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Chapter 637 The Northern Tour is imminent

Zhu Biao was thinking in his heart but he was not slow in writing. No matter who was behind the help, Tang Shengzong completed the court's errands beautifully, so he should be rewarded.

Zhu Biao followed the past practice and ordered the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Personnel to draw up a reward, and the Ministry of Works sent people to inspect and accept the city wall. Of course, in addition, he also gave an additional reward of Ruyi.

You must know that any instructions given in this hall, whether written by Zhu Yuanzhang or inked by Zhu Biao, are only conveyed by the Holy Spirit of Heaven. The so-called everything goes well as you wish. God wants you to go as you wish. Who dares to stop who can stop it?

Tang Shengzong, Lu Zhongheng, Fei Ju and other noble marquises who had been excluded but were friends with Hu Weiyong were about to be brought back to the capital. It is certain that Hu Weiyong himself would not let go of this rare opportunity for the emperor to leave the capital for a tour.

If the Jiangnan incident had not caused too much trouble, and the emperor had worked hard to pave the way for the prince, how could the emperor have made such a move? It was just a matter of patrolling the state capital in the north, and the court had many suitable candidates.

In Hu Weiyong's eyes, this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Zhu Biao silently looked at the memorial in front of him and raised the corners of his mouth slightly. He was planning to speed up the process. It was indeed a good opportunity.

Perhaps Hu Weiyong was still thinking hard about how to coax him to agree to transfer these people back to the capital, but Zhu Biao had already decided to cooperate. Not only the power to transfer personnel, he would delegate more rights to Zhongshu Province


You must give what you want first. When both father and son were in the capital, even though they intended to delegate power, Hu Weiyong was still too cautious and did not dare to do anything beyond the pale.

If it weren't for the fact that the emperor, queen, and prince all left Beijing, which would cause turmoil and political chaos in the world, Zhu Biao would have wanted to go north on a tour with his father, queen, and queen. He really wouldn't have dared not give Hu Weiyong some space.

Putting this matter aside for the time being, Zhu Biao continued to review the memorials sent by other ministries. It was nothing major, just complaining. Each ministry asked for orders to remonstrate with the officials who were imprisoned in the prison of the Ministry of Punishment.

No matter what the situation, there are only so many errands that the various ministries of the imperial court need to deal with every day. Now that there are fewer officials, more errands will naturally be assigned to individuals. Failure to do so is a crime of dereliction of duty. No wonder they are complaining.

However, it was impossible for Zhu Biao to solve this kind of problem immediately, so he simply gave it a reply and ignored it. Only the local report needed to be carefully looked at.

The king of Chu, Zhu Xi, basically came to Shanxi every two days. The prince's disaster relief effect was remarkable. The court only allocated food for disaster relief twice to stabilize the disaster situation. Now Zhu Xi is organizing young people to work for relief, opening up wasteland and repairing water conservancy.

Zhu Biao was delighted when he saw it. He had recommended Zhu Xi to go to the disaster relief department. At that time, there were many censors who opposed it, thinking that it would be difficult for the King of Chu to take up this post. Now that he has done a good job, Zhu Biao's face is also shining.

In fact, Zhu Biao was a little worried. There were many rich and powerful families in Shanxi, and many of them were naturally prepared to take advantage of this natural disaster to seize people's property. If Zhu Biao was seduced by this, Zhu Biao could only forcefully recall him.

It doesn't look good.

Fortunately, Zhu Xi was sober and knew that the current interests were short-lived and insufficient, otherwise Zhu Biao would have had no choice but to send him to Nanyang and have to train a new Zongling.

The Zongren Mansion was established, but the serious princes were still young, so the elder Li Zhen was in charge, and the princes and princesses were all raised in the palace, so there was nothing wrong with the Zongren Mansion.

But in the future, as the prince left the palace and the princess got married, the responsibilities of the royal family became heavier. Li Zhen was probably unable to do what he wanted at that time, so he had to find a suitable person.

In fact, there were not many people to choose from for this position. It had to be an older prince who could serve. Logically speaking, it should be the second son of the emperor, Jin Wang Zhu Ping, who should serve as the clan commander. However, Zhu Biao was already extremely disappointed with this younger brother.

Why should we establish a code of conduct if we are not upright? We are really afraid of teaching a group of lawless nobles from Tianhuang. When the time comes, even if Zhu Biao is not soft-handed, she is also afraid that the old Queen Zhu Ma will not be able to let go of her grandchildren.


Therefore, Zhu Biao has always preferred Zhu Xi as the imperial edict, and will help him manage the emperor's relatives in the future. The rewards and punishments are clear so that they know how to respect the law. No matter how hard-hearted a person is, if they are not allowed to do so, who would want to get involved with their relatives?

Where's the blood?

After all the memorials on the desk were processed, Zhu Biao put down the pen in his hand and rubbed his wrist and said: "The third brother has done everything right. The disaster situation has been stabilized. We can return to Beijing after the spring plowing is over."

Zhu Yuanzhang was naturally happy and happy. He had his second son, a trouble-making son, in front of him, and his third son had been inseparable from him since he was a child. Now that he has not been led astray, he can still help his father and brother in disaster relief. It is really rare.

"We just read the report from Zhao Feiyan, the supervisory censor who was inspecting Shanxi. The third son did a good job. He personally dealt with everything. The number of people who died of hunger and disease was far less than the imperial court expected."

"My father should give me some rewards. I heard that the third brother recommended several very talented officials, so my father will agree to it."

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at his son with some surprise. It had been a while since Zhu Xi had recommended the officials who assisted him in disaster relief.

It is an exceptional promotion.

Officials who went out in this way must be stamped with the seal of the King of Chu. Zhu Yuanzhang was a little dissatisfied with this. He did not want his other sons to have any henchmen, lest they be incited by the people below to do something stupid.

"My son, I believe that the third official who recommends me is dedicated to promoting talents for the country, rather than having any intention of cultivating his confidants. Why should my father suppress this intention?"

Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head and said: "It's not that we can't trust Lao San, it's just that we don't want to set this example. It's not a good thing. If others follow his example, it will be a mess."

After speaking, he knocked on the table and said, "That's all, I'll let him play it, but you have to meet those people in person before appointing them to official positions."


Zhu Biao believes that Zhu Xi is not that stupid, and to be honest, what are a few officials who are going to be devolved to the local areas? What can he do even if he is given a few high-quality officials from the capital?

Moreover, people who want to do things cannot do without useful people at their disposal. Lao San's blatant desire to cultivate a few useful people is also a form of loyalty in Zhu Biao's eyes.

A prince must have the magnanimity of a prince. Zhu Biao is not intolerant, otherwise he should have gotten rid of the fourth child long ago. With his power and position, if he really wanted to accomplish this, even Zhu Biao wouldn't be able to find out.

Although there must be clues whenever someone takes action, the person who has to be found out must have the courage to report it to the emperor. Everyone knows that the position of crown prince and crown prince is determined, and the Sacred Heart belongs to him alone.

If he really exposes this matter, the first person to kill him will not be the prince, but the emperor. The Holy One will not allow the prince to have such a stain, and he will clear up the stain for the prince even if he is heartbroken.

Therefore, no one would ever dare to investigate this kind of thing. Those who find clues would rather commit suicide than investigate further. It is better to die alone than to lose the whole family and be exiled.

With such a deep foundation, Zhu Biao really didn't care much about his younger brothers. Although he was a prince who was extremely noble, he was also subject to natural restrictions. All civil servants were focused on their mistakes, and military generals were waiting for them to rebel and quell the rebellion.

There are too many people helping Zhu Biao keep an eye on these princes and princes who may threaten his status. Too many people's lives and values ​​depend on Zhu Biao. Once something goes wrong, everything will be lost.

No one can afford to lose.

After Zhu Yuanzhang made his decision, he didn't take the matter to heart. He actually knew that they were just a few officials, and it was unclear whether they could really achieve anything. It was just that he didn't want to make this example.

Zhu Biao walked up behind his father and squeezed his shoulders. Although he had a strong body, it was hard work to sit down and review endlessly, and it was inevitable that his arms would get sore.

"Father, during his northern tour, he wanted to stop by Mount Tai to see it. It has been many years since the emperor held a Zen ceremony."


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