Leng Xuan asked: "Why do you want me to see these corpses?" Longtou said: "I sent people to study them carefully and found that these corpses all have one thing in common." Leng Xuan asked: "What do they have in common?" Longtou said
He walked to the intact corpse, pointed at the neck of the corpse, and said, "Look here." Hearing this, Leng Xuan immediately cast his gaze over. After looking at it for a few times, he discovered that the corpse's neck was
There was a small red spot on the neck, as if it had been bitten by a mosquito. "What caused this?" Longtou said, "I'm not sure about this, but the problem is that the necks of these five corpses
They have the same scars everywhere. I believe this is definitely not a coincidence." At this point, he paused and continued: "Their identities have been found out. They are all ordinary people who have stable jobs and work hard.
, there is no criminal record. Moreover, they have no grudges against the Su family. Why do you think they want to kill the Su family? In addition, they are all family people and will not sacrifice their lives for a few dollars." Leng Xuan
Frowning, he said, "You mean, they are being controlled?"
Longtou nodded and said: "That's right. I also know that this is a bit unbelievable, but only this explanation is reasonable." Leng Xuan pinched his eyebrows and said: "Longtou, you don't mean to say that this case has nothing to do with cultivation.
Is it related to the cultivator? You have to know that, except for Yurou, all the Su family are ordinary people. It is impossible for them to have enemies with cultivators. Your speculation is completely unreasonable. Also, if the other party is a cultivator, as long as he moves
You can easily solve the Su family with your hands, so why use so many methods." The leader said: "I have also thought about this, and I have thought about it carefully. Perhaps the purpose of the other party's doing this is not to target the Su family, but to target the Su family.
One of the people. Think about it, Su Zhenggang was in a car accident and his legs were disabled, Su Guangzhong and his wife were injured, and Su Fangtian died. They are all outstanding heirs of the Su family. If something happens to them, who do you think will be hit? " Leng
Xuan's heart moved and he said: "You mean Mrs. Su?" Longtou nodded and said: "It's him. The reason why the other party did this is to torture him bit by bit and make him miserable."
Leng Xuan said: "I went to see Mr. Su last time, but he told me that he didn't know who the murderer was." The leader said: "Maybe it's not that he doesn't know, but he just didn't think of that person. Boy,
I think you should confess to him. Only in this way can we have a chance to find the murderer." Hearing this, Leng Xuan nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll try again." After bidding farewell to Longtou, Leng Xuan was alone.
Drove back to the city. Thinking of the conversation with Longtou just now, Leng Xuan did not return to Su Yurou's residence, but came to the Su family's old house again. Because of Mrs. Su's decision, all members of the Su family in China have moved to the old house.
中. Outside the old house, bodyguards in suits patrolled back and forth from time to time. In order to ensure the safety of the Su family members, the Su family spent a lot of money to have a professional security company responsible for their safety. Even Leng Xuan
, and was only released after repeated inspections. Arriving at Mr. Su’s study, Leng Xuan picked up the tea sent by his servant, took a sip, and said, “Mr. Su, I came here this time to ask a question.