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Chapter 554: Confused People, Confused World

The 'vision' of wild thunder in the sky lasted for three full days. When the wild thunder and lightning that enveloped the entire sky in the early morning of December 24 gradually receded, and the huge whirlpool of thick clouds slowly dissipated, I discovered that this

People in the scene couldn't help but show an expression of "relief".

But apart from this, people are also slightly worried. They are worried that after this crazy thunder in the sky, something more terrifying will happen again, or even a real disaster!

Fortunately, people's worries seemed to be unnecessary. After the thunder, lightning and thick cloud whirlpools receded, no other changes or abnormalities occurred in the sky for a long time.

It wasn't until early in the morning that the sun, which had 'disappeared' for three whole days, finally slowly rose. The 'long-lost' warm sunshine shone on the earth again, and people's tense nerves were able to relax a little.

Over the past three days, almost everyone's nerves have been tense. As soon as they relaxed, they immediately felt a deep sense of fatigue coming over them. Many people immediately went back to their rooms and fell asleep.

With the light returning to the land, order is also quickly restored. The wild thunder in the sky has receded, and there is no longer any interference from thunder and lightning. Wireless communications have also been restored, and the power systems of cities have also been restored.

Teams of troops and police are quickly restoring order and security in cities. Garbage, trash, smashed cars, glass and other objects on the streets and roadsides are also being quickly cleaned up.


However, there were still no pedestrians on the street, only the military, police and cleaning staff who were busy.

On the one hand, the sky has just returned to normal, and many people who have been exhausted are currently sleeping soundly. On the other hand, even those who are awake are still in fear and do not dare to rashly

Walk around the streets.

After all, there were too many tragic events that happened in the previous three days, and the bad nature of human nature was almost exposed in those three days!

Now order has not been completely restored, and people do not have much sense of security from the outside world. Relatively speaking, their own small room makes them feel safer.

However, no matter what, with the end of the 'vision', the order of the entire world is quickly restored. Authorities from various countries have also issued statements online and on TV, strongly encouraging people's faith and letting people who have just experienced

After an unprecedented 'disaster', people regained their confidence in society and the authorities of various countries.

Time is always the best healer. As time goes by, people finally gradually overcome the psychological shadow caused by the "three black days" and slowly walk out of the room, home and walk again.

On that sunny street...

However, the damage caused by those three days of turmoil obviously cannot be fully restored in just a few days. The damage caused by those three days of turmoil still clearly remains in many places, and some of the destroyed buildings have not yet been completely restored.

It has been repaired, but what's more, many places were set on fire during the turmoil, and now only ruins are left...

All in all, the damage caused to people during those three days was very painful. The losses caused cannot be calculated simply by numbers. Even the number of people who died due to the unrest in those three days cannot be accurately counted.


Especially those Western countries where the riots are the most serious, and some areas with strong religious atmosphere. Many religions have the dogma of 'either we are the enemy', and conflicts between different religions are already very frequent. Such a situation occurred during those three days.

It seemed even more tragic.

Now after the great 'disaster', almost the whole world is immersed in 'mourning' and sadness. People who have recovered their senses can only silently endure the serious consequences they have caused, and then begin to rebuild their homes.

The newly restored Internet and TV are basically flooded with news information about this 'disaster'. With statistics from various countries and regions, the approximate number of people killed and missing in this 'disaster' as well as the direct and indirect economic consequences

The losses were gradually announced, each figure seemed shocking, and the whole world fell silent!

This 'disaster' can almost be said to be a complete 'man-made disaster'.

Although there was a phenomenon of wild thunder and lightning in the sky, those thunder and lightning did not cause many direct natural disasters. The number of people who died directly because of those wild thunder and lightning was even less than the total number of people who died in this incident.

Unfortunately, only a few people who suffer from sudden illnesses are frightened to death by the thunderbolt.

The vast majority of the remaining people who lost their lives were caused by man-made persecution. The various damages in the city had little to do with those thunder and lightning, and were basically caused by human factors.

But no matter what, the focus of authorities in various countries is now on how to restore people's confidence and social trust. Material reconstruction is simple, but spiritual confidence is difficult to rebuild.

After experiencing such a 'disaster', people's trust in each other and in society as a whole has dropped to an extremely low level. Especially those who have relatives and friends who lost their lives in this 'disaster',

At this moment, he was full of indifference to all the strangers around him, and even developed a kind of hatred for this society.

This is an unavoidable situation after experiencing a major man-made disaster. We can only rely on time and the entire society to slowly recover and influence it.

As for those arrested for rioting, vandalism, looting, and illegal crimes during the chaos, authorities in various countries also have their own arrangements and handling.

As time goes by, society finally gradually regains its stability. However, there is still a sense of indifference lingering in the atmosphere of the entire society. Pedestrians on the road are often in a hurry, looking at each other's faces.

His eyes were instinctively filled with a vague sense of vigilance.

Although many people during those 'black three days' believed in the 'doomsday prophecy' that went viral on the Internet a few days ago, they were all speculating in their hearts whether the 'end of the world' was really coming.

But now that everything has returned to calm, people have to get back on track for the sake of their current lives. Those who should go to work to make money will go to work to make money, and students who should go to class should return to school and continue to attend classes.

Regardless of whether the end of the world is true or not, at least the end of the world has not really arrived yet, and people still have to make money and work for their current lives.

However, after experiencing the "Three Black Days", people living in cities now habitually store large amounts of food, drinking water and other basic necessities at home in almost every household.

These are obviously the shadows brought about by the "Three Black Days" and some necessary preparations for the "end of the world" that may really occur in the future.

If the end of the world really comes, storing a certain amount of food at home can at least ensure that you will not starve to death for a period of time.

At this moment, people have indeed lost their sense of security about the future. No matter how hard the authorities of various countries try to make various calming remarks and speeches, they can no longer easily restore the people's lost confidence and sense of security.

Not to mention ordinary people, even those politicians who give speeches on the podium and encourage people to believe in the society and the government at press conferences actually don’t have much confidence and security in the future. They themselves don’t have much confidence or security in the future.

Privately, I was making various preparations for the 'doomsday' that might actually come.

Many high-ranking officials and wealthy people have even begun to build some strong "refuge" fortresses, basements and the like, and store large amounts of various materials in them.

This result has led to a sharp rise in the prices of food and other necessary daily necessities on the market today. Even if the country opens its granary for regulation, it cannot stop it.

After all, this is no longer simply a problem of one or two places or a small number of people, but the entire country, and even the entire world, have lost confidence in society and no sense of security for the future. Everyone is grabbing all kinds of daily necessities.

The general situation is such that even if the state exerts full control and control, it will not be able to calm down in a short period of time.

As for the three-day vision, leaders from various countries also held many meetings to find the reasons and discuss whether there will really be a 'doomsday' in the near future. If it is true, then what will happen when the time comes?

How to deal with it...etc.

After all, only a very small number of people know the real cause of those three days of wild thunder and lightning. Only those who have reached a certain level of cultivation can detect the slightest trace of 'God's Punishment' contained in the wild thunder and lightning.

However, not many of these practitioners who have guessed the reason have close ties with the secular government. In addition, since they have guessed that a 'big world' is coming, many people do not want to reveal this news to the secular government.

Knowing that, people who belong to sects have begun to prepare silently in secret, waiting for the moment when the 'Great Age' comes, and then hope to take advantage of the situation to rise up, stand firm in the future 'Great Age', and establish an immortal inheritance.


How many people have the leisure time and mood to tell the secular authorities the cause of the crazy thunder in the sky? However, it is obviously impossible to find out the cause with the "scientific and technological" means of various countries in the world today.

Therefore, it can be said that all secular countries are now "dark-eyed" about the future situation, and the only "clue" is the "doomsday prophecy" that they blocked at the beginning!

This may seem somewhat ridiculous.

It's just that no one knows how reliable that 'doomsday prophecy' is. Moreover, in addition to clearly stating the 'three black days' of wild thunder in the sky, that 'doomsday prophecy'

In addition, there is no detailed mention of whether there will be any other 'visions' or even 'disasters' in the future. It only roughly indicates that there will be a new era after the 'end'.

This makes it impossible for countries to start even if they believe the 'doomsday prophecy' and don't know how to prevent possible 'disasters'. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)

This chapter has been completed!
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