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Chapter six hundred and thirty seventh rescue

However, when Zhao Yang was about to leave with his sword, Liu Qingxuan's exclamation made him look back. After a slight hesitation, he immediately moved the seal and faced Liu Qingxuan and Qin Suxin in the corridor.

Ye Jing and Hu Wenqian each blessed a protective spell.

After all, Zhao Yang was relatively familiar with them in the class, so he blessed each of them with a magical protection within his ability. As for the other people... To be honest, Zhao Yang couldn't care less.

So many.

This is not that Zhao Yang is cold-blooded, but that people have their own selfish motives. Now that even the safety of Mu Qinglan and Lin Xueqi has not been ensured, Zhao Yang does not have so much energy to save everyone present.


Moreover, the area now covered by the blood-colored light shield is as large as the entire Dongcheng District of H City, and the number of people in this area is up to one million! How many people can Zhao Yang save by himself?


Even after Zhao Yang blessed Qin Suxin and the others with magical protection, he himself was not so sure whether the spell he blessed them with would be able to withstand the bloody mist.

After all, Zhao Yang didn't know much about the bloody mist.

What's more, if we want to truly save everyone and solve the root cause of this crisis, it still lies with those 'vampires'. Only by defeating them can we lift the bloody light shield covering the sky and eliminate those vampires.

Only the bloody mist can truly save everyone!

When Qin Suxin and others saw Zhao Yang suddenly making weird gestures with his hands, and then seeing streaks of golden light falling on them, they all couldn't help but look at Zhao Yang with wide eyes. Especially when they saw

He was even more surprised when he saw that his body was wrapped in a ball of golden light and turned into a shining golden light.

Other people in the corridor next to them also looked at the shining golden light on Zhao Yang and Qin Suxin with shocked eyes.

No one knew what the golden light that had just shot out of Zhao Yang's hand and landed on Qin Suxin and the others was and what it did. But seeing this scene, it made everyone feel incredible!

"Zhao Yang, this is..."

Looking down at the golden spell blessed by Zhao Yang, Qin Suxin couldn't help but looked up at Zhao Yang in surprise and asked.

But at this moment, Zhao Yang didn't have much time to explain to them. After quickly blessing each of the four of them with a magical protection, Zhao Yang said, "You guys leave here immediately and try to find a closed place."

Stay in that place, those blood-red mist are very harmful to the human body!" Then he directly controlled the flying sword with a 'swish' sound, and rushed towards the place where Mu Qinglan lived with a bright silver light.

Fly away.

How fast was Zhao Yang flying with his sword at full speed? Before Qin Suxin and others could react, and even when the words Zhao Yang left were still echoing in their ears, they saw that Zhao Yang had turned into a sword in an instant.

The stream of light quickly disappeared into the sky...

Such a terrifying speed made the teachers and students present who saw this scene stunned for a while. They pointed at the disappearing sword light on the horizon and were so surprised that they could not speak.

After Zhao Yang left, Qin Suxin and others quickly reacted.

"Quick! Let's go right away and get out of here! Zhao Yang just told us to find a closed place. Those 'red mist' are very harmful to the human body!"

As soon as she came to her senses, Qin Suxin immediately picked up Liu Qingxuan next to her, said hello, and rushed downstairs...

Although they did not see with their own eyes the tragic situation of those people shrouded in the 'red mist' on the roofs of tall buildings in the distance, but after seeing Zhao Yang's magical ability to 'fly with a sword', they chose unconditionally

Believe what Zhao Yang says!

Not to mention what happened to Qin Suxin and others, Zhao Yang's expression was very solemn after he left with the flying sword. Looking at the bloody mist that filled his body, he personally felt the pain when the bloody mist eroded his body.

With that kind of feeling, his face became more and more ugly.

"This 'blood mist' clearly contains extremely evil and bloody power. If an ordinary person is eroded into the body by this 'blood mist', the numbing and itching feeling is enough to make people go crazy, and their internal organs will also be destroyed! In the end,

I'm afraid there will only be a pile of flesh and blood left, not even a whole corpse!"

After personally feeling the power contained in the blood-colored mist, Zhao Yang finally understood how evil and cruel the blood-colored mist was.

With a volume of 'Alchemy Qi' in his body, a golden mask with a faint multicolored halo appeared on Zhao Yang's body, blocking out the blood-colored mist in the surrounding air.

He glanced at the people on the tops of the tall buildings passing along the road who were shrouded in blood-colored mist and screaming and wailing in pain. He looked at those people whose bodies were covered in blood and flesh, and even their cheeks were scratched.

The blood was dripping with blood, and some people even had their eyes gouged out... Such a miserable situation, like a hell on earth, made Zhao Yang feel a little chilled.

"Damn vampire! Wait for me!"

Zhao Yang gritted his teeth and snorted hard, the cold light in his eyes was extremely sharp. He lowered his head and looked at the 'formation' mark in his palm that was shaking more and more violently, his eyes were already full of murderous intent!

Now Zhao Yang has determined that the target of those 'vampires' is probably the bronze compass sealed in the 'formation' mark by him!

Those vampires were so grand that they even ignored the consequences and the lives of so many ordinary people to set up a large formation here and activate the evil and bloody flag. This shows how important this bronze compass is to them.

But the more this happens, the less Zhao Yang will let the bronze compass easily break through his formation seal and let those vampires get it.

Zhao Yang clenched his fist fiercely and looked forward again.

The place where Mu Qinglan lives is not far from University H. Even an ordinary walk only takes about ten minutes. Now Zhao Yang flies away with his sword, and it only takes a few seconds to reach Mu Qinglan.

The place where you live.

In mid-air, he caught a glimpse of Mu Qinglan waiting downstairs. Zhao Yang ignored the exclamations of the crowds of people on the surrounding streets who were fleeing for their lives, and flew down directly.


The sharp sound of breaking the air had just arrived, and before Mu Qinglan, who was waiting downstairs, could react, Zhao Yang's figure had already stopped in front of her.

"Zhao Yang?!"

Mu Qinglan looked at Zhao Yang who was holding a sword in the air in front of him and couldn't help but scream in surprise.

"Qinglan, come up right away, I'll take you to a safe place!"

Zhao Yang immediately stretched out his hand and pulled Mu Qinglan onto his flying sword, then activated the 'alchemy energy' in his body, inspiring a shield to cover Mu Qinglan, and then immediately controlled the flying sword again.

Fly quickly towards the 'Hengtian Building' where Lin Xueqi's company is located...

"Zhao Yang, what on earth is going on?" Mu Qinglan hugged Zhao Yang's waist tightly from behind and couldn't help asking.

Zhao Yang did not answer. He stared ahead with a stern expression and said, "Have you seen all the information on the Internet? Those guys should be vampires, and they are activating a very evil and powerful magic weapon."

"The red mist around here is released by that magic weapon, and it is very corrosive. Once ordinary people are eroded by these blood-red mist, they will definitely die, and the death will be extremely severe.

It will be miserable and you will suffer unbearable torture and pain."

Hearing Zhao Yang's words, Mu Qinglan couldn't help being surprised and exclaimed: "What should we do? I read on the Internet that the entire Dongcheng District of H City was shrouded in these bloody aerosols. These aerosols are harmful to the human body.

If the damage is so great, what should those people below do?"

"No way! After I send you and Xue Qi to a safe place, I will fight with those 'vampires'. If you want to save these people, you can only defeat those 'vampires' and force them to collect them."

That evil magic weapon!"

Zhao Yang said coldly.

Zhao Yang was not a saint, but he couldn't help but watch the nearly one million "comatriots" below suffer hellish torture and die in pain.

All he can do is to do his best to fight against those 'vampires'!

However, before that, he must first ensure the safety of Lin Xueqi, Mu Qinglan and the others.

"Is that dangerous?" When Mu Qinglan heard Zhao Yang's words, her heart suddenly tightened, and her hands holding him tightened involuntarily, feeling a little worried and scared.

Zhao Yang did not reply to Mu Qinglan's words. Within a few moments of the two of them saying these words, Zhao Yang had already driven the flying sword to the 'Hengtian Building'.

With a quick glance, Zhao Yang immediately spotted Lin Xueqi standing at the main entrance of the building.

"Xueqi, come up!"

Zhao Yang piloted the flying sword and landed in front of Lin Xueqi with a whoosh, and pulled her up before she could react.

Lin Xueqi was startled, and when she saw clearly that the person in front of her was Zhao Yang, she couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Just as she was about to speak, Zhao Yang had already piloted the flying sword again and flew home.

"Zhao Yang, what's going on?" Lin Xueqi also asked the same question.

"Let Qinglan talk to you later."

Zhao Yang didn't have time to explain to Lin Xueqi. He pushed the flying sword to the fastest speed with all his strength. Fortunately, the Yuan Fei in Zhao Yang's golden elixir had already produced 'fetal movement' not long ago, which made his elixir energy reach the maximum level.

In the later stages of Jin Dan, even the speed of controlling flying swords has improved a lot compared to the original level.

It only took about ten seconds to fly from Hengtian Building back to Zhao Yang's home.

"Xueqi, Qinglan, please wait here for me for a while." After placing Lin Xueqi and Mu Qinglan in the small courtyard of the villa, Zhao Yang rushed into the house.

Because Zhao Yang's home was shrouded in the 'Dayan Zhenwu Xuanhuang Formation', Lin Xueqi and Mu Qinglan could not enter directly without the pass formation cards on their bodies.

At this moment, Zhao Yang was worried that canceling the formation would cause the blood-colored mist in the air to seep into his home, so he had to rush home to get the passage formation cards from Liang Jing and Xiao Zi to Lin Xueqi and Mu Qinglan. (To be continued. .Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)

This chapter has been completed!
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