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Volume 4 053 Deadlock!

Volume 4 053 Deadlock!

After nightfall, it had just snowed in Dongjing. At this time, the ground outside the house was covered with a layer of snow about half an inch thick. Du Yi was caught off guard. After being kicked out of the house, he rolled twice in the snow.

His whole body was covered with snowflakes and he was in a terrible state.

Just as he was about to get up, two island youths rushed out, cursing and kicking him violently.

"You have quality, you Chinese pig, do you think we can't understand Chinese? I'll kick you to death..."

The two young men kicked Du Yi fiercely and turned a deaf ear to his screams.


The front desk where Qin Xiang checked out was not close to the gate. Yan Lin and Zhou Qingqing were not far from Du Yi before. When they realized it, Du Yi had already been kicked more than a dozen times by the two young men. Although Du Yi was annoying

I hate it, but after all, we are compatriots who came out together, and Yan Lin is also the student captain of the team. Naturally, she can't just sit idly by and ignore it. She reacted and immediately rushed out. She scolded and pushed the two island youths away. Zhou Qingqing also

Then he ran out.

"The flower girl of China——"

The two young people from the island country were about to curse, but when they turned around, they saw the bright-eyed and peerless Yan Lin under the snowy night lights. Her four eyes immediately burst out with an evil light, and they cheered in surprise.

When the young people from the island country who had already entered the store heard this, they all ran out. When they saw Yan Lin and Zhou Qingqing, they all cheered and immediately formed a ring to surround them.

"You... what do you want?" Zhou Qingqing said with a trembling voice. She knew that Chinese girls studying or working in island countries often encountered harassment and even assault by gangsters in island countries. The reason why she dared to propose that Qin Xiang invite them

When eating desserts, firstly, this dessert shop was not far from the hotel gate, less than 100 meters away. Secondly, she knew that Qin Xiang had skills, so even if she met some hooligans, she should be able to deal with them easily.

"Jiu Rang, I haven't tasted Chinese girls for a long time. These two are very good. I have to try them tonight. Don't get ahead of me later." A young man with dyed brown hair looked at Yan Lin and swallowed.

He slobbered and smiled evilly. Standing next to him was a long-haired young man who was half a head taller than him.

"Damn, Suotou, where are the two? Do you want to come out on top with both? That's not possible. I'll give you the front one, and mine the back one. After we finish playing, we'll go back to the brothers. Let's have fun together."

The young man raised his eyebrows and immediately objected.

"Haha, okay, it's settled." The brown-haired young man laughed. You must know that he was afraid that the long-haired young man would compete with him for Yan Lin. After all, among the two girls, in terms of temperament, appearance and figure, Yan Lin

They are all on a higher level than Zhou Qingqing. And among them, he and the long-haired young man have equal status. If the long-haired young man really competes with him, it will probably be like last time.

In the end, he could only use punches to decide who would attack first. This time he tried to retreat in order to advance, and the long-haired young man was fooled. Naturally, he was very happy.

"Shut your stinky mouth." Yan Lin was furious when she heard Fang Sha, and said coldly: "I'm warning you, you'd better get out of here, otherwise you will regret it later."

"Haha, I never know how to write regret. The people in the Black Dragon Club, even the police in Dongjing, don't dare to do anything to us, let alone just two Chinese flower girls. Brother,

Go up and catch them, and you can come back when we are done." The brown-haired young man laughed proudly.

"I'm coming--"

As soon as the brown-haired young man finished speaking, except for the brown-haired young man and the long-haired young man, the other five people divided into two groups and rushed towards Yan Lin and Zhou Qingqing.

"Qin Xiang, help—"

Zhou Qingqing screamed in horror when she saw two young men rushing towards her.

Yan Lin saw the three people rushing toward her. She ignored Zhou Qingqing for a moment and kicked out at a very fast speed. Before one young man could react, he fell backwards and the other two reached out to grab him at the same time.

Towards her arm and shoulder, Yan Lin swung her kicked foot and hit the neck of the person on the left. The person fell down in response. Then she slapped out a slap with her right hand and hit the chest of the person on the right. The person was stunned.

He snorted and stumbled back five or six steps before he could stand firm.

The three young people from the island country couldn't make a single move under Yan Lin's hands!

However, Zhou Qingqing was already caught by the two young men who rushed over.


Before he finished speaking, Qin Xiang had already appeared outside the store.

"There are Chinese pigs——"

The two people who caught Zhou Qingqing saw Qin Xiang rushing out and Yan Lin repelling the three of them with one move. Knowing that something was wrong, they all took out a dagger from their bodies and held it against Zhou Qingqing.

on the neck.

"Hold her." A young man handed Zhou Qingqing to another person to hold him hostage, while he rushed towards Qin Xiang with a dagger.

Because she saw someone trying to arrest her, Zhou Qingqing was scared and ran towards the door of the dessert shop. When she was caught, she was right next to the door. When Qin Xiang rushed out, she happened to stop next to them.

"Chinese pig, go to hell!" Under the light of the snowy night, the sharp dagger flashed with a cold light and stabbed Qin Xiang's abdomen fiercely.

Qin Xiang saw him charging towards him with a dagger. Instead of retreating, he moved forward. His left hand reached out like lightning, and instantly grabbed the man's knife-wielding wrist. He pressed and pressed it, and there was a "click" sound. The young man was in pain.

With a snort, the dagger in his hand fell down and hit the ground with a clang. Qin Xiang's body was forced between them, and he quickly grabbed and twisted his hands. With a clicking sound, he removed his two arms. The young man's wrist bones were broken, and both arms were broken.

Dislocated, he immediately fell to the ground and screamed in pain.

"Put her down-"

Seeing the dagger under Zhou Qingqing's neck, Qin Xiang did not dare to rush over for a while. He ignored the screaming young man on the ground, stepped on the two steps, and slowly walked towards the young man who held Zhou Qingqing hostage, his eyes cold and authentic.

"If you dare to come here, I will kill her." Although the young man who held Zhou Qingqing hostage saw him knocking down one person with one move, he was not afraid at all. With a slight exertion on his hand, the sharp dagger pressed into Zhou Qingqing's neck.

Go ahead and sneer proudly.

"If you dare to move, I will kill her with one shot." A cold voice came. Qin Xiang turned around and saw that the brown-haired young man was pointing a pistol at Yan Lin. The muzzle was away from Yan Lin.

Less than two meters, at such a close distance, even if Yan Lin was good at it, it would be difficult for her to avoid it.

"Also, pig of China, if you dare to move around, I will shoot you to death." Another voice also came. Qin Xiang turned his head slightly and saw that the long-haired young man was also holding a gun in his hand.

A gun with a black muzzle was pointed at him!

Qin Xiang did not expect that they actually had guns in their hands, and he could see that it was definitely a real gun. Even if he was not afraid, Yan Lin and Zhou Qingqing were in a situation where they could be hurt, so he had to take care of it.


For a moment, he was at a deadlock!

(PS: It’s almost 0 o’clock. There are not enough 3,000 words for this chapter. Let’s update one chapter of 2,000 words first. After 0 o’clock, we will update two chapters of 2,000 words. After three chapters, we will continue with one chapter of 3,000 words tomorrow.)

This chapter has been completed!
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