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Chapter 060

Chapter 060 Everyone uses their own methods

At this time, Qin Xiang also saw that a grasping ring seemed to have grown out of the sheath of his right hand, tightly wrapping the bright silver gun. The mecha and the silver gun formed a whole.

"Since you were humble in front of me and I was polite to you, let's come again!" General Lege chuckled. His voice came out through the metal sleeve on his face and turned into a metallic clang, cold and majestic.

"Okay." Qin Xiang knew that the courtesy exchange that General Lege was referring to was that he still had not used the mecha to attack, but would fight him again after adding a layer of defense.

"call out"

With the click of the silver gun, the silver gun that became one with him underwent strange changes. With the click of the gun, Qin Xiang could not tell whether it was the gun that was leading him or him that was pushing him.

General Legge activated the mecha, and his body flexibility was almost doubled compared to before. When the silver spear struck, the sound of the silver spear breaking through the air was heard.

And Qin Xiang felt that there was a sharp and cold metallic aura on the tip of the gun. That sharp aura was at least 30 to 40% more powerful than General Lege's previous shot. If

If General Lege's previous shot could only damage his skin, this shot was enough to pierce the body of a super strong Nebula man.

Qin Xiang did not confront him head-on, he still used close combat skills.

Stepping diagonally, as steady as a mountain, the Cangqiong knife slashed out and passed over the edge of the silver spear tip. His body pounced like a raccoon cat, and the Cangqiong knife slid down the spear and struck directly at General Lege's hand that was grabbing the gun.

His movements were as fast as lightning, like flowing clouds and flowing water. From the moment the knife was struck to the moment it hit General Lege's hand, it didn't even take the blink of an eye. General Lege didn't even have the slightest time to change his moves.


The Sky Knife struck General Lege's gauntlet, but it was like medium-soft steel and could not be broken at all. It only left a trace. The Sky Knife bounced up like tiles floating on water. He flipped his hand and turned to his.

Cut off the left shoulder.

When Qin Xiang pressed forward like a raccoon cat, General Lege quickly retreated. The spear in his hand shook, and he raised a circle of pine spear flowers. Qin Xiang's slash was on the spear, and he struck again.

After bouncing up, the Cang Qiong Sword slashed his shoulder. Before the gunfire arrived, it had already slashed on Lege's right shoulder. Several movements were as fast as lightning, done in one go, as if there was only one movement.


Once Qin Xiang approached, he did not give General Lege another chance. He gave full play to the advantage of "one inch short and one inch dangerous" in close combat, and launched a fast attack like a meteor shower. General Lege's advantage with a spear disappeared in an instant.

Within a few breaths, Qin Xiang had been stabbed no less than ten times.

The soft armor on his body is made of a rare soft metal fused with space technology. Even ordinary spiritual weapons refined by the weapon-refining masters of the Xuangu Domain cannot break through it. Although the Cangqiong Sword in Qin Xiang's hand is extraordinary,

However, at this time, he felt that the power of this knife could not be exerted. The sharp blade could not break through any of General Lege's soft armor.

However, General Lege didn't feel well, because Qin Xiang's Cangqiong knife struck him. Although it couldn't break through the soft armor, and the special properties of the soft armor helped him withstand most of the force, there was still a small part of the sword's strength.

It hit his flesh directly, which was very painful. He was already in the soft armor and his teeth were cracked in pain. It was extremely painful.

Only a minute or two passed like this. Not only did Qin Xiang's attacks not slow down, but they became faster and faster. General Lege had no way to escape from his fast attacks, and his whole body was in burning pain.

, it was so exciting that I almost went crazy.


However, he suddenly slapped his left hand on his right hand, and a ray of fiery red light immediately flowed from his hand through the bright silver gun. The bright silver gun instantly became fiery red and translucent, as if it had been made red by a furnace, and hissed.

Shaking, Qin Xiang's Cangqiong Knife opened. Where the sword and gun collided, a fiery red circle of light rushed out and blasted towards Qin Xiang. The surrounding temperature suddenly rose sharply.

Qin Xiang retreated violently, and the Cangqiong Sword swung out a round of sword light, which collided with the fiery red halo and exploded. A violent wave of fire swept away, and the surrounding air burned.


General Lege did not take the opportunity to pursue, but used this violent musket to force Qin Xiang away and retreated violently. He rubbed and jumped through the soft armor, gasping for air, and he knew it was flesh at a glance#

The severe pain in my body was unbearable, and it just broke out at this moment.


Qin Xiang stood still on the ground while retreating violently. Looking at the Cangqiong knife that was burned a little red, he couldn't help but feel a little vigilant in his heart. The fire that burst out from the bright silver gun was not the fire element between heaven and earth, but the violent natural force.

Fire, but the temperature is extremely high. The blow just now should be a skill of General Lege's mecha.

Although the high-temperature natural fire could not hurt him, God knows what other powerful methods General Legge's mecha has.

"Your martial arts skills are very powerful, I will not give you another chance." General Lege finally stopped and looked at Qin Xiang and said.

Qin Xiang smiled and said: "Come on, show me what's so powerful about your mecha."

"You are wrong. My body is not called a mecha, but an armor. I am an armored warrior." General Leger corrected: "The armored warrior is an evolved version of the mecha warrior. How can those mechas be compared with mine?

Compared to armor."

"Stop talking nonsense, it doesn't matter if you are a mecha or an armor, it is good to win the battle." Qin Xiang chuckled, stamped the ground with the sole of his foot, flew up with a bang, and slashed down with the Sky Sword.

"Fire Sun Spear——"

General Leger shouted low, slashed his spear, and faced the Cang Qiong Dao. The gun body was as red as fire, and it collided with the Cang Qiong Dao. The fiery red halo of light suddenly burst out, shrouding Qin Xiang#, Qin

The huge force on the fragrant knife also knocked back General Lege's spear.


The aperture burst open, revealing Qin Xiang's figure. The fire wave swept away, and the surrounding air burned away.

"Is this what you call a powerful armor?" Qin Xiang asked speechlessly as he looked at General Lege who was retreating again.

Although the fire ring sprayed from the gun was extremely hot and powerful, it was still far from being able to hurt him. At this time, he didn't even burn a hair on his clothes.

General Legault snorted: "This is just a warm-up."

As soon as he finished speaking, he retreated instead of advancing. With his toes pointed, he flew up upside down. He made a fist with his left hand and punched it out. A white vortex hit Qin Xiang.

Qin Xiang felt that there were powerful energy fluctuations in the white vortex, but it was very unfamiliar to him. He did not dare to force it, so his body rose up from the ground and pulled diagonally away.


The white vortex hit the position where Qin Xiang was standing just now, making a dull sound, and a white ripple spread out. Wherever the ripple passed, all the grass, trees, mud and rocks on the ground turned into white powder.

"Damn, what kind of weapon is this? It's so powerful!" Qin Xiang felt secretly in his heart. He could feel that this white vortex already had the power to severely damage the middle-level Nebula powerhouse.


General Lege still retreated in the air, and his left fist once again shot out a white vortex, hitting Qin Xiang in the air. This time, the vortex no longer condensed but spread out in the air, before it reached Qin Xiang.

In front of it, it exploded with a bang, and white ripples surged away at a terrifying speed, covering Qin Xiang.


Qin Xiang's face was slightly condensed, the light of the sky knife flashed, and he slashed forward with the knife. A sharp knife light slashed out from the sky, making a hole between the white ripples, and the majestic ripples came from him.

Sliding past, the air roared like thunder and was crumbling, as if the space was about to collapse. The aftermath spread to the forest below, and everywhere it passed, everything was turned into powder.

"The attack of this armor is really weird, and the white vortex is also extremely powerful." Qin Xiang felt darkly in his heart, his eyes fell on Lege, and he thought: "This Lege seems to be deliberately trying to distance me.

If I want to attack from a distance, I can't let him take the lead."

Taking one step, there was a bang, and the space under his feet trembled. Qin Xiang had already punched out, and howling wind and thunder surrounded the fist of Xing Yuanli. In an instant, it broke through the air and struck hard at

Leger blasted away.

General Lege felt his scalp was numb, so he didn't dare to fight head-on. He retreated violently and flew into the air. His left fist once again sent out a wave of white vortex, which collided with Qin Xiang's Yuanli giant fist.


A loud noise spread, and an astonishing wave of explosive air swept away. One wave hit General Lege's retreating body. The powerful force flipped him up and blasted him thousands of feet away.

Qin Xiang's figure flew up like lightning. He was thousands of feet away, and the Cangqiong Sword had already been raised and slashed wildly on the ground. The Yuan Sword, which was hundreds of feet in size, struck hard at General Lege in the air.

General Leger was horrified. At this moment, he truly knew that the gap between himself and Qin Xiang was not just a tiny bit. The battle armor he wore was the latest generation of battle armor in the Red Haze Domain, with seven powerful attacks.

Means, the previous white vortex is one of them.

However, these attack methods are limited. Although the white vortex is powerful and destructive, it can only launch four attacks. It has been used three times now. However, not only could it not hurt Qin Xiang, but it also trapped him in the first attack.


The sword of hundreds of feet arrived in the blink of an eye, pressing down like a mountain. He had no way to avoid it while he was flying. He was so horrified that he moved a hundred feet sideways and avoided the center of the sword.

area, with a loud bang, his body fell away like a meteor.

"Son of a bitch--"

While flying, General Lege gritted his teeth and raised the spear in his hand. In an instant, the silver stream on his armor rushed towards the silver spear at an alarming speed. The next moment, a dark red beam of light as big as a little finger came out with light.

He shot towards Qin Xiang at a very fast speed.

When Qin Xiang struck out with the knife and saw General Lege being slashed and rolled, his heart relaxed. An extreme sense of crisis suddenly arose. Chills ran down his spine. He almost didn't even think about the lightning.

Moving sideways.


Although he reacted quickly, the dark red beam still penetrated through his left shoulder.

This chapter has been completed!
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