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Chapter 299 Hey, I lied to you!

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Zhuo Wenjun was left speechless by Wu Tian's question. She didn't know what to say. She already felt guilty for planning the fake diary incident, but now that Wu Tian asked her, she felt even more confused, as if she was a cat.

There was no clue about the ball of string she had caught. She even began to lose confidence in the set of diaries in her hands.

Her heart began to waver, because what Wu Tian said was very possible. Theoretically, except for Professor Huo Zhenlin himself, no one could prove that the diaries in her hand were

Really. Moreover, whether Professor Huo has a diary or not has now become a question.

Wu Tian was right. This diary was indeed bought with money during her initial contact with the Huo family. Professor Huo Zhenlin's wife has no job and is a standard housewife, while Professor Huo Zhenlin himself has been devoted to

While engaged in the research of anti-cancer drugs, he rarely cared about family affairs. In the early years, he had to support his two sons and one daughter to study abroad, so he didn’t save much money. Although his salary later improved a lot after joining Wanqing Pharmaceutical.

Few, but the marriage of his two sons cost him all his savings, and he also made a lot of advance payments from Wanqing Pharmaceutical. His eldest son stayed abroad, which didn’t bother him much. The key was his second son.

After staying abroad for several years, I decided to return to China to start a business. Because I did not fully evaluate the domestic market, the company has been in a state of limbo, barely maintaining it, and frequently asking Professor Huo Zhenlin for money. Later, Huo Zhenlin asked Professor Huo Zhenlin for money.

Restarting Project

, not only did the company close down, but it also owed a huge amount of foreign debt. It was at this time that Professor Huo Zhenlin had a car accident.

Although the compensation was large, it only covered part of the foreign debt. Zhuo Wenjun investigated the situation of Professor Huo Zhenlin's second son, so he sent someone to contact him. After some understanding and bargaining, he finally reached a deal. She

To repay the other party's debt, the other party took out her father's diary and handed it to her. When the time came, she would hand over the money with one hand and deliver the goods with the other.

Zhuo Wenjun recalled the original transaction, and she was very eager to get all the information about Project

Records are the most important thing in the entire plan. Their importance is even more important than the members of the planning team. After all, the team members can only understand part of the plan, but the experimental records record the entire planning process.

At that time, Professor Huo Zhenlin's second son also said that he would go home and look for it. When they met later, he said that he had never seen the experimental records and only found a few of his father's diaries. He also said that his father had the habit of writing diaries and should be able to learn about Project X.

The relevant content was written into the diary. He also took out one of the books and found out the various experimental results and the names of the subjects on it to testify. The people sent out immediately called her, and she immediately found a few people through her father's relationship.

Experts were sent over to conduct some research on the contents of the diary. However, since Project

They are only four levels sure of the authenticity of the anti-cancer content described in it.

The transaction was not completed immediately. After these experts returned to the company, she immediately had a long conversation with several experts about the diary issue. After all, these diaries cost a lot of money, and Donghua's next step was

The research must also be based on the diary. Because several experts were hesitant to draw conclusions and were unwilling to take this responsibility, in the end it was up to her to make the final decision on the transaction.

Later, Donghua established a special Project

But now, Wu Tian's words made her doubt the diary in her hand again. Because at that time, she also thought whether Professor Huo Zhenlin's second son would deliberately make a set of fake diaries to deceive her for money? Could it be?

Did the other party know that they were very eager to get information about Project X, so they deliberately set up a scam?

When she agreed to the deal, in addition to being angry at the experts' hesitant and unclear attitude, she was also afraid that if more people knew about it, there would be no chance of it given the strength of her company. Because from the information she obtained

According to the analysis, most companies are currently in a wait-and-see state, waiting for all parties to demonstrate the feasibility of Plan

made this decision.

It shouldn't be money fraud, right? Zhuo Wenjun thought in her mind, if she just wanted to cheat money, she could still use this trick to cheat other people? She didn't believe that there were so many companies, and no one came to look for the Huo family.


No! If the other party really deceived other people, he would do it so secretly, how could he let her know? Although her intelligence department is powerful, it is not omniscient. And I heard that the Huo family has already

I moved overseas a year ago. Could it be that I had deceived many people and was worried about being exposed, so I moved abroad?

The more Zhuo Wenjun thought about it, the more likely it seemed. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the diary in his hand might have been made up by Professor Huo Zhenlin's second son. Just like she had made up a fake diary, printed many copies, and sold it everywhere. Of course, doing so was

In order to confuse everyone, she muddied the water, but she had to admit that this was indeed a good way to make money. Because so far, the money from the original trading diary has been recovered, and she has also made hundreds of thousands. An unknown person

A person with a certain identity can make a fortune just because he knows that the market is in urgent need of Professor Huo Zhenlin's diary. If Professor Huo Zhenlin's family did this, wouldn't the items being sold be more convincing and valuable?

Zhuo Wenjun was completely trapped in a circle of confusion and could not get out. It was like entering a maze. No matter which way she took, she would end up in trouble. And her mentality was directly written in

on her face.

Seeing the tangled look on Zhuo Wenjun's face, Wu Tian smiled proudly in his heart. Although his intelligence department was inspired by Zhuo Wenjun's intelligence department, the intelligence capabilities of his intelligence department were far beyond that.

It is beyond Zhuo Wenjun's intelligence department, even several levels higher. He knows very well whether the diary in Zhuo Wenjun's hand is true or false, because he sent someone to find the Huo family in the United States, and it has been confirmed from there.

The diary that was traded to Zhuo Wenjun is indeed true. Professor Huo Zhenlin’s second son is not a treacherous person, he is just a bit pedantic. Because of this, he was deceived in the business and owed a large debt. If

At the beginning, he chose to inherit his father's work and engage in research, which might be better than doing business. In fact, the diary trading was not his decision alone, but the decision of him and his mother, Huo Zhenlin's wife.

In order to pay off the debt, I left here and went to my big brother in the United States.

Wu Tian said this deliberately. Since Zhuo Wenjun refused to admit it in front of him, then he would introduce Zhuo Wenjun into the scam she set up. It was her own fault!


Suddenly a flash of light flashed, accompanied by a mechanical voice. Wu Tian took a photo of Zhuo Wenjun with his mobile phone, and then said, "What, don't you have confidence in the diary in your hand?" Wu Tian smiled.

Looking at Zhuo Wenjun on the other side of the desk, "This is not like you."

Zhuo Wenjun came back to her senses from the entanglement, looked at Wu Tian opposite, and thought: If it weren't for what you said, would I be like this? But thinking about it, she didn't say what she was thinking.

Instead, he pretended to look at the other person calmly and said, "I have always had full confidence in the diary in my hand."

"Oh? Really?" Wu Tian's voice was slow and lazy. He looked at the photo he just took, then raised his phone towards Zhuo Wenjun and said, "Your expression just now, but what I said to you,

It doesn't match at all." As he said that, Wu Tian turned the front of the phone screen to Zhuo Wenjun, which was exactly what she looked like when she was confused just now.

She frowned slightly, bit her lip, and stared straightly...!

Zhuo Wenjun looked at himself in the photo, with an expression of uneasiness and tangle. Seeing Wu Tianzheng looking at him with a half-smile but not a smile, his eyes stabbing her like two knives, Zhuo Wenjun immediately felt like he had been caught.

As if reaching the tail, she lowered her head. Before, she had been reluctantly trying to find reasons for herself. Now with substantial evidence like photos, he could no longer refute Wu Tian's words. Now she even told him

Wu Tian no longer had the courage to speak. The calm expression that he had cultivated for several days was shattered by Wu Tian at this moment and disappeared without a trace.

She felt more and more that Wu Tian was her nemesis.

Because the calm and calm mentality that she had always been proud of was completely broken by Wu Tian. When facing Wu Tian, ​​she not only lost her calm mentality, but also the courage to speak and decisiveness in doing things.

All gone.

"Ring ring ring"

At this moment, Wu Tian's cell phone rang. Wu Tian swiped his finger on it and answered the call.

"Hey, it's me...is it? Are you sure?...I know, I'll deal with it when I get back." Wu Tian put away the phone, stood up from his chair, and said to Zhuo Wenjun with a smile, "I just got the news.

, we have caught the person who mailed me this set of diaries."

"Impossible, he should have already...!"


Wu Tian suddenly grinned at Zhuo Wenjun, picked up the phone and waved it at Zhuo Wenjun, saying, "I lied to you, it was an alarm clock just now."

(To be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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