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Chapter 361 The situation gathers, the dragon and the tiger become!

In the blink of an eye, time has entered August, the most unbearably hot season of the year.

After a full month of treatment, Luo Yixuan's condition has improved greatly. The attacks of cold in the body have gradually become regular. They usually only occur two or three times a day, only at night, early morning and early morning.

Something will happen.

The rest of the time, there will basically be no more attacks. This situation made Zhao Yang and others very happy. Luo Yixuan himself was also very happy and became more and more cheerful.

After this month of getting along, Luo Yixuan and Lin Xueqi have really become like sisters. They talk about almost everything. Xiao Zi is also very familiar with Luo Yixuan.

Speaking of Xiao Zi, we have to say that Zhao Yang started teaching it to practice half a month ago.

After careful consideration, Zhao Yang taught Xiao Zi a skill called 'Nine Transformations of Heavenly Demon Jue'. This is a top-notch demon training skill. When the skill reaches nine turns, it is

It’s time to overcome the great catastrophe and become a ‘celestial demon’!

Monster cultivators have to encounter more heavenly tribulations than human cultivators. Usually when condensing the 'demon elixir' and 'transforming', they will be bombarded by heavenly tribulations. In addition, they will eventually become a 'celestial demon', which is the so-called

The Great Heavenly Tribulation of the 'Demon Immortal'... The practice of demons usually requires at least three baptisms of heavenly tribulations to achieve positive results.

However, human cultivators do not have so many heavenly tribulations. They only encounter heavenly tribulations when they finally transcend the tribulation and ascend.

Zhao Yang is currently only in the late stage of Huayuan and has not reached the 'distraction stage'. Naturally, he cannot use his spiritual consciousness to directly transfer the cultivation techniques to Xiao Zi's consciousness.

Therefore, if he wants to teach Xiao Zi the 'Nine Transformations of Heavenly Demon Art', he can only rely on using his own true energy to penetrate into Xiao Zi's body, and then let the true energy circulate in Xiao Zi's meridians according to the method of 'Nine Transformations of Heavenly Demon Art'

At the same time, explain it to Xiao Zi, telling it that this is the path of the 'Nine Transformations of Heavenly Demon Jue', and let it remember it carefully.

Although this method is stupid, Xiao Zi, who is very familiar with human nature and whose intelligence is almost no less than that of a three or four-year-old child, can still understand it and write it down.

Zhao Yang only used his true energy to help guide him four or five times before Xiao Zi completely memorized and mastered it. I have to say that Xiao Zi is still very smart.

Ever since Zhao Yang taught Xiao Zi the 'Nine Transformations of Heavenly Demon Art', Xiao Zi would follow Zhao Yang to practice in the 'Five Elements Spirit Gathering Array' every morning and early in the morning.

Practicing with Zhao Yang is very beneficial to Xiao Zi. Because the crystal stones in Zhao Yang's body will superimpose the effect of the Five Elements Spirit Gathering Array, gathering huge heaven and earth spiritual energy. It is impossible for Zhao Yang himself to gather all the heaven and earth spiritual energy.

Absorb it, thus making Xiao Zi cheaper.

Xiao Zi can also quickly absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into her body for refining and absorption. In addition, the demon pill left by her mother sealed in Xiao Zi's body also has traces of demon power seeping out at all times.

, Xiao Zi’s cultivation speed is still very fast.

But after all, it was only half a month, and there was still a long way to go before Xiao Zi's 'Nine Transformations Heavenly Demon Art' could truly enter the first-level realm.

Just considering that Xiao Zi has only been more than three months old since she was born, I can't be too demanding.

In a month, Zhao Yang's own cultivation has made little progress, and the amount of true energy has not improved significantly compared to a month ago. However, his body and meridians have now completely adapted to the surge in true energy.


Next, you can continue to increase the amount of true energy and accumulate strength.

"Brother, your phone is ringing!"

At noon that day, Zhao Yang was busy in the kitchen, making lunch, when Luo Yixuan's shout suddenly came from the living room.

"Oh, oh, okay, here you go!" Zhao Yang responded quickly, put down the kitchen knife in his hand, casually wiped his wet hands with a rag, and walked out quickly.

His mobile phone is on the coffee table in the living room, and he is 'crying' right now!

Zhao Yang took the phone and looked at it, and found that it was an unfamiliar number, and it also showed that it was from another province. He couldn't help but feel a little strange. Usually the people he knew also had their own numbers, with notes, and the people he knew and contacted were mostly

They are all in city H.

Without thinking much, Zhao Yang answered the phone, "Hello, hello, who are you?"

"Hey, is this Junior Zhao Yang? I'm Su Yufei!"

Zhao Yang couldn't help but froze when he heard the somewhat familiar voice coming from the phone.

Su Yufei?

It turned out to be a call from Su Yufei, who had dropped out of school and followed Taoist Master Chen to practice at Qingyu Monastery in Wangwushan, and had no contact with him for more than half a year!

You don't need to think about it to know that there must be something wrong with Su Yufei's sudden call.

So Zhao Yang couldn't help but said: "It's actually Senior Sister Su. I really didn't expect it. I was just wondering who was calling me."

"By the way, Senior Sister Su, what's the matter with you calling me?"

Su Yufei on the other side of the phone chuckled softly and said: "What? I can't give you a call if I have nothing to do? Although senior sister, I am in the mountains now and it is not very convenient for me to communicate with the outside world, but I can still run out for a walk occasionally.


"Haha, what did Senior Sister Su say? Senior Sister, if you think of me when you have time, it's too late for me to give you a call. But, I guess Senior Sister, if you are fine, you won't have the time to call me and talk nonsense."

Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Giggles, it seems that you understand me quite well, Junior Zhao Yang!" Su Yufei smiled sweetly on the other side of the phone, and then said: "Well, not bad. I really had something to do when I called you today."

"Oh? What's the matter? Sister Su, tell me." Zhao Yang asked seriously.

"Well, it's like this. It's my uncle. He asked me to call you and ask if you are free to go to Wangwu Mountain on August 13th to watch the ceremony!"

Su Yufei said.

"August 13th, to observe the ceremony?" Zhao Yang was slightly startled and asked with some doubts: "Sister Su, what ceremony does Taoist Master Liaochen want me to attend? It's hard to come to the 'Qingyu Temple' on August 13th.

Is there no grand ceremony?"

"It's not a grand ceremony. It's not convenient to tell you the details on the phone. I'll send you a message later and you'll understand. Speaking of which, I have to thank you for this. My uncle said that if he hadn't

He benefited a lot from the discussion he had with you back in City H, and it is impossible for him to reach this point so quickly."

"When my uncle and I returned to Qingyu Temple, he went into seclusion a few days ago. He didn't leave seclusion until a few days ago, so we decided on August 13th and said that I hope you can

When the time comes, you can come and 'observe the ceremony'..."

Hearing Su Yufei's words, Zhao Yang was startled, and then suddenly thought of something, with a look of surprise in his eyes, and shouted: "Senior Sister Su, you mean, Taoist Master Liaochen... he has reached that point.


Su Yufei just smiled on the phone and said: "You can read my text message later. I think you must have guessed it right. That day is on August 13th. At the specific time, my uncle

I'm not quite sure yet. See if you have time to come to the 'ceremony'. If you do, give me a call so I can make arrangements and pick you up to the mountain..."

Su Yufei's words had basically confirmed what Zhao Yang was thinking, and I'm afraid it was not wrong.

I didn't expect that Taoist Master Chen would finally reach this point. But it's not surprising if you think about it. Taoist Master Chen had already reached the peak of the late Huayuan period, but he just lacked that understanding. This time he had been in seclusion for several months.

It’s been a long time, so it’s not difficult to understand why we’ve reached this point.

Zhao Yang thought secretly in his heart. After taking a deep breath, he said to Su Yufei: "Okay! No matter whether my guess is right or not, since the minister of Chendao invites you, I will definitely be there when the time comes!"

"Yeah! Okay. That's it for now. I'll edit the text message and send it to you. You can send me a reply after receiving it." Su Yufei responded.


The two of them hung up the phone at that moment.

Lin Xueqi and Luo Yixuan, who were watching the whole process, raised their heads and looked at Zhao Yang. Although they did not hear what Su Yufei said on the phone, they all saw the surprise in Zhao Yang's expression.

Se, as well as Zhao Yang's words, could not help but make the two of them think and wonder.

"Zhao Yang, who called? It seems like something big happened to you." Lin Xueqi couldn't hold back and asked.

"Yes, brother, are you going out on August 13th?" Luo Yixuan also looked at Zhao Yang with his big eyes.

Zhao Yang glanced at the two of them, smiled slightly, and said: "Well, I have some things to do with the 'Wangwushan' group in province n. We have to get there before August 13th. I called just now.

I am a senior who was a sophomore in our school, but she dropped out at the beginning of last semester..."

"Wangwushan? Dropped out of school?" Lin Xueqi was stunned for a moment, then thought of something again, and asked: "What are you doing there? And I think you mentioned a Taoist priest just now, what's going on?


Zhao Yang was about to answer Lin Xueqi's words when his phone suddenly vibrated. Zhao Yang knew that the text message must be from Su Yufei, so he hurriedly looked down and saw that it was indeed a message from Su Yufei.

The content of the message is only six words, 'when the storms and clouds gather together, the dragon and the tiger will succeed'!

"As expected! Taoist Master Liao Chen has indeed come to this step, and is about to condense the 'Dragon and Tiger Golden Elixir'! I just didn't expect that Taoist Master Chen would specifically ask Senior Sister Su to call and invite me to attend the ceremony.

'! It seems that the last discussion with Taoist Master Liaochen really helped him a lot. Otherwise, for such an important matter, no one who is not a close friend or disciple would call outsiders to 'observe the ceremony'!"

Zhao Yang was quite alarmed. At the same time, he also felt a little emotional. Once Taoist Master Liaochen formed the 'Dragon and Tiger Golden Elixir', he would be like a fish leaping over the dragon's gate and officially step into the threshold of 'cultivation'. From then on, the sky is high and the sky is brighter.

You can be at ease.

At least, for today's earth, achieving the 'Golden Elixir' means being 'transcendent from the ordinary world', being able to wield a sword across the sky and walk with a sword. At the same time, life span will also increase dramatically, and you will have at least three hundred years of life.


For ordinary people, a life span of three hundred years is already incredible and unimaginable! (To be continued.)

This chapter has been completed!
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