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Chapter 508: One tight and one loose

"If you think so, there are a lot of people. In those days, none of the civil and military officials were close to my mother, and they all relied on her to intercede for them if something went wrong."

Since the capture of Jiqing, Lao Zhu has been out fighting for many years. Empress Ma holds Zhu Biao and sits at the rear. However, the mother-in-law and her children cannot be in charge of logistics operations, so Li Shanchang usually makes the call. When big things happen, he will go to the Marshal's Mansion to report to the leader.

Mother asked for instructions.

At this time, it was natural to summon all the civil and military personnel left behind to discuss together. As the mastermind, Liu Bowen was very scheming and decisive, so he was naturally trusted by Empress Ma. On the other hand, Li Shanchang, as the rear manager, controlled the logistics supply and power of Lao Zhu's army.

It's big enough.

Zhu Biao was still in his infancy at that time, so Empress Ma had to support another pillar of civil servants to check and balance Li Shanchang, otherwise their family of three would easily get into trouble. You must know that the army is on an expedition, and once the supply of food and grass is interrupted, the enemy will not let it go if they want to retreat.

You will be defeated by then.

The civil servants were trying to do something, but the big military generals who stayed behind couldn't even detect it. Zhu Yuanzhang also saw this, so when the civil and military forces in Huaixi were huge, the eastern Zhejiang clique quietly rose up with the secret support of their husband and wife.

As the leader of eastern Zhejiang, Liu Bowen acted as a check and balance to Li Shanchang during the period before and after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

In this way, Liu Bowen was naturally familiar with Empress Ma. In fact, it was not just Liu Bowen who was like this, but most of the people who followed Lao Zhu at that time were like this. After all, the Zhu family had a weak foundation, and Lao Zhu had no clan brothers at all, and he had no other people at home when he was away from home.

The man in charge is now.

"Let's see, if we don't agree here, Liu Bowen will definitely write to you and your mother and make them miserable. This guy has always been like this."

Zhu Biao had no choice but to persuade him: "Liu Bowen has wanted to withdraw for more than a year or two. Even my son-in-law has personally promised him twice. My father must have asked him to retreat just because of my son-in-law's face. I'm afraid he has such a bad body."

It’s not even a few years.”

After Zhu Yuanzhang said the words that had been stuck in his heart for a long time, he felt much better. After all, he could not say such words to his courtiers, let alone his wife. The more he kept feeling depressed, the more he wanted to vent his anger on Liu Bowen.

"Then let's see how well he can manage Bashu. If he is good, we will give him a favor. If not, he will be prepared to die in exhaustion for us."

Seeing that his father finally relented, Zhu Biao stopped talking and focused on holding him. Liu Bowen had always respected him. He had given him advice and suggestions many times both in court and during the Northern Expedition. Before his trip to Bashu, Zhu Biao also

He indeed promised to intercede for him.

After a while, Lao Zhu reached out and patted the back of his son's hand, indicating that he didn't need to squeeze it. Zhu Biao also withdrew his hand and walked down from behind the throne.

"There is a vacancy for the left minister of the Ministry of Revenue. We are going to transfer Gao Qi to take over. Unexpectedly, the old boy refuses to accept his resignation. He is also working with Liu Bowen. They are literati and elegant people who are willing to do this as long as they have a bit of fame. You

What should we do with him?"

Zhu Biao's back trembled. Why are all such nonsense happening today? Has Liang Lin, Liu Bowen, and Gao Qi discussed it?

Zhu Biao returned to his small desk and sat down with a sigh and said tiredly: "If someone, like the two sages of Shandong, misses the former Yuan Dynasty and refuses to serve the court, he should be killed as a warning to others. But Gao Qi was in the first year of Hongwu.

He was called to the court, and he set an example as a scholar at that time, but now he refuses a high position, which shows that he really does not like the official career."

"Gao Qi became famous all over the world when he was young. He is now a great Confucian, as famous as Song Lian and Liu Bowen. He also taught the princes to compile "History of the Yuan Dynasty". If he is punished just for this, I am afraid it will cause an uproar among the scholars. Please forgive me, Father.


Although he knew that his son's words were correct, Comrade Lao Zhu, who was in a bad mood, still sneered: "This one requires our grace and that one requires our forgiveness. Such good things have all been taken over by these people. Even Thunder Rain and Dew don't understand."


If others were scared at this time, they would kowtow and apologize, but Zhu Biao knew that this was just his father's way of venting his dissatisfaction, and he would eventually make the most beneficial choice.

Even if you look down on those powerless scholars, you have to admit their influence. At least in today's era, their writing is the truth. It's really hard to kill them without a justifiable reason.

The whole family.

"What my father said is that since Gao Qi is not promoted, he should be removed from his official position and returned to his post. He will not be used by his descendants for three generations. This is just to scare the monkeys and see who dares to gain fame with this."

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded slightly when he heard this. If his son continued to persuade him to appoint Gao Qi, he would really get angry: "That's it."

Zhu Biao didn't dare to listen anymore, so he took the memorial and helped to review it. He was afraid that there would be some unscrupulous person who would make Lao Zhu angry and ask him to help put out the fire. If it weren't for Liu Bowen and Gao Qi's special status, he would not bother to intercede.

Seeing his son working hard, Zhu Yuanzhang showed a hint of smile in his eyes. He stretched his body and started to review. He was full of motivation. He must leave his son a stable life without being criticized by anyone.

In the afternoon, when there were not many memorials left, Zhu Biao put down his pen and stood up and said: "Father, I would like to see how my second brother's injury is going."

Zhu Yuanzhang said without raising his head: "Go ahead, hit me when you need to, and scold me when you need to. If you don't discipline your brother well, you will also be punished."

I'm really arrogant, wouldn't it be nice to go see the Crown Princess?

Zhu Biao respectfully agreed, then walked out of the desk and bowed to his father, and then left the Jinshen Palace. He looked at the sun setting in the west and sighed deeply. He will stay in the palace honestly tomorrow.

Then he started to walk towards the Dashan Palace. The older princes are now living there, and the second, third and fourth princes have also moved back. In the future, the younger princes who are still in the harem will also move there one after another.


Just after passing through the back right door, I bumped into Concubine Li and her entourage. At this time, I guess they had just returned from Zhu Xiang's place. After all, mother and son are connected. It is understandable that the pain in the child's body hurts in the mother's heart.

Concubine Li bowed down first and bowed: "I, my concubine, see His Highness the Crown Prince, Your Highness Qianqiu."

Zhu Biao returned the gesture slightly. Although Concubine Li was of a lower status than him, she still gave birth to two sons for the Tian family, so she should still be given the due courtesy.

"I was planning to go see my second brother, but I unexpectedly bumped into Concubine Li. I hope you will forgive me."

"How dare you? Your Highness is too polite. Your Highness loves your brothers and sisters. I have not yet thanked His Highness for helping me that day. If His Highness hadn't been here, King Jin would have..."

Zhu Biao waved his hand before she could finish her words and said: "I have always been close to Prince Jin, and this is as it should be. It's getting late. Your Majesty, you'd better return to the harem as soon as possible."

Concubine Li bowed again and then led the palace maids and eunuchs beside her to step aside and give up the main road to Zhu Biao. She had no other thoughts now. She just thought that her sons would have to look at her brother's face to live in the future.

But you can't offend.

Zhu Biao did not refuse. He called her "Mother" to save the face of his two younger brothers. If he really planned to let him give way, it would not be possible. No matter inside or outside the palace, except for Lao Zhu and Queen Ma, there was no one in the world.

People have this qualification.

Concubine Li and others stood silently on the side of the road. Zhu Biao nodded politely and then passed. He could tell by the noise that only those behind him dared to move.

The residences in the palace are naturally not comparable to the scale of palaces in the imperial court etiquette. Each prince only has a small palace, which can accommodate more than a dozen personal eunuchs and maidens in addition to his own residence. It is not comparable to Zhu Biao's huge East Palace.

As soon as he stepped into Zhu Chong's small palace, he could already hear his wails. The eunuchs serving in the palace quickly knelt down to salute, and one even went inside to report after kowtowing.

"You're all exempt from the gift. Is this the right medicine?"

The eunuch who went to the East Palace to ask for help that day respectfully replied: "Reporting to His Highness the Crown Prince, Doctor Zhang is giving medicine to His Highness the King of Jin."

"Go and wait inside, and then call me after the medicine is given."

Zhu Biao naturally had no interest in seeing his stinky brother's beaten butt. If he was interested, he would rather go back to the East Palace to see his beautiful maids. He walked straight to the main hall and sat down safely at the main seat. He picked up the jade pendant around his waist and started playing with it.


Probably because he knew that his eldest brother was coming, Zhu Xiang's wailing voice became more and more bleak. He didn't know whether it was because he was really hurting or because he was trying to make trouble for his eldest brother so that he could plead with his father.

Zhu Biao smiled sincerely when he heard the screams. It seemed like a good idea to come here. His smile relaxed the atmosphere in the palace. Both the eunuchs and the maids could not help but relax and raise their smiles.

Although we know that His Highness the Crown Prince has a gentle personality and is very kind to all the princes and princesses as well as the eunuchs and maids who serve him, and can always forgive some minor mistakes, there is no one in this palace who does not respect His Highness the Crown Prince. He can be said to be loved and feared at the same time.


After a while, Dr. Zhang came out and saluted Zhu Biao to greet him. Zhu Biao stretched out his hand to support him and said, "Excuse me, how is King Jin's injury?"

"I followed the instructions of the Holy Lord and used the powerful medicine in the army. Although the process of applying the medicine was a bit painful, the effect must be very good. It is estimated that His Highness the King of Jin will be able to go to the ground in another seven or eight days."

Zhu Biao continued to ask: "Strong medicine hurts the body, will it have any impact?"

"Don't worry, Your Highness, the medicine for wounds in the army was also prepared by Dr. Chen. It was used by all the generals in the army, including the Holy One. It works quickly and has good curative effect. The only drawback is that the medicine is very powerful and has a burning sensation, but it will never hurt the root.


Zhu Biao nodded with satisfaction and said: "That's good. It's hard work and love."

"I don't dare, I'm just doing my duty faithfully."

Immediately, Doctor Zhang stood up and left, and Zhu Biao asked Liu Jin to send it off in person. This offends no one but the doctor. Who knows one day you will be relying on others to survive.

At this time, the sound of wailing continued to be heard in the inner hall. Old God Zhu Biao sat there and took a sip from his teacup. The eunuch beside him whispered: "Your Highness, Your Highness, Prince Jin, has finished applying the medicine. Are you...


Zhu Biao ignored it and waited for Liu Jin to come back after sending the people off and asked: "Did the reward go to that Liang Lin?"


This chapter has been completed!
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