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Chapter 628 Arrogant smile!

Chapter 628: My heart is so beautiful!

Wu Tian got off the car halfway and then called Wang Zhizhong. Not long after, Wang Zhizhong personally drove Wu Tian to the company and took the elevator from the underground parking lot directly into the company. ↗ During this period, no one saw

Wu Tian, ​​not to mention he was wearing a hat, mask and sunglasses, covering his entire head. It would not be easy to identify him, unless several people went up and took off his mask and hat.

, but their subordinates must be able to defeat Wu Tian.

Wang Zhizhong took Wu Tian directly to a laboratory in the R&D department. The instruments that were still missing at noon have now been shipped. All the instruments that can be used to test for AIDS in those hospitals are now in this laboratory.

, the scene is very spectacular.

There are only two people in the laboratory, Wu Tian and Wang Zhizhong. Those who are off duty and those who work overtime have been arranged by Wang Zhizhong to other laboratories. Wang Zhizhong does not want anyone to disturb his boss.

Since he has watched the video several times, Wu Tian has a general understanding of the functions of these instruments. As a drug researcher, Wu Tian plays with various instruments all day long, although they are related to anti-cancer and AIDS testing.

It doesn't matter, but it also gives Wu Tian some basic common sense in using instruments. After all, most of these precision instruments come from the same country, and some of the buttons are particularly familiar to him, not to mention that he understands so many foreign languages.

, ordinary instruments cannot trouble him at all.

Wu Tian checked the models of these instruments and breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that they were correct. He finally came out once, and he didn't want to stay here for a few nights because of such a low-level problem as the incorrect model of the instruments.

"Do you have anyone here who is familiar with the operation of these instruments and the AIDS test process?" Wu Tian asked Wang Zhizhong behind him while looking at the instruments. He was very curious about these instruments. In addition to testing whether these instruments could be controlled remotely,

He also needs to understand the working principles of these instruments to see if there is any possibility of manipulation during the inspection. Although there will be a notary present during the inspection, it never hurts to know more.

"Yes!" Wang Zhizhong replied respectfully. "The company has a team specifically responsible for AIDS research, and everyone in it is very clear about AIDS testing. In addition, I also hired two professional doctors, both of whom are in charge of the hospital.

AIDS screening work.”

"Work in a hospital?" Wu Tian frowned slightly after hearing this. The last thing he wanted to do now was to come into contact with the doctor in charge of AIDS testing at the hospital. Not to mention that he still didn't know which hospital the test was in. Even if he knew, if

When the time comes to meet him, who knows whether he will be betrayed in the future?

"Yes. But don't worry, boss, these two doctors don't work in the major hospitals you mentioned, and I also invited them here in the name of assisting in research." Wang Zhizhong explained.

"Oh!" Wu Tian breathed a sigh of relief. Then he asked, "How are the people you sent to the hospital? Do they know anything about the examination?"

"Understood, they are all the backbone of the AIDS research team."

Wu Tian nodded, then touched each instrument one by one, studied it for about half an hour, and after becoming proficient in operating each instrument, he said to Wang Zhizhong, "Find someone to come over and check it for me. Follow the hospital's procedures."



Wang Zhizhong walked out of the laboratory and went to find someone. Wu Tian put on his hat, mask and sunglasses again. He didn't want to be seen by anyone, even employees of his own company.

Not long after, Wang Zhizhong walked in with a middle-aged man about forty years old. Wu Tian had seen this man's appearance in one of the videos, and he was one of several people sent to the hospital to investigate.

"Fan Zheng, check this gentleman." Wang Zhizhong said to the man brought in, "Just follow the hospital's examination procedures when you go to the hospital."

"Okay, Mr. Wang!" Fan Zheng nodded, and then walked to the second row of instruments. The instruments in several hospitals were arranged in order. He went to the second hospital, so the equipment was all placed.

In the second column.

While Fan Zheng was sitting and preparing for work, he took a strange look at the man wearing a mask and hat. Judging from his body shape, this man should be very young, but he really didn't understand why the man was wearing sunglasses in the room. Could it be that he was wearing sunglasses?

Is it related to the AIDS test that I'm waiting for? Are you worried about being tested for AIDS, and are you afraid of being laughed at? But if you don't know each other, how can you laugh? Even if you are worried about other people's strange looks, but when you leave the house and go outside, no one knows anyone else.

What can be covered?

However, since this is not the only strange thing happening recently, he is not surprised by this kind of thing. Who made him an employee of the company now? In short, just listen to the boss and do it.

Based on his experience in the hospital yesterday, Fan Zheng began to examine the masked man in front of him. As a professional AIDS research expert, he actually already knew a lot about AIDS examinations. When the boss asked him to go to the hospital for examination,

He didn't understand it very much. He acted as if he was suspected of being infected with AIDS. Moreover, he needed to be videotaped, which was really strange. If it weren't for the company's good benefits and high remuneration, and his colleagues were all well-known people in this industry, he would

I really wonder if the boss of this company has a mental problem.

There were not many tests that required Wu Tian's cooperation, and it didn't take long to complete. All that was left was to wait for the test results. This is not like the simple tests in the hospital, which can produce results in less than an hour. The HIV test is

It requires a long waiting process. If you go to an outside hospital, it will take at least a day, and some even less. It requires a certain number of people to do it. But Wu Tian doesn’t have to worry about this problem here, because everything here is

It is for him alone, so it can be completed in a few hours.

During this period, Wu Tian did not leave the laboratory, but stood aside and watched Fan Zheng's test. In fact, Wu Tian was very clear about the results. He just wanted to experience the hospital immersively.

It was just the atmosphere during the inspection inside, and he could also compare the results of this inspection with the results of the second inspection. Since he spent money, he didn't want to be deceived by foreigners.

Three hours later, the test results came out. Wu Tian's indicators were all normal and he was not infected with HIV. This result couldn't be more normal, but if the results were still like this in the Bai family's examination, he would be unlucky.

But it’s Wu Tian.

While Wu Tian looked at the test form, he took out his mobile phone and called the person Tina introduced to him.

"I'm ready for inspection here, what about you?" Wu Tian asked the other party.

"As long as you tell me the instrument model and code, I can start at any time." The other party replied.

"Okay!" Wu Tian told the other party the instrument signals and codes used just now. Although there are many inspection instruments used, as long as one of the instruments has an erroneous analysis result, all the inspection results will be wrong. But Wu

God knows that the Bai family will definitely find many professionals to check the results of every link, so in order to hide the truth, Wu Tian hopes that the analysis results of all instruments can be developed in a direction that is beneficial to him.

After talking on the phone, Wu Tian nodded to Wang Zhizhong on the side. Wang Zhizhong immediately walked out, called Fan Zheng in again who was standing outside the laboratory, and said to him, "Fan Zheng, help this gentleman check again!


"Ah?" Fan Zheng was stunned after hearing this. Didn't he already check it just now? Why do he need to check it again? Is it because he doubts his ability? But in the process of AIDS detection, the most important thing is not the people, but the instruments.

, all data and results are obtained by instruments. He is just an operator. So even if you doubt him, you should not doubt these instruments. Anyway, I unconsciously glanced at the man wearing a mask,

Could it be that he is infected with AIDS? "Mr. Wang, could it be that the test results just now were wrong?"

"This matter has nothing to do with you. You just need to do what I say and check it again." Wang Zhizhong looked at Fan Zheng and said. What a boss hates most is when his subordinates do not immediately execute the order after issuing it.

On the contrary, they raised doubts. However, most of the researchers were nerds who were used to thinking about problems and asked the other party to check them again. They had the intention of doubting the other party's ability, so Wang Zhizhong did not blame Fan Zheng, let alone get angry.

Although Fan Zheng was puzzled, he checked it again according to the boss's instructions.

Wu Tian was still very cooperative throughout the whole process, but compared with the first time, his attention had shifted from Fan Zheng to these instruments. In fact, these inspection instruments were the protagonist tonight. As for him, he was still very cooperative.

Fan Zheng is just a supporting role, dispensable. It doesn't matter whether it's a different doctor or a different patient. What's important is that the test results of the two instruments must be different.

Wu Tian looked at it carefully for a long time, but couldn't find anything. All the instruments were running normally, and nothing unusual could be found. It stands to reason that if someone remotely controls the instrument now, the instruments should respond, even if there is a light.

Flashing, maybe there is a program running. However, there is nothing abnormal about the instruments. They run normally when they are in use, and sit quietly when not in use. Such a scene makes it difficult for Wu Tian to think that someone is controlling them.

Waiting is a long process, especially when no abnormalities can be found in the instrument, waiting is even more painful.

For several hours, Wu Tian's eyes never left each instrument. Until the test was completed and the results came out, Wu Tian took his eyes back from the instruments, but his eyes hurt so much that he felt like his eyeballs were protruding outwards.

It felt as if his eyes were about to pop out of his sockets. But he did not close his eyes to rest, because the most important moment had come, the test results had come out, and the results this time were related to whether he could pass the difficulties in the future. After passing,

Everything will be fine. If he can't get through it, then bad luck will probably happen to him one after another, and the entire Wu family will suffer. He is thick-skinned and is not afraid of anything, but he has to fight for his father and

Mom, and other members of the Wu family think about it. Just imagine, if the results show that he is not infected with AIDS, then the Wu family will not be squeezed to death? Become a laughing stock in others' mouths? It is estimated that even the old leaders who have retreated to the second line

, will also scold the Wu family for their nonsense.

Although it was not the final inspection, Wu Tian found that he was feeling extremely nervous and excited, and his whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

In fact, it was not only him who was trembling, but also Fan Zheng. He was the first person to get the test results. He had already checked once, so he didn't care about the test results this time, but when he accidentally

When I took a look at the test results, I was stunned.


How is it possible?

The test just now was clearly negative!

Negative means everything is fine. Positive means there is HIV in the person being tested.

He turned around to look for the first inspection report and wanted to compare the two reports. But when he saw the first inspection report in the hands of the man wearing a mask, he gave up the idea of ​​getting it.

, because he saw the general manager being respectful to the man wearing a mask. Although he was very shocked by the test results, he did not lose his calm. He walked up to the man wearing a mask and handed the report in his hand.

He glanced up and handed over the report in his hand.

Is this person really infected with AIDS?

Wu Tian took the inspection report. At first, he didn't dare to read it. His eyes kept wandering around the edge of the report. But when he finally got up the courage and looked towards the end of the report, he was stunned, as if he was affected by something.

It was the same shock, but immediately after, his eyes widened and there was an expression of surprise on his face.

Positive? Really positive?

Isn't this exactly the result he wants?

Wu Tian quickly compared the two inspection reports before and after. Most of the contents were consistent, with only a few places where the values ​​were very different. This was also the reason why the final inspection results were different. If the final inspection results

That's it. Not to mention the notary, even the Bai family can't say anything.

Bai Yuze, Bai Yuze, just wait obediently to come down!

"Take a look at this report!" Wu Tian handed the second copy to Fan Zheng and asked. "Do you think the values ​​on this are normal?" He wanted to know if there were any loopholes in this report.

Fan Zheng glanced at Wu Tian, ​​then shook his head and said, "Not normal!"

"What's abnormal?" Wu Tian asked with a frown.

"The results of the second examination are completely different from the first examination. This is abnormal!" Fan Zheng said truthfully.

"So for an AIDS patient, are the contents of this examination normal?" Wu Tian asked again. This was the question he wanted to know. Wu Tian was also worried that the other party did not understand what he said. Then he explained

, "For example, a certain value here is abnormal, or a certain inspection content does not appear?"

After Fan Zheng heard this, he turned his attention to the second report and read it carefully. He examined it from beginning to end, and finally said to Wu Tian, ​​"If the person being examined is infected with AIDS, then

The values ​​on this report are all normal!" After finishing speaking, he thought for a while and asked tentatively, "The results are different twice. Do I need to check again to confirm the correctness of the inspection?" Regarding today's inspection results,

, he himself found it very strange! These instruments had been checked when they were brought back, and there were no problems at all. But how could two completely different results appear in just a few hours?

"No need, you can go out!" Wu Tian said after hearing this. He had already got what he wanted to know, and that was enough.

Fan Zheng looked at Wu Tian and then at the general manager. When he saw the general manager waving his hand at him, he left the laboratory with a question mark on his head.

Wu Tian handed the second inspection report to Wang Zhizhong and told the other party, "Go and make a few copies of this report and send it to your experts here and the two invited doctors. Test them and see.

Can they tell from this examination report what disease the person being examined suffers from!"

"Yes!" Wang Zhizhong understood what Wu Tian meant and immediately left the laboratory with the report.

At this moment, Wu Tian was finally the only one left in the laboratory, and he finally couldn't help laughing loudly.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

He smiled very exaggeratedly and arrogantly, as if everything in the world was at his feet! He hadn't smiled like this for a long time, and it felt beautiful just thinking about it!

At this time, his cell phone rang. Wu Tian looked at the caller ID and quickly answered the call.

"Sir, are the results out?"

"It came out, it came out, exactly the result I wanted." Wu Tian said excitedly, "Give me your bank account, and I will remit the deposit to you now."

"Thank you, boss!" Hearing Wu Tian's words, the other party said with a smile, and then told the other party his bank account.

"After everything is done, there won't be any leftover. Of course, your benefits will also be indispensable. Thank you for helping me!"

"It's nothing!"

"This matter is nothing to you, but it is very important to me. But today is just to test the effect. The real inspection is still to come. I hope there will be no mistakes by then!"

"Boss, please rest assured. After receiving your money, I will definitely do things for you and will not let you down." The other party said seriously. These days, whoever has money is the boss. But even if he has the courage to lie

The Chinese on the other side of the phone didn't have the guts to lie to Miss Tina. She was his real boss, the person who could decide his life and death. And he was very aware of the strength of the Tina family in Canada. A little person like him had no choice but to rely on him.

and allegiance, there is simply no other way out.

Take people's money to eliminate disasters for them! What Wu Tian needs is this kind of trustworthy person. If you take the money but don't work in the end, then this kind of deception will not work even if the other party is hiding in Canada, even if it is from the earth.

Even in a corner, he will also get to the bottom of it. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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