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Chapter 266 Secrets in Paradise (5200 words for solving puzzles!)

Chapter 266 The Secret in Paradise (5200 words for the puzzle!)

[The other world has been completely destroyed. Do you want to spend 1,000 points to start over again? 】

"I have to bear all the responsibilities... It's not me who caused the explosion in this reincarnation. It was obviously a self-destruction!" Wang Hao complained in his heart, but he was very honest in his hands and clicked [Yes].

The entire planet was blown to ashes, and the dragon was dead. Resurrection only costs 1,000 yuan, which seems quite cheap and acceptable.

A bright light flashed with a "ding", and the planet that was turned to gray reappeared.

The moon spacecraft also returned to its original state, everything seemed to be fine, and [The Moon of Illusion] was stuffed back into place.

[The different world has been restored, and the number of points you currently have is 9200.]

The wallet balance has become four digits!

Wang Hao felt a pain in his body, grimaced, and deducted 1,000 points one after another. He couldn't bear it anymore.

"The sixth reincarnation must, definitely, and definitely pass!"

There are several A4 sheets placed on the table, which record a large number of clues and details about "Paradise".

I have to admit that the script "Paradise" is really exciting. It is not only related to the devil, but also involves some concepts in science fiction novels, connecting the clues of many past scripts.

To restore the truth of "Paradise" requires a certain degree of association ability.

"Let's sort out the plot before starting the sixth reincarnation." Wang Hao took a deep breath, looking forward to it.

"The first confirmed fact: 'Paradise' is located on a lunar spacecraft in a different world and is the living place of prehistoric humans."

"Prehistoric civilizations had extremely advanced technological levels. They lived a paradise-like life in a paradise. They could get whatever they wanted. All problems such as food, clothing, housing, and transportation were solved. There is nothing like true communism."

So, what is the truth about paradise?

Wang Hao snapped his fingers.

“Paradise—is a virtual world!”

Just like in "The Matrix", prehistoric human civilization actually lived in the metaverse.

One of the notes described the fact that the paradise is a virtual world.

[There are no children here, disorderly entertainment is common here, but no children are born. Women cannot give birth to new lives, they don’t need them and don’t care much.]

【I need to be more vigilant.】

[There is no mirror, even in the bathroom, there is no mirror. But the camera of the mobile phone can be used.]

[I made a mirror with mercury and looked at myself, but nothing happened...]

"It is a fact that there are no children, and it is not caused by [The Moon of Falsehood]."

"In the virtual world, it is natural that children cannot be born."

"In addition, the mirror actually also hints at the fact of the virtual world."

Wang Hao himself basically has no need for a mirror. He feels that he is very lucky and should look pretty good.

"Xiaoyue, help me!"

He borrowed Han Xiaoyue's makeup mirror and walked to the bathroom.

The makeup mirror and the bathroom mirror are compared with each other, and the mirror images are reflected back and forth to form an endless corridor.

"This involves the issue of 'infinity'. It is impossible for infinite physical phenomena to occur in the virtual world. Otherwise, no matter how powerful the computer is, it will enter an infinite loop. If you use a mirror to compare it in the virtual world, it may only

See the 'limited' corridor and discover the facts of the virtual world."

"This little note should reveal this."

The emergence of this conjecture has already made Wang Hao highly excited!

Because nowhere in the plot is the concept of "virtual world" directly revealed.

Just a few little hints!

How many people can imagine that the story takes place in a virtual world?

"Since it is a virtual world, it is very reasonable to be on the moon and feel the same gravity environment as the earth."

"In "The Gut Tunnel", the mental patient on Channel 1 is the artificial intelligence of Paradise, which is responsible for overall planning of human life. It may be learning human writing, but it doesn't look like it.

, causing it to look inexplicably like a madman."

"Because it is artificial intelligence, it does not have the authority to control human behavior. Whether human beings are alive or dead, or learning and progressing, it has no right to manage. Its mission is only to take care of human life."

This setting is also normal. Artificial intelligence has no right to manage humans. Most science fiction novels are set like this, otherwise there may be problems with mechanical rebellion.

This is also the origin of another note, "The one who cooks for you is not your old woman."

What cooks for people is actually a stupid artificial intelligence, and [Wanxu] is constantly stealing the authority of the artificial intelligence, so it has come up with all kinds of weird rules.

As a result, the two parties formed a game in the paradise.

But it is obvious that artificial intelligence cannot do it, and authority will continue to be lost over a long period of time.

Artificial intelligence is incompetent and furious.

Wang Hao turned his pen and praised his wisdom and association ability.

I also lamented how deeply hidden the world view of "Paradise" is.

"In the beginning, prehistoric human civilization used the virtual technology of paradise to achieve great scientific progress."

"In a place with infinite productivity, if everyone pursues progress, they can indeed exert all their subjective initiative and create excellent spiritual culture."

"But as [The Moon of Illusion] continues to bewitch, a small number of people have fallen, leading to spiritual collapse."

"The evolution of civilization is always about sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. 'Paradise' has slowly transformed from a technological and cultural center into a paradise for the degenerate."

"And [The Moon of Illusion] also broke through the first seal and anchored a part of human beings who are keen on material enjoyment."

"Of course, prehistoric humans were not without resistance. They once thought of sealing the [Moon of Illusion] back again, and the 'Gut Tunnel' is a special part of the seal!"

"Unfortunately, the re-sealing plan failed. Civil strife broke out within the human race. Some people escaped to the surface through the door at the end of the intestinal tunnel. In other words, the scene outside that door was indeed real.

It’s the real surface!”

The war between humans and demons has begun.

As humans fled the paradise, a small part of the power of [The Moon of Illusion] was naturally projected onto the surface.

The seal was pried open, and it was able to project its own power from afar.

But the body of [The Moon of Illusion] still cannot leave. Due to some special reasons, it has been silent and endured for thousands of years.

Finally, in Xiang Hao's father's generation, it began to work hard to completely break through the seal.

"That is, in the story of the dragon and the little boy, the little boy's father was constantly bewitched, so he went crazy and tried to hide the key."

"And Xiang Hao himself, after his father's death, promoted the [Rules] to prevent the power of [The Moon of Falsehood] from spreading."

"The 'Channel 3' I met in the gut tunnel must be his son. The dragon left its scales to the young man, so I thought the voice was very familiar."

"He believed that it was difficult to save the world, so he could only activate the 'last key' and detonate the lunar spacecraft..."

Even in order to implement this self-destruction plan, the Anomaly Foundation also has long-term tolerance and persistence.

"In the gut tunnel, the heart-like thing in the courier's backpack may be the power of [The Moon of Falsehood]."

"Its body cannot break through the seal. It can only divide its power into small pieces."

"Throwing this backpack out the door is equivalent to projecting this power onto the surface world."

"The description of the correspondent of Channel 2 is indeed correct. If you throw the backpack out, humans will be safe. If you open the backpack rashly, you will be infected and become weird, turning into a pig-headed man in the mine."

"[The Moon of Falsehood] is also willing to do this. It can use this to slowly project power, leverage the human world, and break away from the seal."

"The Anomaly Foundation is also constantly forbearing. The core power of [The Moon of Illusion] is limited. If it is allowed to project most of its power to the surface and then activate the spacecraft to self-destruct, there will be a higher chance of success in killing it.


"It's a pity... In the end, [Void Moon] was the superior one, and the plan failed!"

"It wasn't completely blown up."

"One day, it will come back and harm other worlds."

After analyzing this, Wang Hao couldn't help but wipe the sweat from his face.

The game between humans and demons was doomed from the beginning, and humans had no hope.

The Anomaly Foundation has endured humiliation for so many years. In addition to looking for "external variables" and promoting the "rules", the only alternative is to borrow the "last key" to activate self-destruction and perish together.

How cruel!

But if you think about it carefully, humans have actually done a good job here.

Because humans cannot accurately estimate the true strength of [Void Moon].

In the case of severe lack of information, we don't know its depth.

If [The Moon of Falsehood] is allowed to project too much power into the world, human society will be completely out of control and destroyed. It may also use humans to pry the seal in advance and escape directly.

If too little power is spread, it means that its core power is still sealed, and there is no way to kill it directly.

Therefore, in this kind of game, humans have an overwhelming disadvantage from the beginning.

Even if Wang Hao stood from God's perspective and provided overall guidance without resorting to external forces, he couldn't think of a better way.

He took a deep breath and smiled.

"Failure may be fate."

"But now, I am the changer of fate."

The sixth reincarnation officially begins!

When I opened my eyes, it was still that dark and damp cave.

"Paradise", second floor.

I'm back again.

Wang Hao stopped writing and went directly to the old beggar Comrade Lou Ronggen, and the two of them went to the communication room on the third floor.

In fact, he can go to his destination alone.

But how can I put it, letting an old comrade who has been here for more than 20 years witness the final victory is also his unique personal hobby, giving people a sense of excitement that they are eager to try.

"There is something I want to ask. If someone brings something special, will they be discovered by the security guards in the park?"

"What?" Lou Ronggen was stunned for a moment.

Wang Hao didn't dare to say the word "key": "Well, it's the kind of atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb, etc. that can destroy Dongxing in the paradise."

He was thinking about how the person in Channel 3 brought the "last key" in.

In fact, he had some answers in his mind, but he wasn't quite sure.

That key...is not a real entity!

"If it is a dangerous item such as a high-explosive bomb, it is impossible to bring it in."

"Any items that may cause a crisis in the park will be taken away by the security team. Even if you use your wish, you cannot redeem these dangerous weapons."

Lou Ronggen thought of something, took out the pistol from his arms, and said with a wry smile: "This is the only small-caliber pistol available for us to use. There is no way this kind of thing can destroy the paradise, right?"

"I see." Wang Hao nodded and said with a smile, "I'm going to rest here for a while. Thank you for your hard work. Leave the rest to me."

"Please be careful."

Lou Ronggen looked at the other person sleeping, showing a hint of sadness just like in the previous cycle.

Finally, he looked at the ceiling, his eyes a little dull, and let out a long sigh, as if he saw the real future of mankind.

From the ocean to the shore, from the manipulation of earth to the use of fire, we realize that we have the extraordinary ability to understand everything.

Birth shines like light, death falls like night.

We face the world and issue long questions again and again,

It also dissolved into the heavy soil again and again...

We are about to usher in the final end.

【You fell asleep quietly in this small room.】

[You were in a daze, and when you woke up, you found yourself in a strange place. 】

【This may be a dream, or it may be reality, you can't tell.】

[But your subconscious tells you that this is the core hub of the 'Paradise', the eighth underground floor - the "Gut Tunnel"! 】

【Go forward, there is no turning back.】

In the claustrophobic alley, darkness like ink poured in from all directions.

Wang Hao once again came to the silent Yangchang Tunnel with only one person.

I'm back.

Just to change fate.

The sixth reincarnation.

In fact, there is nothing left to explore.

"Zizzi", the radio rang.

Channel 1 is the voice of artificial intelligence, where he loudly accuses.

Because of the coming of the "Final Key", artificial intelligence is fearless and talks nonsense. It either has no emotions, or it does. Only God knows what is going on?

Channel 2 is the correspondent's channel, hoping that humans can survive, which is a part of the game.

Channel 3 is the "last key".

He is also the leader of the Anomaly Foundation, Mr. Blue Gold.

Wang Hao smiled and took steps forward. It was really intoxicating to change that damn fate.

It's just strange that this time Channel 2, the correspondent channel, is actually a soft female voice.

"... New courier, you have been stagnant for a long time. If you lose your memory, I can say a few more words. As long as you follow my instructions, you will be absolutely safe. Don't be too troublesome and don't be afraid. Check the back of your back.

Is the package complete, then move forward and let’s set off together!”

"If you are nervous, I can also play some music for you. Within the scope of my authority, I can meet your request."

Still a girl.

Wang Hao wasn't quite sure why the old-fashioned voice changed to a female voice this time.

But this is good, it brings him a little freshness.

"Actually, I'm quite curious about your working methods and organizational system. Are you doing this to save people, or is it some kind of organized and planned action? Or are you simply misled? Released under its guidance

Its power?"

"Or are you part of it? Is it learning human organizational capabilities?"

Channel 2 seemed a little confused by the question: "...there may be some misleading words on the wall in front of you, please ignore these words..."

"Okay, as long as you're happy." Wang Hao interrupted Channel 2.

"As one of the seals of Paradise, the Gut Tunnel should be the weakest place."

"It can't help if you talk nonsense here, right?"

"Of course, for ordinary people, it may be possible. But for me, it really can't be done, because I have never picked up a spar, nor have I been contaminated by it."

"The beating thing in my backpack should be safe. Is it my heart, or is it something special? A soul? Can you tell me?"

Channel 2.

There was a moment of silence: "Don't make stupid choices, newcomer. I don't know what you saw, but I won't answer your questions. Move forward... Very good, just reach the destination like this, don't cause any trouble."

"Follow my instructions, and you will get a good salary after completing the task...work well, newcomer."

"Actually, you probably don't know much, just part of the truth."

Wang Hao said: "Forget it, why am I telling you so much? In fact, you are also part of the game."

"If you are a human, I really want to say thank you for your hard work. The next step should be left to us."

Channel 2: "..."

Channel 3.

There was a faint sound of heavy breathing and footsteps.

"Hello, how are you?" Wang Hao asked.

Gentle voice: "Hello, are you also a courier? It's really dark here."

"Yes, when we meet for the first time, you can call me Lao Zhao."

The other party: "Well... you don't seem to be afraid at all. It's really rare (*noise)... It's the first time we meet. My surname is Xiang."

"Mr. Xiang, is it safe to speak here?"

"(hesitate) Safety? How can there be absolute safety in the world? Of course, this place may be safer than the outside world? There is a sliver of sky ahead. (*Noise) Be careful when walking, there are many rocks here."

After a while.

Channel 3, gentle voice: "(Kindly tip) I finally squeezed through the sky. It’s such a torturous place. Why is the sky on a mountain buried under the mountain? It’s really doubtful. If it is a tourist attraction, maybe

It will be full (laughs) It’s good to experience such a narrow place occasionally.”

"The destination is ahead...Have you arrived early? Have you been here many times? Well, it turns out you are not a novice..."

"You said you knew something?"

Channel 3: "Our self-destruction operation will fail... Is that true... But... but how do you know? Are you from the Black Guard organization in another world? I just failed, it was not killed...

…Another demon has turned back time so that we can start over again?”

"Is this...really?"

Channel 3 seems to be stuck in a daze.

This chapter has been completed!
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