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Chapter 175: Lord Insect makes another move

"Master Chong, this is all the information about that student boy." Xiaodao stood in front of the old Chong and handed over a document.

The old man took the document and looked down for a while, then suddenly raised his head and asked, "He had a car accident more than two years ago and became a vegetable?"

"Well, that's true. I just woke up a few months ago." Xiao Dao replied.

The old man didn't answer, and continued to look down at the information. After a while, he finished reading the information, and he couldn't help but ask again: "He has no other relatives now? Is he the only one left?"

"Well. He was originally brought up by his grandfather since he was a child. When he became a vegetative state, his grandfather was diagnosed with cancer and died. Now he lives alone, oh, by the way, there are others who live with him.

A junior girl who is also from H. She rented his house to live in when he was still in a vegetative state..." Xiao Dao explained.

Old Chong nodded calmly, his eyes flickered, and he glanced at the information in his hand. He didn't know what he was thinking in his heart, "Are these the only things you found? Is there nothing else special about it?"

"Special?" Xiao Dao was startled. He didn't know what the 'special' in Old Chong's words meant. After thinking about it, he scratched his head and said, "To be special, some people have seen him often early in the morning a few days ago.

It seems that I went to the lakeside of Qinghe Park to practice Qigong, but other... I didn't find anything special about it."

After all, Xiaodao is just a gangster, and the things that can be found out are basically superficial things. Even the fight between Zhao Yang and Black Tiger's people in the alley is not clear about this matter.

Black Tiger had given strict orders to all his subordinates who were involved that night not to mention it to anyone. It was not surprising that he could not detect this matter with his knife's ability.

The old man let out a soft 'hmm', and unconsciously narrowed his eyes. Sometimes his narrow eyes glanced at the information in his hand, and sometimes they didn't focus on anything. After a long while, he slowly said: "Find some time.

, go and bring that boy over..."

After a short pause, the old man said again: "Remember to bring a few more people with you!"

"Yes, Lord Chong!" Xiao Dao responded immediately.

The old Chong let out a soft 'hmm'. He put down the information in his hand, and then said to Xiaodao: "Go and prepare a car for me. I want to go out. Well, get a new license plate and put it on."

"Yes!" Xiaodao responded and asked again: "Master Chong, do you need me to drive for you?"

The old insect waved his hand, "No need!"

Xiaodao responded. Then he backed out and went to the garage to pick up the car. The old man in a loose gown also got up and walked out...

"Okay, Xiaodao, go ahead!" Old Chong got into the driver's seat of a black car and waved to Xiaodao who was standing outside.

Half an hour later, the black car stopped on the roadside not far from Huangjia Entertainment City. The car window slowly opened. Wearing a pair of black sunglasses, the old man looked up at the car across two roads.

Huangjia Entertainment City', a sneer suddenly appeared on his face, and he said lightly to himself: "Last time, I didn't want people to notice and put suspicion on me, so that you could escape. This time, I want to see what happened.

Who can save you!"

The old insect snorted coldly. He suddenly stretched out his left hand, and then moved his lips slightly. He made a low and weird sound of "Dragon Dragon Father"...

After a moment, a spider about the size of a soybean quietly crawled out of the old insect's sleeve and landed in his palm. The spider was colorful, with colorful whorls all over its back.

After the spider appeared, the strange sound in the old Chong's mouth gradually stopped. At this time, he took out a piece of hair from somewhere in his right hand and glanced at Huangjia Entertainment City, with a cold look in his eyes.

The corners of his mouth were filled with sneers.

At this time, the old Chong's lips moved again, and he kept making strange sounds that were quick and slow. At the same time, he placed the hair on his right hand on top of his open left palm, and then released it.

It floated down on its own. Then his right hand suddenly made a strange movement. A faint black energy suddenly condensed in his right hand, shot out suddenly, and wrapped around the stick that was falling towards his left palm.


The thin hair was wrapped in black air and seemed to disappear immediately, but the black air quickly turned into a small and almost imperceptible mark and landed on the back of the little spider in the old Chong's left palm.

, and then there was a flash of light, and the mark disappeared in an instant.

After doing this, the old insect couldn't help but sneered, reached out and gently stroked the spider on his left palm, and whispered: "Okay, my little baby, go quickly!"

After saying that, the old Chong recited the strange and low syllables of "Dragon Dragon's Father" for a while, as if it was some kind of mysterious spell.

The spider on his left palm also dragged its soybean-sized, round body all the way along the car to the ground, then paused on the ground for a moment, as if looking for a direction, and then headed not far to the opposite side.

The 'Huangjia Entertainment City' crawled over...

In the car, Old Chong watched the spider quickly cross the road, and couldn't help but smile. "What I, Old Chong, want to do, even if you can escape the first grade of junior high school, you can't escape past the fifteenth grade!"

The old man looked at the 'Huangjia Entertainment City' meaningfully again, then sneered, immediately started the car, and left...

It was almost noon. Heihu was sitting in the office. He suddenly stretched out and looked up at the time on the wall clock. Then he picked up the landline phone next to him and dialed an internal number, "Hey, Xiao Li, help me."

Go order some takeout."

"Okay, Mr. Zhang!"

After giving the order, Heihu hung up the phone. Not long after, a waitress in her twenties arrived outside Heihu's office with a takeaway.

Tuk Tuk!

"Mr. Zhang, this is Xiao Li, and the takeaway has been delivered."

"Well, come in!" Black Tiger responded lightly.

"Mr. Zhang, this is your takeout!" The waiter opened the door and placed the takeout he was carrying on Heihu's desk.

"Well, okay. You can go out." Heihu waved his hand and said. After the waiter went out, Heihu took the takeout and opened it. He was ready to eat. However, he did not notice that a colorful spider the size of a soybean was eating.

Hanging on the plastic bag containing the takeaway by the spider silk, it is slowly climbing up...

"I'm damn hungry if I didn't eat breakfast!"

Heihu cursed, took out his disposable chopsticks and started eating. He looked very hungry indeed.

While Heihu was immersed in eating, the spider had slowly climbed onto the desk and started crawling towards Heihu along the plastic bag containing the takeaway.

The black tiger didn't notice the tiny spider crawling onto the plastic bag at all, and he didn't even know that the spider, which seemed to be about the size of a soybean and could be easily crushed to death, was extremely dangerous. If it bit him, he would be as big as a cow.

It would have to fall to the ground within ten seconds, let alone a human being.

When the spider slowly crawled to less than ten centimeters away from the black tiger's face, which was immersed in eating, a mark suddenly lit up behind it, shimmering slightly. The mark was exactly when the old insect used his 'gu technique' before.

The mark on the spider's back.

After the mark lit up, the spider immediately aimed at Black Tiger's face, and then its slender legs flicked and jumped towards Black Tiger's face...

Almost at the moment when the mark on the spider's back lit up, the 'Tiangang Light Driving Curse' jade talisman hanging on Black Tiger's neck suddenly trembled violently, and then, a light full of righteousness and awe-inspiring aura suddenly bloomed.

When it came out, it instantly enveloped the three-meter area around Black Tiger!

The sudden change of the jade talisman also shocked Heihu who was eating. He lowered his head and unbuttoned his shirt. He saw that the jade talisman was trembling slightly, and a strange talisman on the surface was shining with brilliance...

The spider had already jumped halfway and was about to land on Heihu's face. But at this moment, the 'Tiangang Light Expelling Curse' jade talisman worn by Black Tiger released the 'Tiangang' aura, and it immediately hit the black tiger.

The spider in mid-air was knocked down. And under the aura of 'Tiangang', the spider kept rolling on the ground, squeaking and looking very painful...

"This, this is...could it be..."

When Heihu saw the jade talisman on his chest glowing, he was dazed for a moment at first, but the next moment he reacted immediately, remembering what Zhao Yang had told him about the function of this jade talisman, and he immediately stood up from his chair.

He jumped up in surprise, jumped to the side, and glanced around in confusion.

At this time, the spider on the ground that kept squeaking and rolling was finally discovered by Hei Hu. Although the spider was very small and its scream was very soft, it was on the floor in Hei Hu's office.

It was clean and there was no other sound. After searching carefully, Black Tiger found that the spider was also normal.

Looking at the spider that was only as big as a soybean on the ground, with colorful threads on its back, and it looked like a poisonous thing at first glance, Black Tiger's expression was a little ugly. Especially when he saw the spider shrouded in the aura of 'Tiangang'

Next, there was a very small, very strange mark flickering behind his back. He felt a slight chill on his back, and he broke out in a cold sweat involuntarily, feeling a faint fear in his heart.

"Fortunately, I have this piece of jade that Brother Yang gave me. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll get caught unknowingly again this time!" Heihu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and looked down.

The bright jade talisman was still glowing on his chest, and I felt happy for a while.

Although Black Tiger didn't know what species the spider on the ground was, he knew just by looking at the bright colors and patterns on its body that this spider was definitely poisonous! What's more, there were strange marks on the back of the spider.

It kept flashing, and Black Tiger would be really stupid if he didn't think that this spider was the thing that could kill him.

Black Tiger stared at the spider from a distance for a while. Until the spider died completely under the aura of 'Tiangang', he did not act rashly. Instead, he called Zhao Yang directly and explained it to Zhao Yang.

situation, and took a photo of the spider and sent it to Zhao Yang.

After Zhao Yang saw the photo, he immediately told Heihu for sure that the spider was indeed a 'gu insect', and ordered him to burn it with fire just like he did with the centipede last time.

With Zhao Yang's instructions, Black Tiger dared to dispose of the spider's body as ordered. It can be seen that Black Tiger was indeed very frightened...

This chapter has been completed!
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