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Chapter 963 Guess and try!

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"Will there be heavy losses in the Taoist trial mission?" He Linhua raised his eyebrows and said, "If the trial mission starts after entering the trial gate, I know in my heart that if the monk's strength is not enough, the losses will be

It's still possible to say it's disastrous! Even in this kind of trial, it's normal to not even be able to save your life. However, this pattern trial mission should be regarded as the simplest and easiest of all the trial missions.

One, right? Why did this Dao Pattern Trial mission cause heavy losses to the monks?" He Linhua said, paused, and suddenly thought of the tragic situation of his subordinate just now, and then asked: "What did you just do?

The heavy losses mentioned are the so-called spiritual thoughts being swallowed up, and even the Dao marks on the body may be swallowed up?"

Hu Sou was stunned for a moment, and then said: "So you already know this situation, sir! Yes, this is the most difficult scene in the Dao Wen trial mission! The danger of this scene is even more serious

The danger is greater than others! Some monks even sit quietly for ten years after entering this scene in order not to hurt themselves, waiting for the trial mission to end!" Hu Sou paused and then

Then he continued: "The most important part of the difficulty of this trial mission is the terrifying giant beasts in the void! Although your specific goals are directly given in this scene, once you

After your spiritual consciousness has really submerged into the void, everything is really out of your hands! If your spiritual consciousness controls the link lines of the Dao patterns and travels in this void, the fluctuations controlled by your spiritual consciousness will not be allowed to have any size at all.

Fluctuation! Once the divine consciousness trembles, it will immediately alarm the terrifying giant beasts in the void! Those terrifying giant beasts don’t know what abilities they have, but they can immediately lock on to the divine consciousness and devour it!

After devouring it, there is still a certain chance that the terrifying behemoth can swallow up the power of the Taoist patterns already in the monk's body! I remember that there was once a monk who was not much weaker than his subordinates, but he did not believe in evil. As a result,

The Taoist patterns on his body were swallowed up three times! Finally, this poor guy was directly lit by a sky lantern by the monks who came to seek revenge..."

"You mean, the chaotic beast will sense the fluctuations of spiritual thoughts, and then directly devour the power of divine thoughts and Dao marks around it. Moreover, there is a certain chance that it will swallow the existing Dao marks on its body?" He Linhua listened.

At this point, after frowning, it suddenly dawned on him - he just said it! When Venerable Qingqing and Venerable Li Xundao attacked him, why didn't they directly use the strongest attack, but first checked whether it was very strong?

Spiritual power attack, and then the power of Dao pattern was used. Now that he thought about it, he had some understanding. Since Husou can know this matter, then Venerable Qingwu and Venerable Li Xundao will naturally also pay attention to the trial mission.

The situation inside is clear! They know this situation very clearly, and they understand it very well. Therefore, when the two of them attacked He Linhua, they did not want to kill He Linhua. They wanted to use this kind of external interference.

, to make He Linhua's spiritual consciousness fluctuate! Once He Linhua's spiritual consciousness fluctuates, it may be swallowed up by the chaotic beast, and even the power of the Dao Mark on his body, resulting in the decline of He Linhua's strength.

!These two guys really made a good plan back then!

When He Linhua thought about it at this time, he understood the original purpose of Venerable Qingqing and Venerable Li Xundao. He squinted his eyes, and then thoughts flashed in his mind: "It's weird, if you say...this chaotic beast is really

If I could swallow up the power of divine thoughts and Dao marks due to the touch of the power of divine thoughts, then when I was interfered by Venerable Qingqing and Venerable Li Xundao, the fluctuation of divine thoughts should have alarmed the surrounding chaotic beasts long ago.

Right? However, it seems that the original Chaos Beast did not come to devour me at all!" He Linhua thought about this, and suddenly, he thought: "No! This Chaos Beast itself has a strong desire to devour me.

!Once there is something that does not belong to chaos, these chaos beasts will rush up and devour that thing! The reason why these chaos beasts ignore me is probably because there is chaos in my soul.

The power of it, right? When I reshaped my body and soul in chaos, the Soul Refining Temple integrated the power of chaos into my soul. Those chaotic beasts did not swallow my soul because they regarded me as theirs.

We are the same kind! This is just like when I was in Chaos. Isn't it because those Chaos beasts regard me as the same kind?"

The more He Linhua thought about it, the more likely he felt that this was more likely! After all, if there was a real difference between him and the unlucky monk, there might really be only this one difference! After thinking clearly about the reason, He Linhua

He couldn't help but feel a little lucky - if he hadn't had a special power of soul, he might have been swallowed up by the power of his soul as the Venerable Qingqing and Venerable Li Xundao expected, and even the Taoism on his body would have been swallowed up.

All the strength of the pattern has been swallowed up! By then, He Linhua will really return to before liberation! If that happens, He Linhua's fate is really hard to say! I believe that He Linhua will give him a

After the Venerable Qingwu and Venerable Li Xundao, who had been involved in many crimes, knew about this situation, it was impossible to give He Linhua any chance to breathe! He Linhua's final fate would most likely be determined by Venerable Qingwu and Venerable Li Xundao.

People are forced back into chaos to recuperate!

"My divine soul has special power and has the aura of chaos. Those chaotic beasts will naturally not cause trouble for me. However, now my subordinates are using the power of divine thoughts to try to establish Taoist links on these monsters! They are not like

It's the same as me! Once there is a slight fluctuation in the power of spiritual thought, or even just an unintentional fluctuation, it may be discovered by the Chaos Beast. In this way, wouldn't it be impossible for these subordinates of mine to integrate the Dao Patterns?

Even, like the unlucky guy before, even the fused Dao lines on his body may disappear..." He Linhua couldn't help but frowned when he thought of this possibility. This kind of thing,

He couldn't allow it to happen! If that were to happen, wouldn't He Linhua's efforts over this period of time be equivalent to a waste of more than half?

Hu Sou seemed to have seen what He Linhua was thinking, and directly persuaded him: "Master, now, all the fellow Taoists have immersed their spiritual thoughts into the void above. This is equivalent to starting to integrate the second level.

Dao pattern! At this time, the best result is to safely withdraw the spiritual thoughts from the void above! If you want to preserve the strength of many fellow Daoists, the best you can do is here.

Stay for ten years! As soon as ten years pass, the trial mission will naturally be launched..."

"Ten years? Are you kidding? If they really stay here for ten years, then I might as well just let their spiritual thoughts be damaged! With my help, it will take more time for their spiritual thoughts to recover.

.It will probably take less than half a year!" He Linhua frowned and glanced at Husou disdainfully, "Besides, you are too underestimated my space, right? I have already integrated the second Dao pattern, which is equivalent to passing it.

The trial mission at this level! Although these people are also integrating Dao patterns now, this trial mission. In the final analysis, it is still my trial mission! They only need to withdraw their spiritual thoughts, and then I will take them out.

After being sent into space and now able to leave this trial mission, why is it so troublesome as you mentioned? Ten years?! Humph!"

After listening to what He Linhua said, Husou immediately nodded respectfully and said, "Yes, Young Master! The Young Master has thought deeply, which is beyond the reach of his subordinates!"

He Linhua glared and understood immediately. It wasn't that Husou hadn't thought about this, but it was equivalent to reminding He Linhua in disguise! How could Husou's mind be so stupid that he couldn't even think of this? He was like this

I pretended not to think of it at all, but did I just want to set off He Linhua’s glorious and great image?

He Linhua didn't bother to point out these words, and then said: "If I really let my men withdraw like this, wouldn't it be equivalent to wasting my time entering the trial gate in vain? Well...

...I thought about it just now, and I feel that I have grasped why those chaotic beasts swallowed up the power of divine thoughts and Dao patterns due to the fluctuations of spiritual thoughts! Next, if I can try to change the sky and change the sun, maybe it should be able to

Some effects..."

At this time, He Linhua suddenly had such an idea in his mind. Of course it was not without purpose! When he was thinking just now, he suddenly thought that the reason why those chaotic beasts turned a blind eye to his spiritual thoughts was not because his spiritual thoughts were special.

Relationship? If there is any fluctuation in the spiritual thoughts of his men, he immediately extends his own spiritual thoughts and wraps the spiritual thoughts of his men, wouldn't it be able to deceive? In this way

First of all, as long as He Linhua is more careful, he may not be able to fuse and complete the second Dao pattern for all his subordinates...

Of course, what he is doing now is just a guess. Whether it can be achieved or not is not clear at all. Before trying, you still need to do an experiment first! But, there is no need to use the object of this experiment

The stronger monks under him! Just do it if you think of it! With a thought, He Linhua immediately started spiritual communication with one of his subordinates who was not very strong, and directly integrated his spiritual thought into that person's spiritual thought.

, and then entered the void above their heads together. After the monk felt the spiritual thoughts of others appearing in his own spiritual thoughts, he was first surprised, and then immediately discovered that this was the spiritual thoughts belonging to He Linhua, and immediately relaxed -

However, just at that moment of surprise, the fluctuation of spiritual thoughts emitted in a short period of time had already awakened a giant chaotic beast hovering in the void!

After the chaotic beast was awakened by the chaotic power of spiritual thoughts, it immediately rushed towards the location where the monk's spiritual thoughts belonged. As for He Linhua, after seeing this situation, without saying a word, his spiritual thoughts immediately spread out.

He directly wrapped the monk's spiritual thoughts in his own spiritual thoughts - He Linhua's spiritual thoughts were much stronger than the monk's spiritual thoughts after all! He used it to wrap the monk's spiritual thoughts.

It is not a problem to completely wrap up the spiritual power of the monk! Moreover, He Linhua is not using the power of spiritual power now to attack, but just to block the power of spiritual power of this monk! Therefore, even if the power of spiritual power is divided,

It's very thin, it doesn't matter at all! As long as the power of spiritual thought can block it, that's enough!

The chaotic beast originally headed towards the monk's spiritual thoughts, but after He Linhua used the power of his spiritual thoughts to wrap up the monk's spiritual thoughts in time, the chaotic beast seemed to be lost.

He was wandering around like a target, and his huge eyes seemed to be flashing with doubts. After seeing this scene, He Linhua was secretly happy. Sure enough, his speculation was still correct. He

The power of spiritual thought can indeed help the monks under him to prevent this disaster! As long as this is confirmed, then the next thing will naturally be easy to say. After the chaotic beast searched to no avail, it

After wandering around for a few minutes, he roared away with dissatisfaction. As for He Linhua, he communicated with the monk through his spiritual thoughts. Then he directly wrapped the monk's spiritual power with his spiritual thoughts and slowly moved towards the chaos.

The giant beast flew away and continued to extend the Dao pattern link lines!

However, this kind of control of other people's Dao pattern link lines is, after all, a thousand times more difficult than controlling one's own Dao pattern link lines! Although He Linhua tried his best, his speed was still only his own.

About one ten thousandth! This slow speed was really unbearable for He Linhua! After enduring it for a few minutes, He Linhua finally couldn't stand it anymore and directly let go of the monk's spiritual thoughts, allowing the monk to proceed independently.

His spiritual mind moves, and his spiritual mind is responsible for protection on the side - in this way, the speed is slightly faster, but compared to He Linhua's original speed, it is still more than a hundred times slower!

Fortunately, this speed was not unacceptable to He Linhua. After about half an hour, He Linhua's subordinate finally connected his Dao Mark link lines to the chaotic beast. And the Dao Mark Link

When the line involves the chaotic beast, it will inevitably cause a lot of fluctuations in spiritual thoughts! For the sake of insurance, He Linhua simply took the matter down on his own. He controlled the monk's spiritual power towards the chaotic beast.

Involved! After about ten minutes, he finally completely connected the Dao pattern linking lines! At this time, the monk's second layer of Dao patterns was finally completely integrated into the body!

After the monk's Dao patterns were successfully integrated into his body, he quickly stood up and thanked He Linhua respectfully! However, He Linhua just waved his hands casually, with a bit of helplessness on his face - he originally thought,

When he helped other monks fuse the Dao patterns, it only took a few minutes at most. Unexpectedly, this time he tried, it actually took almost an hour! It takes an hour to help a monk fuse the Dao patterns, and he

There are quite a lot of subordinates under his subordinates! No matter how strong or weak they are, counting them all together, if He Linhua wants to help all his subordinates complete the fusion of Dao patterns, it will take at least nearly a year!

Staying in this hall for a year to fuse the Taoist patterns? This thing... just thinking about it is depressing!

"Damn it! No matter what, let these cronies of mine integrate the Dao patterns first! Also, those who are more powerful must also help them integrate the Dao patterns. At any rate, it can be regarded as enhancing their combat effectiveness.

! As for other people... they will only inform about this matter, and let's see their choices! If they want to give it a try, I will waste this time and help! If they are not willing,

Let them all withdraw their spiritual power, re-integrate a Dao pattern, and try again! I really don’t believe it. If I enter the trial mission next time, I will encounter such a dangerous Dao.

Try the pattern fusion!" When He Linhua thought of this, he immediately controlled his spiritual thoughts and told all his subordinates the news - of course, in order to avoid unnecessary fluctuations in his subordinates' divine thoughts, He Linhua still informed them one by one. If his subordinates

After the fluctuations in his spiritual thoughts, He Linhua was responsible for covering up the fluctuations. As a result, he simply informed his subordinates, and it actually took He Linhua half a day!

After that, He Lin Huacai turned to Hu Yufei, Qi Eryan, Bei Gongyan, Chun, Xiaoxia and others to help them integrate the Dao patterns.

The experiment has been done before, and what happens next is naturally familiar. Moreover, these cronies of He Linhua have been following He Linhua for a long time, and their cooperation is very tacit. It will take about two days before they can be considered as generals.

The Taoist power of this group of confidants has been completely integrated. Next, it will naturally depend on the choices of other monks.

He Linhua communicated with these monks one by one. After the communication, all the subordinates made the same choice, hoping to integrate the Dao pattern now.

He Linhua did not expect that none of these subordinates were willing to give up! In fact, it is no wonder that with the opportunity to improve their strength, no one is willing to give up and wait for the next time! In desperation, He Linhua gritted his teeth and thought: "What a waste of time."

Years of time, just waste a year of time! If the strength of the monks under my command can be greatly improved, even if this year of time is wasted, it will be considered worthwhile!"

With a movement of his spiritual thoughts, He Linhua's spiritual thoughts have sunk into the spiritual thoughts of a monk, helping many of his subordinates to begin to integrate the Dao patterns...

This chapter has been completed!
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