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Chapter 518 Calculation

Perhaps because he slept too late last night, Wu Tian didn't wake up until nine o'clock in the morning the next day. If he remembered correctly, it was already past two o'clock in the morning when Chen Chen drove him back to the company last night.

He had taken a nap for two or three hours before, but this amount of sleep was obviously not enough for Wu Tian, ​​so he went to bed after returning to the company last night. As for Chen Chen, he didn't pay attention to it and probably drove away.

Wu Tian was woken up by the ringtone of his mobile phone. If it hadn't been for this ringtone, he would definitely have continued to sleep. He was still very sleepy, but when he picked up the phone and saw the caller ID, he woke up because

This phone call is so important to him.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"Master Wu, all the equipment has been shipped. I am right outside your company with the staff of the equipment company. Can you talk to the security guard at the door and let us in?" A man's voice came from the microphone.

Wu Tian was stunned when he heard this and asked, "So fast?" Then he ran out of the lounge and stood on the floor-to-ceiling glass wall of the office and looked down at the roadside where many container trucks were parked, extending from the company gate.

At the end of the road, it looked like there were at least a dozen vehicles. This was the experimental equipment he ordered in Germany before New Year's Day. Although he knew it would be shipped in the next few days, he did not expect it to be so soon. He thought it would be shipped again.

How many days to wait?

"The equipment arrived at Tianjin Port last night. I am very familiar with the customs officer there. First, we checked our containers. After checking overnight, they were sent directly to you. The whole process from Germany to here was very smooth.

Be careful, I can assure you, Mr. Wu, that there will never be any damage."

"It doesn't matter if it's damaged, it's still under warranty anyway." Wu Tian said with a smile, "Just wait, I'll go down and pick you up now."

"Okay, Mr. Wu."

The new equipment has finally arrived, and Wu Tian is full of expectations for these newly purchased equipment. Although he is not an equipment fan, he still understands the simple truth of 'the work must be done well and the tools must be sharp'. With these equipments

, the gap between him and Bombeck Pharmaceutical Research Institute is getting smaller and smaller. It is no longer possible to dig a large underground hole, but the difference above ground cannot be compared.

Wu Tian hurriedly walked out excitedly, but when he left the office, he realized that he had not put on his clothes yet, so he hurried back to the lounge to put on his clothes and then left the office.

The company gate was already full of people, and several security guards stood inside the electric gate. They looked at the dozen container trucks parked outside with vigilance, and were ready.

They didn't know about Wu Tian's purchase of the equipment, let alone that the equipment would arrive today. In fact, even Wu Tian himself didn't know about it. If it hadn't been for the phone call just now, he would have thought the equipment was floating on the sea.

Well. The scale of a dozen container trucks is indeed not small. Those who didn’t know better thought it was going to be demolished or a war was going on, so it was normal for the security guards to do this.

"Master Wu!" A person standing outside the door waved and shouted loudly after seeing Wu Tian. "Here!"

Wu Tian nodded after seeing it, then came outside the gate and said to the security guard, "Don't be nervous. We are one of our own. Everyone should evacuate and open the gate by the way."

"Yes! Boss!" After hearing Wu Tian's words, the security guards who were originally standing in a row left immediately. Although the door slowly opened.

"Li Zi, thank you." Wu Tian looked at the other person and said with a smile, "How is it? Nothing happened during the transportation process?" The other person's name is Li Li, a friend of Wu Tian's in Germany, who happened to be returning to China recently.

So Wu Tian handed over the task of escorting the equipment to the other party. This boy's father happened to be from the customs, and finding him could avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble.

"Young Master Wu, you are too polite. Your business is my business, not to mention it is my honor to serve you." Li Li looked at Wu Tian and said, "Nothing happened during the transportation. Everything was fine.

It went well, but when we were at sea, I was worried about missing Mr. Wu's time, so I kept urging the captain to hurry up. I wonder if it's too late now?"

"It's not late, it's not late, it's much earlier than I expected." Wu Tian stretched out his hand and patted the other person's shoulder to express his gratitude.

"Technicians from the German Equipment Company have also arrived, followed by a manager in charge of technology from their company." Li Li said to Wu Tian, ​​"Can the equipment be moved in now? They should check the equipment as soon as possible.

Whether it was damaged during transportation. Mr. Wu, do you have technical personnel here? It’s good to learn from them at this time. In the future, when maintenance or minor problems occur, they can be repaired as soon as possible without having to come from Germany.

It will take a long time to find them."

Wu Tian was slightly startled when he heard this, and then said with a wry smile, "I really don't have any technical staff here, but there are many researchers engaged in scientific research. I plan to let them learn from it and become familiar with these equipment faster."


Li Li didn't talk much. He was a complete activist. Without saying a few words to Wu Tian, ​​he commanded the transportation team and the technicians from Germany to start moving the research equipment in the containers.

In order to arrange these advanced research equipment, Wu Tian had already prepared the laboratory where they should be placed. Wu Tian arranged them according to the functions of the research instruments and the needs of the researchers, so that he would not have to move them around later.

Large instruments cannot be moved just as easily.

Knowing that the new equipment had arrived, the researchers who had returned to the company happily walked out of the office. They looked very excited, and everyone's face was filled with excited smiles. It felt like a cat seeing a fish.


Because there were so many instruments, it took a whole morning just to move the instruments from the container to the laboratory. By the time the technicians from Germany finished testing the instruments, it was already dark. Fortunately, the instruments were not

There was no damage during transportation and handling, and all the instruments were in good condition. As expected of being made in Germany, the quality is just different.

Wu Tian is a big customer and has a special status, so he is highly valued by this German instrument company. They deliberately sent a manager who can speak Chinese and a full-time translator to provide professional services to Wu Tian. They

Not only will they provide testing for the equipment, but they will also teach Wu Tian and others how to use these instruments. They will provide for their own food and lodging, and provide training and training. They will not leave without being taught. The most important thing is that they provide a permanent free warranty for these equipment.

It solved Wu Tian's worries. It seems that the tens of millions of euros were not wasted, but the treatment he received was different. Wu Tian also took a fancy to this at the beginning, so he ordered from this company. Things that are not guaranteed, he

He won't want it. He doesn't want to be unable to find a place to repair the equipment after it breaks down. This is not a mask. Throw it away at will. How can you be careless about the equipment?

These technicians stayed in Wu Tian's company for two days before leaving. During these two days, all members of the R&D team had understood the new equipment and were able to use it proficiently. This is why Wu Tian valued them.

He didn't want these devices to be damaged because someone didn't know how to use them. Although the German side could come over for free to repair them, they couldn't afford to waste time. At this time, these technicians from the German equipment companies became examiners.

, only if they can get their approval, the members of the R&D team will be considered qualified. Otherwise, continue practicing.

After these German technicians left, Project A, which had been stagnant for more than a month, officially entered the final research stage. Everyone was working hard. They were ready to work hard and would not give up until they succeeded. Because each of them

Neither is willing to accept failure.

Wang Zhizhong had already returned from the United States after New Year's Day. Wu Tian only had a brief meeting with the other party, and then threw Wang Zhizhong the information of several companies that needed to be reorganized and left it alone. The rest is up to Wang Zhizhong.

, this is also the reason why Wu Tian went to Wang Zhizhong. He was interested in Wang Zhizhong's ability. If he can't even do such a simple thing well, it can only prove that Wang Zhizhong's ability is not enough, and Wu Tian made a mistake.

On the tenth day after Wang Zhizhong met Wu Tian, ​​the reorganization of Kangli Pharmaceutical, Donghua Pharmaceutical, Shengtian Pharmaceutical, Nanhua Pharmaceutical and health products companies was completed, and the merger became part of Tianzheng Pharmaceutical, and Tianzheng Pharmaceutical was officially established.

This incident caused huge repercussions in the pharmaceutical industry, and its impact even exceeded the pharmaceutical industry. So many pharmaceutical companies were actually acquired by an unknown small company, especially the leading company in the pharmaceutical industry, Kangli Pharmaceuticals.

, this kind of thing can only be described as shocked. All colleagues who knew the news were shocked, especially those who knew Kang Youquan, they found it unbelievable. Everyone was guessing that this person from Tianzheng Pharmaceutical

Who is the boss, so he has so much energy?

But what shocked them even more was what happened later. At the official establishment ceremony of Tianzheng Pharmaceutical, the Minister of Health, Vice Minister, senior officials from the Food and Drug Administration, and even senior officials from the Ministry of Commerce all showed up. The scene was absolutely grand. Logically speaking

If it were an individual company, these big bosses would not appear, but they did appear, so people can’t help but wonder, does Tianzheng Pharmaceutical have a national background? People are rushing to inquire about the boss of Tianzheng Pharmaceutical. In addition to knowing this

Apart from the fact that his name is Wu Tian, ​​I don’t know anything else about him. As for his background, I don’t know anything about him. But to be able to invite so many big guys to the platform, he is obviously not an ordinary person. It is better to avoid such a person.

But, with the emergence of such an awesome pharmaceutical company, will it give others a way to survive?

Wu Tian did not appear at the ceremony from beginning to end. He had been struggling in the laboratory, but he was the one who contacted him. This was entirely for his colleagues to see. In addition to promoting his strength, it was also to dissuade those who tried to develop A projects and

The people in Project

With the establishment of Tianzheng Pharmaceutical, the most frustrated people were Chen Chen and Zhuo Wenjun. However, the two women have obviously gotten over their frustrations. They are both improving their abilities and practicing in seclusion. It is said that they are in seclusion, but the two women have not really

As described in martial arts novels, Chen Chen hides in a secluded place without seeing anyone. Chen Chen spends all day in the intelligence department and suddenly becomes the third analyst after Jingyun and Fang Hua. Zhuo Wenjun's retreat method is also very special.

He lived in Wu Tian's courtyard house. In addition to eating and sleeping, he also raised flowers in the house and played chess, calligraphy and painting. He didn't look like he was practicing in seclusion, but rather like he came here to retire.

After a few snows, the Chinese traditional festival Spring Festival is getting closer and closer. The door of the R&D department, which has been closed for more than a month, is finally opened. No matter how the A project progresses, the New Year is going to pass, and no matter how busy you are, you have to go home.

After being reunited with my parents, wife and children, not to mention having been tired for a month, it was time to relax my tense nerves and body.

Wu Tian was the last one to leave the laboratory. If it weren't for Chen Chen's force, Wu Tian would not have come out of the laboratory at all. For Chen Chen, this is the first Spring Festival after marrying Wu Tian. According to her,

, is of extraordinary significance, so Wu Tian is absolutely not allowed to spend the New Year in the laboratory. In fact, Wu Tian was not planning to celebrate the New Year in the laboratory. He really hoped to celebrate the New Year in the laboratory, because in his opinion, it would be worse outside.

It's even busier in the lab.

It was the night of New Year's Eve, and I don't know who leaked the news that he left Tianzheng Building and the laboratory. His cell phone kept ringing. Most of them asked him to attend the banquet. The twelfth lunar month and the first lunar month are in the circle.

When there are most banquets, they happen almost every day. Some of them don’t need to be attended, but some of them must be attended. After all, they are people in the circle, and they will be useful to others in the future. There is no use in improvising things like feelings.

Yes, it can only be used at critical times if it is maintained at ordinary times.

"Where are you going to spend tomorrow night?" Chen Chen asked as he stretched his head out of the house and looked at Wu Tian who was holding the remote control and dialing the channels in the living room.

The two have returned home, a home that only belongs to them. But in Wu Tian's view, this home belongs to Chen Chen. To him, it is just a temporary residence. Who has ever seen a couple sleeping in separate rooms?

?Chen Chen was very happy and started cooking immediately after returning home.

"Of course I'm going home. Why not go home on New Year's Eve?" Wu Tian said after hearing this.

"Which home?" Chen Chen asked.

"How many homes do I have?"

"This is your home too."

After Wu Tian heard this, he glanced back at Chen Chen, and then said, "Go back to my parents' place."

"Oh. I thought you would spend the Spring Festival here. I have already prepared the New Year's goods." Chen Chen said with some disappointment.

"Then you can eat it by yourself. Anyway, I will go back to the laboratory in a few days." Wu Tian said. Of course he understood what Chen Chen was thinking, but he hadn't seen his parents for a long time. He usually doesn't

It's okay to go back. It's for work, which is a reasonable reason. But if you don't go back during the Spring Festival, there is no reason. "Where did you spend your time? Here? Or back to your parents' place?"

"Me? Wherever you live, of course I will live there." Chen Chen said after hearing this, "Don't forget, we are husband and wife now. Besides, if you go back by yourself, do you think your mother will let you go?"

?As the old saying goes, a married daughter is like a splash of water. Wherever you go, I will follow you."

Wu Tian was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, it seemed like this. If he went back by himself during the New Year, his mother would definitely not let him go. After all, Chen Chen was the daughter-in-law appointed by his mother, so why not take him home during the New Year?

It can't be explained at all.

"Please help me think about what my parents like to eat. I'm going back early tomorrow, and the New Year's Eve dinner will be left to me. I must show my skills in front of them." Chen Chen said with a smile. She seemed to have recovered from the frustration just now.

She has come out of it and is full of expectations for tomorrow. She knows that she can't be recognized by Wu Tian now, so she can only try to please Wu Tian's parents. As long as Wu Tian's parents recognize her, then she is Wu Tian's

Wife, no one can change her.

"Don't worry, they will all like to eat whatever you do." Wu Tian said after hearing this. The key to the New Year's Eve dinner is not whether it is delicious or not, but who cooks it. For those who are away from home, they can go home during the New Year.

Eating food cooked by your mother is the happiest thing. For the Wu family, it is the happiest thing for your parents to eat food cooked by your daughter-in-law.

At this moment, Wu Tian's cell phone rang again. He looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Liu Jin's number. Wu Tian immediately answered the call.

"Hey, Liu Jin, what's going on? Did you take down Kang Xin?" Wu Tian asked with a smile.

"Hehe, not yet, but after more than a month of getting along, our relationship has become much closer. I believe we are not far away from winning." Liu Jin said proudly, and suddenly became serious again, "That's right.

Brother Tian, ​​I just received news that the candidate for that position has been determined. He is from the Pang family. Gu Minglin was not selected, and the difference in votes was very large. Among the three people, Gu Minglin ranked second. Although he ranked second.

, but it was five votes away from first place.”

After Wu Tian heard this, his eyes immediately narrowed and a smile appeared on his face. He could imagine the expressions of the Gu family and the Bai family after knowing the result, especially the Bai family.

Success was tantamount to a slap in the face. He knew very well that among the five votes, at least three were from the Wu family. As for the remaining two votes, they should have been vacillating at first. Later, he saw that there was a big gap, so he voted

For those who voted for the Pang family, it actually doesn't matter whether they have these two votes. Even if both votes are given to Gu Minglin, the Pang family will still have more than one vote. This is all within Wu Tian's expectation. After all, he is engaged in scientific research, and he has everything in his heart.

Good at calculations, when he persuaded his father to vote against Gu Minglin and prevent the Bai family from succeeding, he had already simulated the results in his mind.

Bai family, Gu family, can you still have a good time this year? (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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