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Oh five hundred and forty-four chapters

When the emperor was happy, no one in the palace dared to be unhappy. The whole hall was filled with joy. All the princes and princesses gathered around Lao Zhu and Queen Ma and sat on the throne.

Zhu Biao did his part and pulled Chang Luohua to sit down, followed by the second, third, and other princes who were over seven years old. No one else could take a seat at this table.

In fact, if it really comes down to it, Chang Luohua can't actually sit down. She should sit at a separate table with the other sisters-in-law. However, now that she is the only daughter-in-law in the family, it would be inappropriate for her to sit with the princesses. Fortunately, Lao Zhu is right.

If the eldest daughter-in-law is satisfied, she will not ask for gifts.

From here we can also see the order of honor and inferiority. No matter how favored the concubines are, they cannot surpass the princes and princesses. Real dragons and phoenixes are not comparable to their group of reproductive tools. The true mother of any prince or princess is always just a queen.


The delicacies served were quite sumptuous. After all, it was the Chinese New Year, and it was not the time to save money at this time. At first, I still ate without saying a word, but when Lao Zhu felt it was not lively, he began to randomly torture his children, who were older.

Some compose poems to suit the occasion, while others memorize poems and recite lyrics.

It became lively. The studious ones like Lao Wu and Lao Liu couldn't wait to show off in front of their father. As for the weak ones like Lao Er and Lao San, they couldn't wait to bury their heads in their rice bowls.

The concubines were not qualified to speak at this time. They could only look at their children eagerly, hoping that they would seize the opportunity. If so many brothers and sisters don't have some skills, how can they have a noble and decent king's title in the future.

Zhu Biao was naturally laughing and watching the fun at this time. Only when his younger siblings were stuck due to nervousness would he speak out to help. In fact, he could also compose poems. After all, it was not difficult to compose one according to the format and rhythm.

It's just that good sentences are rare, not to mention that it's really not his character to express sorrow in order to compose new lyrics. Zhu Biao picked up the wine glass and smiled as he watched the second one unfortunately being hit. He blushed and stumbled while composing a poem.

The third child's face was distorted when he heard this, and it looked like he wanted to use his toes to create a crack in the ground and lead the fellow sufferers to hide in...

The banquet was about to end at midnight, and Zhu Biao was not called up to recite poems and compose poems, but because he was so close, he drank a lot of wine with his father. Seeing this, Queen Ma ordered the banquet to break up.

Lao Zhu was drinking happily and holding the flask: "How far have you been drinking? Go down when you are tired. The princes will stay and continue to drink with us. Haha, we men will not come back until we are drunk!"

The second, third, and fourth children turned their shame and anger into drinking. At this time, they were no longer afraid of their biological father, and they all agreed. The concubines below were both happy and worried. After all, offending them would only result in a whipping, and disobeying the queen would not be punished.

I don’t know what to do…

Even though Queen Ma never loses her temper with concubines and princes, everyone in the palace knows that the Queen's temper is always directed at the Emperor, which is more frightening than anything else.

What's more, the more senior the concubines are, the clearer they are that the Queen has been different from the boudoir women like them since she was the wife of the commander-in-chief. At that time, they were weaving and making clothes in the commander-in-chief's mansion, while the wife was in charge of the affairs of the commander-in-chief.

In various yamen, the civil and military officials were suppressed and obeyed orders, and they only gave up their hands after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Empress Ma glared at her sons and scolded them: "Why are you still drinking? The night wind is blowing outside. If you drink too much and go out and catch the cold, go and sober up. We will leave the harem in half an hour!"

This glare frightened the second and third elders to wake up. Lao Zhu remained silent and quietly touched a cup to Zhu Biao beside him. Under the power of the empress, all the concubines stood up and left, and the princesses also followed suit.

take leave.

After a while, not a single bottle of wine could be found in the hall. The maids and eunuchs had removed all the wine and replaced it with hot sobering soup.

But men's way of thinking is different from that of women. When this sobering soup fell into the hands of these fathers and sons, they drank as if it was still wine. They bumped their heads together and listened to Lao Zhu bragging about the past, with Zhu Biao echoing from time to time.

, the third child was cheering and it was very lively.

Queen Ma and Chang Luohua looked at it and shook their heads. However, the sobering soup was sobering soup after all. After a while, the lively excitement gradually diminished. The second child swallowed his saliva and silently retracted the arm on his father's shoulder. The third child also

No longer holding on to my elder brother’s sleeve...


Empress Ma was chatting with Chang Luohua about anecdotes about her grandson. When she turned around, she was startled. The father and son, who just wanted to huddle together, were sitting upright, as if they were in a heavenly manner, with their elders and younger ones in order.

"Go back. It's cold at night and wear more clothes. Tomorrow we will go to the Fengxian Hall to kowtow to our ancestors."

"Promise, my sons and ministers will obey your father's teachings."


Early the next morning, Zhu Biao got up and took the handkerchief Liu Jin handed him and blew his nose hard. No wonder he felt uncomfortable at night. After drinking and getting hot, he still felt a little cold when he returned to the East Palace.

"Sir, I have sent someone to ask the imperial doctor to come over."

Zhu Biao nodded casually and said: "I will move to the Wenhua Palace today to avoid infecting the Crown Princess. Those of you who are waiting around should not come into contact with the maids and eunuchs on the Crown Princess' side."

Liu Jin hurriedly promised: "I know that the Crown Princess and the Emperor's grandson have made arrangements and will never let the disease spread."

Zhu Biao felt that it would be no big deal if he just left some clear tears, but it was better to be cautious. After all, the child was fragile and it would be difficult to administer medicine if he got sick.

And we just take this opportunity to clear our minds and take the path of sustainable development. How can it be better to be happy for a while than to be happy for the rest of our lives?

After washing, two imperial doctors arrived. After taking turns to diagnose and prescribe medicine, Zhu Biao was given a bowl of very, very bitter medicine after breakfast, and then went to the Fengxian Hall to worship his ancestors.

Princesses don't need to come, princes have to come as long as they can walk. Worshiping ancestors is nothing more than kneeling, but this kneeling lasts for an hour.

Zhu Biao led his brothers out of the Fengxian Hall. The incense was burning inside and their noses were full of breath. He told his brothers to go back and not catch cold, and to take medicine if they were sick, and then went to the Wuying Hall.

Originally, he should have gone to the Jinshen Hall to deal with the memorials accumulated yesterday with his father, but after all, he was sick, so it was better not to infect Lao Zhu.

He sent someone to Jinshen Hall to get a batch of memorials to review, and soon he heard Liu Jin say that the two imperial doctors who had diagnosed his pulse just this morning had been called in by Lao Zhu for questioning for a long time...

After reading the memorial from the Ministry of Punishment, Zhu Biao asked casually: "Is there any movement over there about Li Shaoguang?"

Liu Jin took charge of the matter and immediately replied: "Only Yan Dong, the minister of Dali Temple, came to interrogate him on His Highness's order. No one else has ever questioned him."

Zhu Biao nodded and stopped reading the memorial. The Ministry of Rites submitted a memorial to the court hoping that the imperial court would honor Confucius. He wrote a lot of reasons, but Zhu Biao thought for a while and finally agreed.

There is nothing wrong with Confucius, and those who are wrong are his disciples, disciples, and descendants. The court can suppress the Confucius family, but it cannot suppress Confucius. What's more, this kind of thing has been relaxed and relaxed. He has been beaten several times in the past two years, so he should be given a sweet treat.

The dates were eaten.

The Ministry of Household Affairs reported that 1,446 households in Zhejiang Province had 933,263 people receiving grain...

Liu Bowen reported that the drought and hunger in the west of the country were especially severe in the Hanzhong. Since the winter, many villagers gathered together to commit robberies and could not be restrained. Now the government warehouse has more than 100,000 dan of grain. The ministers and subordinates conspired and said: How can the people be so hungry that they can just sit back and watch them die? The warehouse.

There is still a lot of grain stored, and I want to lend it to the people to relieve the famine, so that when the autumn crops are ripe, they can be returned to the warehouse and easily aged into new ones...

Zhu Biao frowned slightly. There was still food in Hanzhong, but the court originally planned to use it for him next year. He didn't expect that the situation there had reached such a point, but he had no choice but to approve it. He knew that Liu Bowen could only use it if he had other options.

There will be no more requests.

I just hope that there will be no natural disasters in Shu next year, otherwise it will be troublesome. The food in the nearby state capitals has basically been transferred. If there is another famine, the food will only be lost from the southeast. Traveling long distances will consume countless amounts.

There are also many memorials to the Ministry of Personnel, all of which are about the transfer of officials. One of them is quite special. It says that Zhang Lun, a native of Linhao, a household in Youwei, Henan Province, begged for a job because his parents were both eighty years old and could not be welcomed to support him at home.

Return to foster care.

It seemed that he was a filial person, and the position of one hundred households was not something that most people would be willing to give up. Zhu Biao approved and ordered him to be Haoliang Wei Deputy Chief of Thousand Households, so that he could support himself with his salary.

He casually threw the memorial forward: "Send someone to check this Zhang Lun to see if he is truly filial to his relatives or if he wants to abandon his official position and escape for other reasons."



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