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Chapter Eleven: A Couple in Difficulty

The meeting lasted for about an hour. Zhu Yuanzhang sent someone to meet the navy, told Li Shanchang to coordinate the government affairs, and then went home with his son in his arms.

Xiao Zhu was quite excited to see a lot of people today, and he wanted to see the mansion with great interest. After all, he had been bored in the house for a month, but Comrade Lao Zhu was afraid that he would be exposed to the wind, so he covered him tightly with a cloak.

In fact, only the nose and mouth were left to breathe, and the eyes were covered.

Zhu Yuanzhang walked quickly and soon returned to Ma's room in the inner courtyard.

Just as Ma was about to send someone to pick up the child, she saw her husband walking in holding a red cloth dumpling. She quickly took the dumpling and glanced at him: "Why are you wrapping a child in a cloak? The cloth of this cloak is

You haven’t even scratched your son’s skin yet!

Mrs. Ma put her son on the bed and rescued him. Sure enough, his skin was all red and he put on soft swaddling clothes.

Zhu Yuanzhang also laughed twice in embarrassment: "Hey, sister, it's not that we don't feel sorry for our son. It's because the boy peed. We were afraid that he would be cold and couldn't help it, so we wrapped him in a cloak!"

Ma didn't give him a good face either: "You won't bring me back if you peed? Do you want to leave your son at your place to discuss matters with you?"

"Hey, don't we miss our son? Look, our pants have been peed by this kid."

Ma took a look and found that there were indeed urine marks on her husband's pants, but they had already dried!

"Why don't you go change it? It doesn't feel uncomfortable anymore? Ruyi goes and takes out the new pants I made for the master."

Zhu Yuanzhang went to the side and touched his son's little fleshy feet: "What are we afraid of when our own son pees? How many times will the father not be peed on by his son?

Lao Zhu remembered his parents who died young and said calmly: "When we were young, we often peed on our dad. We were poor at that time, and our dad only wore the same clothes. If I peed on him, he could only wear it and work in the fields.

Now we still have clothes to change!"

After saying this, Zhu Yuanzhang followed Ruyi to change clothes. Xiao Zhu was a little tired and fell asleep smelling his mother's scent.

When he woke up, he heard his parents chatting about today's events. When Ma heard that Chang Yuchun was to be the pioneer, he asked: "I have never heard of this person. Is he a capable person?"

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled and said: "That kid used to be a member of the big thief Liu Ju. Last month, he suddenly led hundreds of people and came to seek refuge with me. We were still thinking that Liu Ju, our grandson, was going crazy. Could it be that he was going crazy?

If you want to cooperate inside and outside and eat our 50,000-strong army, then ask him why he came?

As a result, Chang Yuchun said that Liu Ju only knew how to rob houses and plunder everywhere without any plans or long-term plans, so he was not a wise master.

We then asked him: "Are you hungry and want to find food in my team?"

The boy replied: "I robbed houses under Liu Ju, so I didn't worry about food and clothing, but Liu Ju only knew how to rob and steal, and had no ambition. I heard that the commander was approachable and regarded his soldiers as brothers, so I came to join him for the future."

I am willing to work hard for my future.

"We broke up his team and took him in. This kid keeps clamoring every day to give him 100,000 people and he will be able to dominate the world! This time we have to see if he is bragging or if he is really capable!"

Ma knocked Zhu Yuanzhang on the shoulder and said: "It would be great if you are really capable. You are short of talents now. Chongba, you must control your temper and don't scare away the talents."

"We know, we are not stupid, but the team is getting bigger and bigger, and the hills inside are also rising. If we are not very cruel, maybe all three of our family will lose their heads."

Ma also frowned: "People's hearts are like this, but now it is more important to win over the generals who hold the military power. We cannot just suppress them. After all, we have to fight for them in a war."

Zhu Yuanzhang reached out and held his wife's hand. There were many scars on it: "Don't be so tired! You have to make clothes for their family's birthday and send them to them. Why? At the worst, we can just reward them with more money.


Ma also held her husband's hand: "Rewards are earned by people's lives. I make clothes and give gifts out of love. In the end, they can make them serve you better."

Xiao Zhu listened quietly to his parents' conversation and sighed in his heart, "Couples who support each other along the way are always different!"


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