing force! Although that kind of balancing force was very rough, it was indeed using the force of balance! At that time, if I

If their strength can be stronger, or they can directly master the power of annihilation and annihilate the superficial balance around them, then the two of them...maybe already dead!" In He Linhua's mind, there was another thought.

Realizing it one after another! With this understanding, He Linhua's understanding of the three abilities of derivation, annihilation, and balance is gradually improving! Sometimes, this kind of understanding is an opportunity that is simply undesirable! Like He Linhua now

If those monks who have space, or have enough Dao patterns, and have gradually realized these three essential powers knew about this situation, they would definitely be filled with all kinds of envy, jealousy, and hatred!

This kind of realization time is really not short! Before you know it, a full half month has passed! During this half month, He Linhua directly cut off the spiritual communication with all the monks around him

, the figure also became invisible, blending into the surrounding space. The two old men, Tiger and Crane, also knew that He Linhua was in a wonderful realization, and also became invisible, and were nearby to help He Linhua protect the law! Although the two of them were not

They knew what He Linhua was doing, but the two of them could feel the shape and form of the power of the tunnel pattern that was constantly changing in He Linhua's hands. He Linhua must be carrying out a special realization now! And this kind of realization is definitely not true.

Can be interrupted! The two of them are hiding here. To put it bluntly, they are just preventing some ignorant people from appearing here!

Finally, after half a month of enlightenment, He Linhua's mysterious and mysterious feeling gradually disappeared. This time of enlightenment, although He Linhua's strength has not improved at all. However, this will have a great impact on He Linhua's future path.

I don’t know how many times it is smoother! Having a deeper understanding of the nature of the world naturally means that the future road will be easier! At this time, He Linhua felt more and more that power, in a certain sense, was actually

It is simply the inferior means! The real means lies in perception. It lies in the understanding, understanding and mastering of rules and laws! If one can truly understand and master all the rules, then although this person is not an immortal, but

In fact, what is the difference between them and immortals? In fact, such people will be countless times more powerful than immortals! As for power? In the face of rules, power is just a cloud! The reason why the mainstream of the universe now is the pursuit of power. This is

It’s just because power is the embodiment of various rules and laws! No matter how intense the pursuit of power is, the final path will always turn to the pursuit of laws and rules!

"Huh..." He Linhua slowly opened his eyes, and the power of the Dao pattern in his hand was transformed at will under the control of He Linhua's spiritual consciousness - when He Linhua just had the space, He Linhua felt that in his

Within the space, he can make all decisions, which is actually an extremely tyrannical performance! However, now, in He Linhua's view, that feeling at the beginning was simply nonsense! At that time, He Linhua's attitude toward space

To put it bluntly, he is just an ordinary person who owns a treasure! Although this person owns the treasure and has ownership of the treasure, he does not really understand the treasure or have perfect control over the treasure.

!If He Linhua can really achieve perfect control of space, then he can now summon the entire space and merge it with him. Instead of just borrowing some parts of the space like now,

Strength, to enhance his terminal strength! This can be said to be the worst application method and method of space power! Now, after truly realizing it, He Linhua thought of the bullshit pride he had before, and even felt a little


So what if I have four perfect spaces in my body? So what? I don’t have perfect control over the space at all, so even if I have the space, so what? Isn’t it the same thing as Venerable Wuqing and Venerable Li Xundao?

The two guys are chasing each other like lost dogs? If we say, if he can achieve perfect fusion - it doesn't even need to be 100% perfect! As long as he can truly perfectly fuse one ten thousandth of the space with himself

, achieving perfect balance, and also mastering the derivation within the space that he can control at will. If he annihilates the two powers, he only needs one thought to kill these two guys, Venerable Wu Qing and Venerable Li Xundao! Those who truly own space

Power should be reflected in that kind of absolute control! Rather than borrowing the extremely shallow energy from the space after possessing the space! This... is simply like a joke!

"If you can really integrate any space perfectly, what is the difference between the abilities you have at that time and those of real immortals?" This thought appeared in He Linhua's mind again, "However, if you want to truly

It seems to be extremely difficult to do this! Although I have understood the essence of it now, it is extremely difficult to really do it! I can barely borrow the power of Dao Wen, or Chaos

I can use the power to demonstrate my understanding of derivation, annihilation, and balance. However, without the medium of the breath of chaos, I cannot display it at all! To put it bluntly, it is because my understanding of this is simply not thorough enough! What if?

If I am thorough enough, why do I need this kind of medium? However, with my current understanding of the power of chaos, I can use the power of chaos in my body and soul..."

He Linhua thought and waved his hand to dispel the power of the Dao Mark. After that, with a thought, he tried to mobilize the power in his body and soul! Use the power of the Dao Mark, and use

The power in your body is basically two concepts! The Dao pattern belongs to the chaotic power with restrictions. When using it, you should try to remove the seal, and then you can call it. As for the chaotic power, if you want to call it, first

You have to add this restriction to the power of chaos first, and then remove the constraints. Then you can naturally use the power! However, this situation is of course simple to say. If you want to truly succeed,

, but it is still a little difficult.

After He Linhua thought about it several times, he could not find any way. Finally, he had to temporarily stop using the chaotic power in his body and began to think. The thoughts in his mind were spinning rapidly, and He Linhua unknowingly began to deduce in his mind.

One plan after another: "Although I have the power of chaos in my body and soul. However, it is not something I can do if I want to add this so-called restraint and seal to the power of chaos! Moreover, even if it is me

If it can limit this power, how can it really limit it like Dao Mark? If it is not the power of Dao Mark, then if you want to unlock this power, I am afraid you can only use another method! Like this

If we use another method, even if we can use the chaotic power in the body, it will definitely waste a lot, and it will be more difficult..."

He Linhua was thinking about it, and suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but have an idea: "I want to use the power of chaos. To put it bluntly, I just want to add a seal similar to the power of Dao pattern to the power of chaos! Of course.

This is because my own strength is insufficient, and I don’t have enough understanding of the power of chaos, the power of Dao patterns, as well as derivation, annihilation and balance! Otherwise... However, although I do not have this ability myself, if I just borrow the Dao patterns

As for the seal above the power, it must still be possible! I have understood a little of the nature of the power of the Dao Mark. For example, now, if I want to add this kind of restraint to the power of chaos, I only need to increase the power of the Dao Mark.

If this kind of restraint spreads using balancing techniques..." He Linhua had such an idea in his mind and immediately started to try it -

Under He Linhua's control, the Dao pattern power appeared around He Linhua's body in a weird and mysterious balance. Then, under He Linhua's control, it slowly flew above He Linhua's head. Immediately afterwards,

Under He Linhua's control, some chaotic forces gradually appeared in He Linhua's body. And the shape of these chaotic forces seemed to be restrained! Now, these chaotic forces floating around He Linhua's body

, it is clear that this kind of restraint has been added to it just like the power of Dao pattern! Moreover, because this kind of restraint is imposed after tomorrow. Therefore, the power of this kind of restraint is very weak and can be opened very easily!

This also means that He Linhua can currently control much more chaotic energy in his body than he originally expected!

After sensing the current state of the chaotic power in his body, He Linhua couldn't help but have a hint of joy on his face - being able to control the chaotic power in his body to exert its due combat effectiveness, this is very important to He Linhua.

, it has increased a lot of power! Moreover, especially in a place like the current trial place where there is no way to mobilize spiritual power, being able to call upon the power of chaos gives He Linhua more confidence in self-protection.

! Of course, as far as He Linhua's current understanding is concerned, he feels that he now seems to not only have the confidence to protect himself, but also has a certain degree of confidence to be able to cope with the offensives of Venerable Wu Qing and Venerable Li Xundao.

Got it!

Try! Keep trying! He Linhua continued to use his spiritual thoughts to control the delicate balance between the power of Dao patterns and the power of chaos, gradually increasing the power of chaos he extracted. Finally, after about two days, He Linhua

After trying various methods, the amount of chaos power that could be controlled was finally determined. At this stage, with the help of this Dao pattern, He Linhua could only use the power of his body and soul at most.

It’s just one percent of the power of chaos! Moreover, while using one percent of the power of chaos, He Linhua’s Dao pattern must be used to balance the energy fluctuations during this conversion, which means,

When He Linhua exclusively used the power of Dao Mark, he had no way to call upon his own chaotic power. And once He Linhua called upon his own chaotic power, it also meant that his strength could only be his own true strength, which was in the early stage of Mahayana!

However, even so, He Linhua feels a little complacent in his heart now! Although it is said that there is no way to use the power of Dao pattern and the power of chaos at the same time, but now if He Linhua uses the power of chaos in himself alone, he can exert it

The chaotic power of He Linhua is still about four or five times stronger than He Linhua's own power! And, the most important thing is that under the current situation, He Linhua can use the chaotic power around him to form a stronger combat effectiveness.

Able to cope with the current dangerous situation! This ability, for now, is still of great help to He Linhua!

This chapter has been completed!
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