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Chapter 599 Gao Qi

In this palace, there are not only their family, but also servants and maidservants waiting around. Some casual actions will be over-interpreted by others. The crown prince's position is stable, and everyone is looking at who among the emperor's grandchildren is favored more.

After Zhu Yuanzhang weighed his grandchildren, he said: "I will disappear the rest. However, those who are pregnant will still be rewarded. Each will be rewarded with a hundred taels of gold and a pair of lotus and jade."

Chang Luohua thanked them for them, then turned around and took the youngest son from the wet nurse and sat beside her husband. The difference between concubine and concubine was so great. Even though Wang Rui's child was beneficial to the overall situation, the emperor still would not pay too much attention to it.

After wondering about his grandson for a while, Zhu Yuanzhang got up and prepared to go back to the harem to rest. Zhu Biao and Chang Luohua naturally asked their father to stay and have dinner with them, but Zhu Yuanzhang had already made up his mind and could only send it out respectfully.

Watching the imperial chariot go away, the couple returned to Chengqian Hall hand in hand. Zhu Biao took off his heavy court clothes and sat on the couch and sighed: "We have walked enough today."

At this time, Fuduo brought an exquisite wooden basin. The water inside was dark and steamy, with a distinct smell of herbs. He carefully put His Highness the Prince's feet into it and wiped it: "Sir, these are newly sent from the Imperial Hospital.

The foot bath recipe I came here uses mugwort leaves, angelica root, ginger, Chuanqiong, motherwort, safflower, salvia, and Duhuo. It is said to be able to open up the yang, strengthen the detoxification, and ensure the smooth flow of qi and blood."

Zhu Biao opened his clothes, leaned back, put his hands on the bed, and took a breath of comfort. He didn't know whether he could get rid of his yang, but at least he was relieved.

Perhaps he knew that His Highness the Crown Prince was tired from walking today, so he changed three pots of the decoction. The smells were different, so it was obvious that the curative effects were also different. In fact, Zhu Biao felt nothing at all by the end.

At this time, Chang Luohua had settled his two children and returned. He sat in front of the mirror and the palace maid took off the gold-plated butterfly butterfly hairpin on his head.

"Shouldn't I go to the warm talking place tonight?"

Zhu Biao withdrew his cleaned legs and feet and sat cross-legged on the couch, shaking his head and saying: "Tomorrow, I have to go to Mrs. Chen's house later. By the way, I will invite Mrs. Chen to the palace in your name tomorrow morning."

Chang Luohua clearly agreed that whatever was beneficial to her husband was beneficial to her, so she naturally had to work together to reward him.

"In a few days, if the weather is good, we will go for an outing to the Purple Mountain together. We will bring the little ones in the palace, and we will also bring the second, third, and fourth people outside the palace. You can make arrangements for the rest. It's rare to see the excitement.


This has been arranged a long time ago. Although the matchmaker is ordered by the parents now, since the marriage contract has been made, it is necessary for the younger brother and younger sister-in-law to meet in advance and keep in touch with each other.

It can be expected that all civil servants and generals in the capital will find ways to send their children to this outing. It is said that the older princes and the eldest princess have already been engaged, but there is nothing else, thanks to the Holy Spirit.

What a hard work.

Chang Luohua asked a few more questions before he cautiously agreed. It was not easy to convene a gathering of so many people, not to mention that there were many official ladies waiting to be married.

Zhu Biao is not interested in official ladies now, but he has great expectations for the new generation of officials. Zhu Biao selected a group in the past few years, but only the most outstanding among them were taken into his training. After all, at that time

Times are different.

Now it is a different situation. Talents from the imperial examination and students from the Imperial College cannot fill the gap of officials in Bashu and Guizhou, and Liaodong and Yunnan may also join at any time, leaving another huge vacancy.

No matter how you look at it, it is most appropriate to promote a group of officials' children, and there is no need to be too outstanding. People with amazing talents are rare, and Zhu Biao now hopes that they will not be unlearned and incompetent.

After the chat rested for a while, Zhu Biao got up and went to Chen Yunqing's place to settle down. Nuanyu could only reward him with a few more jewels as compensation. Although Nuanyu, a naive girl, probably didn't think that much, the palace was willing to take advantage of the situation.

There are too many slaves who are high and low, and Liu Jin is no longer in charge, so Zhu Biao has to worry more.


Early the next morning, Zhu Biao got up, washed up, and went to the morning court. Everything was carried out according to the usual rules. Just when he was about to go to court, the censor Yang Jia suddenly stood up and prostrated on the ground: "Your Majesty, I have you."

This piece!"

Normal remonstrances and impeachments should be written in advance. The imperial court is not a vegetable market, and there is no reason to bite randomly. Zhu Biao quickly glanced at the several ministers below, but they also looked surprised and could not see it at all.


But this is enough. Not being able to see it also indicates certain problems. It seems that no one wants to have anything to do with this matter. Zhu Biao withdrew his gaze and stood solemnly.

Zhu Yuanzhang said with an indifferent expression: "Speak."

Yang Jia stood up and said seriously: "Wei ministers want to impeach Wei Guan, the prefect of Suzhou, and Gao Qi, the former editor of the Hanlin Academy. Wang Yi and others have evil intentions and are disobedient!"

Having an evil intention and a disobedient heart, if this is carried out, it will not be a small crime of being demoted and dismissed, but will be punished by the whole family. Wu Xun is gearing up and ready to make a move. They don't care whether it is true or false, whether they have been wronged or not, they are just waiting for orders to arrest the traitor.

What a great achievement.

There was a lot of discussion among the civil servants. Wei Guan, Gao Qi and Wang Yi were not ordinary people. They were all famous scholars in the literary world. How could they be involved in such a thing.

Zhao Cheng, who was also the censor, came out and said loudly: "Your Majesty, as far as I know, Wei Guan, the prefect of Suzhou, is in his late seventies, and Wang Yi, the king of Gao Qi, is just a scholar. Now he doesn't even have an official position. Why?

Are you planning something evil?"

Gao Qinai was as famous as Liu Bowen and Song Lian, and he also had close friends in the court. Many people immediately echoed his words, but they did not notice that the chill in the emperor's eyes was even worse.

Zhu Biao lowered his eyes and said nothing. He knew his son better than his father, and he knew his father better than his son. If it only involved Wei Guan, it was nothing, but the inexplicable involvement of Gao Qi and Wang Yi made Zhu Biao somewhat clear.

The imperial court was short of officials and talents, not only because of the scarcity of talents, but also because of the continuous purge of officials. Every year, countless officials were killed due to corruption. Even under such circumstances, there were still many scholars who caused trouble for Lao Zhu.

Scholars who refused to accept the imperial conquest commission have appeared frequently since the first year of Hongwu. Some believed that they were citizens of the Yuan Dynasty and should not serve the new dynasty. Some believed that the officialdom was dark and arrogant and did not want to be polluted. Some also hated the imperial court.

The officials are very strict and refuse to serve.

The reasons are different but the decision is the same, but in the eyes of the emperor, these are rebellious ministers and traitors. The so-called whole world is not the king's land, and the shore of the land is not the king's ministers. If the emperor and the father are willing to use you, there is no room for disobedience by the subjects!

Gao Qi Wang Yi is the most typical representative. Gao Qi had previously served Zhang Shicheng as an aide. When the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhu Yuanzhang specifically issued an edict to compile the history of the Yuan Dynasty. At first, he refused repeatedly, but Song Lian wrote a personal letter to persuade him. .

Gao Qi became famous at a young age and was a genius named Gao Yi. He was also a teacher of others and imitated whatever happened. In poetry, he imitated the Han and Wei dynasties like the Han and Wei dynasties, imitated the Six Dynasties like the Six Dynasties, imitated the Tang Dynasty like the Tang dynasty, and imitated the Song Dynasty like the Song dynasty. He combined all the strengths of the ancients. At the end of the Zhenyuan Dynasty, he returned to his slender and beautiful habits and became famous in the world of literary circles.

Who wouldn't be happy with such a prodigy? After the compilation of "History of the Yuan Dynasty" was completed, Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to promote him to the position of Right Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, but Gao Qigu refused to insist on his request and allowed him to resign and return to his hometown. In the end, he was given a gold and released.

The same thing happened to Wang Yi, who used commoners to summon him to compile the "History of the Yuan Dynasty", entered the Hanlin Academy, begged as an old mother, and was sent back with gold coins.

These two people seem to have set an example. Last year, there were more than 20 officials who resigned under excuses. Some were given financial rewards and released, while others were reprimanded and kept in office.

From this, we can imagine that the emperor was angry. Zhu Biao could think of what Zhu Biao could think of, and those with a sharp mind in the court would naturally think of it, so a quite interesting scene appeared. He spoke with great enthusiasm to intercede for Wei Guan and Gao Qi, with an angry look on his face, and the rest They all stood with their heads bowed and said nothing, for fear of being burned.

After all the excusers had finished speaking, Censor Yang Jia continued to speak. This was mainly aimed at Gao Qi. A careful analysis of his poems written in the past would reveal his dissatisfaction with the imperial court.

For example, in the third chapter of "Taibai Three Chapters", "Xinfeng masters must not ignore each other, and human slaves also have the bones of feudal princes." When the new dynasty was first established, it is self-evident what kind of person the intention refers to.


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