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Chapter 384 Doomsday?

After about ten minutes, the earthquake seemed to have subsided, and no more tremors were felt... Qian Hao, who was surfing the Internet on his mobile phone, suddenly said: "Damn! It's really an earthquake! The news said that

An hour ago, a rare magnitude 9 earthquake occurred in the adjacent city Q in province K, and we only felt the aftershocks here!"

Hearing Qian Hao's words, Zhao Yang couldn't help but feel a little surprised, "A magnitude 9 earthquake? What about the situation in Q city in K province?"

No wonder Zhao Yang was surprised. Even people who don't know much about the power of earthquakes should know that it is very scary when an earthquake reaches level 9.

You must know that the largest earthquake in China in recent years that occurred in Panda Province a few years ago was only an eight-magnitude earthquake. The number of deaths caused by that earthquake was tens of thousands, and the number of injured was hundreds of thousands!

A magnitude 9 earthquake actually occurred this time... The damage and casualties caused can be imagined!

"The specific situation is not mentioned in the news, but it is probably not good. Fortunately, the source of the earthquake seems to be in the suburbs. The intensity of the earthquake in the densely populated Q City is only 8.3 magnitude." Qian Hao looked at the phone.

The news said.

"Magnitude 8.3 is already terrifying. Even here, which is at least several hundred miles away from City Q, we felt such a strong earthquake, let alone City Q."

Zhao Yang frowned and said. Although he had seen many scenes where human lives were like a piece of grass on the 'Diyuan Immortal Continent', the disaster happening now happened in the place where he was born and raised, and the people who suffered were also his compatriots!

"Damn! Zhao Yang, things are getting serious..."

At this time, Qian Hao suddenly uttered another curse word, and his eyes were dumbfounded as he looked at the screen of his mobile phone.

"What's wrong? What else shocked you so much?" Zhao Yang asked quickly after hearing this.

"See for yourself!" Qian Hao said nothing, just took a deep breath, and then handed the phone to Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang glanced at Qian Hao suspiciously, took his phone and looked down at it.

When Zhao Yang saw the red headlines on the homepage of the portal's news network on the screen of Qian Hao's mobile phone, his expression changed slightly, showing an extremely surprised look.

"A 9.0-magnitude earthquake occurred in city Q, province K, China!"

"A 9.5-magnitude earthquake occurred in Japan!"

"A 9.3-magnitude earthquake occurred in Tianzhu!"

"A 9.1-magnitude earthquake occurred in Bangzi Country!"

"The east coast of the US Empire was hit by a sudden typhoon, and a huge tsunami swept across the east coast!"

"The western region of the Mi Empire suffered an 8.9-magnitude earthquake!"

"The volcano erupted in the xxx area!"

"A magnitude 9.2 earthquake occurred in xxx"

Zhao Yang glanced at the entire news page. Almost all of it was occupied by various natural disasters such as earthquakes, typhoons, tsunamis, volcanoes, etc. Just seeing those headlines was enough to shock people, as if the whole world was erupting at the same time.

An unimaginable natural disaster.

I casually clicked on the earthquake news of 'Japan' and saw the following: "A 9.5-magnitude earthquake occurred on Honshu Island of Japan, triggering a huge tsunami that ravaged the coastline. And the 'Red Apple' volcano was extremely active, and there were suspected signs of an eruption..."

After a brief glance, Zhao Yang returned to the news home page and clicked on another news item.

"The east coast of the American Empire was hit by a sudden and severe typhoon, which caused a huge tsunami that flooded some cities on the east coast, resulting in heavy casualties and incalculable losses..."

"Dozens of volcanoes in the Black Earth Continent erupted almost simultaneously, and the sky was covered with volcanic ash, almost covering the entire Black Earth Continent..."

"The northern coastline of Kangaroo Continent was hit by a huge tsunami, and an 8.5-magnitude earthquake occurred in the central region..."

"Three earthquake sources with a magnitude of 9 or above and two earthquake sources with a magnitude of 8.5 or above occurred in the Europa continent, causing countless casualties and losses..."

Zhao Yang only briefly read a few disaster news from relatively familiar areas, and he already felt shocked. All these news were released within just over an hour, and the earliest one did not exceed two

Hours. It can be said that this time the natural disaster that seemed to sweep the entire world suddenly broke out almost at the same moment.

Even the Mi Empire, which has the strongest early warning capabilities, failed to predict the earthquake in the western region or the terrifying huge typhoon and tsunami on the east coast.

While Zhao Yang was watching the news on Qian Hao's mobile phone, Mu Qinglan and Guo Qianqian, who had heard the conversation between Zhao Yang and Qian Hao just now, also took out their mobile phones to check the news online.

When they saw the disaster news covering various places on the news homepage of the entire portal website, they couldn't help but take a breath and their eyes were filled with shock.

"This, this...how is this possible? Natural disasters such as earthquakes, typhoons, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions occurred almost everywhere in the world at the same time! How is this possible?!"

Guo Qianqian stared at the phone screen and shouted in disbelief.

Mu Qinglan looked at her phone and became more and more frightened. She suddenly raised her head and looked at Zhao Yang with a shocked face and said: "Zhao Yang, how could this happen...could it really be the 'end of the world' rumored on the Internet?

Is it done?"

At this time, Zhao Yang had already returned the phone to Qian Hao. After hearing Mu Qinglan's words, he did not speak in a hurry, but took a deep breath, frowned slightly and looked up at the sky.

The voice that only he could hear murmured to himself: "Is it really coming? And these are the 'harbingers' of everything to come?"

The exclamations of Mu Qinglan and Guo Qianqian just now were also heard by other students around them, so they all took out their mobile phones to watch the news. When those people saw that the entire news page on the portal website was covered by various topics from all over the world,

When the natural disaster struck, everyone couldn't help but gasp for a moment, and everyone looked shocked.

"Is this really going to be the end of the world?"

"What if the 'end of the world' really comes? Major natural disasters are happening all over the world almost at the same time. It looks like a sign of the end of the world!"

"Could it be that the portal was hacked? How is that possible?"

"Are you talking nonsense? The portal was attacked by hackers? Can hackers attack all portals? Now all portals are full of news about earthquakes, typhoons, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, etc. all over the world."

For a time, there was a wave of panicked discussions all around, and everyone couldn't help but talk about the legend of 'the end of the world' that had been popular on the Internet a few years ago.

The huge fuck ground was completely drowned by all kinds of noises at this moment.

On the Internet, there has been an uproar at this time. Almost everyone on major mainstream and non-mainstream forums and websites is talking about this matter. People are also talking about this matter on some instant communication tools, and even more.

There are many "doomsday theorists" who have suddenly appeared and vigorously advocated that the world is about to end.

If it were normal times, this kind of 'end of the world' remarks would only be regarded as a rumor by most people, and they would not pay attention to it at all. At most, they would laugh it off, or even make some fun of it if they were in a good mood.

But now, when the entire Internet is flooded with news about various major natural disasters from all over the world, this kind of "the end of the world" speech cannot help but people think deeply about whether the end of the world is really going to happen.


Many people are even talking about whether it is time to prepare in advance for the coming 'end of the world' and what necessities they should prepare so that they can survive when the end of the world comes.

All in all, the entire Internet and even the entire world are in chaos. Riots and robberies have even occurred in some radical areas. There are even many religious figures presiding over the doomsday ceremony in front of the altar, attracting countless people to watch and even join in.


Of course, Zhao Yang and others are currently unaware of these situations in other countries and regions in the world.

When he heard the students around him discussing the end of the world more and more intensely, Zhao Yang still looked at the sky intently and said a faint sentence: "Perhaps, as Taoist Master Liao Chen said,

If everything is true, then it will be both a great opportunity and a great crisis for the world and all people!"

Mu Qinglan saw that Zhao Yang had been looking at the sky intently, without answering her words for a long time, so she couldn't help but call out again: "Zhao Yang, what are you looking at?"

At this time, Zhao Yang had come to his senses. After hearing this, he couldn't help but look away, smiled slightly at Mu Qinglan, and said: "It's nothing. I just thought of something. Well, about the saying of 'the end of the world'

...It’s hard to say right now. It’s just that, maybe, something will really happen.”

There was something in Zhao Yang's words. But Mu Qinglan and Qian Hao were confused and confused.

"Zhao Yang, do you...know something?" Qian Hao looked at Zhao Yang with some surprise and asked.

"Yes, Zhao Yang, do you know what is going on?" Guo Qianqian couldn't help but ask.

Zhao Yang glanced at the two of them, smiled slightly, and said: "I'm not sure now, I just have a vague guess in my mind about the possible surname. I'll tell you when I can be sure about it."

After a pause, Zhao Yang added: "Well...if what happened this time is not a 'coincidence', then I think in a short time, maybe a year and a half, maybe two to three years, three to five years or something like that,

After all, similar things will happen."

"Something like that?"

After hearing what Zhao Yang said, Qian Hao, Guo Qianqian, and Mu Qinglan became even more confused and curious. But now that Zhao Yang had clearly said that he would wait until he was sure before telling them, it would not be good for the three of them.

What more questions to ask? (To be continued.

This chapter has been completed!
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