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Chapter 466 London accent

What Wu Tian wanted to visit was none other than the experts from the institute who had been put on leave by Bombeck Company. After learning that the experts from the institute had been put on leave, he sent people to investigate the situation of the experts who had been put on leave, trying to learn from the experiences of these people.

He started to learn more about Bombeck's secret research. This was why he didn't rush to the research institute to check. He knew that it would be difficult to ask something from these experts, but it was better than going to the institute to check.

It is much easier to find fault in the institute.

As for the gun issue mentioned by his men, he is not worried. Firstly, he has no ill intentions, and secondly, with his appearance, it is difficult for others to suspect him of being a robber. He believes that Canadians are still very friendly and will not take any

He opened the door with a gun. Thirdly, he had a very good reason to get the owner of the house to open the door for him.

Among the three people who have been investigated clearly, two are Canadians and one is British. Wu Tian thought about it for a long time and finally decided to start with this British expert because Wu Tian had heard of this British expert.

, and are very familiar with each other, and have read some of each other's works on anti-cancer research, so we should be able to chat together without being as unfamiliar as the other two experts.

Isn’t it popular these days to kill mature people?

The car stopped after driving for more than ten minutes. This is a villa area. In fact, it can't be called a villa area. There are two-story buildings on both sides of the road, one next to another, in front of and behind each building.

They all have yards, and this is a very typical Western-style residence. In China, this may be a villa area, but in Canada, which is vast and sparsely populated, this is an ordinary residential area.

"Master Wu, that's the building in front of you," the driver said to Wu Tian.

After Wu Tian heard this, he looked at the direction the other party was pointing. It was already past ten o'clock. To Wu Tian's surprise, the lights in that house were still on. In this way, his visit could not be regarded as an interruption.

"You all stay in the car, I can go by myself." Wu Tian said to the driver and Liu Min sitting in the back.

"Yes, Mr. Wu." The driver agreed happily.

However, Liu Min hesitated after hearing this, looked at Wu Tian and asked, "Your safety...!"

"I'm here for a visit. I'm not here to compete in marksmanship. There aren't many people around here, so what danger can I be in?" Wu Tian smiled after hearing this, then opened the car door and got out of the car.

The temperature was a little low at night. Wu Tian felt a little bit cold. But compared with the enthusiasm he felt now, this little coldness was nothing. Wu Tian never thought that he would be able to visit this British anti-cancer doctor.

Lucas, an authority figure in the field, had read many of the other party's works when he was in college. Many of his ideas for Project A were inspired by reading the other party's works. Speaking of which, this person can also be regarded as Wu

Half of the teachers in the sky have just never met each other.

Wu Tian straightened his clothes. It was very necessary to be neatly and decently dressed when visiting such a person. Otherwise, it would be easy for him to be dismissed as a drunkard. The rest depends on whether the two people can think about it.

It collided. If sparks can burst out, maybe Wu Tian will gain a lot tonight. If sparks can't appear, then Wu Tian will have no choice but to come in and get out.

"Ding dong!"

Wu Tian rang the doorbell, then stood outside the door and waited quietly.

Not long after, Wu Tian heard footsteps coming from inside the house, and then saw a square hole in the door, with a pair of eyes looking out.

"Who are you looking for?" The person inside asked Wu Tian. The voice sounded like an old woman. The other person was observing Wu Tian through the square hole in the door. It was not difficult to see from her doubtful eyes that she was worried about the sudden appearance in the night.

I was curious about the identity of the man with an oriental face outside the door, and at the same time I was alert.

"Hello, madam, is this the home of Professor Lucas?" Wu Tian asked politely, speaking fluent English with a London accent, which made people wonder whether he grew up in London, England.


The person at the door was slightly startled after hearing Wu Tian's voice. He didn't know whether it was because Wu Tian accurately named the owner of the house, or because his standard London accent reminded him of something. The old woman's eyes were wary.

Her expression faded a little, and then she asked, "This is Professor Lucas's home. It's so late, do you have anything to do with Professor Lucas?" Unconsciously, her tone of questioning also changed.


"I am a student at St. George's Medical College. I have read many of Professor Lucas's works in my early years. This time I came to Toronto to visit and study. When I learned that Professor Lucas lived here, I came over excitedly. I was very happy, so

I forgot the time, and I don’t know if Professor Cass has taken a break. Please forgive me if I have disturbed you." Wu Tian said to the people in the room. He spoke in a loud voice, as if he didn’t just want to let the door open.

The old woman inside heard it and wanted more people to hear it.

St. George's Medical School is the oldest public medical school in the UK, with a history of more than 200 years. Professor Lucas worked at St. George's Medical School before he came to Pombeck. When he first joined Pombeck

In those years, he would still find time to go back to St. George's Medical College in the UK to give lectures, but later he stopped going back to give lectures for unknown reasons. Now it seems that it was for Bombeck's secret plan.

The reason why Wu Tian knew this was because he learned that Professor Lucas was working at Bombeck. Before coming to Toronto, he did not know that Professor Lucas had joined Bombeck.

"Let him come in." A voice came from inside the room. This time it was a man's voice, and it sounded very old. If Wu Tian guessed correctly, this person should be Professor Lucas.

Hearing what this man said, the old woman closed the square hole, opened the door, looked at Wu Tian with a smile and said, "Young man, come in, Lucas is not asleep yet, he is inside."

"Thank you!" Wu Tian walked in.

In the living room, an old man with half-white hair is sitting on the sofa. He wears round-framed glasses and holds a thick book in his hand. The wrinkles on his face are so dense that it is difficult to tell where he is now.

Are you reading a book with your eyes open or sleeping? The TV is on, and a talk show is playing inside. The host is funny and humorous, and the smiles of the audience can be heard from time to time. It makes people feel casual and relaxed. This is also a talk show.

Features of the show.

"Hello, Professor Lucas. I am a student at St. George's School of Medicine. This time I came to the University of Toronto School of Medicine to visit and study. I am not sure if it will disturb your rest." Wu Tian started again. He introduced himself. In fact, this was completely unnecessary, because the volume of what he just said outside the door was enough to be transmitted here. However, in order to show respect and politeness, a face-to-face introduction is essential. Wu Tian has read the other party's Shu. Naturally, he knew something about this old man. He knew that the other party was an old gentleman from London, England. If he didn't show enough courtesy, he would probably be kicked out of the house with a cane.

"St. George's Medical College... I haven't been back for many years. It's really nostalgic." The old gentleman smiled faintly after hearing Wu Tian's words, then looked at Wu Tian and asked, "Have you seen me?" At the same time, Wu Tian's He looked around.

"I have read many books written by you, Professor Lucas, and there are pictures of you in them. There are also pictures of you hanging in the college, so I recognized you at a glance after entering the room," Wu Tian said. There is a photo of the old man in the book. This is true. As for whether there is a photo of the old man in St. George's College, Wu Tian doesn't know. This is completely made up by him. However, considering the other party's reputation in the field of anti-cancer research in the UK, Wu Tian doesn't know. George's Medical College, it is normal to have his photo in the college.

"Oh." Lucas nodded after hearing this, "By the way, you just said that you were visiting the School of Medicine at the University of Toronto?"

"Yes." Wu Tian replied. "My friends and I are currently doing some anti-cancer research. After learning that the University of Toronto School of Medicine has a close relationship with Bombeck Biopharmaceutical Company, I decided to come here to study and visit After all, Bombeck is a world-famous anti-cancer research institution, and I can learn a lot. By the way, doesn’t Professor Lucas work at the Bombeck Institute? You are also one of the reasons why I decided to come to Toronto. "

Lucas smiled after hearing this. Wu Tian's words seemed to suit the old gentleman's taste, but there was something strange about him, "How do you know where I live?"

"Oh, it was Miss Tina from Bombeck who told me that she and I are 'very good' friends." Wu Tian replied, "I mentioned your name to Miss Tina when I visited Pombeck today. , I hope to meet you. Miss Tina told me that you were on vacation and not at the institute. I felt very sorry, so Miss Tina told me your residential address, and I came here without warning."

"Miss Tina? Are you talking about Pomback's chief operating officer?" Lucas asked.


"So that's it. No wonder you found yourself here." Professor Lucas relaxed his body and leaned back on the chair, no longer wary of Wu Tian. "Sit down."

"Your coffee." At this time, the old woman placed a cup of coffee on the table in front of Wu Tian.

"Thank you, madam." Wu Tian picked up the cup and took a sip, then smiled at the old woman and praised, "The coffee is very fragrant."

"Thank you," the old woman said with a smile, and then sat aside.

"Professor Lucas, what are you reading?" Wu Tian asked, looking at the old man.

"It's not a book, it's notes." After hearing this, Professor Lucas looked at the thick notebook in his hand and said to Wu Tian, ​​"These are some notes I recently recorded about anti-cancer research. I'm usually too busy and don't have time.

Now that I’m on vacation, I’ll take a look at it and prepare to reorganize it to see if I can find any new inspiration from it.”

"Yes, notes are very important to us researchers. They record the past as well as the future. Maybe some of the ideas in them that were considered unrealistic at the time will be realized in a few years.

Wu Tian looked at Professor Lucas and said, "By the way, Professor Lucas, isn't your research at a critical period? Why did Pomback give you a holiday? I heard from Miss Tina that it was CEO Tom

What do you mean, sir? Do you know the reason?"

"I don't know why Mr. Tom suddenly terminated the research and gave us people a holiday. In fact, I have been thinking about this problem. Is it because the experiment has been progressing very slowly in recent times? But how can we be in a hurry when researching this kind of thing?

What?" It seems that Pomback did not make it clear to the experts on the holiday. Even Professor Lucas did not know the reason for the holiday.

"Maybe Mr. Tom was worried that you were too tired, so he gave you a vacation." Wu Tian explained for Pomback, "Professor Lucas, it is not easy to meet you this time. I have read many of your books before.

, I also have many questions about the content written in it. I wonder if I can ask you for advice now?"

"Yes, of course." Professor Lucas said happily. He seemed to like Wu Tian's learning attitude. He closed the notes in his hand and put them aside. He took off his glasses again.

"It's getting late. I'm afraid it will delay your rest, Professor," Wu Tian said.

"It doesn't matter. It's normal for people like us to stay up late and work. Even though I'm so old, I still have a lot of energy." Professor Lucas said with a smile. "Besides, you are from St. George's Medical College.

students. We are also considered alumni. To be honest, I haven’t heard the voice of my hometown for a long time, so I really like to discuss some research issues with you.”

"Thank you, Professor Lucas!" Wu Tian's eyes flashed, showing an excited look, and then he began to ask questions about the books he had read. Professor Lucas also began to help Wu very seriously and carefully.

God answers.


Of course, if you think that Wu Tian is just asking about the contents of the book, you are totally wrong. This is just a strategy of his. He must first go through the questions in the book and gradually understand the issues discussed.

Unconsciously, he shifted to Bombeck's research, and slowly extracted Bombeck's core content bit by bit. Because he had already read the contents of the savings card that Tina gave him, although he had not finished reading it yet.

, but the questions that arose in his mind were enough for Professor Lucas to answer in a few days. So for Wu Tian, ​​this conversation with Professor Lucas was not just to test the core content of Pomback

, whether Tina really handed over all the core content to him, it is also a rare opportunity to ask Professor Lucas for advice and learning, so you must seize it.

You must know that Professor Lucas and Professor Huo Zhenlin are at the same level, both top experts in the field of anti-cancer. Now that Wu Tian has been caught and can meet and talk, how can he miss such an opportunity to consult and learn?


‘I’m going to tell you everything you know with a London accent!’ Wu Tian thought in his heart.

outside the house.

"It's been an hour, why hasn't Mr. Wu come out yet? Has something happened?" The driver asked Liu Min behind him. After spending this day together, although he didn't know who Liu Min was, he still knew

Guessing that the other party is a very important person around Wu Tian, ​​he must not be underestimated.

Liu Min did not reply immediately after hearing this. She kept staring at the house. In fact, she had already started to worry about Wu Tian. After all, her mission in Canada this time was to ensure that Wu Tian

If something happened to Wu Tianzhen, she would not be able to return home to explain.

Since arriving in Canada, she has been following Wu Tian. Except when going to the bathroom, Wu Tian is always within her sight. But this time, Wu Tian left her sight, and as soon as he left, he was a

For many hours, during this period, she did not receive any message from Wu Tian. How could she not be worried?

"You stay here and I'll go take a look." Liu Min said, looking around through the car window. After seeing no one, he opened the car door and walked towards the bright window.

Liu Min is very attentive and careful. Foreign countries are not as good as domestic ones, not to mention that in Canada you can legally hold guns. Once you are regarded as a thief, even if you are beaten to death, your death will be in vain.

Fortunately, Liu Min was a professional, so he came to the window quickly.

The curtains have been closed, but not tightly. There is still a slight gap, and through this gap, you can just see the situation inside.

Inside the room, I saw an old man and a young man sitting face to face. The expressions on their faces were very serious. When one person spoke, the other would listen deeply and attentively. The two would also argue, but very rarely

It would calm down soon. Because they were separated by the window, Liu Min couldn't hear what the two people were talking about, but it seemed that Wu Tian was safe now and there should be no danger, so she felt relieved.

But there was one thing she was very curious about. She didn’t know what Wu Tian had said before, but he was able to enter Lucas’s house at such a late hour. More importantly, he was able to communicate with the old man from England.

Talking about it together, this is really a puzzling thing.

I don’t know if it’s the old man’s Alzheimer’s disease or Wu Tiantai’s supernatural powers. The former reason is somewhat impossible. After all, that person is a research expert at the Bombeck Institute. Can people with Alzheimer’s enter? Since it’s not the cause of Alzheimer’s, then

It's just that the latter is too powerful.

Depending on the situation, Wu Tian should be able to stay there for a while. After realizing this, Liu Min quietly left and returned to the car parked on the roadside.

"How is it? Mr. Wu, is he okay?" the driver asked.

"It's okay. He is talking to Lucas. It will probably take a long time. We can just wait for him here." Liu Min said calmly.

"Young Master Wu is Young Master Wu. Amazing!" the driver said in admiration, and the car returned to its previous quietness. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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