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Chapter 513 Controversy

As soon as Zhu Biao said this, the originally quiet court instantly became noisy, but no one came out to object directly. Instead, they all exchanged words with their colleagues around them in shock, some shaking their heads and some nodding.

Zhu Yuanzhang was also slightly startled. Changing the status of the imperial court was not a trivial matter. The matters involved were related to the overall situation. Although Kaifeng has little sense of existence now, the politically correct meaning it contained was of great significance to the newly founded Ming Dynasty.

After he determined that Kaifeng was not suitable as the capital, he never thought of setting his sights on Luoyang and Xi'an. However, he had to put it aside for the time being due to various reasons. However, he immediately established Kaifeng as the capital and spent huge sums of money to rebuild the new city.

You must know that it was not appropriate to allocate such a large amount of resources to rebuild Kaifeng in the first year of Hongwu. It would be better to use them elsewhere. However, the court still did it because of the huge symbolic significance of Kaifeng. Although the Song Dynasty had a lot of humiliation history, after all

It is the orthodox Han family.

Generally speaking, the founding group tried to locate the capital not far from the political base where they started. This factor was very important. This was true during the Zhou, Qin, Sui and Tang dynasties, and was also true during the Liao, Xia, Jin and Yuan Dynasties.

To be honest, Nanjing is not very suitable as a capital in terms of geographical location. It is a little too far east, but it is the most accepted by the civil and military forces of Huaixi and the southern gentry, and it is also the real foundation of Lao Zhu's drive from south to north.

It is said that a golden nest and a silver nest are not as good as one's own doghouse. Although it is crude, it is also true. There is nothing wrong with using Nanjing as the capital of the Ming Dynasty, but using Kaifeng as the companion capital is a bit useless. The role of the two capitals system is completely useless.

It shows that the distance between Nanjing and Kaifeng is too close.

The most important political significance of the capital is to supplement the functions of the capital. The capital is not in the geographical center of the country but is located in the border areas, which is not conducive to the ruler's jurisdiction over the entire territory. Therefore, it is necessary to set up capitals in important military and political locations to strengthen control over the country.


At present, Kaifeng has not done a good job in this work. As for the symbolic meaning, which is gradually losing its effect as the foundation of the Ming Dynasty becomes more and more stable, it would be more meaningful to establish Beiping, a military and political center, as a companion capital to deepen the connection between the north and the south and appease the people of the north.

The above-mentioned courtiers can all think of it, but they don’t dare to report it easily because it is a serious matter. Bringing up such things would offend people. The civil and military nobles in the dynasty would basically buy the acres around the capital first if they were richer.

When the time comes, I will buy acres of land around Kaifeng.

This is why the land in the capital is expensive. It is conceivable that if Kaifeng is abolished as the companion capital, the price of surrounding acres of land will inevitably fall sharply, and many people will lose their blood.

General Affairs Minister Chen Youzong took the lead in supporting His Royal Highness: "Your Majesty, Your Highness the Crown Prince is wise, powerful, far-sighted and far-sighted. The ministers and others admire you. Although Kaifeng has been repaired, it is not enough to be the political and economic capital of the Ming Dynasty. On the other hand, Peiping is an important military and political place for our country to resist the Mongols."

, just in time to hold back the Mongolian troops."

The Minister of Household Affairs also supported it: "I second my opinion, Peking was the capital of the former Yuan Dynasty. When King Zhongshan led the army to advance, Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty fled without a fight. The main buildings in the city are intact and can be used with a little repair. It can indeed save a lot of money.

Manpower and material resources are far more appropriate than continuing to rebuild Kaifeng."

Establishing a capital is not a trivial matter, nor can it be simplified. Basically, it means building another palace, and all government offices of the imperial court must be in place so that the imperial court can take over at any time and continue to maintain the operation of the country.

Nowadays, Nanjing is still under construction, and Kaifeng is also under construction. The construction at both ends has made it very difficult for the Household Department. If we can use the Beiping House left over from the Yuan Dynasty, we can save a lot. Only in this way can the Household Department be able to

It is possible to save millions of stones of food that will be returned to the Jiangnan nobles in three years.

So no matter what other people do, the Ministry of Revenue must give their full support anyway, followed closely by the Ministry of War and the officials of the Metropolitan Governor's Office. There is no war in the south, only Mongolia in the north makes them uneasy day and night.

However, there are naturally those who support it and those who oppose it. Tu Jie, a member of Zhongshu's political affairs, commented: "I think it is inappropriate. The Northern Plains is the capital of the foreign tribes of the Mongolian and Yuan Dynasties. How can we, the Ming Dynasty and the Han family, be orthodox and establish their capital here."

Chen Liang, the right minister of Zhongshu, also said: "Wei Chen also thinks that the reform of the capital is a big deal, and it is not easy to decide so easily. What's more, Kaifeng Mansion is located in the hinterland of the Central Plains. It is the center of the central government to control the four seas and all the wastelands. It is better to compare

The remote Peking is more suitable."

Tao Kai, the Minister of Civil Affairs, stepped forward and said: "The terrain east of Hedong is high and thick, and it can control the northwest. Yao once built his capital, but the land was bitterly cold, and the soldiers in the Jianghuai River were unbearable. Kaifeng, with the Hehuai River in his lap, the Song Dynasty once built the capital, but the land was flat and open, and there was no danger.

Keshou, I think both of them are not suitable, so it would be better to establish Xi'an or Luoyang."

Hu Shiqi, the supervisory censor, further said: "Luoyang, the Duke of Zhou once predicted it, and the Zhou and Han Dynasties moved it. However, there are no Sanhans in the mountains of Song and Mang, and there are no obstacles in Zhongnan, Jian, Yi, and Luo, and there is no Jing.

Wei, Ba, and Shanghai are the most powerful, so if you take advantage of hundreds of mountains and rivers, you can tower over the princes and maintain the clan for a long time. No one in the world can compare with Guanzhong."

The nobles headed by Zhao Yong and others watched the play for a long time, and when they saw that they could choose other places, they immediately said: "I will second your Highness the Crown Prince's words!"

Seeing that no one was paying attention, they continued to shout: "If that doesn't work, then why not make Fengyang the companion capital..."

"The vulgar warrior's dirty talk makes me ashamed to share the same palace with you!"

"Marquis Nanxiong wants to return to his hometown so much, why not ask for orders to guard it instead of disturbing the important affairs of the country."

The father-in-law is right, the mother-in-law is right, and the reform of the capital will always involve their own interests, so everyone has their own opinions, and there was a lot of noise in the court for a while.

After Zhu Biao finished speaking, he stood aside quietly. This kind of matter could not be resolved in court, but such a major matter could not be solved without going through the court meeting. All parties must be given a chance to express their stance.

When Zhu Yuanzhang saw that everything that needed to be said had been said once, he shouted: "Okay, don't argue anymore. It's a big deal to accompany the capital to change the establishment. The Prime Minister will lead Zhongshu Sheng to weigh the pros and cons of all parties as soon as possible, and then report to us.

Come, we will make our own decision when the time comes."

Hu Weiyong, who had been silent all this time, took a step forward and said, "I will take my orders."

After a moment of silence, a uniform voice rang out: "His Majesty Fu Wei is dictatorial in all directions!"

Even if this matter is over for the time being, the Minister of Rites wrote a preface: "Now the five mountains, five towns, four seas, four rivers and all the city gods have been entrusted by the previous generation. I think that the destiny of heaven has been restored, and I have a bright future."

The gods should be enshrined again to calm the hearts of the people in the world and to destroy the evil gods and heretics in various prefectures."

Zhu Biao nodded slightly. This was what he told the Minister of Rites yesterday. Some things he could mention, but some things he had to avoid. It was not a good thing to always be in the limelight. Achieving the goal was the most important thing.

After Zhu Yuanzhang thought for a moment, he said: "Instead of the names granted by the previous dynasties, only the gods were named after the mountains and rivers. As for the county and city gods, only the gods can enjoy incense sacrifices. Anyone who dares to privately worship evil gods will be killed."


"The prince will lead the Ministry of Rites and the Department of Daolu and Senglu to discuss the candidates for the imperial edict. The priests of the counties and counties will give priority to the loyal martyrs and soldiers who died for the country. After everything is established, the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Industry will cast statues of gods and send them to local places for worship."


After Zhu Yuanzhang finished speaking, he remembered something and asked the Minister of Household Affairs: "How is the arrangement of the people's household registration posts?"

Shi Shiran, the Minister of Household Affairs, took a step forward and saw that the errand was done. He spoke confidently: "The people are the foundation of the country. In ancient times, the people were dedicated to the king at the end of the year. The king paid homage to the heaven and the ministers were ordered to do so. Since then, the household registration has been established day and night, and the local officials have recorded the people's hometown, name and age, farm and house, children and maidservants, livestock, etc., combined the registration and registration, compiled it with the name, and used a half-seal seal to record the registration. It is sent to the ministry and given to the people, and the department counts and reports the registration and consumption of their household registrations every year."

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded with satisfaction. Although Zhao Wenjing was an iron rooster, he was in charge of the household department and he was really reassuring and he could do things safely. Although some villains looked like they were successful, he was a good official if he could get things done.

After a few casual compliments, he looked at the civil and military officials and said, "Dear ladies, what else do you have to say?"

After a moment of silence, the Minister of Rites came forward and said a few trivial matters. Zhu Yuanzhang nodded and stood up. The whip-wielding eunuch cracked his whip and bowed in a civil and military manner to send the emperor away from the court...

After Lao Zhu's striding figure disappeared, everyone stood up. Zhu Biao looked at the Minister of Rites and ordered: "It is no small matter to confer a god on the throne. The Ministry of Rites immediately summoned the monks, Taoist and Records Department to discuss and establish the name of the god of mountains, rivers, lakes and seas."

"I accept the order, Your Highness, please rest assured."

After Zhu Biao nodded, he left amidst everyone's bows and salutes. In this way, all the civil and military officials retreated in twos and threes, talking in low voices about what happened in the morning.

Zhu Biao walked straight to Jinshen Palace. When he saw a group of palace maids and eunuchs standing at the door, he knew that they had been sent out by his father, so he walked straight in without passing through the palace. Liu Jin and others behind him stopped outside. .

When they got inside, they saw Lao Zhu moving his body with his hands on his hips. There was no cushion on the dragon chair in Fengtian Hall, which was very painful for his buttocks. Zhu Biao also persuaded his father to put a cushion on it, but Lao Zhu was unwilling and said It's better to rub your butt.

After Zhu Biao saluted, he also moved his body. The people sitting in the Fengtian Palace had to be both sitting and standing, otherwise the old academics from the Yushitai and Hanlin Academy would rather sit on the bench than give advice.

"Biao'er, why did you suddenly think of changing your status to the capital?"

Zhu Biao replied: "My son suddenly remembered it, but Kaifeng is indeed a bit useless as a companion. I have won the country in the Ming Dynasty far more righteously than Zhao Kuangyin. He took away the orphans and widowed mothers and took the yellow robe to usurp the throne and claim the throne. Now the people in the south are basically loyal, but in the north they are If the situation is much worse, it would be better to make Peiping the companion capital."

In fact, if we calculate it, as the founding emperor, Zhu Yuanzhang's status must be far higher than that of Zhao Kuangyin. Even if he is covered by a yellow robe, Zhao Kuangyin cannot correct the injustice of the country.

Zhu Yuanzhang frowned and said: "It's not impossible, but you have to know, Biao'er, after setting Peiping as the capital, who should you put in charge of such an important military and political place so that you can feel at ease?


This chapter has been completed!
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