相比于其他队伍,林星海他们就不一样了,继续以击杀丧尸为主,赶路为辅。 林星海一点都不急,他给自己预留了一个小时的时间,而以他的速度,足以前往市中心任何一个区域了。 至于其他人就更不着急了,小胖子他们就不用说,完全没打算争夺能量球。 至于孙天博等人,目标更多的也是猎杀丧尸,至于争夺能量球,也不会深入,而是会在市中心外围碰运气。 几个小时的时间转眼便过去了,很快便到了中午11点。 而林星海也掐着时间点,把队伍带到了市中心的边缘位置。 是中心和市区最大的区别便是高楼林立,基本上走在街道下方,不到正午的话,都照不到太阳。 而在这里面丧尸也多的可怕,数量达到两三百的尸群比比皆是,甚至数量超过500的尸群,也偶尔能见到。 在这种情况之下,进去争夺能量球,难度可不是一般的大。 毕竟在这种情况之下,如果队伍人数没有达到50的话,想要在市中心里面活动,说一句寸步难行也并不夸张。 当然对于这些事情,林星海也并不关心,当把孙天博等人带到目的地之后,他也算是完成了承诺,很快便带着柳妙妙等人离开了。 在进入市中心之前,他还需要先把柳妙妙等人藏在一个安全的地方。 等考核准备结束的时候,双方在汇合,那时候再把能量球交给几人,以免被别人钻了空子。 …… 孙天博目送着林星海等人离去? 心中叹了一口气。 这时? 他身旁的成员忍不住开口道:“头儿,接下来我们该怎么办?真要进去吗?” 说实在的,他们这些人,进去博一次的意愿,已经不是那么强烈了。 之前是没有办法? 不拼的话,连入学的资格都拿不到。 但现在他们都已经进入到了前3000名,虽然现在距离考核结束? 还有一天多的时间,没有林星海带领,他们的排名肯定会不断的下滑。 但如果努力杀丧尸的话,或许在考核结束的时候? 也能把排名稳定在3000以内。 但现在进入是中心争夺能量球? 万一遭遇了大危机? 提前结束考核? 那么以他们现在的积分,被淘汰的可能性是十有**的。 “放心,我不会这么冒险的,我们先找一位盟友,今天就在边缘区域杀丧尸。” “等明天剩下最后半天的时候? 那些队伍估计都拼的精疲力竭了,我们再找机会,伺机而动。”孙天博说着,扭头看向身后。 他们后面,就是跟随过来的谢善勇等人。 这时,刚好迎上了谢善勇投过来的目光。 这一刻? 双方似乎都明白了彼此的意思,不约而同的相视一笑。 …… 另一边的林星海,已经带着柳妙妙等人穿过了两条街道? 来到了一间商店的门口。 “这是附近唯一一家腕载电脑的专卖店了,你看看能不能找到合适的工具。”林星海看向小胖子说道。 等双方分开之后,林星海要面对最大的问题,便是如何与柳妙妙等人沟通。 如果每次想要沟通都要跑回来,那实在是太麻烦了。 而且哪怕躲在房屋里面,也未必就安全,万一真遇到了危险,那么不管柳妙妙他们是战斗还是逃跑,可能都无法继续在原本的待下去。 那样的话,自己最后抢到足够的能量球,回来却发现人不在了,那就抓瞎了。 所以,必须解决通讯的问题,而他们手中带着的通讯腕表,只能单方面的接收到军方那边的传讯,是无法让考生之间互相通讯的。 昨天在林星海提出了这个问题之后,小胖子立即表示,他可以尝试制作一些简陋的通讯工具。 也正因为如此,他们这时候才会来到了这里。 众人进入商店,扫视了一圈,货架上的东西空荡荡的,像通讯腕表这种好东西,别说是佣兵团了,哪怕是军部收集资源的队伍也会动心,所以被拿走并不奇怪。 而小胖子的目标也不是这些东西,他先到维修台里面看了一下,只找到了一些螺丝刀之类的东西,然后又到后面的隔间寻找了一番,很快提着一个工具箱,满意的走了出来。 “还好,找到了一个基础版的维修机械臂,虽然东西差了点,但还能将就着用。”小胖子笑着说道。 找到东西,一行人离开了店铺,然后小胖子便在附近的街道上转悠了一圈,很快选中了其中两台小轿车。 小胖子先取出机械臂,与此同时又在背包里面,拿出了一小块能量晶石,还有一个能量转换器。 这些东西都是昨天他提出这个想法之后,在清剿丧尸的过程当中,林星海特意的给他找来的。 而他们转了一整天的时间,才从两台豪华跑车上,弄下来了两套这样的设备。 毕竟能量晶石在10年前并不算普及,那时候用的一般都是电池,只有高档的跑车,才会配备这种玩意。 能量晶石最大的好处便是,储存的能量大,并且能够持久的存在。只要在稳定的环境下,别说是保存十年了,保存上百年都不是问题。 小胖子把能量晶石,装入到能量转换器里面,然后又把转换器外接道维修机械臂上面,最后把手伸了进去。 随着维修机械臂启动,上面的软金属根据使用者的手型,迅速合拢,并且弹出一个个小型工具。 接下来,小胖子那双灵活的胖手迅速的翻飞,在维修机械臂的辅助之下,很快就从车上拆下下来了一堆电子元件。 而这些电子元件,又迅速的被小胖子组装焊接了起来。 看着那行云流水的操作,林星海忍不住也有些感慨起来,之前小胖子提出自己能制作通讯设备的时候,他还是心中有所疑虑的。 只不过对方却表示,他连机甲都参与过设计和维修,虽然水平只是学徒级别的,但如果只是制作通讯设备这种小玩意,却是没有任何问题。 而现在看到对方的这番操作,他感觉小胖子还是有点谦虚了,单单是这种熟练的操作,就不可能真的只是学徒那么简单。 仅仅过了5分钟,两个黑不溜秋的铁疙瘩,便出现在了林星海面前。 “咳!材料有限,外形这些顾不上,只能将就着用。”小胖子轻咳一声说道。 “嗯,能用就行。这个东西最远的通讯距离,能有多少公里?”林星海拿起其中一个通讯设备询问道。 “10公里内应该可以清晰的通讯,超过了这个距离,通讯质量会逐步下降,15公里应该就是极限了。”小胖子想了想后说道。 “那足够了。”林星海满意地点头。Compared with other teams, Lin Xinghai and his team are different. They continue to focus on killing zombies and rushing on the road as a supplement.
Lin Xinghai was not in a hurry at all. He had reserved an hour for himself, and with his speed, he could go to any area in the city center.
As for the others, they were even less anxious. Needless to say, Little Fatty and the others had no intention of competing for the energy ball.
As for Sun Tianbo and others, their goal is more to hunt zombies. As for fighting for energy balls, they will not go deep, but will try their luck outside the city center.
A few hours passed in a blink of an eye, and soon it was 11 noon.
Lin Xinghai also took advantage of the time and led the team to the edge of the city center.
The biggest difference between the center and the urban area is that there are many high-rise buildings. Basically, if you walk below the streets, you will not be able to get the sun until noon.
There are also terrifying amounts of zombies here, with groups of two to three hundred corpses everywhere, and even groups of more than 500 corpses can be seen occasionally.
Under such circumstances, it is not that difficult to go in and fight for the energy balls.
After all, under this situation, if the number of people in the team does not reach 50, it is not an exaggeration to say that it will be difficult to move around in the city center.
Of course, Lin Xinghai didn't care about these things. After bringing Sun Tianbo and others to their destination, he fulfilled his promise and left quickly with Liu Miaomiao and others.
Before entering the city center, he still needed to hide Liu Miaomiao and others in a safe place.
When the preparations for the assessment are over and the two sides are converging, hand the energy balls to a few people at that time to avoid others taking advantage of the loophole.
Sun Tianbo watched Lin Xinghai and others leave and sighed in his heart.
At this time? The member next to him couldn't help but said: "Boss, what should we do next? Do we really want to go in?"
To be honest, these people are no longer so willing to go in and gamble.
Was there no way before? If I didn’t work hard, I wouldn’t even be able to get the qualifications for admission.
But now they have all entered the top 3,000. Although there is still more than one day left until the end of the assessment, without Lin Xinghai's leadership, their ranking will definitely continue to decline.
But if you work hard to kill zombies, maybe at the end of the assessment? You can stabilize your ranking within 3,000.
But now the center is competing for the energy ball? What if they encounter a big crisis? End the assessment early? Then with their current points, the possibility of being eliminated is very high.
"Don't worry, I won't take such a risk. Let's find an ally first and kill zombies in the edge area today."
"When the last half day is left tomorrow? Those teams will probably be exhausted from their hard work. Let's look for opportunities and wait for the opportunity." Sun Tianbo said, turning to look behind him.
Behind them, Xie Shanyong and others followed.
At this time, he just met Xie Shanyong's gaze.
At this moment? Both sides seemed to understand each other's intentions and smiled at each other in unison.
Lin Xinghai on the other side had already led Liu Miaomiao and others through two streets and arrived at the door of a store.
"This is the only wrist-mounted computer store nearby. See if you can find the right tools." Lin Xinghai looked at the little fat man and said.
After the two parties separated, Lin Xinghai had to face the biggest problem, which was how to communicate with Liu Miaomiao and others.
It would be too troublesome if you have to run back every time you want to communicate.
And even if you hide in a house, you may not be safe. If you really encounter danger, then Liu Miaomiao and the others may not be able to stay where they are, regardless of whether they fight or flee.
In that case, if you finally grab enough energy balls and find that the person is gone when you come back, you will be blind.
Therefore, the communication problem must be solved, and the communication watches they carry can only receive unilateral communications from the military, and cannot allow candidates to communicate with each other.
After Lin Xinghai raised this question yesterday, the little fat man immediately said that he could try to make some simple communication tools.
It is precisely because of this that they came here at this time.
Everyone entered the store and glanced around. There were nothing on the shelves. Good things like communication watches, let alone the mercenary group, even the military resource collection team would be tempted, so they were taken away and
Not surprisingly.
The little fat man's goal was not these things. He first looked inside the maintenance station and only found some screwdrivers and the like. Then he went to the back compartment to search, and quickly picked up a toolbox.
Walked out satisfied.
"Fortunately, I found a basic version of the maintenance robot arm. Although it's a bit inferior, it can still be used." The little fat man said with a smile.
After finding something, the group left the store, and then the little fat man wandered around the nearby streets and quickly selected two of the cars.
The little fat man first took out the mechanical arm, and at the same time, he took out a small piece of energy crystal and an energy converter from the backpack.
These things were specially found for him by Lin Xinghai during the process of killing zombies after he proposed this idea yesterday.
It took them a whole day to get two sets of such equipment from two luxury sports cars.
After all, energy crystals were not very popular 10 years ago. At that time, batteries were generally used, and only high-end sports cars would be equipped with such devices.
The biggest advantage of energy crystals is that they store a lot of energy and can exist for a long time. As long as they are kept in a stable environment, it is not a problem to store them for hundreds of years, let alone ten years.
The little fat man put the energy crystal into the energy converter, then connected the converter to the maintenance robot arm, and finally stretched his hand in.
As the maintenance robot arm starts up, the soft metal on it quickly closes according to the user's hand shape, and small tools pop up one by one.
Next, the little fat man's nimble fat hands flew quickly, and with the assistance of the maintenance robot arm, he quickly removed a bunch of electronic components from the car.
And these electronic components were quickly assembled and welded by the little fat man.
Looking at the smooth operation, Lin Xinghai couldn't help but feel a little emotional. When the little fat man proposed that he could make communication equipment, he still had doubts in his heart.
However, the other party said that he had even participated in the design and maintenance of mechas. Although his level was only at the apprentice level, there would be no problem if he was just making small gadgets such as communication equipment.
But now that he saw the other party's operation, he felt that the little fat man was still a bit humble. Just such a skilled operation could not really be as simple as an apprentice.
Only 5 minutes later, two black iron lumps appeared in front of Lin Xinghai.
"Ahem! The materials are limited and we can't take into account the appearance, so we can only make do with it." The little fat man coughed lightly and said.
"Well, as long as it works. How many kilometers can the longest communication distance of this thing be?" Lin Xinghai picked up one of the communication devices and asked.
"Clear communication should be possible within 10 kilometers. Beyond this distance, the communication quality will gradually decline. 15 kilometers should be the limit." The little fat man thought for a while and said.
"That's enough." Lin Xinghai nodded with satisfaction.