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Chapter 630 Live broadcast!

Wu Tian didn't sleep all night, trying hard to make himself look more decadent and sluggish, so as to be in line with the state after being infected with AIDS. Maybe it was because he really didn't have a good rest these days and was worried about coping with the AIDS test. Wu

Tian has lost several pounds, especially his cheeks. The flesh has fallen off as if he had been cut with a knife. Even Wu Tian himself feels a little sorry for himself. Looking at his appearance in the mirror, his disheveled hair, black

Black eye circles, deep-set eyeballs filled with bloodshot eyes. Dry lips, sunken cheeks, and sad stubble covering the entire chin. It is exactly like Brother Sharp, even sharper than Brother Sharp.

A few days of not having a good rest has obviously taken effect, which is exactly what Wu Tian wants. He has been preparing for this day for a long time, without washing his face, shaving, or getting a haircut. Wu Tian was not like this before.

It looks like he is waving goodbye to the neat and handsome guy he used to be.

"Dong dong dong!"

"Come in!"

"Boss, there was a car parked outside the company gate. The person who got out of the car told the security guard that he was here to see you. I think he was the one who came to pick you up to take you to the hospital, and the license plate was very special." Liu Min looked at it.

He said to Wu Tian, ​​who was still looking in the mirror in the office. When Wu Tian turned around, Liu Min was stunned for a moment. Although he had met his boss last night, he seemed to have changed a lot in one night.

?Did he suffer some kind of shock or trauma? Or is he acting? If ★↓ is acting, then the acting is too realistic! At least in her opinion, the current boss looks depressed,

Just like eggplant beaten by frost.

Wu Tian walked to the window and looked down. He heard an Audi A6 outside the company door. These are the special cars owned by retired leaders, and the license plates are also very special. You can drive sideways wherever you go. Today is here

But it stopped outside his company. He really felt wronged by the old leaders.

It's just that until now, neither his mother nor his father has called him to tell him which old leader the notary public is this time, which makes Wu Tian a little depressed and a little uneasy. Knowing yourself and the enemy will always win, but now even the notary public can't

Not knowing who it was, Wu Tian shook his head. Today's start was a bit unfavorable!

It seems that those old leaders have done a good job in keeping secrets!

In Wu Tian's opinion, if people at the level of his parents don't know who is coming this time, then it is even less likely that other people will know.

Who could it be?

"From the moment I walk out of the door, you must listen to me carefully and tell the Canadian side the key points of what I said. There must be no omissions. Do you understand?" Wu Tian said seriously to Liu Min behind him.

.Although Liu Min only played a messenger role in the whole thing today, this role is crucial. Whether the plan can be implemented smoothly or not depends entirely on her.

"Understood!" Liu Min nodded seriously.

"Also, if someone comes looking for Li Ting, you should immediately hide her in the sewer pipe and seal the entrance! Before I come back, don't let anyone enter the company. If anyone dares to break in, no matter who it is,

Catch them all. I will bear all the responsibilities!" Wu Tian will not allow anyone to sabotage his inspection today!

"Yes, boss!"

This is a battle, whoever can stand to the end will be the winner! And Wu Tian doesn't want to be a loser. So, he has to stand to the end.

Wu Tian took out his glasses and watch from the drawer and put them on. Then he took the elevator downstairs. Liu Min did not go down with Wu Tian, ​​but went directly back to the Intelligence Department and began to direct the work.

After exiting the gate on the first floor, Wu Tian slowly walked towards the company's gate. In fact, it was just nine-eight-fifty, which was still ten minutes away from the nine o'clock that his mother said, and the car arrived early.

Wu Tian saw a man standing at the car door from a distance. He was about forty years old, with a strong back and a strong back. He had an upright posture and sharp eyes. Although he was not wearing a military uniform, Wu Tian saw that the man was from the army, and he was definitely the elite among the elite.

. It is estimated that even the company's special forces security guards, two or three, are definitely no match for this person. Just standing there, his aura comes out. Wu Tian believes that he has been on the battlefield and killed people. This kind of person Wu Tian

It's not that I haven't seen it before. Every old leader has a person like this beside him. Although the old leader has retired, they have made contributions to this country. It is also appropriate to equip them with bodyguards to protect their safety. And these bodyguards

Usually he wears multiple hats, including a bodyguard, a driver, and a secretary, all in one.

The door opened slowly. Wu Tian walked to the car and looked at the middle-aged man for a while. Wu Tian had never seen this stranger before. It stands to reason that he had basically been to the homes of old leaders and their bodyguards.

I remember everything, but the person in front of me, Wu Tian, ​​couldn't remember it.

"Are you here to pick me up?" Wu Tian looked at the other party suspiciously and asked. He had to be careful of the Bai family setting a trap for him. Who knows whether the Bai family would jump over the wall in a hurry and do something that no one would have thought of? Once

He kidnapped him, and finally beat him up, saying that he didn't dare to check and disappeared, so Wu Tianzhen couldn't argue with him.

"Yes!" the middle-aged man replied. After speaking, he came to the passenger seat and put his hand on the door handle. "Please get in the car!" His voice was sonorous and powerful, like a bell. He didn't say much, but it was shocking.

Wu Tian's ears were buzzing.

"What can you prove?" Wu Tian asked, "Who are you? Do you have any documents? You have to let me know your identity, right?"

The middle-aged man paused after hearing this and glanced at Wu Tian. Before he could speak, the rear window slowly lowered, revealing the true face of Lushan inside.

"Boy, don't be nagging, get in the car quickly!"

Wu Tian trembled all over and stared blankly at the people sitting in the back seat of the car. Mr. Wang and Mr. Tian? Why were these two old leaders in the car? No wonder the middle-aged man didn't open the back door for him, but opened the door for him.

He opened the passenger side door and found that there were already people in the back seat.

Wu Tian, ​​who was careless just now, immediately became respectful. These are his elders. Although they are retired, their words can definitely make the capital tremble!

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Tian, ​​why are you here?" Wu Tian asked in surprise. It was already very difficult to alert one of them, but now the two elders appeared at the same time, and they also appeared in the car picking him up.

In an instant, Wu Tian seemed to understand something.

"Of course I'm here to pick you up for a physical examination!" Mr. Tian said looking at Wu Tian with a smile.

"We are the notaries for your physical examination!" Mr. Wang continued.

"Notary? Are you two elders?" Wu Tian had already guessed it before the elders spoke, but now when he heard Mr. Tian say this, Wu Tian was still very surprised. Didn't he mean a notary? Why are there two now?

Is there a notary?

"Yes." Mr. Wang said, "Originally we were going to choose one person as the notary public. But thinking that after the results came out, some people might be dissatisfied with the results, so we simply selected two notaries, that is, we

!Why, don’t you feel guilty? Did you not expect that two notaries would come to check the whole process?”

Wu Tian nodded, these old leaders are indeed people who do not follow common sense.

"I didn't expect it, but I don't have a guilty conscience!" Wu Tian replied, doing everything right. It's not that easy to test him.

"You kid must not have any complaints. You have to know that for your matter, we old guys discussed it all night, and it was not until this morning that we decided on the candidate by drawing lots."


Wu Tian was speechless after hearing this. Such an important role as a notary is actually chosen by drawing lots? Isn't this too childish? But it's no wonder that his parents still don't know about such a thing.

Can you guess accurately?

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Tian. Are you willing to be this notary public? Or are you not willing to be this notary public?" Wu Tian asked pretending to be casual. In fact, the real purpose was to test and see how each party views the Wu family and the family.

The attitude towards the affairs between the Bai family. Is everyone treating this matter with the attitude of watching a good show, that is, taking pleasure in others' misfortunes? Or do they not want to get involved for fear of offending others? The role of a notary is not that easy to play. Even if it is done again

Justice, after the results come out, one party will always be dissatisfied. This is probably the reason why two notaries appeared in the end!

"Boy, what exactly do you want to ask?" Wang Lao frowned and stared at Wu Tian, ​​obviously understanding the underlying meaning of Wu Tian's words.

"It's nothing. It's nothing, I'm just asking!" Seeing Mr. Wang getting angry, Wu Tian quickly explained. Let alone him, even if his father came, he wouldn't dare to make these two old men angry!

"It's getting late, hurry up and get in the car!" Mr. Tian said in the car, "Go early and finish early, our old guys' bodies can't withstand the tossing of you young people!" After speaking, he sighed,

I don’t know if it’s because I’m really too tired, or because I’m sighing for the grudges between the Wu family and the Bai family. Because no matter what the outcome is, the Wu family and the Bai family will not be involved in this fight. The purpose of the inspection is just for

Let this fight end as soon as possible and avoid making the matter continue to escalate.

"I don't know which hospital to go to for examination?" Wu Tian asked.

Mr. Wang glanced at Wu Tian and said angrily, "We'll find out when we get there." Then he closed the car window.

Wu Tian was asking for trouble. He knew that these old guys were all mature characters and it would be difficult to get anything out of their mouths, so he didn't ask any more questions, opened the car door, and sat down.

The middle-aged man got into the passenger seat, started the car, and slowly left the company.

Sitting in the car, Wu Tian kept peeking at Mr. Wang and Mr. Tian who were sitting in the back seat. The two of them didn't seem to have anything to ask him, nor were they curious about whether he was infected with AIDS. They quietly

The people sitting in the back row had even closed their eyes at this time. They didn't know whether they were sleeping or pretending to be mysterious. Anyway, Wu Tian felt quite unsure about what kind of medicine these two old gourds were selling.


Mr. Wang and Mr. Tian have a normal relationship with the Wu family. There is no particularly hard friendship, and the same is true with the Bai family. Wu Tian remembers going to visit Mr. Wang and Mr. Tian to celebrate the New Year when he was a child, but that was all many years ago.

Now that they are older, they see each other less often. Wu Tianzhen regrets why the habit of paying New Year greetings to his two elders has not been extended to this year. Now it is probably too late to improvise.

Among the two old men, Mr. Wang is famous for his hot temper. He would scold him whenever something went wrong. He could endure it when he was in office. After retiring, you can often hear that Mr. Wang scolded someone again.

Contrary to Mr. Wang, Mr. Tian is famous for his good temper. In Wu Tian's memory, he has never heard of Mr. Tian blushing with anyone, but no one can ignore his existence. Therefore, it is difficult

Imagine that two people like this would work together and become the notary of this inspection. Of course, despite their very different personalities, they are both very upright in their hearts.

The two old men didn't speak. Wu Tian didn't dare to say anything, so his attention gradually shifted from the two old men to the car window. He had memorized the maps of all the hospitals in the capital, hoping to be able to judge today's situation as soon as possible.

Which hospital will the destination be?

The car went up to the third ring road and circled around it, and then went up to the fourth ring road and circled around it. Wu Tian was very confused. Why was the car going around the third ring road and the fourth ring road? Is it for a test?

What's the traffic situation in the capital? This seems to be different from today's purpose. Or is it to avoid being followed? But with Mr. Wang and Mr. Tian here, who dares to make a mistake? Besides, with this license plate, who dares to follow it? No

Have you ever seen that when a car is driving, the cars in front are hiding to both sides?

Just when Wu Tian was confused about this behavior, the car got off the Fourth Ring Road and drove into a hospital not long after.

"China xx General Hospital?"

The only good thing about hospitals is that they write their names on the outside of the gates, and some even have giant engravings on the top of the main building of the hospital. Unless you are blind, you will definitely see the name of the hospital before entering the hospital.

An imperceptible smile appeared on Wu Tian's face, because this hospital was one of the major hospitals he had predicted before. Some veteran cadres who were sick and hospitalized would be arranged in this hospital. Therefore, it was inevitable to have a close relationship with the director of this hospital.

There are also doctors who are familiar with it, so for the old leaders, this kind of place is the most suitable place to conduct a physical examination on Wu Tian, ​​because everyone in the hospital knows them. They dare not falsify the conclusion.

Just when Wu Tian said the name of the hospital, his voice was transmitted to the company's intelligence department through his watch. After Liu Min heard it clearly, he immediately repeated it, telling the Canadians who were always online to prepare for action.

The car slowly stopped in front of the main building of the hospital. As soon as the two old people got out of the car, they saw a man in his fifties and wearing a white coat coming up and respectfully greeting the two old people. Wu Tian knew that this man was

The director of this hospital. Not only because he has met him before, but also because he has the information of all hospital directors.

Wu Tian also got out of the car at this time and looked around. Strangely, except for the dean, there were no other doctors here. It was probably the two old people who arranged this deliberately.

"How are you preparing?" Mr. Wang asked calmly.

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Tian, ​​everything is ready and can start at any time!" the hospital director said after hearing this.

"Then let's go, you lead the way!"


There was no nonsense. Under the leadership of the dean, a group of people entered an office. Wu Tian was very unfamiliar with this place because there was no footage of this office in the video he watched.

"Boy, I'm going to conduct a physical examination on you later. Before that, do you have anything to say?" Mr. Wang looked at Wu Tian and asked.

"Yes!" Wu Tian said seriously, "Mr. Wang, I know that I am infected with AIDS, but you don't have to speak to me like this in a tone of announcing death, right? It's already very embarrassing, but you use this tone again

If you talk to me, do I still need to live?"

Mr. Wang was slightly startled, and seemed to feel that something was wrong with the tone of his words just now, but he didn't say anything. He just snorted coldly and pretended not to hear anything. On the other hand, Mr. Tian smiled at Wu Tian and said,

"Wu Tian, ​​don't be nervous. The examination will be over soon. By the way, in order to prove that we two old men are not telling lies, the entire examination process needs to be videotaped. Do you mind?"

"Record it, record it, it's already embarrassing anyway!" Wu Tian looked like he didn't care, and seemed to be giving up on himself.

Mr. Tian immediately glanced at the bodyguard. The bodyguard nodded and took a laptop and a camera from the bag in his hand. After finding the power source and connecting them together with some wires, the bodyguard held

The camera was pointed at Wu Tian, ​​as if he was conducting an interview.

It was said to be a video, but little did they know that in a conference room somewhere in the capital, more than twenty people were gathered around a round table, their eyes falling on the TV screen hanging on the wall. What was playing on it was the scene of Wu Tian in the hospital.


This is a live broadcast, live broadcast!

Among these twenty-odd people, there are the Wu family, the Bai family, and people who often appear in the news network now and who often appeared in the news network before. In fact, there is only one purpose for everyone to gather here today, and that is

Look at Wu Tian’s test results.

Wu Tian didn't know this. If he knew that a big boss was paying attention to him now, he would definitely say hello to the screen. But it didn't matter to him whether there was a video or live broadcast, because there were two old people, Mr. Wang and Mr. Tian.

Now, no matter how many thoughts he has in his head, he doesn't dare to act rashly at this time. All he can do is to cooperate with the inspection obediently. Otherwise, let alone others, Wu Tian will have to bear with Mr. Wang's fiery temper.


For some reason, Wu Tian suddenly became nervous and his heart was beating wildly. This was probably related to the fact that Mr. Wang and Mr. Tian had been watching him from the side. Even if he was a real HIV-infected person, he was beaten by these two old men.

If you keep staring, you will feel strange in your heart. Who makes the eyes of these two old people so sharp? (To be continued...)


This chapter has been completed!
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