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Chapter 0386 Running Officials To Officials

"Xiao Liu, why didn't Baoyuan come today?"

As soon as Ren Sheng sat down, he asked Liu Yanfang with a smile. His eyes only glanced at the pair of little white rabbits on Liu Yanfang's chest. They were like knives. He seemed to want to cut Liu Yanfang's clothes open and take a good look.

Liu Yanfang hurriedly said: "Secretary Ren, Lao Man and others are staying in the district. I made an appointment with Sister Mi today to go to Antai to buy some clothes."

"Haha, you lesbians just like to buy clothes."

Liu Yanfang smiled and said: "Yeah, lesbians just like this. You can eat casually, but you can't be sloppy in dressing. People want clothes, just like gold. A big shot like you needs gold, and we little girls need clothes."

Liu Yanfang is the person in charge of the Party and Government Office of the District Committee. She has a lot of flattery, just open her mouth. In addition, she is young and beautiful. She is really popular on certain occasions. Man Baoyuan didn't know what kind of means he used at the time. She married into the family and enjoyed tenderness and happiness

Ren Sheng opened his mouth and laughed: "Haha, Xiao Liu, you are indeed a female cadre in the district. This mouth is amazing. Is your Baoyuan being coaxed into confusion by you every day?"

Liu Yanfang curled her lips and said with disdain: "Oh, Secretary Ren, please don't talk about him. He, huh."

Ren Sheng pretended to be surprised and said: "What's the matter? He dares to bully you. This is not acceptable. I want to criticize him for marrying such a beautiful wife and still living in blessings without realizing it."

Mi Guangjing smiled and said: "Brother, you are a bureaucrat, right? You don't understand the situation. In the district, District Chief Man is the leader. At home, Yanfang is the leader. That's really what Yanfang said to go east, and District Chief Man didn't dare to go west. He is very obedient. "

Ren Sheng said with a smile: "Oh, Yanfang still has such authority. I can't tell. You are quite aggressive. In this case, why are you dissatisfied?"

Ren Sheng casually changed his title from "Xiao Liu" to "Yan Fang", his tone also changed from a superior leadership attitude to a bit affectionate, and the smile on his face was a little ambiguous.

Yu Yan secretly shook his head

In front of so many people, especially in front of him Yuyan, the secretary of the Beiluan District Party Committee, Ren Sheng seemed to be a little pretentious. Or in Ren Sheng's mind, he didn't think Yuyan was a figure at all. He was a young man at the age of twenty. By chance, I sat on the throne of district party committee secretary, but I shouldn’t take it seriously.

Yu Yan also knows that cadres below the county level are best at hand-to-hand combat. They don’t pay attention to any skills in power struggles. They like to go straight. White knives go in and red knives go out. Now it seems that there is indeed some truth. It is also shown in daily life.

Liu Yanfang sighed and said: "Secretary Ren, you people who are big leaders just don't understand the difficulties of our grassroots cadres. Look at this county. There are no movie theaters, video halls, dance halls, clothing stores, restaurants, etc. Life is so rich and colorful, nothing like us. In the countryside, you see mountains when you go out. When it gets dark, you have no place to go. You can only stay at home. The difference between the sky and the earth. This comparison between people is really irritating. I, I would rather my boss don’t be the mayor of this district and be transferred to the county. Any unit. It’s enough to be an ordinary cadre. As long as I can live in the county, I will be satisfied for the rest of my life.”

Long Cheng then smiled slightly

Man Baoyuan and Liu Yanfang both came to him about the transfer. He understood Liu Yanfang's thoughts best. Today, I took Mi Guangjing to Antai for a large purchase. It was just for this purpose.

It's just that this woman can speak and express it tactfully.

"Hey Yanfang, this is wrong. I should criticize you a few words. Comrade Baoyuan is a veteran cadre. He is familiar with the situation in Beiluan District than anyone else. Comrade Yuyan has just passed by and we need his help to do a good job in Beiluan District. You It would be better to incite Comrade Bao Yuan to be transferred. Isn’t this a disguised criticism of Secretary Yu Yan’s inability to unite his colleagues? This is not good.”

Ren Sheng pretended to be unhappy, got out of his leadership posture, and said with a straight face.

Yu Yan smiled and said: "District Chief Man is indeed a very capable comrade. Thanks to his assistance in the past few months, the work of Beiluan District can be carried out smoothly. The cooperation between District Chief Man and I is very tacit."

Ren Sheng took advantage of the topic and provoked a relationship between him and Man Baoyuan. Yu Yan could not tell. But why Ren Sheng did this is a bit difficult to understand. I guess it has something to do with today's discussion.

"Haha, that's right. Comrade Baoyuan cannot be moved for the time being. Even if he really needs to be transferred, we have to wait until Beiluan's work is on track before we can consider this issue."

He stopped talking and then changed the subject. Besides, his current interest is entirely in Liu Yanfang. He provoked the relationship between Yu Yan and Man Baoyuan. It was just a matter of whim and he did it casually.

"Secretary Ren, I can't transfer my family. I can always do it. I'm not a leader. I'm just a clerk doing errands. It won't matter if I'm missing from Beiluan District."

Liu Yanfang finally couldn't help but say it out

Ren Sheng was slightly startled and said, "Isn't this bad? Isn't it causing you and your wife to live apart in two places?"

"What's wrong? The county seat is only a few dozen miles away from Beiluan. It's very convenient to go back and forth. I mainly think about the children. The quality of teaching in the city is not comparable to that in the countryside. Secretary Ren, as leaders, you should always be considerate of us. Difficulties faced by grassroots cadres "

Liu Yanfang said half-jokingly and half-seriously. Her eyes were fixed on Ren Sheng's greasy and fat face. It was watery and seemed to be able to talk. Ren Sheng's heart was swaying for a while.

Ren Sheng's heart was rippling and he was about to agree when the box door opened at exactly this moment. Li Xiaoyan personally led two waiters in and brought dishes and drinks.

The dishes are very rich. In addition to Taocheng’s local flavors, there are also game and even seafood. But I don’t know how they transport seafood over long distances and keep it fresh under the current conditions.

Seeing such a sumptuous banquet, Liu Yanfang secretly changed her expression and couldn't help but reach out and touch her wallet. Although she was prepared for a heavy hemorrhage today, she only brought one to two hundred yuan. She spent nearly one to buy clothes in Antai, and now she only has the remaining money in her pocket. I'm not sure if the next two hundred dollars will be enough to pay the bill, but I don't want to make a fool of myself then.

Thinking of this, Liu Yanfang glanced at Yu Yan and said, "If we really don't have enough money, we can only ask Yu Yan for help."

I thought it wouldn’t cost too much to have a meal, but Mi Guangjing slaughtered him with a knife. I guess they all have shares in this restaurant. Liu Yanfang asked for help and delivered it to her door. If you don’t kill it, you won’t kill it.

Yu Yan seemed to understand Liu Yanfang's thoughts, a faint smile line appeared at the corner of his mouth, and nodded very slightly.

I don’t know why, but when she saw Yu Yan’s action, Liu Yanfang was calm in her heart, and the smile on her face became natural, as if Yu Yan really understood her thoughts.

Li Xiaoyan personally opened Wuliangye, starting from Ren Sheng, and filled it with everyone. Mi Guangjing and Liu Yanfang were no exception.

Liu Yanfang is the person in charge of the Party and Government Office. It is her job to welcome people and send them off. She has a pretty good drinking capacity. Two or three ounces of high-quality liquor is not a problem. Mi Guangjing also has an unchanging face. It seems that he is also an oil-sleeved cadre who has been tested for alcohol..."

"Come on, everyone, let's have a drink first."

Ren Sheng raised his glass, stood up and said

Everyone stood up together and raised their glasses and clinked them

In such a banquet, whoever is the official speaks naturally. Ren Sheng becomes the protagonist of the banquet. He sits there and talks loudly. Others echo and nod in agreement. During this period, Long Cheng, Li Xiaoyan, Liu Yanfang and others can't help but take turns to toast Ren Sheng and say some flattering words. Yu Yan also followed the trend and toasted Ren Sheng with a glass of wine, but there was no follow-up action, not even Long Cheng's wine.

This is not because Secretary Yu is putting on airs, or because Secretary Yu is a drunkard, but that he doesn’t like Ren Sheng very much. Ren Sheng’s various pretense towards Liu Yanfang in front of him made Yu Yan very uncomfortable. No matter what, Yu Yan is. The district committee secretary of Beiluan District. Liu Yanfang is the wife of his partner. She is also a cadre of Beiluan District. Ren Sheng is so arrogant. If you don’t give Secretary Yu face, why should Secretary Yu give you face? Secondly, in addition to the previous contradiction, Ren Sheng This kind of local snake-like cadres are inherently disgusting to Yue Yan. These people do not follow the rules in their actions. They only care about who has the biggest fist. This is the main factor causing disharmony in the team.

Yu Yan is sitting here today just for the sake of Liu Yanfang's sake. Secretary Yu's character is a bit protective and he cares about his brothers and subordinates.

Seeing Yu Yan sitting upright like a mountain, just eating vegetables and drinking wine, not taking the initiative to flatter himself, Ren Sheng felt uneasy and suddenly asked: "Comrade Yu Yan, I heard that your Beiluan District is vigorously promoting cotton planting."

Yu Yan nodded: "Yes, Secretary Ren, we are promoting cotton cultivation."

Ren Sheng frowned and said: "Why grow cotton instead of growing medicinal materials? The profit of growing medicinal materials is relatively high. I remember Comrade Baoyuan reported to me last year that this year we will promote the cultivation of Chinese medicinal materials throughout the region."

Ren Sheng's division of labor in the county party committee is to be in charge of industrial and agricultural work. Talking about this matter with Yu Yan is in line with his status. Between his words, he is trying to sow the relationship between Yu Yan and Man Baoyuan. Although Man Baoyuan is not present, Liu Yanfang believes these words. Liu Yanfang will definitely pass it on to Man Baoyuan. What is relayed can often have an unexpected effect. If Man Baoyuan is not present, there is no way to make a more correct judgment based on the actual situation at the time. Just listening to the message is sometimes different from the actual situation. The situation is very different

Yu Yan smiled slightly and said: "This issue was discussed at the meeting of the main cadres in our district. They all agreed that growing cotton is more reliable than growing medicinal materials. At present, the country is vigorously developing the imitation weaving industry. Cotton is in short supply. Sales are not a problem. Prices are also rising steadily. Medicinal materials are popular. The influence of market factors is too great. Once too much is planted, if it cannot be sold, the problem will be big. So after discussion, the comrades decided to plant cotton, and the district chief also agreed. "

Yu Yan pushed back unceremoniously. He just paid more attention to his speaking skills. He kept saying that it was a collective decision after discussions among the main leading cadres in the district. Ren Sheng was blocked tightly.

Ren Sheng's face turned gloomy

Long Cheng laughed and raised his glass and said: "Secretary Yu, I heard that you got one million yuan in poverty alleviation funds from the province and city in one go. This is amazing. You must have some good friends in the provincial capital to help. Haha, come on, I respect you. One cup ”

Yu Yan also raised his cup and clinked a cup with Long Cheng with a smile.

Long Cheng must be considered a smart man. Seeing that Ren Sheng seemed to be targeting Yu Yan, he reminded Ren Sheng in time. "This kid is a well-connected person and you can't offend him casually."

Liu Yanfang also realized that the atmosphere was not right, so she quickly stood up, held a glass of wine and said to Ren Sheng: "Secretary Ren, I would like to toast you and thank you for your strong support for the work of Beiluan District."

Facing Liu Yanfang, Ren Sheng's face immediately turned cloudy. He laughed and had a drink with Liu Yanfang, and said: "Xiao Liu, you have a good momentum. You are a woman and you are not inferior to men. I just like this kind of capable comrade."

Liu Yanfang immediately hit the snake on the stick and said with a smile: "Then Secretary, will you consider the voice of our grassroots cadres and let us communicate with each other?"

"Haha, okay, then tell me which unit you have chosen."

After Ren Sheng drank a few glasses of wine, he already had some ideas. His eyes swept over Liu Yanfang's body like knives, almost causing tears to flow from his eyes.

Liu Yanfang was overjoyed and said quickly: "The transfer of cadres has always been subject to organizational arrangements. I don't dare to be picky."

"It doesn't matter. Just tell me."

Liu Yanfang smiled and said: "The leader asked me to say, then I really said it. Sister Mi and I are the best. She works in the Construction Committee. If I can work in the same unit as her, I will be so happy."

"Haha, you have good taste. The Construction Committee is a hot topic right now. Long Cheng, do you still have a staff over there?"

Liu Yanfang's heart skipped a beat. What she had been planning for so long finally became clear. She immediately held her breath and looked at Long Cheng without blinking, for fear that he would shake his head.

Long Cheng smiled and said: "Brother, which unit is not overstaffed now?"

Liu Yanfang's red face immediately turned pale, and her eyes became resentful.

Co-author Today, more than a thousand yuan was fed to the dog

Who knew that Long Cheng’s next words would make Liu Yanfang overjoyed again?

"But, brother, you are the leader. As long as you give an instruction, our Construction Committee must implement it no matter how difficult it is."

Long Cheng said with a smile. His eyes were also flicking around Liu Yanfang, but his wife Mi Guangjing was present. Long Cheng's eyes were naturally not as explicit as Ren Sheng's. They were well hidden and difficult to detect.

In terms of appearance alone, Liu Yanfang is much better than Mi Guangjing. She has to have good looks, a good figure, and is still many years younger.

"Haha, that's what you said, Xiao Liu, you heard it too"

This chapter has been completed!
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