Turn off the lights
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Chapter 139 Pit father!

Zhuo Wenjun walked into his office, turned on the light, took out a bottle of medicine from the drawer of his desk, drank a few pills with water, and then sat on a chair, closing his eyes to relax while tapping his temples with his hands.

After returning from Tianzheng during the day, she immediately returned to her office and wrote down all the experimental records she had secretly seen from Tianzheng. And after writing, she thought about it carefully for a long time, and made sure that nothing had been missed.

When I was working on it, I took what I had written down to the R&D department and handed the recorded things to the researchers there.

After everyone saw this record, they immediately began to discuss it. Since some of the contents were indeed consistent with the research goals of Project

Ask for proof.

Verifying whether the contents of the records are correct cannot be completed in an hour or two, or overnight. Although Donghua's X plan has been started for half a year, they have not yet achieved many things in the records, so they still need to spend a lot of money

Time to research.

Zhuo Wenjun really wanted to know whether the things she wrote down were useful, so he stayed in the laboratory and paid close attention to every experiment here. At the same time, he kept asking people for advice on the things in the records, and judged what he had written down by himself.

Is the content valuable?

Zhuo Wenjun stayed in the laboratory for more than ten hours. Although she took several breaks during this period and ate dinner on time, her anemic body still couldn't support it. Finally, under the persuasion of her employees, she returned to the office to take medicine and rest.


Perhaps he was too tired, not long after Zhuo Wenjun sat down, he leaned over and fell asleep on the table.


‘Buddha bless’ ‘Bodhisattva bless’

Wu Tian kept praying in his heart. There was no immortality in the world that he hadn't mentioned before, even people like Zhu Bajie. He swore that as long as he could get through tonight safely, he would

Worship with a pig's head...!

Wu Tian stayed behind the screen for a long time, but did not see any movement from Zhuo Wenjun. He pricked up his ears and listened carefully, and there was no other sound except the "bang bang bang bang" of his own heartbeat.


'Why is there no movement?'

'That's strange. Could it be that Zhuo Wenjun left? You didn't listen!'

'Have you been discovered? That woman is having a fight with me outside? Just wait and see?'

Wu Tian felt strange in his heart, what was Zhuo Wenjun doing? He didn't want to hide here all the time. He was so frightened that he didn't say anything. The key was that he was so frightening! Who knew whether Zhuo Wenjun's woman would suddenly come out of nowhere?

What if he comes out from behind and then puts a sack on him? Every time he thinks of this, Wu Tian can't help but look behind him, always feeling a chill behind him.

He looked at the time and saw that it was already half past two. He had been here for half an hour. Although he liked to squat when playing CS and could even squat on the screen saver, the gap between games and actual combat was huge.

, even if you are found and beaten to death in the game, you will have to start a new round at worst. If you are discovered by Zhuo Wenjun, it will be too embarrassing. You can't kill Zhuo Wenjun, right?

After thinking about it, Wu Tian decided to give it a try. He could no longer squat here.

Wu Tian silently counted ten in his heart, then leaned forward and stuck his head out of the screen. The broken lamp illuminated the room as if it were daytime. But because of this, Wu Tian took a look inside the room with his eyes.

Scan, all the situations are taken into account by him.

Looking at Zhuo Wenjun lying on the table, Wu Tian quickly put his head back.

Are you sleeping? Or simply closing your eyes and relaxing?

Wu Tian was confused. If he was sleeping, that would be okay. He could leave the office quietly. If the other person was not sleeping and just closed his eyes to rest, it would be troublesome. Because the room was too quiet, as long as he made the slightest sound

The sound may attract Zhuo Wenjun's attention. He is not a ghost, so it is impossible for him to walk silently.

What to do?

Go out? Or continue to squat?

Do you want to take a gamble?

Wu Tian couldn't help but hesitate in his heart. Even if Zhuo Wenjun was reading the documents now, it would make him feel more comfortable than now. At least Wu Tian could understand what Zhuo Wenjun was doing. As long as he knew what Zhuo Wenjun was doing, Wu Tian's

He has confidence in his heart. No matter how dangerous it is, he will react immediately and think of countermeasures. But now he doesn't know Zhuo Wenjun's situation, so many changes may occur.

This is actually the same principle as "It is easy to hide from an open gun, but difficult to guard against a hidden arrow."

"Boss Wu, where are you?" Liu Min's voice suddenly came from the earphones.

Wu Tian, ​​who was thinking about it, was startled when he heard the sound and quickly covered his face with his hands. However, when he realized that the sound was coming from the earphones, he breathed a sigh of relief and covered his face with his hands.

Take your hands away.

Damn! I’m scared to death!

Wu Tiangang was about to curse, but he opened his mouth, but suddenly thought of Zhuo Wenjun outside, and had to close his mouth. He didn't even dare to walk, let alone talk? If Zhuo Wenjun wasn't sleeping, why not just catch him?


"Boss Wu, are you out yet?"

"Boss Wu, are you still in the office?

"Boss Wu, are you...dead?"

Wu Tian listened to Liu Min's words coming from the earphones. What he wanted to do most now was not to go out or find the diary, but to rape and kill this woman Liu Min.

Instead of protecting the boss, he ran away on his own, even to provide some cover. How is this despicable behavior different from a deserter? What is the difference from a mutiny?

If he hadn't been unable to speak, Wu Tian would have scolded her for three days and three nights, calling her a bitch!


Damn it! Women are the worst cheaters!

"Wu Tian, ​​Liu Min, what's going on there? Did something happen?" At this time, Fang Hua's voice came from the earphones again.

"Boss Wu lost it." Liu Min said.

"What? Wu Tian lost it? How is that possible?"

"Maybe he's dead!"


"When we reached the end of our operation, Zhuo Wenjun came back. After I notified Boss Wu, I covered his escape. Who would have thought that when I turned around, he was gone."


Wu Tian listened to the conversation between Fang Hua and Liu Min with a black line on his face and was quite speechless. The more he talked, the more outrageous he became. The more he talked, the more Wu Tian couldn't stand it. Wu Tian quickly took off the headphones from his ears and used his mouth

He blew gently on the earphones. He was worried that if he didn't make any move, Fang Hua and Liu Min would study what to do after his death.

"There's some movement! Wu Tian, ​​are you okay?" Fang Hua said happily.

"Hu" Wu Tian blew on the earphones, which meant "yes".

"Are you still in the office?" Liu Min asked.


"What's going on inside?"


This question cannot be answered by Wu Tian by blowing.

Wu Tian put on the earphones again, and questions from Fang Hua and Liu Min kept coming from the earphones. But what he needed most now was silence so that he could think calmly. In a fit of anger, Wu Tian took off the earphones directly.

Kick it in your pocket. In emergencies, you have to rely on yourself.

Wu Tian thought quietly for a while and observed Zhuo Wenjun. So far, she has not made any movement. It has been more than half an hour since she entered this office. She has been lying on the table for such a long time. If she just

If you close your eyes and rest your mind, you should have gotten up early. If you haven't gotten up for so long, there is only one possibility: she fell asleep while resting.

Wu Tian has a basis for thinking this way. Zhuo Wenjun has been busy all day, and her body is very weak and cannot stand staying up late. In addition, it is almost..., this time is when the human body needs to rest the most, and she wants to wake up.

It's difficult to get up.

Forget it! It’s a blessing, not a curse, it’s a curse that cannot be avoided!

The worst is to lose face, so what can I do? It’s not like losing a piece of meat. Wasn’t Zhuo Wenjun also found out at the beginning? He tried again and again, but this woman couldn’t say anything.

Thinking of this, Wu Tian fastened his hat and put on his mask again. Looking at Zhuo Wenjun lying on the table, Wu Tian walked out from behind the screen lightly.

'You can't hear, you can't hear...!' Wu Tian kept mumbling in his mind as he walked towards the door. At the same time, he had to pay attention to Zhuo Wenjun's movements. It could be said that he was doing three things at once.


Wu Tian suddenly stopped because he saw an extra notebook on Zhuo Wenjun's desk, right next to Zhuo Wenjun's head. When he searched it before, he didn't see it on the table.

The cover of this book is off-white, looks very old, and is about as thick as a fingernail, much like a diary.

Thinking that Zhuo Wenjun had just returned from the R&D Department, Wu Tian guessed that it was most likely that Zhuo Wenjun took Professor Huo Zhenlin's diary after seeing the fake experimental records from him, and combined the two to find the research direction of Project X. Or

, Zhuo Wenjun became suspicious of the records and used the diary to judge the authenticity of the records!

Both scenarios are possible.

Now that you're here, you can't go back empty-handed!

Wu Tian walked over to the desk. It seemed that Zhuo Wenjun had really fallen asleep. Even when he walked to the desk, Zhuo Wenjun was still lying on his stomach and did not get up. Wu Tian reached out and took the notebook on the desk into his hand, nervously

A smile appeared on his face. I finally gained something tonight.

Just as he was flipping through the pages proudly, there was a sudden buzzing sound.


Wu Tian trembled all over, damn, his phone vibrated.

Wu Tian quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket. It turned out that Jingyun had solved two more puzzle pieces and sent them the plan.


Zhuo Wenjun suddenly moved and made a slight sound from her mouth. Then she straightened up and slowly opened her eyes.

When Zhuo Wenjun saw this strange man in front of him who was wearing a white coat, a hat, a mask on his face, a notebook in one hand, and a mobile phone in the other, he was stunned for a moment, and then his hazy eyes immediately became clear.

She is awake.

Wu Tian looked at Zhuo Wenjun, and Zhuo Wenjun looked at Wu Tian. His big eyes stared at his small ones.

For a moment, the two of them looked at each other like this, and time seemed to stop at this moment.

...(To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)

This chapter has been completed!
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