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Chapter 106 The Trace of Boss Guo

Chapter 106 The traces of Boss Guo

Boss Guo just stayed in the square like this. When he heard "Didi" twice, an electric tricycle happened to pass by.

The tricycle was loaded with ingredients, probably meals prepared by a restaurant in the shopping mall for the day's business.

The hostess was still a charming young woman, and she greeted the dazed Boss Guo with a smile. After all, the tall Boss Guo was the majority shareholder of the entire shopping mall.

After Boss Guo recovered from his sluggish state, he said something to the woman.

The camera is in a very remote place and the sound cannot be heard clearly.

The mistress of the tricycle had a puzzled look on her face and looked back at the ingredients on the tricycle. She was a little overwhelmed and didn't know what to reply.

"Could it be that Guo is begging for food?" Wang Hao was thoughtful.

"At that moment, has Boss Guo mutated?"

The next second, an incredible scene appeared!

A cloud of red breath spewed out from Boss Guo's facial features, and he directly turned into a large gas tank, continuously spewing red mist outside.

As if it has vitality, this red mist rolls, squirms, and continues to spread in all directions.

"It looks like a magic show!"

Wang Hao felt a little funny: "Is this the Blood Demon projecting his own power? It's really incredible that he actually used this person as an anchor."

But in reality in the video, the woman riding the electric scooter was so frightened that she cried and almost fell to the ground. She had never seen such a terrifying scene in her life. A person was like a monster, spitting red mist continuously.

After being swept away by the red mist, the woman struggled a few times, stood up again, and quickly ran away on her electric bike.

She actually ran away.

"It seems that the function of this red mist is indeed not to kill people."

What happened next was somewhat unexpected. Boss Guo emitted a red mist for more than ten seconds before returning to his original state again.

He looked as if he had aged several dozen years.

He froze on the spot again.

He remained sluggish for more than a minute, then he bent down and started vomiting blood!

This blood seems to have an unparalleled attraction to the surrounding people!

For just a short moment, those who smelled the blood were like hungry tigers rushing for food, frantically fighting for the blood. This scene made Wang Hao a little uncomfortable and he blinked hard.

They lay on the ground and greedily licked up all the blood. Then, they lost consciousness and developed a desire to eat.

"I see, is this vomited blood the source of infection?"

"Those who drank the blood were all infected and became gluttons."

Wang Hao's heart condensed and he kept clicking the mouse: "But...where did Boss Guo go?"

He called up surveillance from other locations, and as gluttons went crazy grabbing food everywhere, terror occurred in this shopping mall.

Less than one in ten people survived.

Of course, these horrific scenes are not too important, as people cannot be resurrected after death.

The focus of tracking is still Boss Guo.

"found it."

This guy was just like crazy. He was feasting in the supermarket, and a black light appeared in his mouth. This scene seemed to be similar to that of an ordinary glutton.

Wang Hao asked in the headset: "There is a big question, is ordinary food also attractive to weird people?"

"Well, maybe. In fact, weirdos not only attack humans, they also occasionally attack animals." Smith replied, "If you put a pot of feces, a pot of dog food, and a pot of meat, which one will the dog eat first? It depends on the dog.

His hobbies, weird hobbies, we can’t guess, can we?”

Wang Hao said: "Why can't you guess it? Normal dogs like to eat meat, and licking dogs like to eat shit. There are not many people who like to eat dog food, and single dogs don't like to eat dog food much anymore."

"Lick... what kind of dog is the dog? You know, I like dogs very much."

"It's like putting a hot face on a cold butt. But licking one person is like a dog licking, and licking a group of people is like a sea king."

"???" Smith didn't understand the profoundness of Chinese at all, and his mind was filled with question marks.

After eating like this for five minutes, Boss Guo was the first to be "full".

Yes, he was really full. He devoured most of the food in the supermarket, probably several tons of fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, and snacks. He couldn't eat anything more. It looked like,

Gluttonians also have their own limits.

At this moment, his face actually showed a look of pain, and he lowered his head and looked at his swollen belly and huge body.

The body is no longer in human shape.

His face looked a little complicated, and his eyes seemed to have regained some clarity.

Immediately afterwards, he actually walked towards the increasingly dense red mist.

The video recording ends here. Due to the continuous spread of the "red fog", the entire mall was transferred to a parallel world by the "red fog". After the power was cut off, the surveillance could not record anything more.

Wang Hao was greatly shocked. This scene was full of information.

It gave him a lot of ideas!

Licking his dry lips, he said to his two companions: "There's good news. The source of infection, 'Boss Guo', seems to have escaped. We don't have to take the risk of fighting him. For unknown reasons, he entered the

In the red mist, it completely disappeared."

"He ran away?"

"Yes, it is almost certain that he ran away!"

"There is also bad news. Boss Guo has run away. This is really bad news."

"Wait... why is his departure bad news?" Smith asked in surprise, "Didn't you say this is good news?"

Wang Hao was silent for a moment, and he didn't know how to explain it.

Should it be said that Boss Guo might have gone to the "Utopia"?

According to the known information, "Xanadu" is likely to be the final destination of all those who are projected by the power of [Blood Demon].

The old man with blood ginseng and "grandma" were all engaged in a prisoner game in that ghost place for unknown reasons... This strange reason has not been found until now.

Wang Hao finally sighed and changed his explanation: "Boss Guo ran away, which means that the level of the final boss has exceeded our expectations. This parallel world is not the earth, right?"

"of course not."

"I think this parallel world may be its springboard. It can already do whatever it wants in this parallel world."

"In the depths of the red mist, there may even be its true identity. It summoned Boss Guo back."

"Is this really bad news?"

Smith was stunned on the spot, body!

The true form of the lesser demon!

In this world?!

What is this concept?

"It is indeed possible." Chen Xinyi felt a little numb, "Smith, think about it, Boss Guo got infected after taking that magical drug. How many people on earth have taken the same drug?

Maintaining these anchors actually consumes a lot of strength."

"Now, the harvest season has finally arrived. After recovering Boss Guo, it is equivalent to recovering one's own power and further strengthening oneself in an attempt to fully invade the earth."

"We may not have much time."

Even Smith came to his senses, his mind was in chaos: "So that's it..."

"I see, that's really terrible!"

The world is changing, with a dark red sky, a small piece of the world being swallowed, and strange gluttons.

Human civilization is facing a life and death crisis!

He suddenly felt a heart palpitating feeling that a storm was coming.

I am one of the few insiders...

The unknown demon is about to rise to the real world, and all mankind is facing a huge crisis. Time may be running out.

If you don't do something, it will be too late.

It's really late!

But sometimes the manpower is exhausted. How can these people fight against the lesser demons?

Even Chen Xinyi was equally desperate, or she was already a little numb.

At this time, the heartless Comrade Lao Wang once again staged the scene of dancing on the grave. He said extremely excitedly: "Since the body of the inferior demon may be in this world, should we go out and see it? It should

Doesn’t he have rules about dying in the light like [God] does?”

"As long as you follow Boss Guo, you might be able to find it!"

"Oh, my God! Zhao, who do you think you are? Are you Jesus? You're not! Are you an S-class investigator? You're not either! You actually want to touch it."

Smith screamed in the earphones, "You are going to die. You managed to survive. Don't go! You don't have enough protection. You will lose your life in vain. It's meaningless. Stay here well, okay?"

"Who says I will die? As an all-powerful E investigator, I have been reading "Detective Ke'an" since I was a child to practice my investigative skills. Why can't I be as good as an S-class investigator?" Wang Hao boasted and farted in the headset.

, it feels very funny to fool a friend from a foreign country, especially since this foreigner is always surprised.

"What I mean is that even S-level is difficult and you will die. Do you understand?"

On the contrary, Chen Xinyi listened to their debate, and suddenly, a flash of inspiration came to her.

This spiritual light was mysterious and mysterious, and it reminded her of a strange possibility.

I tried hard to distinguish the voice in the headphones. It was very calm and stable, giving people an inexplicable sense of security and trust. Even if I said some inexplicable words, I felt inexplicably relaxed.

Although today's situation is not the time to relax, being too tense is not a good thing.

There are two possible reasons for this phenomenon. The first is the other party's psychological quality and strong aura. He is at least an A-level investigator. He is used to seeing strong winds and waves, and is mentally prepared for his own death.

When you are fearless, your tone is naturally stable and can even influence others.

The second reason is hard to say.

I don’t dare to say it either…

The more I think about it, the more I feel that the second possibility... seems, seems, probably bigger?!

This chapter has been completed!
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