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Chapter 234 The water in this world is so deep

Everyone who knew about it felt very nervous.

That shock just now...

"Report... We have observed that a meteorite hit the ground at an extremely high speed! It is initially estimated to be around Mach 30, which is faster than an intercontinental missile. We are investigating the corresponding situation..."

This meteorite is most likely caused by [Game].

Because the current demon god [Wuxian] does not have much control over the earth world, he does not have the ability to directly smash meteorites.

Soon, a subordinate sent more detailed investigation results. In theory, processed electronic sounds should not have emotions, but everyone could hear that strange and exciting emotion from it.

"Report, there is an ancient and deep well where the meteorite hit!!"

"The psychic strength of this well exceeds the detection limit of the machine... It is roughly estimated that it is a supernatural phenomenon caused by a lesser demon."

"Second Demon God Level?!"

Old man No. 1 couldn't help but frown slightly.

The black-clad guards, as well as several foreign investigators, all froze their breaths and looked at each other in confusion.

As soon as he takes action, it will be a supernatural phenomenon at the level of a sub-demon!

What kind of well is this?

But - [Game] is also using the "mirror" phenomenon to project huge power into the other party's world!

The intensity of this power projection is far higher than human expectations!

The high-intensity game officially started at this moment.

Feng Ling clenched her fists involuntarily. In just a few seconds, her nervousness and fear made her sweat profusely.

This time the demon war is not only related to the safety of the earth world, but also related to the world she lives in! Otherwise, what is the point of her hard work to travel through it? Isn't it just to ask for help from this powerful and unknown [game]


The people in the black-clad guards were also a little worried.

This is a true demon-level struggle that humans have never seen before. Perhaps humans have seen such horrific battles before, but in the end, all those who knew about it chose to destroy the documents.

Fear of the unknown and curiosity about mysterious phenomena are two different emotions mixed together to form an indescribable complex feeling.

In the end, the gray-haired old gentleman No. 1 waved his hand and smiled bitterly: "[Game] is willing to invest so much power, what are we afraid of? We humans also have our own trump card... No matter what, we will never become extinct!"

"Continue to investigate this well, and be careful. It shouldn't kill people randomly... but don't do anything to hinder it."


About an hour later, another news came.

These investigators reported with some shock: "The well seemed to be dry without a drop of water. It was bottomless. We used scientific instruments to detect it and found that... the current depth exceeds 230,000 meters... and the depth is still increasing!


"We dropped another 'Silent Peeper' to spy. At a depth of about 230,000 meters, we observed a strange human head."

"Near the human head, the picture observed by the silent voyeur undergoes a large amount of distortion."

"This human head is slowly descending underground, at a speed of about 50 meters per second. He is still talking in human language..."...

"Human language? What is it?"

"Transmitting processed data."

The head was blurred, and the surrounding land was filled with "bubbles" as if it was being dissolved by sulfuric acid. At the same time, the head sank rapidly.

[I’m so exhausted, I’ve lost a lot this time... There are still many links missing. How can this world-level space channel be opened? 】

Suddenly, the head screamed hysterically.

[Black Guards, can you please hurry up!]

【I’m so exhausted that I can’t dig anymore!!】

The guard in black was named and criticized, which made everyone a little nervous.

Even Old Man No. 1 was under great pressure. That "human head" was a second-rate demon god who could destroy them all.

"Is this thing the body of a lesser demon?"

"I don't know...it might be the power projection of a certain existence."

"It...what does it want to get through?"

No. 24 from the Grand Academy of Sciences said in the headset: "...This 'human head' wants to forcibly open up the connection between the world through the mirror phenomenon, so that [the game] can project huge power at a low cost...


"It is equivalent to a high-speed channel. Otherwise it is limited to the hardware level. No matter how similar the mirror effect is, it is just a small water pipe and cannot transmit much power."

"The current 'mirror' phenomenon is not strong enough for the 'human head' to use it to open a world-class tunnel."

"Oh, by the way. According to the fluctuation of ether value, it is probably the inferior demon god who is about to disappear in the Blood Demon Disaster."

But this conjecture is crazy enough!

A lesser demon god who was about to disappear actually came here and dug a tunnel with great pains!

When the coolies come!

Obviously, it is an assistant of [Game].

But this kind of behavior is too extravagant and consumes a huge amount of power of a lesser demon god.

Moreover, [Game] actually chose to have a face-to-face game with [Fantasy], which is even more puzzling.

Theoretically, it would be difficult for two demon gods with similar levels to defeat their opponents in a short period of time.

Currently, [Game] has the upper hand due to the stability of Qingtian Hospital. Is it so anxious?

No. 24 said in an excited and even fanatical tone: "I think [the game] spent the price of a lesser demon to open a world-level tunnel, and there is a very high probability of a 'quick victory'!"

"Because once this tunnel is discovered by [Wangxu], [Wangxu] may fill the tunnel back, so it can only be used once."

A world-class tunnel that is only used once consumes the power of a lesser demon. Isn't this for a quick victory, or what?

Another person said: "Did we make a mistake in judging that [Game] is far stronger than [False]? Is there some kind of certainty of victory?"

"No, no, no, there is actually not much difference between the two." No. 24 shook his head and said, "The reason for the quick victory is naturally... the [giant millstone] behind [the game]!"

"But [Giant Millstone] is so anxious?"

"God knows what [The Giant Millstone] is thinking..."

Everyone, Monk Zhang Er, was confused. He couldn't care about so much at the moment. They were all criticized by "heads" and they couldn't care about any ceremonial things. The old man No. 1 loudly said: "The opening ceremony and the listing ceremony are officially over!"

"Everyone, please welcome our first batch of guests."

"Dean Fengling, please go to the dean's office to recruit the first batch of livestock doctors!"

Under everyone's anxious gazes, Feng Ling said softly, "Hmm", and cart after cart of big fat pigs were transported in from the entrance of the hospital.

Some of the big fat pigs all had swine flu, coughing, difficulty breathing, fever, and needed emergency medical treatment.

Of course, there are some healthy pigs.

It was as if the arrival of the "patient" had injected some vitality into the hospital. The power derived from [Delusion] suddenly became active.

"Now I have to guide [its] power and inject it into the soul of the pig." Feng Ling bit her lip, knowing that her task was very heavy, and she felt a little nervous.

"Okay, let's start the steps of recruiting doctors."

"Don't worry, this is our territory."

A healthy pig with large stripes and stripes was brought in front of her, and Feng Ling's eyes revealed a faint green light.

In just a few seconds, she channeled the power of [Fantasy] and injected the memory of a doctor into this snarling fat pig.

"It took almost 4 seconds."

It turned into a real idiot. At first, it even barked a few words, and then it became like a fool.

"Why isn't it moving?"

Her voice was a little dry, and she always felt that this scene was a bit funny.

A demon god who destroyed several worlds was deceived by a group of "fat pigs" here.

The water in this world is so deep... Behind [the game] there is actually a more terrifying [giant millstone]... The inferior demon god is digging a tunnel here... Humans are prostituted by the demon god [Fantasy] for free... What a terrifying world?


Feng Ling had this weird idea for the first time.

"It is normal for it to be in a daze. Our instruments have detected a large number of changes in the fluctuations of its soul. It should be that the memory of a dead doctor was injected into its mind, and the strength of its soul has been greatly improved."

"But the pig's brain is too simple to understand human memory, so it leads to dementia."

The Black Guard staff member laughed and said: "No matter how powerful your superpowers are, they still have to follow the laws of physics. Pig brains are not human brains. [It] cannot fully understand humans, let alone pigs."

He patted the big fat pig's butt: "Next, our pig comrade No. 1 will serve as the chief doctor of the cardiology department. We human doctors are equivalent to assistants to treat those sick pigs."

Feng Ling nodded slightly, not daring to neglect.


It took several hours to inject memories into hundreds of healthy pigs!

The power of [Delusion] has gradually calmed down, and it seems that all the memories it extracted from history have been injected into it.

Once a certain pig doctor dies, this memory will be returned to Qingtian Hospital.

Its power will become active again.

Feng Ling was also a little tired and took a gulp of water.

But soon, her spirit rose again, and she shouted deep in her heart: "Sister, we... did it!"

"This is the first step for us to defeat [illusion]... Next, we have to take the second and third steps. We will definitely continue to do it."

The men in black clothes were inspecting these fat pigs.

"There are 564 memories in total, which corresponds to the number of deceased people."

"We kill 50-100 pig doctors every day to continuously extract its power. All patient pigs will be culled after leaving the hospital for a period of time."

The old man No. 1 turned back: "Mr. Pan, have you considered it? Our non-staff members in Black Guard can come and go freely. In fact, they don't have any special tasks, and their salary is not high, but they are well-informed at least, comparable to Hong Kong Island's "Today's Discussion"

"Newspapers are too informed."

"I'll think about it." Pan Hao wiped his sweat and was really swayed by the black-clothed guard's whimsical thoughts.

How could...it still be like this?

Is this the saint's plan?

As the sick pigs were treated by doctors, salt water was added to salt water, at least, the "lesser devil" who dug the tunnel in the well stopped thinking.

It began to dig a tunnel vigorously!

The dark narrow path seems to lead to endless space and time...

This chapter has been completed!
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