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Chapter 977 The gate of trials that cannot be entered, unified!

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He Linhua felt uncomfortable, and immediately his colleagues Yin Yang Sou, Qiu Ruoling, Zhi Guangjin and others began to inquire carefully one by one, asking if they had any clues. Unfortunately, Yin Yang Sou, Qiu Ruoling and others

But I really don’t know! Now all of them really want to join He Linhua. If they knew the specific situation, they would definitely answer it without hesitation to win He Linhua’s favor. And since there is no reason in their hearts

If you don't know this, you will naturally have a headache.

After asking again, there was still no result. He Linhua sighed helplessly and thought to himself: "They don't have any clues about these things. Could it be that there is really no hope of being able to answer them? There is no way.

To improve my strength, what's the point of staying in the cemetery of the weak? It would be better to enter the battlefield of the strong now to fight for that glimmer of hope!" He Linhua squinted his eyes, and a hint of giving up arose in his heart.

thought, and then turned to ask all his subordinates: "You think, if I enter the battlefield of strong men now, can some strong men there be able to answer this question for me?"

"You are going to enter the battlefield of the strong now?" The monks around him were all surprised when they heard this - of course, these people are not very clear about the strength classification in the battlefield of the strong. If they knew,

If strong men of Sikong Xia's level were as small and numerous as ants in the battlefield of strong men, they would probably collectively oppose them now.

"Well! That's right. Let's enter the battlefield of the strong now! If you continue to stay in the cemetery of the weak, you won't be able to improve your strength anyway. In this case, it's better to enter the battlefield of the strong! There seems to be a way to the battlefield of the strong.

The trial passage of the original universe. Moreover, there are many other opportunities in the battlefield of the strong..." As He Linhua was talking, suddenly, Jing Renteng, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke, "

Madam, I don’t know. Do you still remember the divination master we heard from a senior waiter when we met with Venerable Li Xundao? You said... if we find that guy,

Can you answer your current question?"

"Master of fortune-telling?"

As soon as Jing Renteng finished speaking, He Linhua, Qiu Ruoling, Li Ruohong and others all fell silent one by one, waiting for Jing Renteng to continue speaking. As for Li Ruohong, after a moment of silence, he suddenly frowned and said: "You mean the left servant?

The divination master I mentioned? I remember that there seems to be such a person... However, it is said that this person is very valued by Venerable Li Xundao, and has always been hidden by Venerable Li Xundao in a place that is not easy to find!

Hmm... that divination master seems to be a monk of a special race, and his strength is not very strong! However, I remember that the left servant once said at that time that this divination master's divination ability is very powerful.

Everything can be divined. Even some things about the origin of the universe can be speculated to a certain extent..."

"Oh? There is such a strange person?" He Linhua was slightly stunned and asked in astonishment. "So, if we can find the so-called divination master, we can solve this problem?"

Divination, He Linhua couldn't help but think of the Gua King Tan Fei - this guy seems to be very powerful in divination... Hmm, but although this guy is very good at divination. But as He Linhua's strength improves, this Gua King

But he no longer has the ability to divine for He Linhua. According to the Gua King, He Linhua's numerology is too strong to predict! Not only He Linhua, but also He Linhua's subordinates and so on, there is no way to guess! The fate of these people

Numerology, since I followed He Linhua, there is no way to predict...

"The King of Gua can't guess what happened to me, but he doesn't know whether this so-called master of divination can do it. If this master of divination can't do it either... well..." He Linhua thought in his mind.

Li Ruohong said: "This... subordinates don't know. After all, Jing Renteng and I have only heard about this divination master. We don't know what the specific situation is. The two of us even didn't even know the divination master.

I have never seen what it looks like..." Li Ruohong paused and then said hesitantly: "However, if the left servant is not lying, since this master can even make some guesses about the origin of the universe, I want to calculate it.

The situation that Young Master is encountering now should be easy!"

"Well... in that case, let's go find the divination master first!" He Linhua thought for a while and issued an order - He Linhua didn't know what was going on in the strong man's battlefield after all. He rashly entered the strong man's battlefield.

In the battlefield of the weak, it is definitely not a good thing for He Linhua! If you can steadily improve your strength in the cemetery of the weak, wait until your strength reaches a certain level, then enter the battlefield of the strong, and find a way to leave the chaotic star field.

, it is far better than him just plunging into it like this in a daze!

After He Linhua finished speaking, Li Ruohong immediately said: "Sir, since you want to find the divination master, you must first determine the location of the divination master... Well, the divination master originally followed Venerable Li Xundao

. Therefore, if you want to find this divination master, you must first find it through the route of Venerable Li Xundao - if the young master can appear and gather all the monks of all sizes in the entire guardian territory, then you want to find him.

It will be much easier to find the divination master! The divination master must have been hidden somewhere by Venerable Li Xundao. As long as the former secret residence of Venerable Li Xundao can be determined, we should be able to find this divination master.

The master..." Li Ruohong thought carefully and gave her speculations one by one - if you want to find this divination master, you must first determine the location of the divination master. This idea is indeed correct.

He Linhua narrowed his eyes, then nodded and said: "You are right! However, the next step is to integrate the monks in this guardianship... This kind of thing. I am too lazy to deal with it. What happens next,

It's up to you to handle it!" He Linhua's eyes swept over Li Ruohong, Jing Renteng, Qiu Ruoling and others one by one - these people were all well-known figures in the original cemetery of the weak, and they were very important to the guardians of the important place.

The situation is also relatively well understood. It is much faster for them to integrate these large and small matters than for He Linhua to do it himself. Of course, the most important thing is that He Linhua is a person who does not like trouble! Rather than waste it

Having time to deal with these things, He Linhua prefers to spend time with his family or improve his own strength!

Li Ruohong, Jing Renteng and others heard this and quickly nodded in agreement - Li Ruohong, Jing Renteng and others, their original positions were either the leaders of a gang, captains or leaders. They also had many people attached to them. They were here

It is indeed much easier than He Linhua to deal with these trivial matters. At this time, Qiu Ruoling, Yin Yang Old Man, and Hu He said respectfully to He Linhua: "Young Master, Venerable Li Xundao, he

Although he can be regarded as a monk with a certain status in the Guardian Territory. However, compared with the Guardian Territory, Venerable Li Xundao stayed in the Trial Territory for a longer time! Therefore, we think that Young Master should also send someone

Be responsible for coordinating the work within the Trial Territory. If you conduct a detailed investigation, you may gain some unexpected results..."

"Huh?" He Linhua was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "I said, it's enough for you to coordinate and handle these matters. I'm too lazy to manage them!"

"Yes, Young Master." Li Ruohong and others responded again. After that, Li Ruohong said hesitantly: "This... Young Master. There are several of us responsible for handling so many things, and we don't have enough manpower. Therefore, we still have

Please, Master, please invite a few more fellow Taoists to accompany us to deal with it..."

Not enough manpower? How many more people are needed? Don’t these guys know how to gather all their former subordinates and help them together?

He Linhua only felt that his mind seemed to be a little hard to turn around, but after a moment, He Linhua reacted immediately - Yaya! These guys. It is obvious that the men sent by He Linhua are all in the cemetery of the weak.

The subordinates who gathered inside asked He Linhua to send a few people to accompany them! Of course, although they said they were accompanying them, they actually meant to let He Linhua "supervise" them! What they were doing was actually a kind of

A way to show loyalty.

After He Linhua figured out the mystery, he rolled his eyes speechlessly and was about to refuse. But he thought, if he refused, these guys might think that He Linhua was testing them, and they would give him all

He became helpless, and it was not easy to handle these chores. Therefore, He Linhua simply waved his hand, released Chenxu and Zhou Papi, and said: "Since you think there are not enough manpower, let the two of them go."

Just be your helpers! These two guys were my important subordinates who helped me manage the sect when I was in the original universe. They are relatively good at handling these chores!"

Sure enough, He Linhua sent people to them. Li Ruohong, Qiu Ruoling and others did not think there was anything wrong. They all bowed and responded one by one, and then they were divided into two groups, each of which invited a monk.

He ran to the Guardian Territory, while the other team was in the Trial Territory and began to take action. As for He Linhua, after a slight hesitation, he directly asked all his subordinates to disperse the Dao Wen they had just hunted -

- If the Dao patterns are not fused for a long time and remain attached to the body, it will have some bad effects on the body. In fact, sometimes it will cause an explosion due to the resistance between the Dao patterns and the body! So

, if this pattern is not necessary, there is generally no need to remain attached to the body.

After that, He Linhua left a clone behind and sat cross-legged in the trial place to meditate. In the space, He Linhua's clones began to comprehend the power of chaos in his own body.

Before I knew it, half a month had passed.

In this little half month, Li Ruohong, Jing Renteng, Zhi Guangjin, plus Chenxu, settled in the guardian territory and began to integrate all the monks in the entire guardian territory. And the other group, Qiu Ruo

Ling, Jing Renteng, Huhe Ersou and Zhou Papi were in the trial collar and began to integrate the monks in the trial collar.

In the guardian land, it can be said that there are a large number of powerful monks from the entire cemetery of the weak! And most of these monks live in the guardian territory. The guardian territory can be said to be the largest settlement in the entire guardian territory! As for the monsters

Although the monster cities in the territory and the cities in the trial territory are of a certain scale, in essence, they are just temporary resting places for many monks to hunt for Dao patterns and fuse Dao patterns. Although there are

It attracts a certain amount of people, monk, but compared with the guardian leader, it is really far behind!

Of course, the relative position of the Guardian Territory is a relatively safe place for many monks. The overall strength of the monks is relatively weaker. However, there are a lot of tyrannical people in the Monster Territory.

Monk. And in the place that specializes in integrating Dao patterns, there is a group of old monsters - such as Qiu Ruoling, Yin Yang Old Man, Tiger and Crane Old Man, etc., all of them are strong men in the trial realm!

The monks in the Guardian Territory are quite strong, and they were originally ruled by Venerable Qingwu and Venerable Li Xundao. But now, Venerable Qingwu has hid in the battlefield of the strong for some reason, and Venerable Li Xundao directly

He was killed by someone. In the entire guardian territory, He Linhua, the culprit who caused all this, was directly regarded as the big devil! During this period, a large number of monks escaped from the guardian territory and hid in the cemetery of the weak.

On other lands. Some of the remaining monks are ordinary monks with insufficient strength, and the remaining ones are die-hard loyalists of Venerable Qingqing and Venerable Li Xundao! Li Ruohong and Jing Renteng entered the guardianship

After taking the lead, He Linhua's name was directly revealed, and then he showed a certain degree of strength. Those who were originally wavering on the wall immediately fell over. After that, Li Ruohong, Jing Renteng, Zhi Guangjin and others

Then he directly used powerful combat power to crush them, and dealt with the two men of the ruthless Venerable Venerable Li Xundao! Holding a big mallet in one hand and candy in the other, he began to surround and suppress the monks. Kill a few of them and say a few words of comfort.

Kill a few and say a few words of comfort. Finally, after some operations, Li Ruohong, Jing Renteng and others finally cleared away the two most stubborn groups of monks, and it was relatively easy to control the entire guardian territory!

The situation in the Guardian Territory is stable. It is much slower than that in the Trial Territory! After all, the situation in the Trial Territory is different from that in the Guardian Territory. In the Guardian Territory, the general environment is relatively calm. Generally speaking, there is no

What kind of fight? The subordinates trained by Venerable Wu Qing and Venerable Li Xundao are naturally mostly diehards. And in a place like the Trial Territory, it turns out that Venerable Li Xundao is not the only force! At the beginning, in the Trial Territory,

Inside, in addition to Venerable Li Xundao, there are many other forces. As for the monks who are attached to Venerable Li Xundao, most of them are monks who have the idea that the strong are respected! Deal with these monks

, is much easier than dealing with those diehards in the Guardian Territory. Yin Yang, Qiu Ruoling, Huhe Ersou and other four people originally occupied an important position in the entire Trial Territory. Now these four guys are in

Someone in the trial leader shouted, saying that they would gather the combined efforts of the four people to establish the strongest unified force in the entire trial leader, and then issue a recruitment order. In this way, the entire trial leader was easily conquered.

All the forces, big and small, were disintegrated! These forces, large and small, were also disintegrated, and they all joined the Yin Yang Old Man, Qiu Ruoling, and the Hu He Old Man. Among the remaining monks, there were still some

Diehard elements can be ignored directly. Compared with powerful forces, there is no need to care about those forces that cannot affect the overall situation at all!

As for the Monster Territory? This place was originally not within the area that He Linhua ordered to close. However, after Li Ruohong and Jing Renteng completed the rule of the entire Guardian Territory, they also appointed Zhi Guangjin to go to the Monster Territory.

, re-established the Monster City - the reason why the Monster Territory can prosper is entirely because of this Monster City that blocked a large number of monsters. Although the Monster Territory was originally the territory of the Merciless Venerable, due to the elephants in the depths of the Monster Territory last time

Due to the Tiger Beast King's uprising, the entire Monster Territory was in ruins, and all the die-hard subordinates of Lord Wuqing in the Monster Territory were directly killed! Now, as long as Zhi Guangjin sends people here to destroy the Monster City

After being established, this place is actually equivalent to being acquired! To put it bluntly, this is just a matter of convenience.

After the gathering in the guardian territory was completed, Li Ruohong and Jing Renteng immediately began to transmit the general situation in the guardian territory to the many lands in the cemetery of the weak one by one, which was regarded as announcing He Linhua's unification of the entire cemetery of the weak. As for Zhongnan

At that level? As long as you are not trying to break through the level, there is no need to pay too much attention to that location! No matter how many actions there are, to the gatekeeper, it is just nonsense!

After He Linhua's general rule was announced, Li Ruohong, Jing Renteng and others immediately began to conduct a general investigation and questioning of the monks under the original Venerable Li Xundao in their respective territories. At the same time, they began to investigate the entire cemetery of the weak.

The whereabouts of the divination master!

This chapter has been completed!
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