Chapter 3631 Great Consummation, Return to Hometown (Grand Finale)

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At this moment, the outer celestial phenomena took the lead, and an indescribable power surged in. The shadow created by this power covered most of the star world. At this time, the strongest reincarnations in the world of stars were all extremely nervous, and success or failure depended on it!

Facing a hand that could destroy most of the world of a thousand stars, Jiang Ning looked calm.

Before, Jiang Ning was defeated by this move. It was because Jiang Ning was not determined enough, so he lost!

"Last time, I wasn't blessed enough to use this move, but now the time is right."

"The person I want to thank most is Lin Qingzhu, she helped me understand this idea."

"The divine seal is invincible, and heretics are led by heaven."

"God controls the true way, and heaven and earth live together!"

Of the sixteen-character mantra, the first eight characters are the divine seal, and the last eight characters are directly promoted to the Tao seal!

The Dao Seal descended from the sky, disintegrating the offensive of the Outer Dao Celestial Image layer by layer. The Dao Seal was blasted into the body of the Outer Dao Celestial Elephant like a broken bamboo, and exploded in its body. The exploded Outer Dao Celestial Symbol tried to reshape the Dao body with the immortal power of Dao, but was blocked by Jiang Ningdao.

The force crushes and annihilates again!

"What? How can there be such a big gap? It's impossible, it doesn't make sense!"

At the last moment when the outside world was completely wiped out, the outsiders didn't even think about how Jiang Ning had accomplished this.

"Don't know? Let me tell you, I am strong because of my obsession, and my obsession started because of Lin Qingzhu. Qingzhu had already considered this step. She used good fortune to save my life, and at the same time, the remaining good fortune formed part of the formation."

"You said that the two halves of creation are connected to me. She has been spying on your power. My experience in Dragon Mark is actually destroying your power."

"Qingzhu is very smart. She spied on the secret of your Taoist body and knew the secret of this realm. She turned it into a disaster that is about to come to me. As long as I can survive and fly to the clear realm, it means that I have the ability to kill you, and

The fact that I have entered the Zhaoran Realm early is enough to prove that I have the strength to completely defeat you."

"You didn't completely lose to me, but you lost to the hands of Qingzhu who share my heart."

When Jiang Ning finished speaking, the outside world was completely wiped out.

The greatest threat to the world has truly been eliminated.

The hidden danger disappeared, and what Jiang Ning had been doing all along was finally accomplished.

"Master, if the heretic celestial phenomena are not destroyed, you will not be able to meet Miss Qingzhu again. Miss Qingzhu has made a lot of determination. Only by destroying the heretic celestial phenomena can you get together. Otherwise, you will die together." The sword spirit said, but it is a pity that this

I couldn't use her once.

"Don't be discouraged. As my Taoist weapon, you are already very powerful." Jiang Ning smiled. It was only then that the sword spirit discovered that he had been cast into the Taoist pattern and had advanced to the Taoist realm one step earlier than Jiang Ning!


There is no need to say gratitude. Her master and Lin Qingzhu are of the same mind, and at the same time, she and her master are of the same mind. This is enough.

"Now I know why, Master, you have no good impression of Jiang Lingtian. If anyone else is alone with Miss Qingzhu, you will not feel better." Sword Spirit teased.

Jiang Ning did not speak, but frowned, then smiled with relief.

"Let's go! The serious trouble has been eliminated. I have paid off what I owe them. It is only a matter of time before I reach the Dao realm. There is one more important thing!"

Jiang Ning rushed back to the Great Thousand World as soon as possible and flew all the way to a very inconspicuous first star world.

Near this star world, there is a third star world connected to it. This world also cultivates immortal energy, and the rules of the world are far stronger than those of the flying dragon pattern!<


This world is the true fairy world that the immortals have been looking for!

And if Jiang Lingtian inherits the mantle of master, then he is the incarnation of the will of the true immortal world!

The True Immortal Realm was not lost, but Jiang Lingtian was extremely weak and had no choice but to summon the True Immortal Realm to use the power of will to preside over the sealing formation!

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Ning crossed the sea of ​​stars and ran all the way back to the unknown earth, back to that city and that small medical clinic.

Everything seems to have not changed, it is exactly the same as when I left.

"That's not right, Master! How long have you been away? It's impossible for the earth to remain the same!" Sword Spirit said in surprise.

But with her current Dao realm cultivation, she can't see any clues.

"It's not that your cultivation is weak, but that she knows you too well. If you see through it easily, my experience in overcoming tribulations will be meaningless." Jiang Ning said with a smile.

Jiang Ning waved his hand and materialized the will of the First Universe Star World in his palm.

After seeing this, Sword Spirit reacted.

"Okay! It turns out that the first star world was created by Lin Qingzhu. With the few creations she has left, she can only create this low-level star world." Sword Spirit said.

It was also at this time that the frost hit, and Jiang Ning couldn't help but shiver with this chill.

When I turned around, there was already a person outside the hospital.

Her purple fairy dress was incompatible with the modern decoration, and her appearance also surprised many passers-by. Those who knew she was dressed in an ancient style, and those who didn't thought she was really a fairy walking out of it.

"Zhaoxue Qiancheng! What a name!" Jiang Ning turned around and teased with a smile.

The latter took a few steps forward and rushed to Jiang Ning. He raised his hand and slapped Jiang Ning on the face!

I thought this slap would fall on Jiang Ning's face, but when I didn't want to get closer, the hand I raised couldn't fall down. The indifferent woman's face was already moved by it, and her eyes were filled with distress.

"It's been so hard on you for coming so early." The woman bit her lip with tears in her eyes, almost crying.

"It's not bitter, and don't cry. It's because I miss you so much that I can't wait for a moment. I have to complete the task successfully. No one will bother us now, right? Are you right, Qingzhu?"

Before Jiang Ning could finish her words, the sound of green bamboo made her unable to hold on any longer. She threw herself into Jiang Ning's arms and refused to let go. The two people hugging each other never let go again.

Yes, now no one will bother them anymore, and they can finally live in Jiang Ning's ideal world of two.

At this moment, a burst of dragon energy came out from behind Jiang Ning and transformed into a human form, also with horns on his head. What appeared was none other than Xiaolong!

"I'm going to Jiangning! Where the hell did you take me? How did you end up in such a trashy place?"

"You don't want to practice and achieve your goals? Haha! This relationship is good. It's best to let go of your obsessions. But I don't want to stay in such a bad place with you. I know that there is a world that seems to be breaking the third world.

We’ve reached our peak! We’ll be promoted to the legendary fourth star world soon! It’s time for us to go there and explore!” Xiaolong said self-righteously, still very excited as he spoke.

With their tacit cooperation, they are simply the best partners!

He was still dreaming about dominating the world with Jiang Ning, but he didn't realize that Lin Qingzhu was looking at him with dead eyes.

Jiang Ning said with some embarrassment, "Well, he is still a young dragon. He can't resist being beaten. Don't beat him to death. Otherwise, it will be difficult for me to deal with the Dragon Clan. I am most afraid of owing people favors." At this moment, the outsider Tianxiang took the lead.

When he started, an indescribable force surged in. The shadow created by this force covered most of the star world. At this time, the strongest reincarnations in the world of stars were all extremely nervous, and success or failure depended on it!

Facing a hand that could destroy most of the world of a thousand stars, Jiang Ning looked calm.

Before, Jiang Ning was defeated by this move. It was because Jiang Ning was not determined enough, so he lost!

"Last time, I wasn't blessed enough to use this move, but now the time is right."

"The person I want to thank most is Lin Qingzhu, she helped me understand this idea."

"The divine seal is invincible, and heretics are guided by heaven." ??

"God controls the true way, and heaven and earth live together!"

Of the sixteen-character mantra, the first eight characters are the divine seal, and the last eight characters are directly promoted to the Tao seal!

The Dao Seal descended from the sky, disintegrating the offensive of the Outer Dao Celestial Image layer by layer. The Dao Seal was blasted into the body of the Outer Dao Celestial Elephant like a broken bamboo, and exploded in its body. The exploded Outer Dao Celestial Symbol tried to reshape the Dao body with the immortal power of Dao, but was blocked by Jiang Ningdao.

The force crushes and annihilates again!

"What? How can there be such a big gap? It's impossible, it doesn't make sense!"

At the last moment when the outside world was completely wiped out, the outsiders didn't even think about how Jiang Ning had accomplished this.

"Don't know? Let me tell you, I am strong because of my obsession, and my obsession started because of Lin Qingzhu. Qingzhu had already considered this step. She used good fortune to save my life, and at the same time, the remaining good fortune formed part of the formation."

"You said that the two halves of creation are connected to me. She has been spying on your power. My experience in Dragon Mark is actually destroying your power."

"Qingzhu is very smart. She spied on the secret of your Taoist body and knew the secret of this realm. She turned it into a disaster that is about to come to me. As long as I can survive and fly to the clear realm, it means that I have the ability to kill you, and

The fact that I have entered the Zhaoran Realm early is enough to prove that I have the strength to completely defeat you."

"You didn't completely lose to me, but you lost to the hands of Qingzhu who share my heart."

When Jiang Ning finished speaking, the outside world was completely wiped out.

The greatest threat to the world has truly been eliminated.

The hidden danger disappeared, and what Jiang Ning had been doing all along was finally accomplished.

"Master, if the heretic celestial phenomena are not destroyed, you will not be able to meet Miss Qingzhu again. Miss Qingzhu has made a lot of determination. Only by destroying the heretic celestial phenomena can you get together. Otherwise, you will die together." The sword spirit said, but it is a pity that this

I couldn't use her once.

"Don't be discouraged. As my Taoist weapon, you are already very powerful." Jiang Ning smiled. It was only then that the sword spirit discovered that he had been cast into the Taoist pattern and had advanced to the Taoist realm one step earlier than Jiang Ning!


There is no need to say gratitude. Her master and Lin Qingzhu are of the same mind, and at the same time, she and her master are of the same mind. This is enough.

"Now I know why, Master, you have no good impression of Jiang Lingtian. If anyone else is alone with Miss Qingzhu, you will not feel better." Sword Spirit teased.

Jiang Ning did not speak, but frowned, then smiled with relief.

"Let's go! The serious trouble has been eliminated. I have paid off what I owe them. It is only a matter of time before I reach the Dao realm. There is one more important thing!"

Jiang Ning rushed back to the Great Thousand World as soon as possible and flew all the way to a very inconspicuous first star world.

Near this star world, there is a third star world connected to it. This world also cultivates immortal energy, and the rules of the world are far stronger than those of the flying dragon pattern!<


This world is the true fairy world that the immortals have been looking for!

And if Jiang Lingtian inherits the mantle of master, then he is the incarnation of the will of the true immortal world!

The True Immortal Realm was not lost, but Jiang Lingtian was extremely weak and had no choice but to summon the True Immortal Realm to use the power of will to preside over the sealing formation!

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Ning crossed the sea of ​​stars and ran all the way back to the unknown earth, back to that city and that small medical clinic.

Everything seems to have not changed, it is exactly the same as when I left.

"That's not right, Master! How long have you been away? It's impossible for the earth to remain the same!" Sword Spirit said in surprise.

But with her current Dao realm cultivation, she can't see any clues.

"It's not that your cultivation is weak, but that she knows you too well. If you see through it easily, my experience in overcoming tribulations will be meaningless." Jiang Ning said with a smile.

Jiang Ning waved his hand and materialized the will of the First Universe Star World in his palm.

After seeing this, Sword Spirit reacted.

"Okay! It turns out that the first star world was created by Lin Qingzhu. With the few creations she has left, she can only create this low-level star world." Sword Spirit said.

It was also at this time that the frost hit, and Jiang Ning couldn't help but shiver with this chill.

When I turned around, there was already a person outside the hospital.

Her purple fairy dress was incompatible with the modern decoration, and her appearance also surprised many passers-by. Those who knew she was dressed in an ancient style, and those who didn't thought she was really a fairy walking out of it.

"Zhaoxue Qiancheng! What a name!" Jiang Ning turned around and teased with a smile.

The latter took a few steps forward and rushed to Jiang Ning. He raised his hand and slapped Jiang Ning on the face!

I thought this slap would fall on Jiang Ning's face, but when I didn't want to get closer, the hand I raised couldn't fall down. The indifferent woman's face was already moved by it, and her eyes were filled with distress.

"It's been so hard on you for coming so early." The woman bit her lip with tears in her eyes, almost crying.

"It's not bitter, and don't cry. It's because I miss you so much that I can't wait for a moment. I have to complete the task successfully. No one will bother us now, right? Are you right, Qingzhu?"

Before Jiang Ning could finish her words, the sound of green bamboo made her unable to hold on any longer. She threw herself into Jiang Ning's arms and refused to let go. The two people hugging each other never let go again.

Yes, now no one will bother them anymore, and they can finally live in Jiang Ning's ideal world of two.

At this moment, a burst of dragon energy came out from behind Jiang Ning and transformed into a human form, also with horns on his head. What appeared was none other than Xiaolong!

"I'm going to Jiangning! Where the hell did you take me? How did you end up in such a trashy place?"

"You don't want to practice and achieve your goals? Haha! This relationship is good. It's best to let go of your obsessions. But I don't want to stay in such a bad place with you. I know that there is a world that seems to be breaking the third world.

We’ve reached our peak! We’ll be promoted to the legendary fourth star world soon! It’s time for us to go there and explore!” Xiaolong said self-righteously, still very excited as he spoke.

With their tacit cooperation, they are simply the best partners!

He was still dreaming about dominating the world with Jiang Ning, but he didn't realize that Lin Qingzhu was looking at him with dead eyes.

Jiang Ning said with some embarrassment, "He's still a young dragon. He can't resist beatings. Don't beat him to death. Otherwise, it will be difficult for me to deal with the Dragon Clan. I am most afraid of owing favors to others."

This chapter has been completed!
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