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Chapter 314 Little Sable With Unlimited Potential

Zhao Yang's tone was very calm, but to Qian Hao, Mu Qinglan, and Guo Qianqian, it caused an unparalleled strong impact!

In the past, they had encountered Wang Mengyan being possessed by a evil spirit, and Zhao Yang had cast spells to drive away evil spirits. They had been able to reluctantly accept this. After all, there were many mysterious and mysterious things that had been passed down in China for thousands of years. ◎◎

However, if there really are "gods" in this world... it would be a bit hard to accept, and it would go beyond the bottom line of psychological endurance.

After all, with the rise of 'science', the world has already proven 'atheism'. Even if there are many 'supernatural' phenomena that cannot be explained by 'science', or 'superpowers' and the like, they are just

It can't be explained by 'science' yet.

People firmly believe that one day, all kinds of mysterious, 'supernatural' phenomena and powers will be solved by 'science'.

And now Zhao Yang says that "gods" did indeed exist. This is equivalent to completely overturning the "scientific" inferences and proofs of "atheism" in the past hundreds of years.

No wonder Qian Hao and the others found it a bit difficult to accept and received a strong impact.

"Zhao, Zhao Yang, are you kidding? Are there really 'gods' in this world?" Qian Hao felt that his voice had become a little dry. He felt that this was unbelievable, and at the same time, he felt a sense of sadness in his heart.

Inexplicably excited.

He didn't know why he felt such an inexplicable excitement. Maybe he was happy because he knew some secrets that others didn't know.

"As far as I know, no real 'immortals' have appeared on earth for a long time. There are just some people who pursue cultivation and become 'immortals'."

"The 'Heavenly Tribulation' just now was caused by this little guy's mother. His mother is a 'spiritual beast' that has been cultivated to a very powerful level. It wants to go further, so it needs to survive the baptism of the Heavenly Tribulation.

It worked. Unfortunately, its mother failed in the end."

Zhao Yang didn't say too much about the 'immortal' theory, and immediately changed his subject.

"I see. I didn't expect that this little guy actually has such an origin. So when it grows up, wouldn't it be possible that it would become a very powerful 'spiritual beast' like its mother?"

Mu Qinglan bit her lip and looked at the little sable and asked.

"Yes. That's true! Its potential is very high. Its future achievements are likely to exceed that of its mother and it will successfully survive the catastrophe." Zhao Yang responded.

At this time, everyone looked at the little sable, which looked very cute and seemed completely harmless. Their eyes were filled with a strange color. At this time, no one regarded the little sable as an ordinary little animal anymore.

This is a legendary 'spiritual beast'! It will become even more powerful in the future. I am afraid that it will be like those spiritual beasts in myths and legends, able to fly into the sky and escape from the earth, and spit out lightning, thunder, fire, ice, etc.


"Okay, everyone, let's rest. Don't think too much. Just know what happened tonight. Don't mention it to anyone. It won't do any good if too many people know." Zhao Yang reminded.

"Well! Don't worry. We know the rules and won't tell anyone!"

Qian Hao and others agreed one after another.

"Then, Zhao Yang. Let's go back to the tent to rest first." At this time, Qian Hao pulled Guo Qianqian to stand up.

"Okay, let's go!" Zhao Yang nodded. After Qian Hao and Guo Qianqian walked back to the tent, Zhao Yang also patted Mu Qinglan on the shoulder and said: "Qinglan, take a rest. You can't do anything right now.

It’s early morning.”

"Well, okay!" Mu Qinglan nodded obediently, then helped Zhao Yang put out the bonfire and returned to the tent.

"Little guy, just sleep here quietly tonight and don't crawl around, you know?"

Zhao Yang used clothes to make a small nest for the little sable to sleep in, and patted its little head and gave it a few instructions.

I don’t know if the little sable understood what Zhao Yang said. However, at least it was very honest and crawled into the small nest surrounded by Zhao Yang, closed its eyes and began to sleep.

Zhao Yang also put his arms around Mu Qinglan's delicate body and lay down, saying softly: "Qinglan, go to sleep!"


Mu Qinglan leaned into Zhao Yang's arms and nodded in response, then closed her eyes and went to sleep.

After the previous 'Heavenly Tribulation' incident, Zhao Yang and Mu Qinglan naturally had no more charming thoughts at this moment. They just hugged each other and gradually fell asleep...

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, Zhao Yang woke up. He turned around and looked at the nest surrounded by clothes last night. He found that the little sable was lying obediently in the nest with a pair of small black eyes open.

Look at him.

After discovering that Zhao Yang had woken up, the little sable immediately let out a soft cry twice. The sable was still young, and its voice was tender and very delicate.

"Little guy, you woke up so early." Zhao Yang smiled slightly and reached out to stroke the little sable's head.

The little sable obviously enjoyed Zhao Yang's touch, and stretched out its small tongue to gently lick Zhao Yang's palm affectionately.

Because it was still early, Mu Qinglan was sleeping soundly at the moment, and Zhao Yang didn't want to wake her up, so he continued to lie there, letting Mu Qinglan lie half on top of him.

Early in the morning, Mu Qinglan's sleeping posture was really alluring. One of her smooth and slender legs was completely exposed, resting on Zhao Yang's body, her cheek pressed against Zhao Yang's chest, and her jade arms pressed against Zhao Yang.

In front of her chest, the blanket that originally covered her body also slipped a little, revealing one side of her snow-white shoulders like a knife. What's more terrible is that the pair of plump soft flesh on her chest are also tightly squeezed by Zhao Zhao.

Between Yang's chest and abdomen...

Any normal and full-blooded man would be unable to hold back an impulse when encountering such a situation. Zhao Yang was also determined, but he didn't have any fond thoughts. He just lowered his head and kissed Mu Qinglan gently on the head.

, and then reached out to cover her with the blanket to prevent her from catching a cold.

It wasn't until about seven o'clock in the morning that Mu Qinglan finally fluttered her eyelashes a few times and slowly woke up.

"Um, Zhao Yang? How long have you been awake?"

Mu Qinglan's beautiful eyes were still half asleep, her expression was dazed, and her speech was somewhat unclear.

Zhao Yang smiled slightly and said: "I just woke up for a while. Why don't you continue to sleep for a while? It's only seven o'clock now, which is still early."


Mu Qinglan blinked her dry eyes and said nothing. After a while, she finally woke up completely.

But immediately she noticed the saliva hanging down from the corner of her mouth, which completely wet the bottoming shirt on Zhao Yang's chest. It was like 'water flooding the golden mountain'!


Mu Qinglan immediately let out a soft cry, her pretty face flushed instantly, and she raised her body to look up at Zhao Yang in embarrassment.

"That, that..."

Mu Qinglan glanced at the large amount of saliva on Zhao Yang's chest again with a guilty conscience. Her face was as red as a big ripe apple.

"Haha!" Zhao Yang couldn't help but smile. He naturally noticed Mu Qinglan's eyes. He had already known that the clothes on his chest were wet with Mu Qinglan's saliva. Seeing Mu Qinglan's shy and timid look now, he felt very uncomfortable.

He looked so embarrassed, and his heart suddenly felt filled with love and pity.

"Xiao Qinglan, look, the water will flood the golden mountain. This is all evidence of your crime!"

Zhao Yang said with a teasing smile.

"That, that, I didn't mean it on purpose. I didn't sleep like this before. Who knows what happened this time, just..."

Mu Qinglan was so shy that she drooled while sleeping. And it all dripped onto Zhao Yang's chest. This was indeed a very embarrassing thing.

Mu Qinglan's shy temperament would be weird if she wasn't shy.

"Haha! Come on, girl, stop being shy and quickly find a tissue to wipe me with." Looking at Mu Qinglan's shy look, Zhao Yang couldn't help laughing.

Then he reached out and hugged Mu Qinglan and pulled her forward, opened his mouth and kissed her seductive lips hard, and then let go of Mu Qinglan, whose face was flushed.

"Oh, you are so evil!"

Mu Qinglan lightly bit her lips that had just been kissed hard by Zhao Yang, and let out a sweet cry. There was a hint of shyness on her face, but more of it was an unspeakable sweetness.

"Here, let me wipe it for you." Mu Qinglan found a tissue from her bag, took one out, lay down in front of Zhao Yang, and helped Zhao Yang wipe the saliva from his chest.

"Okay, since you can't sleep anymore, let's go out. I guess Qian Hao and Qian Qian will get up later. Let's go out first and put the small pot we brought with us, and then I'll go to the lake

Bring up two fish and let’s cook some fish porridge for breakfast..."

After seeing Mu Qinglan wipe the saliva off his chest, Zhao Yang couldn't help but reached out and patted Mu Qinglan's plump buttocks and said.


Mu Qinglan gave a soft cry and gave Zhao Yang an angry look, but there was no real dissatisfaction, more like being coquettish.

This actually caused Zhao Yang to chuckle again.

After a while, Zhao Yang and Mu Qinglan came out of the tent fully dressed. The zippers of the tents of Qian Hao and Guo Qianqian next to them were still closed, so they obviously hadn't gotten up yet.

The little sable was still left in the tent by Zhao Yang. However, the little guy seemed to be a little tired of staying in the tent. He crawled to the tent entrance and lay down on his stomach, tilting his little head and looking at Mu Qinglan and Zhao.

Yang was busy lighting up the fire there.

"Qing Lan, please keep an eye on that little guy and don't let it run around. I'll go to the lake to fish a few fish first." After lighting the fire, Zhao Yang looked back at the little sable lying at the entrance of the tent.

Mu Qinglan beside her said something.

When Mu Qinglan heard this, she hurriedly looked back. Only then did she realize that the little guy had climbed to the entrance of the tent by himself. She couldn't help but nodded and said, "Okay. You go ahead, I will keep an eye on it."


Zhao Yang nodded, went over and patted the little sable on the head, and warned: "Little guy, just stay here and be obedient, remember not to run around!"


The little sable raised its little head and called out to Zhao Yang twice. She didn't know whether to agree or not.

Zhao Yang ignored it, stood up, picked up a long branch on the ground next to him, then inspired a true energy to sharpen one end of the branch and walked to the lake...

This chapter has been completed!
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