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Chapter 388 Shizuo: I won't be polite when I go

Chapter 388 Shizuo: It would be rude if I went there

Author: Jingxiadust

Chapter 388 Shizuo: It would be rude if I went there

Shizuo Komemon secretly thought to himself, there were only four of them on this trip, and Conan didn't follow him here. He and Mao Lilan went to Karuizawa to play, so nothing would happen, right?

But combined with what Ayako said just now, that tea ceremony master has a very bad temper and is very stubborn...

Gee, that’s so typical.

"That legend is just a made-up story about this pond." Yagura explained.

Aonoki Ryoichi's expression was not very good, "Can we not talk about this matter anymore? I just came to say hello to the guests, please excuse me and leave first."

After saying that, without any delay, he turned around and went back to his room.

When Shizuo Komemon saw this, he felt a little strange. He hadn't seen this kind of introverted, dull-minded otaku who didn't like to deal with customers for a long time.

"Why do you always like to bully Ryoichi-kun?" Yagura frowned and looked at Miss Mimura, then entertained Komemon Shizuo and others, "The grandmaster may have something else to do, why don't you sit down and have a cup of tea first, about the legend

Let me tell you what happened."

"You guys can drink. Ah Zhen and I went out for a walk. He doesn't seem to be used to this kind of atmosphere." Yuanzi refused.

Kyogoku, who had been unable to say anything and was very silent, waved his hands in shame, "There's no need to be like this, it's just that I don't know much about tea ceremony and I'm afraid of saying the wrong thing."

"The tea ceremony and martial arts are all Tao. If you really say it, they have something in common. Why should you be so restrained?" Shizuo Komemon said with a smile.

"That's right, relax. If you want to visit, Miss Mimura, could you please take them around?" Yagura looked at Mimura.

"It's better not to cause trouble to everyone, and Sonoko should also be interested in these ghost stories, right?" After spending the past few days together, Kyogoku Shin also understood some of Sonoko's preferences.

So everyone sat down and began to listen to the story.

"This story happened in the late Edo period..." Yagura told it calmly.

In short, it is a classic story about a monster turning into a beautiful girl.

One day, a clear and beautiful girl appeared by the pool, playing sweet flute music, and the water in the pool changed colors according to the music, making the place feel like a fairyland.

A businessman from a wealthy family fell in love with her, so he built a mansion by the pool and proposed.

The girl agreed, but she asked that the pond belong to her exclusively and no one was allowed to approach it.

But not long after the marriage, the businessman broke his promise and built a dormitory in the middle of the pond.

The girl begged him to tear it down, which angered the businessman, who killed the girl with a knife and threw the body into the pond.

Then, like all ghost stories, the magic begins.

One night, a giant white python suddenly emerged from the pond, which was the girl's true form. It started attacking the businessman without any explanation.

The businessman was seriously injured and managed to escape with his life. He hid in his dormitory and was able to keep the giant python out with the blessing of a charm.

But the python kept waiting outside day and night. In the end, the businessman was exhausted both physically and mentally. He couldn't resist the pressure and committed suicide.


Shizuo Komemon felt uncomfortable after listening to it. The story of Bai Suzhen and White Snake is too ups and downs. This legend is too monotonous.

"Isn't that giant python still hiding in the pond?" Yuanzi is quite satisfied with this trick. He is a little scared, but also very interested. He is just the kind of guy who likes dragons like Mr. Ye. When he encounters it, he will be scared to the point of weakening his legs.


"Ayako? What are you thinking about?" Shizuo Komemon looked at Ayako next to him strangely. Her expression seemed a little embarrassed and a little nostalgic.

Ayako fluttered her eyelashes and whispered: "I'll tell Jingjun privately later."

It was so mysterious that Shizuo Komemon didn't rush to ask any more questions.

"Sorry to keep you waiting for so long, you can go to the tea room now." Hanasaki Yoshiko came in and said respectfully.

The others stood up, but Shizuo Komemon sat still, "Although it's a bit rude not to say hello to the host as a guest, but I'm afraid it will be even more rude if I go, so I'll just wait here."

Hanazaki Yoshiko and Yagura were both stunned, but they didn't say much because they were not the owners of this place.

"What do you mean?" Miancun was a little stunned. He didn't understand but asked directly.

Yuanzi suppressed a smile and said, "Really, and it's for the sake of that grandmaster. If he goes there, I'm afraid that teahouse will become history."

"I'm sorry, I will explain it to the master later." Ayako also said.

Mimura and others looked at each other.

So everyone left Komemon Shizuo and went to the tea room in the center of the pond.

He stood alone on the balcony, holding on to the wooden railing, watching the group wash their hands carefully and step onto the wooden bridge connecting the main house and the tea room.

When they arrived at the place, Yuanzi regretted that he had to go through the small door to enter this teahouse. If he had known better, he would not have been curious about the scenery here, so he would have waited in the main room like his brother-in-law.

"Grandmaster?" Yoshiko Hanazaki knelt down beside the small door and shouted, but there was no response.

"Could it be that he was eaten by a monster?" Yuanzi muttered, reaching out and opening the small door, and a burst of violent scolding suddenly came from inside.

"What are you doing? Isn't it too rude to peek into other people's rooms without permission? What do you think of this stately teahouse?"

"Ghost!" Sonoko was startled and hid in Kyogoku's arms.

Ayako knelt down in front of the small door and greeted with a smile, "It's been a while since I've seen you, teacher."

"You...Ayako?" Aonoki Ryozo, who had a clear face, was startled, "You're here too?"

"Teacher, don't you want to see me?" Ayako was still smiling.

Aonoki's eyelids twitched as he remembered some unbearable past events and sighed.

"You're already here, can I still drive you away? And tonight is also the last time I host a tea party, so you came just in time."

"The last tea party?" Ayako was a little stunned, and Yagura and Mimura were also stunned.

Miss Mimura couldn't help but frown slightly, looked at Ayako carefully, and soon became secretly wary because of the latter's temperament.

Japanese tea ceremony pays attention to "harmony, respect, purity and silence".

Harmony means peace, harmony, and joy. People, things, and the environment must express the meaning of harmony, and everything that the five senses touch must be harmonious.

Including the light in the tea tasting place should be soft, the sound of the wind blowing outside should be gentle, the temperature of the tea bowl should be gentle, the aroma in the room should be soft, the taste of the tea should be suitable, etc.

Respect means respecting and loving each other when drinking tea, regardless of superiority or inferiority. Everyone is equal and respects each other. Just like the small door in the tea drinking room, everyone must enter and exit through this door, regardless of their status.

Qing means pure and clean. It doesn't matter if there is a crow outside, the stones in the courtyard must be wiped clean, and then drinking tea can cleanse the soul.

Silence is the highest pursuit, and you enter the state of "nothing" after drinking tea.

Although Mimura is not very good at tea ceremony, he still has good vision.

Judging from Ayako's calm and calm temperament, judging from her intuition, she is probably quite good at tea ceremony.

And what the Grandmaster just said...

(End of chapter)

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