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Chapter 0361 Amazing turning point

Thinking of this, Wang Meigui suddenly felt hot all over her body, her heart was rippling, and there was a tidal current flowing in her body. She almost couldn't help but want to hug something, want to devote herself wholeheartedly, and long for a broad chest...

I don’t know when she fell asleep again

Suddenly woke up in the middle of the night. Wang Meigui found that there was another person beside her. When she opened her eyes, she saw Sun Qian sleeping soundly beside her. Her undulating figure was even more exquisite due to lying on her side. Under a thin layer of quilt, although she was thin, she was The sexy body is hidden and regular, attracting people’s imagination.

Wang Meigui stared at Sun Qian for a long time, but finally couldn't restrain the doubt in her heart and woke her up: "Hey, have you and Yu Yan... Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

Sun Qian turned over and sat up. She was only wearing a pair of pajamas. The bare mountain peaks inside seemed to show her proud majesty to Wang Meigui. She chuckled and blinked: "What do you think? Are we just sitting on the bed talking about life and ideals? Isn’t he a normal man?”

Wang Meigui felt three-quarters disappointed and four-quarters disappointed. She said lightly "Oh" and said no more. She lay down on her side.

Sun Qian also lay down and looked at Wang Meigui's graceful body. A trace of helplessness and bitterness flashed through her heart. Yu Yan was a normal man. But why was he not interested in her? He only wanted to discuss the next investment direction with her with great interest, but he didn't. Does he want to touch her? Is it because she is not charming enough or is he jealous of her previous frame-up actions?

No matter what reason Yu Yan had for not achieving good things with her, the loss in Sun Qian's heart was like the drizzle outside the window, lingering and miserable. In a daze, she suddenly regained her courage. "What are you afraid of? One failure is nothing. The big deal is to start all over again." I don’t believe that her sincerity can’t move Yu Yan’s heart of stone.

In this life, I have decided that Yue Yan is the one. No matter whether he is cold or perfunctory towards her, it is too rare to have a man like Yu Yan who can be entrusted with her life. Once you meet her, you must catch her, otherwise you will miss her life.

The next day, after the rain, the weather was fine. At noon, the Provincial Party Committee made a fuss. Someone revealed that Xue Xiaogang protected his son, Xue Tiankuo, while driving drunk and beating the traffic police...

Sitting on the sofa in the hotel, you can see the fallen leaves of the tall poplar trees outside the window. Although the weather is fine and the sun is shining, the rain last night still knocked down a lot of fallen leaves.

Yu Yan inexplicably thought of Yang Yi and Xue Nannan who were far away in the capital.

Yang Yi was his first love, and Xue Nannan was his chance encounter. Perhaps first love is the sweetest aftertaste in memory, but chance encounter is the most exciting time of youth. Now, the two most important women in his life are separated from him by thousands of miles. Let him miss the distance especially in the season when he is most sentimental

Sun Qian and Wang Meigui returned early in the morning. Before leaving, Sun Qian was a little lonely and Wang Meigui was a little unnatural. Yu Yan did not explain too much. Some things would appear redundant and artificial if told too much. He had already told Sun Qian I said, I want to be a confidante who has nothing to do with romance.

He could understand Sun Qian's desire to have a relationship with him that would further cross the final boundary between men and women. Women's ideas are sometimes very simple and stubborn. They always think that a relationship between a man and a woman can be truly intimate. It is true that if a man and a woman Breaking through the final boundary, it will indeed feel more like a destiny than a pure friendship that has nothing to do with romance. But in fact, if men and women always maintain an appropriate distance, neither far nor close, and have a tacit understanding but no relationship, then this is the way to truly lasting cooperation.

Once men and women break through the last line of defense, they will have more emotional entanglements, which is not conducive to making rational judgments in cooperation, which may lead to unexpected deviations. To be honest, Yu Yan appreciates Sun Qian's shrewdness and ability and likes it. Her beauty and youth. As a normal man, if you have an affair, you don’t have to worry about the sequelae. Normally, men don’t have much self-control, not to mention that the other person is a beautiful woman.

But Yu Yan still restrained his inner feelings. From Yang Yi to Yao Yu and then to Xue Nannan, who met him unexpectedly, he has already shouldered too many love debts in his life. If a man betrays the woman who loves him deeply just for the sake of indulgence, such a man has neither He is responsible and has low moral standards. He is not worthy of sitting on a high platform and talking loudly.

Learning from a high school is a teacher and being upright is a model. Officials should lead by example just like teachers. At least start by asking yourself to be an upright man.

Yu Yan was stunned for a long time and sighed. He hoped that Sun Qian could remember what he said to her. A straight heart means a straight body. A straight body means good character. If he and she were just a normal cooperative relationship, he would try his best to help her and outsiders would not gossip. If he and her She has a relationship, and even if he helps her within the scope allowed by the policy, he will still be criticized.

Handling the relationship between men and women well is the most basic thing for an official. If an official cannot handle the relationship between men and women well, he will be seduced into bed by a prostitute, and even videotaped. It is hard to imagine that such an official is sitting on the stage and talking openly about something. In the construction of moral civilization, they also claim to represent the majority of party members and cadres. Such officials are rats that destroy the basis of people's trust in party members and cadres.

Two days later, Xue Tiankuo’s drunk driving incident began to unfold. At the same time, the trend of the Qinan Municipal Party Committee also began to change. Someone officially nominated Ma Jiuying, deputy director of the Public Security Bureau, to be promoted to executive deputy director of the Public Security Bureau.

Yes, Gao Dexi's attack on Xue Tiankuo hit Xue Xiaogang's life. Xue Xiaogang became angry and vowed to fight Gao Dexi to the end. As a result, it triggered internal strife among Jiang Xuezhong's family.

Both Gao Dexi and Xue Xiaogang are the pillars of Jiang Xuezhong's family, and they are irreplaceable. Jiang Xuezhong hated the infighting among those around him, so he was furious and asked Gao Dexi to let go.

Gao Dexi usually obeys Jiang Xuezhong's instructions in everything, but this time it concerns his destiny. He stubbornly believes that only by removing Xue Xiaogang and Xue Tiankuo and his son can he break the 38-year-old curse and resolve the accident caused by the crash of the 38 special car. His fate was bad, so on the surface he promised to let go of Xue Tiankuo's matter, but secretly he added fuel to the fire and made Xue Tiankuo's matter bigger step by step.

Although Yu Yan was not completely aware of the changes that had taken place in the municipal committee at this time, he could more or less guess that Ma Jiuying's nomination suddenly came out. Someone wanted to use Ma Jiuying's appointment as an exchange to resolve the confrontation between Xue Xiaogang and Gao Dexi.

On the surface, the confrontation between Ma Jiuying's appointment and Xue Xiaogang and Gao Dexi is unwinnable. In fact, it is not the case. The battle between Gao Dexi and Xue Xiaogang seems to be just an internal fight among Jiang Xuezhong's group. But if you think deeply, it is not difficult to draw a conclusion. If Zhang Haoran takes the opportunity Taking advantage of Gao Dexi's success and seizing Xue Xiaogang's identity as the director of the Public Security Bureau is tantamount to getting rid of a serious problem. If such a good opportunity is missed, Zhang Haoran will have no political wisdom.

Then again, Zhuang Ye will definitely not sit back and watch Xue Xiaogang be taken down. Xue Xiaogang is his most capable assistant. If something happens to Xue Xiaogang, he will lose a general. The urban village transformation work he is implementing in Qinan City may come to a standstill. among

Xue Xiaogang controls the three major gangs and is the pillar of social stability in Qinan City. Although the means are not legal, it does not matter as long as the goal is achieved. If Xue Xiaogang is removed and the three major gangs are leaderless and lose control, let’s not say what kind of chaos Qinan City will be. It was the resistance encountered in the transformation of a village in the city that left Zhuang Ye at his wits' end.

Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, if Ma Jiuying is appointed as an executive deputy director in exchange for Zhang Haoran not insisting on holding Xue Xiaogang accountable, it is also a very cost-effective political transaction.

Yu Yan smiled secretly. Regardless of what decision Zhang Haoran would make in the end, at least his goal was achieved. This is a great thing.

However... the battle between Xue Xiaogang and Gao Dexi cannot stop here and must add more fuel to the fire. If Xue Xiaogang harms the long-term stability of Qinan City, then Gao Dexi harms the political situation and ecosystem of the entire Shanlu Province. Gao Dexi When Chiang Xuezhong is even more powerful, he can do whatever he wants with San Lu Province and let the political climate of San Lu Province change. If the weather is not clear and the political climate is not sunny, San Lu Province will be trapped in internal strife and spend precious time for no reason fighting for a life-and-death situation. It is impossible to move towards a benign development path

Adding more fuel to the fire, igniting a fire that reaches the sky. It is best to let Xue Xiaogang and Gao Dexi die in the sea of ​​​​fire at the same time. To eliminate the harm to Qinan City and Shanlu Province, the idea has been decided. Yu Yan walked behind Ma Chenchen. When Ma Chenchen was not paying attention, he took out the phone and quietly pressed a button. After making a call, I hung up the phone

Yu Yan released the signal to Meng Dashan to take action

"Should the leader let the Feng Hexiang cigarette factory go first or let the battle between Gao Dexi and Xue Xiaogang escalate?"

It’s not simple. Meng Dashan also knows how to assess the situation. Not to mention, his words really reminded Yu Yan. Yu Yan thought for a moment and said: "In this case, don’t take action for the time being. Wait for my news."

"The leader has the right time now. Why should he wait a little longer? I don't understand..."

"Haha, you will understand when the time comes. If you do it now, you may only be able to kill one of the two people. If you do it when the time is right, you may kill two birds with one stone."

Yu Yan did not feel the joy of victory. On the contrary, he felt a hint of imminent urgency.

The next step may be a life and death battle that determines the fate of Gao Dexi and Xue Xiaogang.

It also has to be said that Ma Jiuying used the feud between Xue Tiankuo and Gao Dexi to successfully provoke a fight between Gao Dexi and Xue Xiaogang. It was indeed a clever move. It was the icing on the cake for his plan and played a positive role in promoting it. It is no exaggeration to say that although there had been The information on Hexiang can be used as a bomb to dismount Gao Dexi, but it may not be powerful enough, or the timing of detonation may be just a little off, and the result may be in vain.

It's better now. With the internal fighting between Gao Dexi and Xue Xiaogang, it's like the wind is helping the fire and the fire is borrowing the power of the wind. It will definitely ignite a fire that reaches the sky. Maybe the wind and fire will spread all over the city and burn Jiang Xuezhong in one go.

Good thing, great thing

There is a point in the war between Gao Dexi and Xue Xiaogang. A gentle exertion on the most critical point can get twice the result with half the effort. So now we must pay close attention to the development of the situation and wait for the emergence of the point.

One day later, the Standing Committee of the Qinan Municipal Party Committee passed a resolution appointing Ma Jiuying as the Executive Deputy Director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. Ma Jiuying's life took a new step. At the same time, the situation in the province and city also took an astonishing turn.

Ma Jiuying’s appointment caused quite a stir in Qinan City

The most shocking thing was not the municipal party committee leaders. Although the municipal party committee leaders had their own thoughts, they had already expressed their opinions at the Standing Committee meeting and knew the final result early. In the end, Ma Jiuying's nomination was narrowly passed at the Municipal Standing Committee meeting with only a slight advantage of one vote. appointed

The discussion at the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee was very intense

Some people object because Ma Jiuying is too young to take on important responsibilities. She is deputy director at the age of 36. She is indeed a bit young. Some people agree, saying that Ma Jiuying has rich grassroots work experience in Antai. His growth path has proven his maturity. Some people stand in a neutral position. It was mentioned above that Gao Dexi was the first secretary of the Provincial Party Committee when he was 28 years old. What’s wrong with having a 36-year-old deputy director now?

In fact, Ma Jiuying was able to sit on the throne of deputy director of the Public Security Bureau of the provincial capital city at the age of 36. There were many driving forces behind it. The reasons were very complex and were the result of joint efforts from many parties. The most direct reason was the confrontation between Jiang Xuezhong and Wang Guoliang. There were also The Provincial Public Security Department’s push by some force behind the scenes, and so on, made Ma Jiuying stand out, and finally achieved great fame. From this point of view, there is indeed a complex political significance behind Ma Jiuying’s success step by step.

But if Ma Jiuying had to thank one more crucial person, then this person must be Yu Yan.

For a while, the topic of Ma Jiuying being appointed as the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau at such a young age was rampant. It aroused widespread attention and discussion in the Qinan Municipal Party Committee. Some people think that there must be a lot of shady behind Yu Yan's promotion. Others say that Shanlu Province has always been conservative in the country. Now I finally have the courage to be the first in the world. This is a rare initiative. It has created a model for the country's promotion of younger and more educated cadres.

After Ma Jiuying's appointment was approved, the situation of the Municipal Party Committee and the Provincial Party Committee seemed to have undergone subtle changes with the shift of Yu Yan's fulcrum. It seemed that the previous confrontation and tension had become calm. Even the fight between Gao Dexi and Xue Xiaogang

It has also temporarily died down, so many people can't help but breathe a sigh of relief and feel that this step of promoting Ma Jiuying is really the right step.

This chapter has been completed!
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