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Chapter 358 The Secret in the Diary

Secret? Is there a secret hidden in the diary? Wu Tian stared at the diary in Uncle Wang Guangzhao's hand for a long time. You must know that before this, he had read all five diaries of Professor Huo Zhenlin, and read them more than once. But there was nothing in it except

Apart from mentioning some things about Project

**If it can be called a secret, then a personal thing like a diary can indeed be a secret, and everything recorded in it can also be regarded as a secret.

However, the situation is obviously not that simple. Otherwise, Uncle Wang Guangzhao would not have put out the half-burned diary. Moreover, when the uncle mentioned this secret, he was as excited as a child. Regardless of his current poor physical condition, he was so excited

He shouted, as if he had found a treasure, such as...a piece of candy!

For a child, finding a piece of candy at home is equivalent to finding a treasure.

"What secret?" Wu Tian looked at Uncle Wang Guangzhao and asked. Since the death of Professor Huo Zhenlin, this diary has passed through the hands of several people. Professor Huo Zhenlin's family, Zhuo Wenjun, him, and Jingyun who had read the contents, Fang

Hua, Liu Min, and other members of the Chinese Zodiac did not see any secrets in the diary. Since the experimental records of Project X had not yet been released at that time, everyone regarded Professor Huo's diary as a treasure and got it

They will look at it carefully after that, but even so, no one has discovered the secret. What is the secret that the uncle said?

"Look!" Wang Guangzhao opened the diary and pointed to a few pages. Maybe the wound was involved during the activity. Wang Guangzhao bared his teeth and took a breath. Then he endured the pain and continued to talk to Wu excitedly.

Tian said, "Have you noticed? Among the five diaries, the fifth one contains the most content about Project

It was judged that the experiment at that time should have been terminated, so why did the teacher still mention the experimental research in the diary after the experiment was terminated? At that time, Wanqing Pharmaceutical's laboratory was closed, and the teacher could not enter the laboratory to continue research.

Then from the date of termination of Project

"The discovery." As he spoke, Uncle Wang Guangzhao pointed it out to Wu Tian, ​​"The beginning of this article, the entire second article, and the second half of the third article all mentioned that he was doing experiments in the laboratory.

, But in fact, the laboratory had been sealed before these three days, and it was impossible for him to enter. At that time, I was responsible for organizing the test materials. I recorded the dates very clearly. During these three days, all

Remove all the content about the laboratory and pick up the rest, that is, after reading the end of the first part. Go directly to the beginning of the third part and see what you find."

Uncle Wang Guangzhao talked and gestured in great detail. Wu Tian followed the other party's instructions and read it. At first, Wu Tian didn't think there was anything wrong. After all, he had read several articles before, and he was not familiar with the contents.

He still knew something. But when he looked at it according to the method given by the uncle, his thinking suddenly jumped. Wu Tian didn't react for a while. When he thought seriously, he discovered the impact of this thinking jump.


"Okay!" Wu Tian couldn't control it for a while and shouted loudly. In order to understand Professor Huo's meaning more accurately, Wu Tian read it again. At this time, many things popped up in his mind one after another.

New ideas. And all of this comes from diaries.

"How do you feel?" Uncle Wang Guangzhao asked looking at Wu Tian who was in a daze.

Wu Tian shuddered and came back from his thoughts. He opened his eyes wide and looked at Wang Guangzhao excitedly and said, "It's amazing. Professor Huo is amazing."

"I think this must be because the teacher used that time after the experiment was terminated to re-research on Project

I wanted to forget what I was thinking about, so I wrote this last diary in this half-truth and half-false way." Wang Guangzhao looked at Wu Tian and said, "I didn't expect that the teacher could use this method to hide his

It’s really powerful to prevent your true thoughts from being stolen by others.”

Wu Tian nodded and followed Wang Guangzhao's instructions and continued to read the contents of the diary. The great thing that Uncle Wang Guangzhao said was that Professor Huo Zhenlin was great at hiding the contents, and when he just said that Professor Huo was great, he was talking about Professor Huo's research.

Many of his ideas were very powerful, and he had not come up with such an extraordinary method. Wu Tian was simply in awe of him. If it weren’t for Uncle Wang Guangzhao’s reminder, the brand-new content revealed in this diary would have made him ten years and twenty years old.

You may not be able to think of it in years, or even in a lifetime.

Zhuo Wenjun also made a fake diary before. It turns out that the contents of the real diary are actually half-truth and half-false. If it weren't for people like Uncle Wang Guangzhao who have been following Professor Huo Zhenlin and understanding the professor, they really wouldn't be able to see this diary.

The authenticity of the content inside.

However, Professor Huo Zhenlin's trick is much smarter than Zhuo Wenjun. First, because the diary was written by Professor Huo Zhenlin himself, and anyone who gets the diary will never doubt it. Second, because the contents in the diary are all true, but

If you follow the normal order of keywords to research, you will be led to another place, the road in front of you will become smaller and smaller, and the results obtained will be very small, almost to the point of being negligible. But if you follow the

Look at it by removing all the experimental content. Following this step, your eyes will suddenly become clearer. More ideas and more designs will not only change the old ideas before, but also lead you into a brand new world. If

If we look at anti-cancer research from the perspective of another world, we will get another approach.

These contents were not recorded in the experimental records of Project X. After all, these diaries were written after Project X was stopped. Perhaps it was precisely because Project

When he went over the entire plan again, new ideas emerged.

This is actually a very normal thing in research. When Wu Tian reaches a bottleneck in his research, stagnates, and cannot make breakthroughs, he will often go over the entire project again. Maybe something will happen.

An unexpected gain.

"Uncle, how did you discover this secret?" Wu Tian turned to look at his uncle and asked, didn't he go to Professor Huo Zhenlin's grave to burn the diary? How could he discover the secret in the diary again?

"I also discovered it accidentally." Wang Guangzhao smiled and said, "Although I have seen the teacher's diary before, I have only read one or two of them. After you give the diary to me, I will go

I went to the teacher’s grave, and while reading, I burned the diary to him. I didn’t find this problem in the few books I burned before. When I went to burn the last one this morning, I read and found the contents recorded on the date.

No, I thought the teacher might have been forced to terminate Project

After reading the content, I suddenly had an idea in my mind, so I quickly put out the fire. I took the remaining diary and left the teacher’s cemetery. Maybe it was because I was too anxious to return to the laboratory and didn’t notice the red light, so it happened.

Car accident.”

"That's it." Wu Tian showed an expression of sudden realization. Professor Huo Zhenlin was really naughty. He actually hid the real content in this way. However, if he didn't get the diary from Zhuo Wenjun and hand it over to

To Uncle Wang Guangzhao. Uncle Wang Guangzhao burned the diary in memory of his teacher. He could not discover Professor Huo's true intention. Perhaps, no one would think of it in his life.

"Wu Tian, ​​you have read the contents. Are you excited?" Wang Guangzhao looked at Wu Tian and asked.

"Yes." Wu Tian nodded. Looking at it in another way, what he got as a result was something that was not included in Project A and Plan X. It was really amazing. How could Wu Tian not be excited and excited?

?If it weren’t for the fact that Uncle Wang Guangzhao was in a car accident and was lying on the hospital bed, he could not wait to take his uncle back to the laboratory immediately, and use his mastery of Project A and his understanding of Project X to jointly research and explore this new idea.

"I look fine now, but my legs and feet are not very sharp. How about you get me a wheelchair and take me out of here? Although I am engaged in drug research, I hate hospitals the most." Wang Guangzhao

The uncle said with a bitter face, "I smell all kinds of chemicals, but I can't do it. It's heart-breaking and painful." After saying that, he kept scratching his chest with his good hand.

Wu Tian didn't even think about it after hearing this, and quickly shook his head. How could he not know what the uncle was thinking? Why did the uncle get into a car accident? Wasn't he just anxious to go back to the laboratory and conduct research according to the contents of the diary? He was so anxious to find the diary just now.

, and he was also worried that the diary was lost and he would not be able to conduct the above research. Although Wu Tian wanted to do it now, he would never risk leaving a disability and give his uncle the green light.

"No." Wu Tian shook his head decisively at the other party and said, "Uncle, your task now is to take good care of your body. When you take good care of your body, where do you want to go and what do you want to do?

I promise that no one will care. But now, absolutely not. I have to be responsible for your body."

"My body is very good. You see, I can move now." Wang Guangzhao said quickly after hearing Wu Tian's words. In order to prove that he was indeed 'all right', the uncle lifted his injured arm and moved his body.

, moved his legs. It could be seen that he was in pain and kept gritting his teeth, but he persisted in order to return to the laboratory. And after the activity, he blushed and forced out a smile and said to Wu Tian

He said, "How is it? Is there nothing wrong? My health is fine."

"That won't work!" Wu Tian said, "Uncle, don't hold on. Besides, the doctor said that you can't even think of getting out of bed for five or six days. If you want to fully recover, it will take at least two days."

Three months. So, you can stay in the hospital with peace of mind. Your body is the capital of the revolution, so your first priority now is to take good care of your body. As for work, wait until you take good care of your body."

"What? Two or three months? That won't work." Wang Guangzhao shook his head quickly, as if he was playing a drum, "If you let me rest for two or three months, you might as well kill me. If I were doing farmhouse entertainment, I wouldn't be there.

What to say. But now, Wu Tian, ​​you have hooked me up, so you must satisfy me."

"Uncle, don't worry. As long as you recover well in the hospital, I guarantee that it won't take you two or three months. The doctor said that if you recover well, you will be able to walk like a normal person in half a month, but it will take

Note that you cannot stand for a long time, let alone do physical labor. We who are engaged in research can completely ignore these two points, so uncle, if you take good care of yourself, I guarantee that you can return to the laboratory in half a month." In order to be able to let everyone know.

The uncle rested here peacefully, and Wu Tian could only make up an excuse. "Uncle, you have been waiting for me for so many years, do you still have more than ten days left?"

After Wang Guangzhao listened to Wu Tian's words, he thought about it, lay on the bed, and stopped insisting. Although it would make him feel uncomfortable to let him lie on the bed now, he knew very well that Wu Tian was also doing it for his own good. What's more, in the past

He is now in a state of pain whenever he moves the injured area, so it is really not suitable to return to the laboratory to work. Although there is no heavy physical labor in the laboratory, it is still very taxing on the human body. Once people enter that kind of working state, they will forget everything.

, and with his current physical condition, it is truly unbearable.

"Okay, I listen to you. I will stay in this hospital for a while. I will go back after I feel better. But isn't half a month too long?" Wang Guangzhao asked, he was engaged in medicinal chemistry.

He is a researcher and has a very good understanding of injuries and diseases, otherwise he would not be able to study drugs.

"Uncle, you don't know the old saying that it's 105 times to break your muscles, right? Many people stay in the hospital for a few days and then are discharged. That's because they go home to recuperate. But can you go home to recuperate now?


"I can go back to the laboratory to raise it."

"If you go back to the laboratory, can you still calm down and recuperate?" Wu Tian looked at the other party and said, "Uncle, you are also in the medical industry, don't you distrust the hospital? There are doctors and nurses taking care of you here.

Your body can be checked at any time, and there is a professional recovery room. It will take half a month to ensure that you can return to the laboratory as soon as you are discharged. By then, if you are not working, I will not be willing to do it. "

Wang Guangzhao thought for a while, and finally said nothing more and lay peacefully on the bed.

"Uncle, here is the diary for you. If you have nothing to do, just read this diary. You can also rearrange the contents for easy viewing." Wu Tian said to Uncle Wang Guangzhao, and then put the diary in his hand on the uncle's bed.

Bian. Wu Tian can understand the uncle's current mood. After all, he is also in this business. Although he has not been working for as long as the uncle, his mood is the same.

When you have references, tips, and ideas, but are unable to take actual actions, that feeling is indeed very uncomfortable.

Seeing the uncle closing his eyes, probably trying to adjust his mood, Wu Tian left the ward. He asked the two people guarding the door to listen to what was going on inside, and then went to the side and made a phone call. No.

Not long after, an old man in his fifties came hurriedly with five or six people. After seeing Wu Tian, ​​he nodded and bowed, very respectful and polite.

"Are you Mr. Wu? I am Song Defu, the director of this hospital. If you have any orders, just tell me and I will do my best to carry them out."

"That's right. The people in this ward are very important and must be taken good care of."

"Yes, I will arrange him to a high-level ward, and then arrange for specialized doctors and nurses to be responsible for his examination and daily life."

"Also, don't tell him the results of the examination. If he asks, tell him that the wound has not recovered well and needs to be observed, and he will be discharged after a month. Anyway, that's what it means. How to say it specifically, you should

He knows better than me. In a word, no matter what he asks, he cannot be discharged from the hospital. Do you understand?" Wu Tian told the dean. At the age of Uncle Wang Guangzhao, people are usually very stubborn. Don't look at the uncle's honesty now.

In fact, lying there, I believe it won't take long before he can't stand this kind of 'torture' anymore and clamors to be discharged from the hospital. In order to allow the uncle to recover well, Wu Tian can only do this. The doctor said it would take a month

, but he said that it would only take half a month. With such a comparison, I believe that the uncle should be able to be stable for a few days.

"I understand." The dean kept nodding after hearing this.

"Okay, you go back, I will come to you if anything happens."

The dean and his men left. Wu Tian stood outside the door and looked inside through the glass on the door. Seeing that the uncle was still lying down, Wu Tian temporarily relaxed and picked up the lunch box placed on the bench.

Then he started eating.

Wu Tian stayed in the hospital all afternoon and did not leave the hospital until he had dinner with his uncle in the evening. The uncle's ward has been changed and transferred to a high-end ward. Although it was a single room before, in terms of environment and related facilities, it was the same as a high-end ward.

It's incomparable. I hope the uncle won't feel too bored and can rest peacefully in the hospital. But I don't know how long he can be stable with his current eagerness to return to the laboratory.

Wu Tian was thinking whether he should bring the uncle's daughter to take care of him. In fact, it can't be said to be taking care of him. He just looked after him and didn't need her to do any work. The purpose was also to allow him to recover from his injuries. Having an uncle's daughter

Now, I should be able to suppress the uncle's anxious mood. (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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