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Chapter five hundred and sixteen the countries of the South Seas

After eating and drinking, Zhu Biao said goodbye to his father, the emperor, and his mother and returned to the East Palace. It was none of his business whether Lao Zhu could rest in Kunning Palace tonight, but he expected there would be no problem.

Don't look at Comrade Lao Zhu flaunting his machismo in front of others, but Zhu Biao, who has watched many of them since he was a child, knows that after all the slaves have dispersed, Lao Zhu will still say sweet words to coax his wife, but it will be very embarrassing.

, when Zhu Biao was still Xiao Zhu, she would spit out milk after listening to it...

Winter is about to come, and it is windy and cold at night. Zhu Biao is wearing a red dragon cloak and holding an exquisite Fu Lu Shou sleeve stove in his sleeve. The heat is continuously transmitted to the whole body. I heard Liu Jin said that it was specially made by a famous craftsman from the Internal Casting Bureau. This year only cast

It became three.

This furnace has a uniform thickness and fine patterns. The entire furnace does not require inlays or welding. It is all hammered out by hand. The carvings on the furnace cover are very fine, but they do not become deflated with a foot pedal.

The lid is very tight and will not loosen even after being used for a long time. What is especially surprising is that although the charcoal fire in the furnace is burning very brightly and the heat transmitted is also very high, it does not feel hot when you touch it. The heat is the same as the temperature of the charcoal fire.

Normal when hot.

The East Palace got two of these treasures, one each for the prince and the princess. Zhu Yuanzhang did not keep the remaining one for his own use, but gave it to Empress Ma. Everyone in the court lamented the solid and orthodox love between the emperor and the empress.

After returning to the East Palace, he entered the main hall and waved to the large number of maids and eunuchs who were following him to go back and rest. With the availability of low-priced coal, even the ordinary eunuchs and maids could have a warm winter.

Chang Luohua came out with a big belly to greet him: "I respectfully welcome Your Highness."

Liu Jin, who was behind him, helped him take off his cloak. Zhu Biao put the sleeve stove aside and said with a smile: "The dinner was served in the mother's harem. It's cold and windy outside, so I didn't invite you over."

The two of them talked for a while and then rested. The next day, Zhu Biao did not go to the morning court but went to meet the old craftsmen of the ticket office summoned from Jiangnan. These people were precious and they all signed death contracts with the master's family.

These people control the foundation of anti-counterfeiting production of various banknote numbers.

As we all know, each bank has its own unique set of anti-counterfeiting methods. Some are banknote materials, patterns and monograms, and some are printed with bright and dark flowers and watermarks. In short, each has its own heirloom method.

It is said that this kind of craftsman will never leave the main house for the rest of his life. That is to say, Zhu Biao was able to ask the Jiangnan nobles to make an exception and send these people here. They accompanied the princess directly to Wuying Palace after having breakfast.

In addition to the officials from the Ministry of Industry, there was also Wu Bozong from the Hanlin Academy. Zhu Biao strode into the hall and sat down at the top. His eyes fell on the people kneeling on the ground and said: "Go and invite them in."


A director of the Ministry of Industry accepted the promise and left. The others continued to look down at the ground. Zhu Biao looked at Wu Bozong and said, "I know you want to serve in Qintian Prison, but there are not many people available now, so I appointed you first."

You have done this."

Wu Bozong prostrated himself: "I will do my duty faithfully and live up to His Highness's trust!"

Zhu Biao nodded with satisfaction. Wu Bozong was no more ambitious than Guo Chong, Zhang Fan, Li Jin and others. His ambition was to study astronomy and calendar. He heard that he had recently had close exchanges with Madrudin and others from Turkey.

It's interesting to say that in the second year of Hongwu, Madrudin and his three sons came from Turkey. When Feng Sheng, the Duke of Song Dynasty, captured Lintao, Gansu Province, they were taken as prisoners and taken to the capital because of their differences in language. Zhu Biao heard about it and sent him to the capital.

They let it out.

Although communication is difficult, Madrudin is indeed a talent. He is proficient in Christian teachings and is especially good at astronomy and calendar calculations. The Ming Dynasty was quite weak in this aspect. After all, most scholars since ancient times have not been thinking about the stars in the sky.

Career at your feet.

It just so happens that the calendar still used today is still the time-telling calendar established during the reign of Emperor Shizu of the Yuan Dynasty. Officials in the court had long suggested that it should be revised, so Lao Zhu specially set up a Huihui Qintianjian for them to translate "Huihui Calendar" and "Longitude and Latitude".

, "Astronomy" and other books.

While they were talking, an official from the Ministry of Industry led a group of bent craftsmen in. They were generally older, but they still looked energetic. Although they looked a little frightened, they were far better than some ordinary people.

"The common people are waiting to see His Highness the Crown Prince, and may His Highness be blessed forever."

Zhu Biao smiled softly and said: "Everyone, please get up without courtesy. It's hard work for you to come all the way."

"The ordinary people would not dare to be treated so courteously by the Crown Prince. I am willing to serve His Highness to the death!"

Those who can reach the top in all walks of life are not just ordinary people. These old craftsmen are also treated with courtesy in their respective masters' homes. They have plenty of food and drinks, more than two or three concubines in the greenhouse, and several apprentices under their command.

10. Now that I really see the Crown Prince, I don’t even dare to answer him.

"You all know the reason why I specially summoned you all. It is for the imperial court to make banknotes. You are all experts in this field. I hope that you can work together to complete the task. I will not be stingy with rewards after the task is completed."

Naturally, no one dared to say the reward they wanted at this time, but the voice of the promise was indeed a bit louder. To them, the words of the majestic prince were almost the same as those of the emperor. They were all words of wisdom. It seemed that after the matter was completed,

Rewards are indispensable.

Zhu Biao said a few words of encouragement and asked Wu Bozong to lead them back. The imperial court had set aside a courtyard near the Ministry of Industry, and Zhu Biao specially arranged for government army guards to guard it.

There was no time limit this time. The imperial court's current silver tael was simply not enough to serve as a reserve for issuing banknotes. The sudden cold disaster in the north disrupted Zhu Biao's plan.

But it doesn't matter. The private sector has just begun to resume commercial trade, and the volume of transactions is still small. The copper coins mined and minted by the court can still be stored for another two years. The most important thing is that the court's credit has not been completely established.

Zhu Biao doesn't want the banknotes he issues to go the way of the treasure banknotes, so it's not a bad thing to do a longer preliminary preparation work. The more stable things like currency are, the better.

Zhu Biao specially met these craftsmen in Wuying Hall to show the civil and military officials of the imperial court, so as to save them from making random decisions. As the imperial court purged the officials, life for these guys became increasingly difficult, and they wanted to take advantage of any opportunity.

Even the civilians Tan and Zhu Biao took two officials from the Eastern Palace to scare the monkeys, and scolded a few nobles before the parties stopped. But it was only on the surface, and there were countless people who wanted to reach out secretly. They just knew that the prince was now

Don't be too strict about it.

Human nature is like this. No matter how severe the punishment is, there will always be those who are motivated by profit. Sometimes it is difficult for Zhu Biao to understand. Is money really worth risking your life for a chance?

After everyone had gone down, Zhu Biao sat on top and drank a cup of tea to warm up before he got up and went to the Fengxian Hall. Today is the day to worship ancestors. Logically speaking, the emperor should stop for one day and let the emperor personally offer sacrifices, but he was pushed to

Zhu Biao.

This sacrifice lasted for more than two hours. Zhu Biao kowtowed so much that he felt confused. He just listened to the ceremonial officials singing praises and kept saluting. After kowtowing at the Fengxian Hall, he knelt down at the Ancestral Temple. After kowling at the Ancestral Temple, he knelt down in a circle at the Sheji Altar...

Finally, he returned to the Rouyi Hall to bathe and change clothes. He soaked in the warm soup and sighed comfortably. Two copper heaters were placed in the inner hall, and Tegon's animal gold carbon was burning inside to make the room as warm as spring and summer.

Liu Jin put cold-repelling solid external medicinal powder taken from Tai Hospital into the bathtub. After a while, the soup changed color. Zhu Biao sighed helplessly. Fortunately, there was a bucket of clear hot water next to it.

"How was your morning today?"

"King Mahe Mosha of Bangni sent his minister Yisi Mayi to pay tribute to the emperor with crane crown, tortoise shell, peacock, plum blossom, borneol, rice brain, bran brain, Western white cloth, and yellow wax with incense."

"The king of Champa, Ata'a, sent his minister Taban Guapunong to come to the court and say: The Ming Emperor ascended the throne to care for the four seas, just like the sky and the earth covering the sun and the moon shining on Ata'a, like a grass and fungus. Qinmeng sent envoys to

The golden seal seals the king's gratitude and joy for eternity.

"The situation is that Annan invaded the territory with troops, killed and plundered the officials, and prayed for the emperor's mercy. He used weapons and musical instruments to entertain people, so that Annan knew that the city we occupied was the place where the Shengjiao was sent tribute. It was a place protected by the heavenly kingdom. Then Annan

If you don’t dare to bully our country anymore, Fu Wei respectfully wishes His Majesty the Ming Emperor eternal prosperity!”

Zhu Biao sat back in the tub with his eyes closed, his long black hair hanging outside the tub. The mist in the palace was steaming like a fairyland. Liu Jin slowly and clearly read the letter of King Zhancheng that the Champa envoy stumbled over in the morning.

When he was chosen to serve His Highness, the Crown Prince of Wu, it was because of his extraordinary memory that he stood out. Otherwise, who would know that being able to serve the Crown Prince personally would be extraordinary in the future.

After Zhu Biao digested the news, he thought about the situation in Nanyang. Unexpectedly, Annan himself had frequent domestic turmoil and still had the energy to invade the Champa State. Is this a transfer of internal conflicts?

It's just that Yunnan has not yet been recovered, and it is impossible for the Ming Dynasty to cross Yunnan to bring justice to Champa, unless it is by sea, but the gain outweighs the loss.

Annan is not weak. The matter of canonizing King Annan was quite unpleasant last time. Although Annan tolerated it due to the power of the Ming Dynasty to destroy the Yuan Dynasty, it was also because it did not touch the fundamental interests of King Annan.

After all, the Ming Dynasty has already sat on the throne without conferring titles on others. It was only because it was worried about the various situations after the Ming Dynasty regained Yunnan that it tolerated Old Master Zhang. Now he wants to mediate the war between Annan and Champa, and even let Annan eat it.

It is not easy to give up the city.

If the Ming Dynasty sends fewer troops, I'm afraid they will be humiliated. If it sends more troops, it will waste money and food to seek benefits for others. However, if it is ignored, the Ming Dynasty's power in the Southeast Asian countries will be weakened, and they may even support the Liang King in Yunnan.

Therefore, he could either wait for a while and wait for Yunnan to be recovered and dominate the Nanyang countries, or he could maintain his majesty at all costs. Both of these are actually not very good, but the Ming Dynasty really couldn't see the situation in Nanyang clearly.

Swallowing the tiger is also an option.

After all, the size and potential of the Ming Dynasty are obvious, and some people want to build relationships in advance. During the Yuan Dynasty, which of the Nanyang countries was stronger was not based on their own national strength, but on who had a good relationship with the Yuan Dynasty.


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