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Chapter 231 Rage

Outside the Leopards Bar, four Jinbei vans parked on the side of the road. Thirty or forty people got out of the vans and walked toward the bar in a mighty manner.

The leader is a middle-aged man in his forties, with a bald head, a black vest, and a tattoo on his exposed shoulder. Since only half of it is exposed, it is not clear what the tattoo is. He has small eyes, thick lips, and a tattoo on his chin.

A scar looks vicious, an image that makes children burst into tears when they see it.

When they walked outside the bar door, several people standing outside immediately stretched out their hands to block the bar door, and also blocked those who wanted to enter. And those people distributed around the bar also began to move towards the bar in an orderly manner.

People gathered at the main gate, but they did not destroy the original formation surrounding the bar. It was just that the place where two people were originally guarding was now replaced by one person. The other people came to the main gate. Although there were far more people than suddenly appeared.

They, but the people guarding them, did not show any timidity or fear, and still had stern faces.

"The bar is closed and entry is prohibited!" the team member standing in front of the door said coldly.

Hearing his words, the bald man frowned and said with a gloomy face, "Closed? I am the owner of this bar, how come I don't know about the closure of the bar? Tell me, where are you from? How dare you pick on me, the bald guy?

"Sir, who gave you such courage? I think you don't want to live anymore."

"On a mission, no comments!" The person in front of the door spoke without any emotion. He stared at the bald dragon sharply and said, "No one is allowed in. If you break in, you will be responsible for the consequences!"

The bald dragon looked at the other person carefully. He had been in society for so many years and had come into contact with many people. When he saw the other person's posture, whether it was his stance or his momentum, he was different from ordinary people. He was a soldier.

He has some veterans under him, similar to the people in front of him. It seems that he has encountered a tough situation today.

"Don't think that being a soldier means you are great. What's wrong with who hasn't? I have many veterans under my command." The bald dragon said loudly, "Hurry in and find your boss, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

At this moment, the bald man's cell phone suddenly rang. He picked it up and looked at it. Then he walked to the side to answer the call and listened while looking at the people blocking the door of the bar. After a while, he put down the cell phone.

"Brothers, fight me!" the bald dragon suddenly roared, stopped drawing lanes, and started fighting directly. He came after hearing the boss's order, and thought he was someone on the road. Just now, the boss called again,

He said that the other party was not from the Taoist community, but from a small company. The bald dragon immediately felt confident.

Hearing his voice, the thirty or forty people flashed their hands, some with sticks and some with knives, and rushed towards the person blocking the door.


The street immediately exploded. Pedestrians gave in one after another. The bold ones hid and watched the show from a distance, while the timid ones simply disappeared.

It is rare to see people fighting in broad daylight with knives in hand.

There were only five or six people actually standing in front of the bar. When faced with the swarm of dozens of people, they were calm and calm. They regarded sticks and knives as nothing. One came to knock down one or two.

Put down a pair. Everyone was good at blocking ten with one, and in a short while, more than a dozen of them were lying down, with wailing and pain screams coming from their mouths.

The bald dragon standing behind was slightly startled. He didn't expect that more than a dozen of his battle-hardened brothers would fall so quickly, and then he realized that he had underestimated the enemy. Speaking of which, the company's security guards are also veterans, so they shouldn't be underestimated.

"You, you, and the rest of you, come here." The bald dragon pointed at a few veterans and said loudly.

Hearing the words of the bald dragon, these veterans immediately rushed forward.

"let me!"

At this time, a voice came from the bar, and Liu Min's eyes were cold, and she pushed the door open and walked out with murderous intent. She passed lightly through the team members who had been blocking the door, and faced those few people alone.

The veterans who rushed forward.


He punched the opponent directly in front of him, causing blood to splash everywhere. The bridge of his nose collapsed, his facial features were distorted, and he fell to the ground with a "pop", with more air coming out and less air coming in.

Seeing this, the people around were shocked. Where did this fierce woman appear from and be so good at fighting? She actually knocked down a strong man with one punch? Are you kidding me?

Just when others were stunned, Liu Min did not stop and kicked several times in succession. Those who rushed forward were unable to dodge and were hit one after another. Some of them dodged and some retreated, but Liu Min did not give the opponent any breathing space.

When she had the opportunity, she struck quickly and fiercely. Although not fatal, the attacks were all vitals of the human body. One touch would cause severe pain, and two touches would cause her to fall to the ground. Some vomited blood, some convulsed, but their lives were good.

I fainted immediately and felt no physical pain.

The captain took the lead, so how could the team members stand by and watch? They rushed into the crowd one after another, and screams continued. Before long, all thirty or forty people fell to the ground. They didn't even give them a chance to run, and they chased after them and started beating them until they lay on the ground.

The bald dragon was dumbfounded. He had been on the road for so many years, fighting and killing all the way. What kind of bloody scene had he not seen? But today, although the scene was not bloody, the ending was the most tragic. He had brought it upon himself.

Everyone fell down, without even a chance to escape. Who are these people? Company security guards? Veterans? Isn't this outrageous?

Just when the bald dragon was in a daze, he felt a cool breeze blowing against his face, and then he saw the most capable woman appearing in front of him. Before he could react, his head was dizzy and he didn't know anything.


A bucket of ice water with ice cubes was poured on the head of the bald dragon. The bald dragon shivered and woke up from a coma. He opened his eyes and saw that he was already in the bar without knowing when, and his body

He was tied to a table and couldn't move. He was soaked all over and his body was cold with ice. But in front of him, the most capable woman and two men stood in front of him.

, one of them was holding a bucket in his hand, and the water and ice cubes on his body should have been poured by this person.

The bald dragon struggled a few times, but the rope became tighter and tighter, and finally had to give up the struggle.

"Let me go quickly, or I'll look good on you!" The bald dragon shouted loudly, his body motionless but his mouth stiffened. Although he was tied up, he was extremely arrogant.


Two slaps hit the bald dragon's face, and both sides of his face immediately turned red. Liu Min held a folded magazine in her hand and looked at the bald dragon coldly. The two slaps just now were slapped by her with a magazine.

The bald dragon became angry. When had he been beaten by a woman? He opened his mouth and cursed loudly at the woman in front of him, "You stinky bitch!"

"Pah, pah, pah!"

Before the bald dragon finished cursing, Liu Min slapped the bald dragon in the face again, this time four times.

Guang Long's head was whipped. Not only could he not speak out, but he also bit his tongue. At the same time, he felt dizzy and tinnitus, his face was in burning pain, and his head was buzzing. Being whipped by a magazine was much more painful than being whipped with a hand.

"Now, I'm asking you something. What to ask, what to answer. Do you understand?" Liu Min said coldly.

"Okay, let me be the bald dragon today. Do whatever you like!" the bald dragon said through gritted teeth.


Liu Min took the magazine and slapped the bald dragon twice on the face, and said coldly, "I ask you, do you understand?"

The bald dragon looked at Liu Min bitterly, and then said unwillingly, "I understand."

"Who sent you here?" Liu Min asked.

"No one sent me!" said the bald dragon.


As soon as the bald dragon finished speaking, the magazine was affectionately placed on his face.

"Stupid Sanba, I have already told you, what else do you want?" The bald dragon shouted loudly at Liu Min, "If you can, kill me, the bald dragon. If you can't kill me, I will kill you."

." The bald dragon gritted his teeth. He is still the boss after all. He has hundreds of subordinates. When did he receive such treatment? The look in his eyes when he looked at Liu Min was full of fierceness.

"Hmph!" Liu Min snorted coldly and said, "Want to die? It's not that easy!" After saying that, Liu Min took out a pair of white gloves from his pocket and put them on his hands, and then came to Guang Longtou.

"What do you want to do?" the bald dragon asked Liu Min, staring at the pair of white gloves. He suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Let you taste life worse than death!"

After saying that, Liu Min reached out and grabbed the bald dragon's chin, pressed it inward, and then pressed it down again. He heard a "click" sound, and a painful scream came from the bald dragon's mouth, and then he saw his

The chin drooped downward and could not be closed.

"Mandibular joint dislocation! It is also commonly known as jaw dislocation." Liu Min looked at the bald dragon and said calmly, "The main symptom is that the mouth cannot be opened and closed, and it is in a state of being unable to speak or swallow. It is also accompanied by severe pain and drooling.

Overflow. Regarding treatment, of course, the sooner you recover, the better. If it is too late, it will easily leave sequelae and lead to new dislocations in the future. If it is delayed for too long, there will be no chance of recovery. "

As he spoke, Liu Min gently touched the bald dragon's chin with a magazine. The bald dragon immediately groaned in pain, and his saliva also overflowed, flowing down the corner of his mouth to his chin, and finally on his clothes.

"Now, if I ask you a question, you just need to nod or shake your head to answer." Liu Min said, "Did Kang Youquan send you here?"

The bald dragon was stunned for a moment, his eyes full of surprise. This change had obviously exposed his thoughts, but he did not shake his head or nod. Although he was in pain, he still looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water.

When Liu Min saw it, instead of being angry, she smiled.

"Okay, you have some backbone, I only like toys like this!"

Liu Min smiled slightly, put her hands on the bald dragon's shoulders, pushed in and pulled out.


"Ah~!" (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)

This chapter has been completed!
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