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Chapter 1338 Really So Terrifying

Ye Lang looked at Elder Zhou's mysterious smile and poured him a cup of tea.

"Elder Zhou, you must be an expert if you can master the secret technique of seeing through other people's destiny. I would also like to hear what level of sect the Wuliang Sect belongs to, and what sect is above the Wuliang Sect."

The interface system of the world of cultivation was very complicated before. Naturally, the world of cultivation will only become stronger. It will do no harm to you to know more about it and broaden your horizons. Zhou Tong's visit this time is also an opportunity.

"Hahaha, Elder Ye is too polite. I am not an expert. I just met a real expert when I was young and gained some insights from him. At the same time, I learned the secret technique of clairvoyance.


Zhou Tong felt that Ye Lang was very interested in what he saw and heard about the world of immortality, and he was secretly happy in his heart. Although his cultivation level was not high, his overall understanding of the world of immortality was second to none in the Wuliang Sect.

Even the sect leader Duan Xiong often came to him for inquiries. It was through this method that he could survive as a sinecure in the Hall of Acceptance.

"Then please ask Elder Zhou for advice."

Ye Lang bowed his hands in a formal salute, and Zhou Tong felt that he was being treated politely. This showed that Ye Lang was not an ungrateful person, and he was even more happy. As long as he leaned against the big tree of Ye Lang and received the support of the elixir in the future, he would be considered as his own.

With limited talent, it is still very possible to break through to the ninth level of True Immortal.


Zhou Tong cleared his throat and said: "The master I met back then was named Xiaoyao Sanren. He was a Sanren who traveled all over the world. He did not belong to any sect, but he knew the affairs between various sects very well.

This man's cultivation is profound and unpredictable. Seeing that I was destined to be with him, he not only taught me his clairvoyance, but also explained to me many secrets of the world of cultivating immortals, including the arrangement of forces in the continent of cultivating immortals."

"Oh? What kind of cultivation level does this person have? He can travel all over the world and know so many things?" Ye Lang asked curiously. Since coming to the world of immortality, the strongest person he has met is Elder Tianhu, who is Xuanhu.

The strength of the Third Grade Immortal.

Zhou Tongtong: "My cultivation level at that time was too low to sense this person's realm at all, but being able to travel across all realms, it's hard to imagine how strong he is. As far as I know, the realms of immortality include true immortals, mysterious immortals, and Taixian.

Immortal, Golden Immortal, if you go up further, I won’t understand. I think Xiaoyao Sanren must be at least at the level of Golden Immortal.”

"Golden Immortal!"

The corners of Ye Lang's mouth twitched fiercely. If this were true, he would be too powerful, just like a legendary figure.

"Haha, Elder Ye, our Wuliang Sect leader Duan Xiong is only at the ninth level of the Xuanxian. For us, the Golden Immortal is elusive but unattainable, so just listen."

Zhou Tong smiled.

"Having said that, I, Ye Lang, have ascended to the realm of cultivating immortals. Naturally, I want to reach a higher realm and go to a higher level. Regardless of whether it is a Taixian or a Golden Immortal, as long as such a realm exists and I am not afraid of difficulties, I will definitely succeed."

Ye Lang's eyes sparkled. The harder it was, the more interested and eager he became.

Zhou Tong secretly exclaimed that he was truly worthy of being blessed with the destiny of seven-colored auspicious clouds. Even after hearing such a profound realm, he was not intimidated. Instead, he was filled with the desire to challenge. This kind of temperament is very rare.

"Elder Zhou, can you tell us about the distribution of forces in the wider immortal world?" Ye Lang asked again.

"Of course. Our Wuliang Sect manages hundreds of fairy mountains. We can be considered the master of one party, but compared with the real overlord, it pales into insignificance."

Zhou Tong continued.

"The sects that are on equal footing with the Wuliang Sect include the Qingyuan Sect, the Jianxin Sect, the Beast King Sect, the Taixuan Sect, etc. Each of these sects is in charge of hundreds of immortal mountains and is similar in scale. However, sitting above all similar sects is the Qiankun Sect.

Martial arts academy. Martial arts academy will accept talented disciples carefully selected from these medium-sized sects to join them for training. There are countless geniuses among them. The minimum standard for entering the martial arts academy is the ninth level of true immortal. You can imagine that some of them

Elder, what state does the master of the courtyard have to be in!"

Hearing what Zhou Tong said, Ye Lang frowned slightly. This world is indeed extremely grand. The Qiankun Martial Academy alone looks so high, so what is above it?

Ye Lang said: "Elder Zhou, does the Qiankun Martial Academy have regular selection days?"

Zhou Tong glanced at Ye Lang from the corner of his eye and said with a smile: "Although Elder Ye is amazingly talented, the selection process for entering the Qiankun Martial Academy may still take some time. Of course, it doesn't hurt to tell you the selection date. The Martial Academy selects every ten years.

Once, the new selection date will be in one year, but... Elder Ye, I am not telling you that it will be a bit difficult to practice to the ninth level of true immortal within one year, right?"

"What Elder Zhou said is indeed true for ordinary people, but I have now joined the alchemy building and become an alchemist. If my alchemy progresses quickly, it may not be impossible to achieve it."

Ye Lang took a sip of tea and said.

Zhou Tong frowned slightly, thinking that this boy is too young. He has worked hard for decades and barely reached the ninth level of true immortal. If this boy has to succeed within a year, even if he is the son of the master of the Qiankun Martial Academy,

I have been using various elixirs since I was a child, but I can't succeed within a year.

"Ha, Elder Ye has lofty aspirations and must have his own plans. I hope I can slap him in the face so that Elder Ye can succeed."

he said with a smile.

"You're welcome, Elder Zhou. I'll just try my best."

Ye Lang poured him another cup of tea.

"The Qiankun Martial Academy shouldn't be the only one in this world, right?" Ye Lang asked again.

"Of course, as Xiaoyao Sanren said, he once walked out of the Qiankun Martial Academy and entered a super wild land. In a phantom sea of ​​​​emptiness, he saw an extremely grand palace towering into the clouds and standing between heaven and earth.

It’s called the Sun and Moon Wuji Palace!”

Having said this, Zhou Tong's eyes showed awe, because Xiaoyao Sanren once allowed him to see the tip of the iceberg of the palace through his special magical power.

Even if it was just the tip of the iceberg, it would be an unforgettable sight for Zhou Tong. That glance could make him completely trapped and unable to extricate himself. If Xiaoyao Sanren hadn't used his magical power to pull him back, Zhou Tong's soul might have been imprisoned there forever.

In the scene of "the tip of the iceberg".

Zhou Tong told Ye Lang all this.

"Is this Sun and Moon Wuji Palace really so terrifying?" Ye Lang was shocked.

"Yes, I feel cold sweat all over my body when I think about it now."

Zhou Tong touched the beads of sweat on his forehead, shook his head and said.

Ye Lang clearly felt that Zhou Tong was definitely not lying. The breath all over his body was a little disordered. This was just a memory. He really didn't know how spectacular and powerful the "tip of the iceberg" Zhou Tong saw at that time was, and how powerful it could make him feel.

Even worse than ants!

This chapter has been completed!
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