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Chapter 0338 Bargaining

It’s not that Yu Yan’s principles are so profound, but because of his age, people can’t believe that he can see so thoroughly and profoundly. w w. v m)

"The second point is that government finance cannot obtain much revenue from it. If the finance is not wealthy, it is definitely inappropriate to only enrich private individuals. Private wealth and government wealth are two completely different concepts. We do not have private funds. The best way to control can only be guidance. Government finance is what we can control. County Magistrate Ma, if the local economy wants to develop, the government must lead several major projects. As the basic pillar, in addition to taxation, we must also have other Financial resources, otherwise, just the increasing number of staff will overwhelm the finances, let alone concentrated investment!"

Ma He nodded slightly and said thoughtfully: "Well, that makes sense... Secretary Yu, please continue!"

Yu Yan smiled calmly and said: "The third point is how long the current financial system can last!"

Ma He was taken aback and said suspiciously: "Secretary Yu, what do you mean?"

If the two points Yu Yan talked about before were just pure economic construction strategies, the next sentence surprised Ma He. Yu Yan actually doubted that the system would change in the future.

"The fiscal system we now implement is that the local governments are large and the central government is small. After the local governments collect taxes, they pay them to the central government in a certain proportion. The local governments have money to spend and are relatively wealthy, but the central government is short of money. It must rely on the issuance of treasury bills to raise local taxes. I think this system cannot be maintained for long. If the central government wants to change the face of the country, it must focus on investment, which means it must have money. I estimate that maybe a few After two years, the central government will change the fiscal and taxation system...well, this is almost inevitable!"

Yu Yan said with certainty.

"How to reform the tax system!"

Ma He asked in shock.

Yu Yan said: "I don't know how to change it specifically, but the central government and provincial regions will definitely not tolerate the current situation. They will collect good tax sources and tax types and manage them one by one. No matter who is in power, they will definitely We must first consider the finance at the local level. By that time, a considerable part of the tax on mineral resources will be collected by the higher authorities, and very few will fall to the county and township levels. Therefore, we must prepare for a rainy day from now on. We not only need to collect taxes, but also operate. Mineral resources are our biggest pillar. We must find ways to do this. The government has become the main body of development. We will also account for the majority of the profits generated in the future. This is a long-term solution. With a steady stream of fiscal revenue, the government can accelerate the pace of infrastructure construction, focus on investing in large projects, and continue to create more fiscal pillars, so that the local economy can truly develop!"


Ma He breathed a long sigh of relief, and the look in his eyes when he looked at Yu Yan changed again. Although Ma He hid it well, Yu Yan still saw shock and even admiration in his eyes.

"Then according to your ideas, how can this goal of nationalization be achieved?"

When Ma He asked this sentence, he completely agreed with Yu Yan's opinion in his heart, and his thinking had already unknowingly cut into the specific operation process.

"Secretary Yu, it's not that I don't support it. I'll give you a vaccination first. Don't expect the county to get money for this matter. You also know the county's financial situation. The deficit is not small. Money needs to be used everywhere. I don't no way!"

Without waiting for Yu Yan to answer, Ma He quickly added, "Statement first." Ma He has been the county magistrate for several years, and the most annoying thing is the word "money", especially around the Spring Festival. "I have to play missing every year.

Yu Yan smiled. Although he was not the county magistrate or deputy magistrate, nor did he work in the county government office before, he did know something about the financial situation of Taocheng County. Ma He did not tell lies, but Yu Yan Yan is not that easy to fool.

"Hey, County Magistrate Ma, this is wrong, isn't it? The county's finances are a little tight, but vigorously developing mining development is a task set by the province for our Antai region. How did I hear that the province has special funds!"

After talking for a while, the invisible barrier between the two seemed to have dissipated a little, and the atmosphere of the conversation was no longer so formal. Yu Yan said with a bit of ridicule.

Ma He had already expected that Yu Yan would ask this question. In fact, when the matter of special funds was still being brewed in the province, many district and township leaders had already gone to Ma He to piece it together. Fazi wanted to take out a few big bucks from Magistrate Ma's clenched fists.

With the reform and opening up, people are no longer ashamed to talk about money. Those who can make money have good skills.

Even though Yu Yan is young and is already the top leader in Beiluan District, he will definitely not let go of this piece of fat.

"Hehe, we have some special funds, but they haven't arrived yet. Besides, as you know, there's more money than enough..."

Ma He laughed and shook his head.

Yu Yan said with a smile: "County Magistrate Ma, no matter how many monks there are and there is little rice, we in Beiluan District must have some, we can't not give you a penny!"

Ma He said with a smile: "This will definitely not happen. When the time comes, I probably won't be able to settle this matter even if I say it alone. When the funds come down, how to distribute them will have to be discussed at a county magistrate's office meeting, and finally we can The decision, generally speaking, should be consistent with the county’s development plan, and priority should be given to key development areas!”

This statement is not just a cliche, it clearly expresses Ma He's mentality.

Prioritize protection of key areas.

You can imagine with your big toe that Beiluan District will definitely not be a priority area for security. Funds will definitely be tilted towards districts and towns with good foundations that are close to the county seat. This is also a normal approach and it is easier to achieve immediate results. Beiluan District It's just a bottomless pit. Under those conditions, no matter how much money you throw into it, it won't make a splash.

If Yu Yan was a close confidant of Ma He, he might still be able to take care of him, but unfortunately he wasn't.

Secretary Yu's temperament actually doesn't care much about money. Yu Yan only has one basic purpose for money, that is, enough to spend, and more is useless. Can he really be rich? Buy two bowls of porridge and pour one bowl of drink. bowl.

But this is not his own business, it is for the development of Beiluan District. The money from above should not be wasted, it must be fought for. Now that he has joined politics and became a top leader, many ways of doing things have to be changed.

Yu Yan thought for a while and said: "Well, County Magistrate Ma, I won't make excessive demands. It is right for the county to deploy unified arrangements. If it is special, then everyone has special circumstances and we cannot embarrass you... "

"Yes, yes, if all the comrades below are as reasonable as you, Secretary Yu, it will be easier for me to be the county magistrate, haha..."

Ma He quickly made an order.

"County Magistrate Ma, I have two small requests!"

Ma He looked at Yu Yan with a half-smile, and said: "Secretary Yu, don't use a cage to contain me... Just tell me first. As long as I can do it, I will definitely agree. If I can't do it, then It’s hard to say!”

Yu Yan smiled and said: "County Magistrate Ma, it's not that serious. The first thing is that I want some policy support. Specifically, I want the county magistrate to approve our development plan. This request is not too much!"

Ma He was more cheerful, nodded and said: "This is okay, I can approve it!"

"Then I would like to thank County Magistrate Ma first. As for the second request, it is even simpler. If... I mean if, if we in Beiluan District can get some funds from it, we will come here wearing a hat. The county can’t stop it for me, it must all belong to our Beiluan District!”

Yu Yan looked at Ma He and said seriously.

Ma He raised his eyebrows and asked: "Secretary Yu can get funds from above!"

"Haha, I'm not sure about this. Some of my former classmates have graduated now. Some are working in national ministries and commissions, and some are working in provincial units. Although they have just graduated and are juniors, I can always think of something. As for the method, it doesn’t matter how much money you have, as long as you get it, you have to try it anyway!”

Ma He nodded and said: "That's the reason. We still have to try our best to get the support from our superiors. Okay, as long as the funds you get come from behind the scenes, I can promise you, every penny will be yours." Allocate it to Beiluan District!"

Ma He could be regarded as being generous to others. Anyway, it was easy to negotiate without asking him for money. Besides, since Yu Yan had the ability to get money from the government, how could Ma He offend him for the public money.

"But Secretary Yu, let me declare first that I can only guarantee the county. If the city wants to pluck out its hair, I can't control it!"

Ma He said, with a hint of intimacy, which can be regarded as a kind reminder. These days, the money allocated by superiors is withheld and plucked at many levels, and it really falls to the grassroots. Yes, maybe less than half of the original amount.

Yu Yan said with a smile: "Whether we can get the money or not is still a matter of debate. Let's wait until we have a clue!"

"Haha, Secretary Yu and his classmates are all over the world, there will definitely be a way!"

Ma He actually flattered his young subordinate, and it was so natural that if others knew about it, they would be so surprised that their eyes would fall down.

The strange thing is that neither of them felt anything was wrong. Yu Yan originally placed himself and Ma He on equal footing.

Yu Yan took out a cigarette, offered one to Ma He, and lit one himself. Light smoke rose in the office. Ma He took a few puffs of the cigarette, then picked up the tea cup and took a sip, saying: " Secretary Yu, please forgive me. I have thought about it and found that your plan is indeed good and I will approve it. However, it is not easy to implement it. For example, mineral development and dairy farming are all big projects. Let’s not discuss them first. Speaking of other things, the money for road construction alone is not a small amount. Even if the roads from various towns to the county are not expanded for the time being, the total mileage of the roads to the mines is not short. This amount of money is very difficult. Raising the special funds from the province alone, plus the funds you get from above, is probably just a drop in the bucket, let alone jointly holding shares with investors. If you don’t know about this, Secretary Yu may have some good ideas!”

Yu Yan glanced at Ma He and nodded.

Ma He deserves to be the county magistrate. His level is pretty good. He can see the root cause of problems.

This chapter has been completed!
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