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你到底走不走 妈妈正在楼上看着他们 你又忘记我了 我是你引以为傲的儿子 只能望着他 你不要太过分了 你这个小崽子 恬不知耻 谁让你是我的偶像啊 让你死无葬身之地 果然名不虚传 老气横秋的天才宝宝 宝藏的真相 萌宠33天:早安绵羊妻 他还只是个小孩子 暂时撤退 你个小家伙 每天傍晚都会外出 卑鄙无耻的男人 好暴戾的大哥 粗鲁的女人? 她心里就只有那个该死的男人 他根本就是逼婚 隐隐的不安 皇陵附近出现的瘟疫 我老婆没事吧 绝对不能饶过他 慕家唯一的继承人 她何时才来见他? 不能掌握的人都该死 为求目的不择手段 趁人之危的伪君子 被人下蛊了 新郎不是你 你们还有什么解释 不会让我的女人嫁给别人 都跟蛊结缘了? 的确让人很为难 也许他是有目的 体里有着剧毒 驱魔大典 你也太大胆了 真是懂事的孩子 做人要低调 深深地思念着她 他失去控制了 她讨厌他的碰触 她刚才差点被欺负了 他没有办法拒绝她 贴身保护他 谁让我是天才 这对父子在搞什么 幕后的家伙 敬酒不吃吃罚酒 他是太过急躁了 你想放了我 死士也是人 该怎么做就怎么做 我就知道你最疼我了 他一定在焦急不安了 好男人难为 妻管严也是一种福气 这不是她要的温柔 我可以去保护你啊 他并不怕死 他已经迫不及待了 卑鄙的男人 我是你最好的朋友 要看着他受苦吗 只有相爱的人才能找到 还怕她以后会跑吗? 彼岸花戒指 定情信物 你好拽啊 战斗还没结束 你是活腻了吗 你终于来找我了 我们马上去结婚 我要杀你了 勉强没幸福 你好卑鄙 他不会让你得逞的 让你受委屈了 你真的很可怜啊 她就快要撑不住了 你真的回来了 迷失心智 你这个老不死 他也要去找老婆 异世的时空 我绝对不会原谅你 这僵尸是冒牌货 我是打不死的洛洛 你终于开窍了 那小子在吃你的豆腐 我爱你的心从没改变过 舍不得闭上眼睛 笑你没耐心 报仇就能让大哥醒过来吗 凭你也想骗我? 自欺欺人 他来寻仇了 你的体力恢复了吗 非礼勿视 她开始孕吐了 老婆的残局应该由老公善后 药引是冥界的曼珠沙华 不准任性 越来越不怕死了 把他们都当成空气吗 你弄疼我了 那是宠妻 我死也不会离开她的 要命的冥界 被困在黑暗里 冥界的守门狗 她想把冥界给炸了吗 威力好惊人 你有什么资格 别玩得太过分了 要试试看吗 我的妻子不是赌注 鬼帝不能杀 不受控制 这莫邪剑很邪门 我们没有冥钱 她的确饿了 陷入悲痛的回忆中 不要再哭了 一命换一命 留着你也没用 烤了冥界的信鸽 她也太卑鄙了 最辛苦最累的人是他 这条真的是忘川? 她是不是太冲动了 抱紧我 鬼娘子的幻术 可以把你变成鬼的药 美得让鬼屏息 绝对不会让她乱来的 我是你的娘子 怎能粗暴地对她 我就是你的 你们还做了什么? 你艳福不浅啊 你怎能对你老公视而不见

Seeing Situ Lan's appearance, Situ Ran couldn't help but wonder, is the boy in front of him really only five years old?

"Oh? You..." Suddenly, Situ Ran's face changed, his blue eyes were as cold as Jiuyou, and he looked at Situ Lan coldly, while the men behind him fell to the ground one after another.


"Daddy, don't be angry, I don't want to be like this!" Tu Lan smiled and looked at Situ Lan, who had accidentally poisoned him and was unable to move. He looked helpless and very

Reluctant look.

"But, it has to be like this. As your son, I really like you. But, I know that you don't like me, nor do you like my mother, so I have to do this!"

Situ Lan glanced around at the big man lying in the room, with a smile on his face, and said expectantly: "When you fall in love with us and we feel that it will not threaten our lives, let's sit down and drink tea and chat.


As he spoke, he moved towards the window. After climbing up the window, he looked at Situ Ran with a smile, but suddenly saw the figure that had been poisoned by him and could not move, actually rushing towards him.

He was slightly startled, then instinctively retreated, and his body lost support and fell out.

Situ Ran reached out to grab it without thinking, but his weak hand passed by his clothes. He could only watch the little face fall down with a look of surprise.

This is the third floor. If he falls, he will die.

For some reason, a feeling of fear suddenly arose in Situ Ran's heart, and he closed his eyes involuntarily, not daring to see what was about to happen.

"Daddy, remember to come to us!" Just when he thought he would fall to death, that childish and joyful voice sounded in his ears.

Situ Ran suddenly opened his eyes, only to see that small figure, who somehow landed firmly on the ground, and then ran towards the door. Before running, he gave himself a loud blowing kiss.

For a moment, Situ Ran didn't know whether he should glare at the little figure coldly, or praise the boldness of the little figure. Staring at the little figure, even he didn't notice it.

The faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

But then, when he realized that he had been tricked by the mother and son again, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared, and his beautiful face was as cold as ice: "Send someone to send the emperor

With honor, the whole world will capture them alive!"

On the vast sea!

Clear skies, blue sea and blue sky.

A huge ship sails on the boundless blue sea. Its luxurious decoration and exquisite exquisiteness tell others that not everyone can afford to sit on this ship.

"Mom, Daddy has issued the Emperor's Order, are you sure we can escape?" At this moment, Situ Lan, a handsome boy with short silver hair and blue eyes, had already changed into a uniform under the coercion of his mother.

Wearing a pink tutu, a dark wig hanging on her shoulders, and her blue eyes blocked by dark contact lenses, she looked like a delicate and beautiful little girl.

"You have to run away if you can't!" An Luoluo raised his eyebrows and glanced at his son Situ Lan, who was exquisitely dressed in women's clothing. He shook the red liquid in the goblet, picked up the wine glass, and drank it gracefully.

"Mom, have you never thought that Daddy will fall in love with you?"

This chapter has been completed!
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