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Six hundred and fiftieth IX tight strings

After celebrating with the members of the R&D team in the cafeteria, Wu Tian came to the Intelligence Department. In order to be able to work in the laboratory with peace of mind, Wu Tian had not been to the Intelligence Department for a long time. As soon as he entered the place, there was a sudden aroma.

The wind was blowing, and before he could see clearly what was going on, he was hugged tightly and someone jumped on him.

Wu Tian was unprepared and kept retreating, finally hitting the door directly. If the door behind him wasn't blocking him, he would have had to retreat far. Wu Tian reached out and hugged the woman in his arms tightly.

Although the incident happened suddenly, he still knew who the woman in his arms was. It must be Fang Hua. First, because Fang Hua was the only woman in the intelligence department who could be so wild to him. Second, because Wu Tian

He is really too familiar with the fragrance of each of his women. That fragrance is unique to each woman. As the saying goes, you can know a woman by smelling her fragrance. As soon as Wu Tian smells the fragrance, he will know which woman it is.

Although Project A has been successful, he has been busy recording and organizing work in the past few days and has not come to the Intelligence Department. Until today, the researchers are on vacation and he has time to come to the Intelligence Department. To be honest

, the Intelligence Department also has a lot of credit for the success of Project A. If they had not been collecting research information from all over the world day and night to provide support for the R&D team, Wu Tian and the others would not have been able to progress so fast. And in Wu

From God's perspective, the credit of the Intelligence Department and the R&D Department are equal. The credit of the people in the R&D Department is definitely not higher than that of the people in the Intelligence Department, and the credit of the people in the Intelligence Department is definitely no higher than that of the people in the R&D Department.


"My dear, congratulations!" Fang Hua hugged Wu Tian. In addition to a warm hug, he also gave Wu Tian a passionate kiss, which almost made Wu Tian breathless.

Wu Tian was in a very, very good mood now. Hearing Fang Hua's congratulations, he returned the favor with a passionate kiss. Although he did not notify the Intelligence Department, he knew that the people in the Intelligence Department had already known what happened in the R&D Department through surveillance

Everything, so if the project is successful, there is no need for him to announce it, people here already know it.

While Wu Tian was holding Fang Hua, he looked at other people in the Intelligence Department. Jingyun was not far from him, looking at her with a smile. Compared with Fang Hua's wildness, Jingyun's performance was inferior.

It was much more reserved. But it could still be seen from her eyes that she was very happy inside. She was not only happy for Wu Tian to successfully complete Project A, but also happy for herself, because she was also a witness to the project. After

With her understanding of Project A in the past few years and the intelligence collected from all aspects of the world, she already knows the importance of Project A. It is definitely a project that can change the world.

Liu Min, this woman also had a rare smile on her face. If Wu Tian remembered correctly, this should be the first time he saw Liu Min smile. This woman was usually expressionless, otherwise

She just kept a straight face. It was so cool that she even smiled today. And her zodiac team, they all put down their work at this time and stood up from their chairs. They faced him with a smile on their faces,

I don’t know who clapped first. Everyone started applauding together. The applause was very enthusiastic.

Wu Tian stretched out his hand and patted Fang Hua's back gently. Fang Hua understood Wu Tian's heart very well, and immediately let go of Wu Tian, ​​stood next to Wu Tian, ​​and did not 'entangle' Wu Tian anymore. And Wu Tian

Amidst the applause of everyone, Tian walked to the center of the room and bowed deeply to the applauders, namely Liu Min and her team.

Seeing Wu Tian bowing, everyone in the room was stunned. Who is Wu Tian? Everyone knew it very clearly. Now Wu Tian actually bowed to them? This really surprised everyone present. However,

After a brief daze, the audience burst into even warmer applause.

"Thank you, thank you!" Wu Tian said thanks in his mouth. The bow just now and the thanks now are completely from the bottom of his heart. He is really grateful to these people in front of him. If they hadn't silently supported him behind the scenes, he would have been

Nor will it succeed.

The room gradually became quiet, and everyone looked at Wu Tian, ​​waiting for Wu Tian to speak.

"The success of Project A is inseparable from everyone here today. They all say that the R&D department is important, but in our opinion, your work is as important as those of the researchers, and even harder than them.

Be outstanding. In fact, I should be the one applauding you. Thank you to each of you for your efforts. Now your efforts have finally paid off. You congratulate me, but I want to congratulate you. Thank you for your support!" After finishing speaking,

, Wu Tian bowed to the people in the room again.

Wu Tian felt that the people in front of him deserved to bow and thank him. Even if he was the boss and these people were employees, he also felt that he should do so. Although the people in the R&D department and the intelligence department were all his employees, in comparison

Next, Wu Tian's heart is still closer to the Intelligence Department. The people here are his cronies. The people in the R&D Department are only responsible for research, but these people in the Intelligence Department hold all the secrets. Which one is more important?

It's clear at a glance.

Hearing Wu Tian's words of thanks, the room burst into warm applause again.

After the applause stopped, Wu Tian continued, "Thanks to everyone for your hard work these days. However, although Project A is successful, it is far from over. There is still a long way to go in the future, and this journey cannot be separated.

Open to each of you. You also know that I have given the R&D department ten days of leave. You should also use this time to have a good rest. The old rules are shifts. The specifics of who takes a break and who works is up to your boss.

Liu Min decided. I wish you all a happy holiday."

The rewards Wu Tian gave everyone were not just thanks and bows, but of course bonuses. Moreover, while the bonuses were given to those in the R&D Department, they were also credited to the cards of those in the Intelligence Department. I believe everyone has seen the mobile phone

Text message to remind them.

After saying that, Wu Tian hugged Fang Hua and Jingyun and left the intelligence department. He had not been intimate with a woman for several months. After being teased by Fang Hua just now, he now urgently needed to save up for several months.

All the essence is released. On the bed, celebrate with the two women.

A few months, for a virgin, is nothing. But for a man and a woman who have had sex, it is simply a kind of torture. People who are not into porn will never understand this feeling. Wu Tian was too busy at work.

Tired, even if he wanted to, he didn't have the energy. What's more, in the past few months, in order to calm down and work, he had already sworn that if project A was not successful, he would never have sex. Although he has always been very casual about his vows.

, I don’t believe in any oaths, but this time, he really came here for the project. As for Fang Hua and Jingyun, they have men but can’t do anything. What is the difference between this and being a widow? If they do other things,

, Fang Hua and Jingyun definitely couldn't bear it. But they could see Wu Tian, ​​know that Wu Tian was working, and knew that Wu Tian was tired. They couldn't bear to squeeze Wu Tian dry anymore, so they had to endure it in the end.

This war between men and women lasted for a long time, and Wu Tian, ​​who was exhausted, slept until noon the next day before waking up.

There is a string in the human body. Under certain conditions, this string will usually be tightened to achieve the best state. However, once this tight string relaxes, you will open the gate.

Like a flood, it is out of control. And Wu Tian is like this now. He has not had a good rest for a long, long time. In the past few months, he has not even had a good night's sleep. On average,

, the daily rest time is less than four hours. He is too tired. With such a workload, even a robot may not be able to bear such a heavy load. He needs to take a good rest to let his exhausted body and spirit completely recover.

Relax. Although the research on Project A is over, there is still a long way to go. If he cannot take this opportunity to take a good rest and adjust his condition, he may die suddenly at work as reported in the news.

. However, he is still young, he still has a lot to do, and he doesn’t want to die yet, so he also gave himself a big vacation and stopped working on the follow-up of Project A. The most difficult time has passed.

He doesn't need to fight anymore.

After Wu Tian woke up, the first thing he did was not go to the laboratory or the intelligence department, nor was he to call someone to inform others about the success of Project A. Instead, he went to the cafeteria, filled his stomach, and then returned.

He went to the lounge to sleep. Judging from his appearance, he seemed to want to make up for all the sleep he had lacked in the past few months during these few days of rest.

Maybe there was nothing to worry about anymore, and there was no need to think about the research of Project A, so Wu Tian slept very soundly and slept all night. He took a bath, changed his clothes, and felt refreshed.

He walked out of the office building and took a breath of the outside air. He had not left this building for several months and had even forgotten what the outside air smelled like.

As soon as he opened the door, Wu Tian's body began to shiver from the cold. Wu Tian stared blankly at everything in the yard. He remembered that the last time he was outside, it was still hot summer, and he was so hot that he was sweating all over.

All the clothes on his body were taken off. And now, when he came out again, it was already autumn. The original green grass was now yellow, and many leaves fell on the ground. An autumn wind blew by, wearing pants and a T-shirt.

Wu Tian shuddered unconsciously again!

It's so damn cold!

If he still couldn't feel the change of time when he was working in the house, then now, Wu Tian not only feels the change of time, but also the change of seasons!

Time flies so fast! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!


This chapter has been completed!
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