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Three hundred and twentieth chapters more than sitting

Chen Chen's waiting and caring made Wu Tian feel embarrassed to leave the other party and act alone. As the saying goes in the literature hall, leave a line in life so that they can meet each other easily in the future. What's more, the two of them live under the same roof, and they never look up when they look down. Even if Chen Chen didn't say anything, Wu Tian would still feel guilty. For a woman who doesn't eat dinner after cooking and just waits alone in the room, what man wouldn't feel soft? So on the third day, Wu Tian has no plans to go out. , prepare to stay at home honestly.

This is the power of gentle violence! Without hitting, scolding, getting angry, going crazy, making trouble, or hanging yourself, with just a gentle smile and a few simple actions, you can directly attack the heart of others and cause psychological harm to them. .This kind of injury mainly manifests as guilt, embarrassment, and embarrassment, leaving a psychological shadow.

Just like last night, even though Chen Chen didn't say anything, Wu Tian felt that he had gone too far, and at the same time, he secretly decided not to leave the other person alone at home. Maybe it would happen in the future, but the short-term effect was It is very obvious that at least in the remaining days of this holiday, Wu Tian will not do what he did in the previous two days.

Since I heard a lot about Zhuo Wenjun and Donghua Pharmaceutical from Liu Min last night, I couldn't help but think a lot, so Wu Tian got up very late the next day. Instead of being as diligent as getting up early to exercise yesterday morning, he continued until eight Just woke up at 0 o'clock.

This cannot be blamed on Wu Tian, ​​because today is a cloudy day, no, it is a smog day, and it is very serious. It is gray outside the window, and the sun cannot be seen. The visibility does not exceed 100, and it is very dark inside the house. This directly caused Wu Tian to After waking up once, I felt that the room was very dark. I thought it was still dark, so I continued to sleep. Little did I know that it was already seven o'clock, so I went back to bed and slept until after eight o'clock.

Wu Tian kept yawning. Then he put on some clothes and left the house. Chen Chen was watching Chao Wen Tian Xia in the living room. Maybe he was worried about disturbing Wu Tian, ​​so the volume of the TV was very low. However, Wu Tian She felt strange. The door to her room was closed. How did Chen Chen know if there was anyone inside? How could she watch TV here with peace of mind? Wu Tian didn't remember that Chen Chen had entered his bedroom. Because he himself was A very alert person, if someone enters his bedroom, he should be aware when the other person opens the door. Unless the other person took sleeping pills in the meal last night. But this is impossible, because he listened last night Liu Min was very energetic after the phone call and went to bed very late.

In Wu Tian's impression, Chen Chen either broke into his bedroom or went outside to look for him. But now, neither situation has happened. Could it be that this woman has special powers and can see through the door? The scene inside the house. Or has she completely put him down and stopped paying attention to him?

"You're awake." Chen Chen said with a smile after seeing him, then stood up from the sofa and walked to the kitchen. He said, "Breakfast is already prepared, let's eat together."

Wu Tian felt a little relieved after hearing this. It seemed that Chen Chen had not given up on him. Wu Tian glanced at the restaurant and then asked, "Have you not eaten yet?"

"Well, I'm waiting for you." Chen Chen said naturally, then walked into the kitchen and took out the food.

The corner of Wu Tian's mouth twitched unconsciously. He thought that after a night of adjustment, Zhuo Wenjun would return to his previous appearance, but he did not expect that the other party did not change and remained the same as last night. Cruel tender violence.

If Wu Tian had been feeling embarrassed last night, then now, Wu Tian felt so guilty that he even knelt down. He really wanted to bow down to the other person, and then say loudly: "I don't dare anymore,

Please, put away that pitiful little expression." But considering that the other party might have ulterior motives and did it deliberately, Wu Tian gave up the idea of ​​kneeling down and apologizing to the other party. After all, Chen Chen at this time was not his usual self.

Chen Chen, and gentle violence is also a kind of violence. Maybe this woman seems expressionless, but in her heart she is very excited to carry out this kind of revenge.

Wu Tian can compromise, but he cannot compromise too obviously. If he makes the other party feel that his plan has succeeded, then he might use this trick again in the future and often use it on him. Therefore, Wu Tian compromises in his actions, but in terms of his expression and

There should be no compromise in his words. Otherwise, it would be equivalent to telling the other party his weakness. And Wu Tian's weakness is to accept softness rather than hardness.

This was especially obvious with his mother. His mother knew this weakness of his, so when Wu Tian didn't agree to get married, she burst into tears, and Wu Tian immediately agreed with a soft heart. Although Wu Tian felt very sad

Clearly, my mother was just acting, but Wu Tian just couldn't stand this move.

Wu Tian came to the dining table and sat down. There were only two people, but the whole table was covered with more than a dozen kinds of food. You know, this is breakfast, there is no need for it to be so rich. And Wu Tian's

It was judged that Chen Chen should have made these by himself. It seemed that the other party got up very early today. But did he get up so early to make breakfast, or did he get up so early to monitor him?

Today Chen Chen looks very well-behaved, mainly because he talks very little, so little that he hasn't said a word since eating. If he were in the company, this kind of behavior would be normal. Wu Tian once worked in Shengtian,

So I have seen Chen Chen at work. When she is at work, she likes to pretend to be cool and rarely uses words to communicate with others. Most of the time she uses her eyes. But now she is at home. Usually when Chen Chen comes home, she looks like she has changed.

She seemed to be alone and talked a lot. From the moment she walked in, she couldn't stop talking. She wanted to say all the words she had suppressed at the company at home. But now, she has no words. Could it be because of the past two days?

She talked too much and ran out of words? It's not like that. Or maybe she's trying to be cool at home?

Chen Chen's strange behavior made Wu Tian keep thinking wildly in his mind, guessing the other party's true thoughts. He was afraid of guessing about everything. Once he started to guess, all kinds of messy thoughts would pop up. And the more he thought about it, the more distorted and bad he thought.

People always like to think the worst about things, and Wu Tian is no exception.

After finishing breakfast in such a quiet, dull but very strange environment, Wu Tian came to the living room and sat down. He picked up a science magazine and flipped through it on the surface, but in fact he kept glancing towards the kitchen with his peripheral vision.

.Why didn’t this woman even ask him if he had any arrangements today? Didn’t she like to ask this question in the past? When Chen Chen asked him two days ago, Wu Tianai ignored him. It’s not that he didn’t want to tell the other party about his arrangements.

It was just to deceive the other party. But now, Chen Chen stopped asking, and Wu Tian felt uncomfortable all over, hoping that the other party would ask. Is this a disease? It should be! What disease? It's a stupid disease!

Bitch, that's just hypocritical!

Ten minutes later, Chen Chen wiped his hands with a towel and walked out of the kitchen. When Wu Tian saw it, he immediately sat upright. He also took his eyes back and looked at the magazine in his hand 'seriously'.

Chen Chen said nothing. He sat at the other end of the sofa and took out a magazine from under the coffee table. It was just a clothing magazine. He leaned against the back of the sofa and read it. From beginning to end, he did not say a word to Wu Tian.


Because Chen Chen was too close to Wu Tian, ​​even if Wu Tian didn't want to look, he would still take a look at Chen Chen.

Seeing Chen Chen's behavior, Wu Tian was slightly stunned. She didn't watch TV or talk to him. And she was sitting on the sofa quietly reading a magazine like him. What on earth did she want to do?

Although Chen Chen didn't tell him in the past two days, Wu Tian knew very well in his heart that Chen Chen had always wanted to date him. Go shopping and watch movies together, just like the weekend when the two fell into the lake.

The reason Wu Tian was sitting in the living room reading a magazine was because he wanted to tell the other party that he had no plans today and didn't want to sleep or protect the area. But the other party didn't seem to notice. He didn't ask or mention anything. Could it be that she didn't care about it anymore?

Are you ready to go on a date with him but are you frustrated?

'Speak, you should speak up. As long as you bring it up, I will give you a chance.' Wu Tian shouted loudly in his heart. Although he looked calm on the surface, there was already a huge turmoil in his heart.

Huge waves kept rolling, violent winds and rain, lightning and thunder, and could not calm down for a moment. If you look carefully, it is not difficult to find that Wu Tian's eyes have begun to glow, like two flaming balls.

Flashing flames. However, Chen Chen seemed to feel nothing and quietly read the magazine.

Wu Tianzhen wanted to snatch the newspaper from the other person's hand, throw it to the ground, and then ask the other person: Which one is better, the magazine or me.

However, when Wu Tian thought that asking such a shameless question would damage his image as a man, he gave up the idea of ​​doing so.

However, it is very uncomfortable to have fire in your heart but not be able to vent it.

It is said that Wu Tian's sitting skills are very good. When he was in the company, he could sit for seven or eight hours without moving his buttocks in order to read information. But now, after only sitting for less than half an hour, he feels pain in his buttocks.

It's so powerful. It's like what's sitting under your butt is not a sofa, but a mace, and it's still a red-hot mace.

No, you must divert your attention!

Wu Tian feels that things have developed to this point and have become a competition, a competition about patience. He is pretending, and Chen Chen is also pretending. It depends on which of the two has the patience to remain like Mount Tai, no matter what happens.

Don't move. Whoever can't pretend in the end will lose.

If he loses, then Chen Chen will be very proud, because she has thought of a way to cure him, making him uncomfortable. If he wins, then everything Chen Chen has done before will be in vain.

And when facing Wu Tian in the future, there will be no choice.

Wu Tian took a few deep breaths and silently memorized Professor Huo Zhenlin's diary in his mind, just to calm his restless heart.

This trick really works! As soon as he comes across something related to the project, Wu Tian will calm down and start to seriously ponder the contents of Professor Huo Zhenlin's diary. Regarding the diary, although he has already read it, the contents inside,

However, he has only studied two books, and there are still three books waiting for him to study in detail. Now, it is a rare time to think. Since the attention is diverted from Chen Chen, he can also think about experiments, killing two birds with one stone.

Although Wu Tian's eyes were still looking at the magazine, his heart was no longer on it. His soul had already left his body. Above his head, there was another him, but in his hand, he held

It is not a scientific magazine, but the diary of Professor Huo Zhenlin.

Time passed by, and Wu Tian remained motionless, just like a monk meditating in a temple. Although Chen Chen moved, it was just the movement of turning a book.

Chen Chen's heart was not as calm as it seemed. Although she was trying her best to control her thoughts, hoping to focus all her attention on the magazine in her hand. However, people's thoughts are often not subject to subjective control.

Clothing has a great allure to women. Clothing magazines are usually the best way for women to learn about clothes and improve their aesthetics. Women who have never read fashion magazines are not considered trendy girls at all, let alone keeping up with fashion.

On the street, among those fashionably dressed beauties, which desk drawer is not filled with fashion magazines? From this, we can imagine how important fashion magazines are to women.

However, Chen Chen was holding the latest edition of the clothing magazine in her hand, but how could she not read it? You know, she usually reads the magazine as soon as she gets it. Although she silently read it word by word in her mind, after reading it

She also turned the pages, but didn't remember a single word in her mind. Even though she had already turned so many pages, she turned around and asked her to repeat what she had read. She promised that she wouldn't be able to say anything.

Why is this so?

The reason is simple, the answer is right next to her.

Although women are crazy about clothes, this kind of fanaticism for clothes is not ranked among the top three in women's lives. The reason why Chen Chen is restless is because there is one thing that is far higher than the fanaticism for clothes, which makes her like clothes.

Become insignificant, that is love.

Women like clothes. In other words, they like smug beauty, and smug beauty serves love. And in the end, they have to take off all their clothes. At that time, who will pay attention to clothes? So, in the face of love, clothes are


At first, with a clear mind, Chen Chen could hold on for a while, but as time passed, half an hour, an hour, two hours, the magazine not only failed to divert Chen Chen's attention, but also made her irritable.

. She felt that this magazine was so useless that she wanted to throw it to the ground and then step on it hard.

Chen Chen secretly glanced at the watch on her wrist. It was already past ten o'clock. To her, even one hour seemed to pass longer than two days. She took the opportunity to turn the page and glanced to her side.

She does this kind of thing almost every five to ten minutes. The length of time mainly depends on whether she can remember to flip through the magazine.

This time when I peeked, there was no change from the previous dozen times. Wu Tian was like an old monk in trance, sitting there peacefully, not looking at the magazine in his hand without turning the pages, but he was very absorbed in reading. Despite this,

, but Chen Chen didn’t think there was anything wrong with this. The so-called science is just a word, which can often be studied by people for more than ten years, or even longer. What’s more, there are thousands of words on the left and right sides of this magazine.

It is said that it does not turn the page for two hours, even if it does not turn the page for two days, it is normal. Otherwise, it would not be called a science magazine, but should be called a gossip magazine. You can just watch the fun without using your brain to think!

Chen Chen now felt like he was riding a tiger with a hard time getting off.

Last night, she deliberately prepared such a large table of dishes for Wu Tian. In fact, she had already eaten it, and she was just pretending that she hadn't eaten it. Although she pursued Wu Tian, ​​she was not stupid enough.

Eat or drink. Besides, Wu Tian dumped her and went out to have a good time and have a good time. If she didn't eat anything at home like a harried woman, wouldn't she be a fool? So yesterday, it was time to eat and drink, Chen Chen

There was no delay at all. Not only did she want to eat, but she also wanted to eat well and eat a lot, so that she could have the strength to deal with Wu Tian. As for the meal on the table, it was all a plan to make Wu Tian feel guilty.

.She learned this from TV dramas.

In the TV show, men come home very late, and when they see a woman cooking a table of meals waiting for him, they will be moved to pieces. Of course, this is a man who works outside. If it is a man who is fooling around outside, watch

When you see this, you will be filled with a sense of guilt.

So she followed suit and came up with this trick. Sure enough, this trick was very effective. She saw guilt in Wu Tian's eyes. Specifically, Wu Tian ate two bowls of rice.

Speaking of which, Chen Chen and Wu Tian have been together for so long, how come they don’t know Wu Tian’s appetite? For Wu Tian, ​​two bowls of rice are only about eight times full. But last night, the other party couldn’t move after eating two bowls.

He couldn't move. Obviously, he came back after dinner. But when he saw that she had cooked a table of food and was waiting for him, he felt guilty and couldn't bear to refuse, so he ate.

Seeing Wu Tian being so stuffed that he couldn't move, Chen Chen looked okay on the surface, but actually he was laughing in his heart. He secretly sighed that this move was brilliant and could relieve his anger.

People are greedy. After the strategy worked, she wanted to continue using it, making Wu Tian continue to feel deeply guilty and never dare to get rid of her again. So today, she used it again.

If she had just stopped when she saw the advantage, and stopped after taking advantage yesterday, then today might be a very good day, and she wouldn't have to compete with Wu Tian here. But it was because she was too greedy that she ended up in this situation.


If she stops now, everything she has done before will be in vain, and the other party will feel that she is deliberately pretending. If she does not stop and continues, she will feel very uncomfortable. So Chen Chen is in a dilemma now, feeling that

I hated that TV show so much.

TV series, it kills people!

This chapter has been completed!
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