Turn off the lights
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Chapter 8 The Wife Is Fierce

The night is fresh and beautiful. The stars shine in the night sky, and the soft light of the half moon illuminates the entire sky.

The neon lights outside the bar are shining, and the gorgeous lights interweave into a gorgeous light network, covering the entire street, extending far away, with no end in sight. Just like the charming girls who frequently appear on this street, the beauty is

So enchanting.

Wu Tian stood at the intersection of the street, and the breeze blew gently on his face, which made his mind clearer. He took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth, lit it with a lighter, and took a deep breath.

In one breath, the green smoke enveloped Wu Tian, ​​lingering and lingering.

"Handsome man, are you alone?" A woman dressed coquettishly walked toward Wu Tian, ​​stepping on five-inch high heels and twisting her plump buttocks.

The night temperature in Beijing in early April was still very low, but she was only wearing a short skirt, stockings, a low-cut dress, and a thin coat draped over her shoulders.

Wu Tian glanced at the other person indifferently and nodded slightly - he was just responding appropriately to the title of handsome guy, and was still thinking about his own affairs in his mind.

Seeing Wu Tian's response, the woman was very happy. She deliberately lifted her open coat to both sides, puffed up her plump breasts, and showed off her strength, so that Wu Tian could see that she was a

A woman with big breasts is like the Water Cube, the National Center for the Performing Arts, not a shantytown, nor an airport.

"The night is long and I don't want to sleep. I think the handsome guy is lonely. Does he need someone to accompany him?" the woman asked, standing in front of Wu Tian. Her long false eyelashes fluttered and her eyes kept looking at Wu Tian.


Wu Tian understood clearly that what the other party asked was not 'Can you accompany me?' but 'Do you need someone to accompany you?'. The two sounds similar, but they are essentially different. For the former, Wu Tian does not need to pay

Money, and there is a possibility of receiving money. As for the latter, Wu Tian needs to pay. Wu Tian couldn't help but glance at the other party, and sighed in his heart: Times have changed, and Miss Fengchen now has also kept pace with the times. You know

The importance of knowledge is actually a four-character idiom.

Under the woman's warm gaze, Wu Tian nodded again.

When the woman saw it, she felt happy. She put her hands directly on Wu Tian's arms and leaned forward. She wished she could hang her whole body on Wu Tian's body. "Let's go."

"No, it's right here." Wu Tian said.

"Ah? Here?" The woman froze, and when she looked at Wu Tian, ​​her eyes were full of surprise. She looked left and right, and the neon lights illuminated the place clearly, just like daytime, and groups of people passed by here from time to time.

, even though she was open and bold, she still felt a little guilty. She searched around for a while, and finally gritted her teeth, pointed to a relatively dark alley, and said, "How about we go there? But we have to pay more!"

"What I mean is, stand here with me for a while."

The woman was confused and observed Wu Tian for a long time. Then she threw away Wu Tian's arm, cursed "Crazy!" and turned around to leave.

‘You want me to pay for my hard work? Do you think I’m a **?’ Wu Tian thought in his mind. If you come out to fool around, you can’t rush into anything. You have to let the bullets fly for a while.

After two cigarettes, Wu Tian finally found his prey. Just as he was about to move, he saw Chen Chen walking out of the bar. The two got into Chen Chen's car together and disappeared into the night.

Damn, the wait was in vain.

Wu Tian threw the cigarette butt in his hand hard on the ground. The cigarette butt bounced a few times and splashed with a few fireworks.

Chen Chen, don’t think that just because you are my wife, I don’t dare to steal a woman from you!

Wu Tian lived in a high-end community near Longtan Park, not far from Sanlitun, so he went home for a walk. In fact, this could not be considered his home, because the house belonged to Chen Chen. Before the two got married, Chen Chen

One person lived here. After the two got married, Wu Tian was forced to move in. Later, when he learned that his mother's brain cancer diagnosis certificate was fake, he once moved to his old courtyard house on the other side of Shichahai.

After a while, it turned out that Chen Chen 'accidentally' let this matter out, and Wu Tian's mother found out about it, and immediately went to the old house. After learning that the brain cancer scam was exposed, she cried, made trouble, and hanged herself.

Wu Tiantian was not afraid of anything, he was just afraid that his mother would shed tears. In the past, it was all fake crying, there was thunder but no rain. But that day at the old house, the white mouse ran out of the cage, and leisurely walked out of Wu Tian's mother's room

As they passed by, Wu Tian ended up crying, shedding a lot of tears, and said something about remembering the pain and thinking about the sweetness, so Wu Tian could only go back obediently.

Thinking of the fact that hundreds, if not thousands, of white mice have died in his own hands, and now they are being played with by a little white mouse. It really fits the old saying: Playing with an eagle all day long, and eventually being pecked blind by an eagle. Maybe this is retribution.


When Wu Tian got home, Chen Chen hadn't come back yet, but this was just what he wanted. After all, robbing money from Chen Guang was not a long-term solution. Water from afar could not quench the thirst of the near, so the best way was to steal back the salary card.

Wu Tianxian went back to his room to change clothes. He had always been in a room by himself. From the first moment he entered this place, he made it very clear to Chen Chen that everyone should live their own lives. They were pretending to be a married couple, and they were settling accounts, and they were snatched away by their mother.

The salary card he gave her was returned to him immediately. He didn't know Chen Chen well at that time, and felt that Chen Chen always looked kind and gentle in front of his mother, so he should be very obedient, so he said this righteously.

As a result, that night, Chen Chen showed her vicious true colors and handed him a receipt with a 'smile', clearly calculating the rent, water, electricity and other expenses. Even the cost of eating the food she bought was

Refine it to two decimal places, and round it up at the end of the month. Wu Tian thought it was nothing, so he generously agreed. But he was used to opening his mouth when eating at home, and in the first month, not only did he put the current month's salary on his salary card

After deducting all the money, I still owe thirty-two thousand.

Of course Wu Tian was not convinced. His monthly salary plus bonus was only ten thousand or twenty thousand, which was enough for him to go out to restaurants every day. Even if there was nothing left, how could he still owe so much? Without saying anything, Chen Chen immediately took out an account book and gave it to Wu Tiannian.

She also handed Wu Tian a calculator and asked him to do the calculations. As he listened, Wu Tian was about to cry. Who would have thought that she added bird's nest to her rice and gold foil to her cold dishes? What's even more outrageous is that Wu Tian ate

A very fragrant plate of fried chicken liver turned into foie gras in her mouth, and it was French. Who the hell uses imported French foie gras to stir-fry green peppers? But Chen Chen could still produce the receipt, and Wu Tian was stunned for a moment.


In the first month, Wu Tian made such a magnificent sacrifice. He didn't usually have the habit of saving money, so he couldn't pay it back for a while. But the words of 'settling the accounts clearly' were spoken, and the man's face could not be lost. In the end, after negotiation between the two parties

She decided to pay Wu Tian one thousand at the beginning of the month and keep the money in the salary card to deduct water and electricity bills and repay the loan. When the money owed was paid off, she would return the salary card to Wu Tian.

Although one thousand was a small amount, Wu Tian felt at that time that as long as he paid attention and didn't fall into the other party's trap, he could repay the loan in less than three or two months. When he got the salary card, he only needed to pay for the house every month.

The money saved on water and electricity bills is enough to eat out.

But Chen Chen is a woman who has a good way of cooking. The food she makes is particularly delicious, and the aroma often fills the house. Plus a thousand yuan is not enough for him to spend outside, so he can only eat it carefully or eat it secretly.

He took every precaution, but in the end he failed. Before the second month was over, he already owed more than 6,000 yuan. It was really hard to guard against it...!

What's even more vicious is that Chen Chen transferred his job. In the R&D department, he could get at least ten thousand to twenty thousand per month. But in the marketing department, the basic salary was only one thousand and five thousand. Although there was a commission, Wu Tian was an outsider.

It was not his specialty, and he inquired about it. The person with the worst performance in the marketing department last month had less than 4,000 yuan a month. Wu Tian was self-aware, and he knew that after he went there, he would be at the bottom. After a month like this

, the salary may not even be enough to pay the rent. If this continues, when will he get his salary card? No way!

Wu Tian was really driven into a panic, and he wouldn't think of stealing his salary card if he had some way.

However, Wu Tian felt that this was not considered stealing, because he just wanted to get back what belonged to him. At least that was how he comforted himself.

Wu Tian left the house and came to Chen Chen's door.

Don't blame me, this is all forced by you.

Where there is oppression, there is resistance!

This chapter has been completed!
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