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Chapter 78: Intrigue and Confusion (monthly ticket 1500

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Mangshan Taoist Temple, Wangxiang Cliff Top.

This is the highest cliff around Mang Mountain Ghost Mansion. It is rugged and steep, like a high platform going straight into the Qingming. Legend has it that there is a high platform in the Netherworld, the Wangxiangtai, which is dedicated to giving the dead souls a last chance to look at their relatives' hometown. I don't know where it comes from.

From which generation of Mang Mountain lords began, this cliff was called Wangxiang Cliff.

This cliff is connected to nine earth veins and spiritual acupoints, and the sky is full of stars. There is not much ghost energy in the whole body, but the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is abundant and agile. It is the best place for other practitioners besides ghost monks to practice in retreat.

Now, on the top of Wangxiang Cliff, a large pit with a length of 100 meters has been placed. The pit is filled with the viscous plasma of monster beasts and birds. Yin Xuege's whole body is soaked in the plasma, and little soybean-sized blood-colored flames are in it.

The heat spread underneath his skin, causing his skin to squeak, the heat to make him sweat profusely, and the heat to cause his body to tremble with severe pain.

For the blood demon clan, the blood path skills, even the body tempering method used to temper the body and demon power, and stabilize the foundation, are also so evil and terrifying. Use yourself as the wick, use the plasma of monsters and beasts as the oil, and use the heart to

A burst of natal blood flame becomes a light, treating the whole world as a huge cauldron, and using that extremely pure natal blood flame to temper the whole body, this is the essence of the Myriad Tribulations Blood Divine Way.

Yin Xuege has been practicing in seclusion for several months. Princess Taiping came to observe Yin Xuege's cultivation several times, but she found nothing unusual.

She thought that Yin Xuege was really tempering his body according to the technique of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Blood Nerve. Whether it was the aura emitted or the external appearance of the technique, this was the state it should be in when the Ten Thousand Tribulations Blood Nerve was activated.

But Princess Taiping never dreamed that although the physical appearance that Yin Xuege cultivated seemed to be the same as the Ten Thousand Tribulations Blood Nerve, in fact, what he cultivated was deeper, more profound, and more mysterious and unpredictable than the Ten Thousand Tribulations Blood Nerve.

The nine-turn Hongmeng blood divine way that is indestructible.

At this moment, there were a total of nine soybean-sized blood inflammations running under the skin.

Every bit of blood-colored fire slowly swims under the skin, and the plasma soaked in the whole body will have a large amount of blood energy swallowed up by the blood inflammation. After magical transformation, it becomes a wisp of extremely pure and extremely flexible, containing extremely powerful life breath.

The power slowly blended into Yin Xuege's skin.

Yin Xuege's fair and delicate skin is squirming rapidly every second, and the tiny structures in the skin are undergoing earth-shaking and wonderful changes. His skin structure has become more complex, and the spatial structure can withstand the tearing and tearing of stronger external forces.

With beating, the texture between the skin becomes tighter and tighter, and the pores between the skin are gradually opened up into small gaps.

These gaps are like honeycombs, shining with a faint light of blood.

Billions of such spaces are closely connected together, just like countless blood-colored crystal diamonds pieced together to form a dense and flexible defense layer in Yin Xuege's skin. What is surprising is that among these

A large amount of pure blood energy can be stored in the tiny crystal rhombus.

It contains blood energy with powerful life force.

Ordinary monks, their essence and mana are first stored in the Dantian, and then in the golden elixir. After the Yuanying and Yuanshen are achieved, most of the essence and mana are stored in the Yuanying and Yuanshen. No one has ever been like Wanjie.

It is the same as the practice of the Nine-turn Hongmeng Blood Divine Way, which consciously stores a large amount of pure life energy in other parts of the body.

Even other physical training techniques constantly temper the body and make it stronger and more powerful, but I have never heard of any physical training technique that stores such a huge amount of energy in the skin.

But this is what this weird and domineering Blood God Technique says!

And Yin Xuege, who had never had any orthodox cultivation experience, followed the information from the Dao Fruit Immortal Seed in the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness and did just that. His skin gradually became thinner and more delicate, and the structure in his skin

It is getting tighter and more flexible, and at the same time, the power it contains is constantly increasing.

Nine o'clock blood inflammation, the size of soybeans, kept swimming under the skin all over his body, and the skin where it passed was like a knife. The pain like a corpse made Yin Xuege sweat profusely, and the sweat was mixed with a lot of

Blood congestion and filth. The blood poison and other impurities accumulated in his body by sucking human plasma since he was a child were forced out of his skin bit by bit.

Gradually, Yin Xuege felt that his skin was getting tighter and thicker. Although it was only a thin layer of skin, it was as heavy as wearing a layer of metal plate armor several inches thick.

At first, such a 'thick' skin made it difficult for Yin Xuege to move. He could only curl up in the blood pool, constantly absorbing the surrounding plasma energy and continue to temper the skin. But as his skills gradually improved,

With the deepening of the process, when he gradually achieved success in the Wood Skin Chapter and had nine points of blood inflammation in his body while tempering his skin, he gradually no longer felt the weight and restraint of the skin.

The skin that contains a huge amount of blood energy is still so 'heavy', but Yin Xuege's physical strength has gradually increased, so he no longer feels that his actions are obscure or inconvenient at this moment.

Hundreds of ghost monks from the Evil Bone Path shouted loudly and drove a group of huge monster beasts to the blood pool.

Each of these monsters had tearful eyes, trembling and trembling, driven by the evil restraint, they walked step by step to the edge of the blood pool. They stretched out their necks without any resistance, allowing these evil bone path monks to use bone knives.

After piercing their neck arteries, hot blood suddenly spurted into the blood pool like a fountain.

Yin Xuege could not find those rare treasures and elixirs from heaven and earth that assist in cultivation. Not to mention in this world at the end of the Dharma, even before the Dharma Ending Era, when the holy immortals and Buddhas were flying all over the sky, practicing the nine-turn Hongmeng Blood Divine Way that is indestructible through all tribulations

The elixirs needed are all rare things, treasures that those heavenly immortals and golden immortals would fight for!

Without the assistance of those elixirs that contain huge energy and abundant blood, Yin Xuege can only use the simplest and least efficient auxiliary method - concentrating a large amount of plasma from monster beasts and monster birds to extract the essence that is beneficial to his cultivation.

Gradually refine the innate blood essence into your skin to assist you in practicing the first level of the Blood God Way.

This method is also recorded in the Blood Nerve of Ten Thousand Tribulations. The thick blood plasma covered Yin Xuege's body. Perhaps this was one of the reasons why Princess Taiping did not really notice the difference in the method he practiced.

Huge monsters were slaughtered one after another, and blood was continuously poured into the blood pool. Yin Xuege sat cross-legged in the middle of the blood pool, silently running his skills, constantly expelling impurities from his body, and at the same time enhancing his physical qualifications and strength.

The original version of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Blood Nerve was just an auxiliary method used in the Immortal Bat Secret Technique to assist cultivation and help lay the foundation for the blood demon clan. But now the Ten Thousand Tribulations Indestructible Nine-turn Hongmeng Blood Divine Way practiced by Yin Xuege, in addition to the Ten Thousand Tribulations Blood Nerve,

In addition to all the functions of the nerves, he himself is an extremely powerful Taoist practitioner.

Yin Xuege was suffering pain like skin cramps every moment, but his body was also strengthening every moment. Bits and pieces of strength were like accumulating sand into a mountain, constantly being stored in his body, making him change.

Become more and more powerful.

The demonic power in his body is weakening inch by inch. As the mixed essence and blood energy in his body continues to be refined and purified, Yin Xuege's huge and complex demonic power is just like purified ore, and its quality has become exceptionally pure and concise.

But the size is getting smaller and smaller.

The intensity of his demonic power at this moment can only be compared to that of a low-ranking marquis among ordinary blood demons, but the purity of his power has reached a level that would make even those ten thousand-year princes envious.

At this moment, Yin Xuege's blood was extracted, and his blood was as crystal clear as pearls and jade. Although the aura emitted was relatively weak, the aura was as mellow as mellow wine, as elegant as orchids, and it no longer had the original smell.

The pungent smell of blood.

Suddenly a shrill beast roar came from the edge of the blood pool. A black tiger with a body length of more than ten meters struggled angrily. Its thick and powerful tail knocked away an evil bone path ghost cultivator and even broke the bones on his body.

Several of them were broken.

This black tiger resisted the restriction of the ghost path on its body, took hard steps, and staggered to escape down Wangxiang Cliff.

The slender figure of Youquan, who was standing by the blood pool silently guarding Yin Xuege, swayed slightly and appeared in front of Heihu. Her eyes as clear as water and as deep as the trench quietly locked onto Heihu's anxious eyes.

He gently placed his little hand on Heihu's forehead.

"All things in the world are born and die. There is no distinction between high and low, good and evil, only the depth of blessings."

"In this life, you were born as a monster. You were killed and slaughtered because you were not virtuous enough in the previous life, so you suffered this evil retribution in this life."

"Being able to die for the Lord and use your blood to help the Lord cultivate magical skills and secrets is your blessing in this life. You must not struggle carelessly and ruin the results of your achievements. Don't worry, maybe with today's merits, you will be better in the next life.

, you can also be reborn as an adult, and be carefree from now on. Perhaps you can also embark on the path of cultivating immortality and pursue the fruit of immortality."

"I am a spring of darkness. Always chant my name. If you enter the netherworld, you will be liberated!"

The slender and tender little hand was like a steel knife, and it was lightly swiped around the black tiger's head. A black ice flake flashed past, and the black tiger's head splashed to the ground with a pop. A large amount of tiger blood spurted into the blood pool, which was huge.

The smell of blood in the blood pool became much stronger.

The blood parrot flapped its wings and flew to settle on Youquan's shoulder. He tilted his head and looked at Youquan's beautiful and calm face, and asked her puzzledly: "Do you believe the nonsense you just said?


After being silent for a while, Youquan glanced sideways at the Blood Parrot: "Of course I don't believe it. The so-called good will be rewarded with good and evil will be punished with evil. Those are stupid words to fool ordinary people. If you really believe it, you will be fooled."

"Then you are still talking nonsense to that big insect?" The blood parrot looked at Youquan in confusion: "Are you bored? Or, what do you mean by your last sentence? I always feel that I have heard this sentence before.

, I’m very impressed!”

The dark light in his eyes, as deep as the sea and unfathomable, flickered for a while, and Youquan sighed softly.

Gently pointing to his head with his right hand, Youquan frowned: "Some things went wrong. Many things I should remember have been forgotten due to certain mistakes and omissions. Including who I am and what I am doing,

What happened to me has been forgotten!"

Squinting at the blood parrot, Youquan said calmly: "I have the impression that the last thing I saw was a big bloody bird. Or can you think of something?"

The blood parrot flapped its wings in annoyance, and then sighed dejectedly: "Master Bird has also forgotten what happened! Anyway, I seem to remember that the last impression I had was of you? What's going on? Could it be that we are

A pair of twins?"

The bodies of Youquan and the Blood Parrot trembled at the same time. Youquan snorted softly and slapped the Blood Parrot off his shoulder. The Blood Parrot also screamed "Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah".

With an unbearable expression, he fled to the opposite side of the blood pool as quickly as possible, never wanting to get closer to the 100-meter range around Youquan.

One person and one bird faced each other across the huge pool of blood, their big eyes staring at their small eyes, their eyes flashing with light, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

Time passed like this day by day, and the spiritual energy between heaven and earth became more and more abundant. When Yin Xuege went into retreat for four months, the spiritual energy near Wangxiang Cliff was so rich that the breath turned into rain. In just a few months,

, the scope of the Mangshan Taoist Temple has expanded several times to the surrounding areas. Now the Mangshan Taoist Temple has stretched for millions of miles. Mountains have emerged out of thin air, and ancient tombs that were once hidden in the small worlds of various directions have also popped up.


These days, the Wanxie Bone King has reached a tacit understanding with the zombie emperor who burst out from the tomb of the ancient emperor.

Under the evil sect of the evil sect of the evil bone path, the branch of the zombie sect was opened up. The zombie emperor, who called himself the 'Dajing Dragon Emperor', suddenly became the deputy sect leader of the evil bone path and took charge of the branch of the zombie sect.

Many wandering corpses, walking corpses, zombies and other ghosts from Mang Mountain Ghost Mansion have become disciples of Dragon Emperor Da Jing. The momentum of the Evil Bone Path has skyrocketed, and the foundation of the Evil Bone Path has also become much richer!

As an old monster that has survived to this day, Dragon Emperor Da Jing was very generous. He took out all the treasures in his tomb and gave a large amount of treasures to Wan Xie Bone King and other Xie Gu Dao elders. So Xie Gu Dao

Bone Dao's strength suddenly increased by leaps and bounds, and he seemed to be becoming the leader of evil spirits in the Eastern cultivation world.

If Yin Huangwu hadn't mastered a treasure seal in his hand, a ray of Princess Taiping's clone essence was stored in this treasure seal, and if Princess Taiping's clone essence had the power of an earthly immortal, I'm afraid Wan Xie Gu

Wang had already overpowered Yin Huangwu and seized the right to speak that originally belonged to Yin Huangwu.

In these days, the monks of the Evil Bone Path have taken action one after another, driving countless ghosts to build a new ghost emperor's palace for the Dragon Emperor of Jing.

But on this day, when a green moon rose from the sky, a sharp bat chirp spread throughout the entire Mangshan Dojo!

Princess Taiping's scolding made all the evil cultivators who were either in seclusion, playing, or sneaking around, tremble with horror. For a moment, the huge Mangshan Dojo was in a state of alarm. Countless evil cultivators came out of their lairs and stood in front of them one after another.

From a high place, I kept looking in the direction of Mangshan Ghost Mansion.

The great collision of Yinghuo is coming, and the distance between Yinghuo and the land beneath everyone's feet is about to reach the closest position.

At this time, you can drive the Floating Light Star Boat straight to Qingming. In more than a month, you will encounter the best moment of Yinghuo's great rush. If you travel quickly for three months, you can successfully reach Yinghuo Dojo. If you can successfully restart Yinghuo Dojo, you will be able to enter the Yinghuo Dojo inside.

If those ancient powerful dojos were opened, even Princess Taiping wouldn't dare to despise them.

Princess Taiping called, and all the Eastern and Western monks who had been on the predetermined list got up and quickly rushed to Mangshan Ghost Mansion.

Yin Xuege, who was soaking in the blood pool and had been practicing hard for several months, also heard the sharp hiss. He roared, smashed the sticky blood with a punch, and rushed out of the blood pool. He

The skin all over his body is as white as jade, and when he flicks the skin with his fingers, he makes a dull "bumping" sound, just like a cowhide war drum.

Eighteen-point soybean-sized bloody flames flashed on the skin and then disappeared, and little bits of blood inflammation merged into the heart. Yin Xuege felt the three drops of blood essence from the Blood Saint in his heart, and couldn't help but smile.

With the help of the pure power of three drops of Blood Saint Essence and the blood of more than a thousand monster beasts and birds slaughtered, Yin Xuege practiced hard for several months and finally completed the cultivation of Mupi Chapter.

At this moment, his skin is tough and strong, and ordinary flying swords cannot penetrate it. Unless it is a special magic weapon that relies on weight and impact to directly shock his muscles, bones and internal organs, ordinary flying swords, flying needles, flying knives and other sharp weapons

It can't hurt him at all.

"There are still weaknesses!" Yin Xuege touched his eyes with his hands, and smiled and shook his head. Ninety-nine percent of his body had extraordinary defense, and he was even more capable.

As long as you pay attention to the huge strength and some weaknesses of carrying the cauldron, that's it.

A faint, elegant cold fragrance came quietly, and Youquan was already standing quietly beside Yin Xuege, holding a set of white underwear and black robes in his hands. Yin Xuege smiled at Youquan, and then

I quickly changed into this neat set of clothes.

"Hey, Master Bird has been suffocating during this time!" The blood parrot flapped its wings and flew to the top of Yin Xuege's head, then patted his back hard: "Let's go have some fun! Robbing families and bullying men.

Girl, even if you are going to dig the graves of people’s ancestors? Let’s have some fun!”

Yin Xuege stretched out his finger and flicked the blood parrot's beak hard, then turned to look at Youquan.

Youquan held his hands in front of his chest and nodded pitifully to Yin Xuege: "Lord, I've been really bored recently! Looking for something interesting? Youquan thinks that Yinghuo Dojo is very interesting! It's been a long time.

Youquan seems to have heard about Yinghuo Dojo a long time ago!"

After a slight pause, Youquan frowned: "Yinghuo Dojo seems to be more than just a dojo, it seems to have other uses!"

Yin Xuege's brows raised, he whistled, and Wu Mu and the three corpses who were patrolling in the distance rushed over.

He didn't say much, and led everyone directly to Mangshan Ghost Mansion.

Half an hour later, in the main hall of Mangshan Ghost Mansion, Princess Taiping made the decision to dispatch immediately.

Four floating starships, carrying nearly ten thousand Eastern and Western monks, devoted all their efforts to the expedition to Yinghuo Dojo, and competed with the orthodox monks for control of Yinghuo Dojo!

At the same time, Princess Taiping also announced a long list of rewards and punishments, with a strict tone, just like a general going on an expedition.

Another hour later, four floating star boats with flashing auras flew into the sky, straight from the Mangshan Dojo. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)

This chapter has been completed!
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