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Chapter 173 Eighth-level idealism strength?

Chapter 173 Eighth level of idealistic strength?

A dense series of text that spans dozens of pages.

Not only the black guards, but also the mysterious bureau, the Holy See, the Cross Society, and other miscellaneous forces came in to take a look, and also used various functions inside. After turning to the back, I didn’t bother to read, and started to read.

Jumping from page to page.

Wang Hao murmured to himself, feeling happy in his heart: "The income from idle is actually so huge?"

The function of the advanced training camp is finally reflected!

According to this trend, as long as he hangs up for two or three months, the 8,000 points he invested will be able to get back his money!

After hanging up for a hundred years, he could draw a mythical rare item and smash the blood demon with one sword!

I looked at the so-called "wonder formula" again.

[Shiquan Dabu Dan: A magical elixir obtained by processing three fairy beans, which can quickly repair injuries and prolong life. It is estimated that one Shiquan Dabu Dan can extend the human body's life by 50-100 years. Researched by Hei Yiwei


[Rune Flying Sword: A flying sword composed of three rune blades. It has stronger penetrating performance, is almost weightless, and can damage spiritual bodies. Provided by Black Guard Research.]

[Holy Water Rune·Super: A mysterious paper composed of three ordinary holy water runes, which can suppress most of the weirdness on the 'Moho Interface'. Provided by Western Vatican Research. 】


This series of recipes were researched by visitors and recorded in the game system.

Therefore, Wang Hao himself can use "source" and "integration" to directly synthesize these strange objects.

"So, the essence of this game is an idle farming game?"

After upgrading to the advanced training camp, the content about "visitors" has increased significantly!

Wang Hao can adjust the tax rate at will. For example, the default tax rate for the "Super Ancient Rubik's Cube Processing Machine" is 10%.

That is to say, for 100 units of sources, 10 units of tax will be levied. Materials and the like are basically not taxed.

He can raise the tax rate to 99% and tax like crazy.

It can also be lowered to 1%, or even visitors from a certain force can be prohibited from using this machine.

The same is true for other functions.

Of course, this also involves the issue of "prosperity".

As the price becomes cheaper, the number of visitors will naturally increase, the reputation will increase, and the strength will also increase.

If the price is high, there will naturally be fewer people who can afford it, prosperity will decline, and strength will increase slowly.

"Let it be the default setting. It's really troublesome to change it again and again."

In just three days, Wang Hao was quite satisfied with having earned 494 units of "sources", which meant that this group of people had consumed 4940 units of sources, and their consumption power was still very good.

A steady stream of water is the last word!

Taking a closer look, there are indeed a few more people near the aperture "dimension space door". They look like ants, talking to each other.

From the current perspective of God, it is impossible to hear what these people are saying.

Only occasionally, some bubble dialog boxes will pop up on the screen.

[Awesome, this machine can really synthesize strange objects!]

【Why does this phenomenon occur? 】

【so amazing!】

【This training camp is great, I love this place so much!】

Wang Hao rolled his eyes. These dialogues were too perfunctory. The game's copywriter was probably an elementary school student. Did he pass the Chinese language test?

But it doesn't matter, the visitor's conversation is not the point.

The point is that the world "003241-23-1" he controls is a world that may be destroyed at any time.

For a better game in the future, he needs to think of ways to enhance the strength of local forces and repair some huge security risks.

There are many levels that rely on hard power, and pure intelligence may not necessarily work.

Just like the expedition team in "Xanadu II", no matter how they operate, they can't defeat the strange people in red, nor can they defeat the original residents of Taoyuan Village. This is because the gap in hard power is too large and cannot be made up with intelligence and intelligence.

Therefore, it is still necessary to improve local strength.

In addition, when the favorability of certain forces reaches a certain level, game tasks can be directly issued to them and more people can be mobilized to participate.

It is equivalent to Wang Hao playing the role of "Earth's Ball Leader".

[Great Xia Kingdom, black-clothed guard, ability value 1146, current favorability: respect.]

[American Empire, Mysterious Bureau, ability value 933, current favorability: friendly.]

[Ou Meng, Holy See, ability value 883, current favorability: friendly. 】

[Russian Mao, Kapustin Yar Research Bureau, ability value 723, current favorability: friendly. 】


Most organizations are "friendly" and don't have any bad feelings towards them.

"But why should I issue tasks directly...become a hands-off shopkeeper?" Wang Hao was a little confused about this function.

He doesn't even have a clue for the game now, so he has to spend points to buy it.

Did you buy points for this group of visitors (NPCs) to play? Let the computer play by itself?

What's the difference between that and mental retardation?

"But in the future, when we encounter super difficult scripts, we may use this function."

Wang Hao will keep this in mind and will talk about it when the time comes.

He took off his helmet and glanced at it, and found that Xiaoyue was squatting on the ground making a sand castle. She was having a great time playing. After a while, she stopped tormenting herself and put her helmet back on again.

Anyway, it’s still early and I have several hours to play. How about... a game?

bring it on.

[You purchased a game clue, the current number of points remaining: 7900]

It feels good to have money.

【Wish you a happy game.】

[Extracting clues, please wait...]

The screen suddenly flashed and a black screen animation appeared.

The picture is completely black, but it gives people the illusion of constant movement.


[The clue you extracted is: #@……&¥?]

【32425442》??1231?》》(A piece of garbled code with unknown meaning filled the screen, and then began to scroll continuously.)】

A series of question marks popped up in Wang Hao's mind. Is this...a bug?

It's a bit serious.

As for programmers, let’s kill Jietian.

After a long time, this string of random garbled characters disappeared from the screen. The screen shook a few times and turned into a normal game screen.

Even the writing on the screen began to distort, like tadpole writing of unknown meaning.

[The clue you extracted is: "Sheep Intestinal Tunnel". 】

[The time and space dimension of this script: unknown.]

[Please note that due to the influence of a powerful supernatural phenomenon, this script cannot be read repeatedly and you can only experience it once. Please cherish this opportunity to play the game.]

[The idealistic strength of this copy is: level eight.]

[The difficulty of this copy is: one star.]

【...The game is loading...Loading successfully!】

The field of vision slowly became brighter, and Wang Hao found himself in a dark and damp tunnel.

Just like a mining tunnel, the road surface shows a slight slope, and there is a dark and unknown area ahead.

There are some black rocks precipitated on the surface of the irregular wall, which look like coal.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

Big drops of water dropped from the rocks above our heads.

The protagonist this time is a middle-aged man with loose and pale skin. His hands have some calluses, which means that the man usually does manual labor.


【Physique: 113】

[Psychic strength: 95]

[Items to carry: unknown express delivery, radio, miner's lamp, food and water.]

Wearing a raincoat and a miner's lamp on his head, he stood in this silent and dark tunnel.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

There was silence, and there was no other sound except water drops.

Just this terrifying and dark environment makes people shudder, and the capillaries in the whole body tighten.

"What are you doing? It's like the Silent Leader."

If Wang Hao hadn't clearly known that he was playing a game, and that the real world was the sun and Xiaoyue was playing with the sand next to him, he would have had goosebumps all over his body.

He noticed the key clues in the game prompts and frowned slightly: "What does the eighth level of idealistic strength mean?"

"It's even better than the Blood Demon Disaster in Paradise."

"The difficulty is only one star?"

"I'm just picking out clues for entertainment. Why are you giving me such a big pill?"

The eighth level of spiritual strength is probably the real demon level.

Are you going to fight against the real devil right from the start?

And, what about the main quest?

Wang Hao was a little confused. He didn't know whether it was a program error or a series of garbled codes that caused game bugs.

There is not even a main quest...

"Forget it, I'm just here to experience it and just have fun. It doesn't matter if I fail."

According to what game manufacturers have always said, a level eight spiritual strength will definitely require a wave of big pills.

Now, should I move forward and find a way to escape from this place?

He took a few steps forward.

At this time, the radio attached to the waistband of his pants was vibrated and suddenly rang: "Hello everyone, I am a writer on the street, the most crazy donkey. Welcome everyone to listen to the column "The Author's Voice" (murmur) at 8 o'clock every night

)...Excuse me, everyone, after reading today’s latest chapter, do you have any questions? Don’t you have a monthly pass?”

A female voice came from the radio: "Dear author, I am your female fan. (sharp noise) I like your book "Obsession" the most. May I ask why you suddenly stopped writing it? It hurts me.

I cried for three days and three nights... Hee hee... Hee hee... (Nervous laughter)"

It was normal at first, but then it became abnormal.

Wang Hao was confused when he heard this. Is this female fan a ghost?

Fortunately, the voice of this street writer was barely clear: "That was the book I had been preparing for the longest time, but when I went to my grandma's house, my grades fell off a cliff, falling by the limit 10 times in a row, but it is undeniable that that book

I wrote this book with great care!"

There is some strange plot, why is the TV station signal appearing in this ghost place?

Could it be that it is very close to the ground?

Or, is the devil the "most eternity"?

Or this "female fan"? Or this tape recorder?

He studied the ceiling and what would happen if he could dig a hole and crawl back to the ground.

This chapter has been completed!
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